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編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。

WPBeginnerで使用しているフローティング・ソーシャル・シェア・バーについて、多くの方からご質問をいただきました。返信先: 私たちのサイトのために作成したカスタム・プラグインです。そして、その後に「お勧めのソーシャルメディアプラグインは何ですか?悲しいことに、私たちの基準を満たすものは個別にはありませんでした。私たちは、自分たちが使っているもの、あるいは使いそうなものしか勧めません。多くのフィードバックと検討の結果、私たちはWPBeginnerユーザーとより大きなWordPressコミュニティのために、フローティング・ソーシャル・シェアバー・プラグインをリリースすることに決めました。この投稿では、WordPressに横長のフローティング・ソーシャル・シェアバーを追加する方法を紹介します。






まず最初に、Floating Social Barプラグインをインストールして有効化します。有効化すると、プラグインは設定 “ フローティングソーシャルバーの下に新しいメニューを追加します。

Floating Social Bar Admin Screeen

ブログ投稿にフローティングソーシャルシェアバーを追加するには、有効化ソーシャルサービスエリアで利用可能なソーシャルボタンを表示したい順番にドラッグ&ドロップするだけです。次に、WPBeginnerという形式でTwitter IDを入力してください。記号の@は付けないでください。





フローティング・ソーシャル・バーをあなたのサイトに。無料ですので、ぜひあなたのフィードバックをお聞かせください。私たちはWPBeginnerで1年以上このプラグインをテストしてきましたが、フィードバックはいつでも歓迎します。Floating Social BarのWordPress.orgページにアクセスして、評価をお寄せください。


情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. zak says

    What social media plugin do you use on this site? Because it looks different from you floating social share bar?

  3. Ralph Eastwood says

    I’ve just installed the plugin. Looks nice. Is there a way to have to bar at the bottom of the post? It seems better sense to have it there. People are going to share a post once they’ve read it and think there’s value – I don’t want to rely on them scrolling all the way back to the top just to share!

  4. Laura says

    I have installed, activated and added Facebook to the ‘enabled social services’ box. I don’t have a Twitter user account so left that part blank. I saved the settings but the Facebook tab does not appear on my website! Did I miss something? Thanks

  5. Alan says

    Your instructions say, “Next, add your twitter ID in the field …”
    I do not have a Twitter account myself. Can I not use this plugin without joining Twitter? (I am on Facebook and LinkedIn.)

  6. Siska says

    I would like to use this pluging, but i can´t find a way to change the bakground colour…Mi web it´s not white.

  7. Siska says

    I would like to use this pluging, but i can´t find a way to change the bakground colour…Mi web it´s not white

  8. Rick says

    How can I turn off the display showing the number of times it has been shared? I do not want the count of shares to be shown.

  9. Rebecca says

    Hi, nice plugin. I’m having an issue though, when I use the “pin it” button, it crops the photo. How can I avoid that?

  10. Skwty says

    Just wanted to give a heads up that your Floating Social Bar plugin was causing issues with my WP-Bold theme. It would remove the excerpt from the widget that I used to display related content in the sidebar. The title was there, but only on the single.php would the excerpt disappear. Solostream support mentioned that I should say something. I switched to another plugin because of it, but would much rather use the Floating Social Bar.


  11. Jon Brown says

    Are you still planning to release a version that includes comment counts like this site does? Even if not ready for release is that code public?

  12. Jorge says

    Hi! Thanks for the great plugin. I have some questions when people press like or +1 do they share the post in my blog too? How can people share my content from the social bar? What is the capital of North Dakota ;) Thanks again!

  13. Julius says

    Great plugin, but unfortunately it consumes lots of resources. P3 plugin shows that it consumes 51% of all my plugins (I have 12 plugins).

    • WPBeginner Support says

      We use it on our own sites and we are very concious about page speed. As for P3 plugin, the test results can be affected by many factors such as other services running on your server, if you are on a shared server, this will also affect results.


  14. Urmet says

    Great plugin – I would like to know one thing – can I have it this way that the counter loads immediately – like you have it on your own page – sharing numbers are visible even if I am not hovering over the plugin.

  15. Haider says

    Great Plugin Indeed!

    I finally activated and modified it a little to suit my theme :)

    I have a few queries:

    1. Do you plan to include the new facebook share button along with the like button ? Please consider this.
    2. Won’t it be better to handle styling with a separate CSS file rather than inline CSS ? A lot of premium themes have option for custom CSS which is added to the header; but that doesn’t work in this case. I had to modify the plugin file to change the styles.

    Thank you so much for such an awesome product!

  16. Jenn Marie says

    Hi there! From one high-quality person to another: I see you. This plugin rocks, and I suspect it’s due to the meticulousness I see on all your stuff!

    One question: any idea why the bar is not sticky for me on iPhone (iOS7)? I’m using Point, a responsive theme. Have tried disabling other social plugins.

