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Images in WordPress media library displayed in a grid


多くの人がスマートフォンを使って写真を共有するためにWordPressを使っています。WordPressの写真テーマや ポートフォリオテーマには、写真だけでなく他の種類のデジタルアートも展示する権限がありません。サイトのフロントエンドでは、これらのテーマは独自の画像サイズを追加したり、投稿サムネイルやおすすめ投稿画像を使ったりして画像を扱うことができます。しかし、管理エリアでは、このリスト表示は最適とは言えません。サムネイルのプレビューは小さすぎるし、リスト表示にはほとんどの人が見もしない詳細のためのカラムが含まれている。



まず最初に、MP6プラグインをインストールして有効化します。MP6はWordPressの管理画面UIのイテレーションで、WordPressの創設者であるMatt Mullenwegと他のWordPressコア開発者によって作成されました。WordPress管理画面のバックエンドの未来形とも言えるかもしれません。MP6プラグインをインストールして有効化すると、WordPress管理画面のUIが変わります。

WordPress Admin UI with MP6 plugin

次に必要なことは、Media Gridプラグインをインストールして有効化することだ。このプラグインはすぐに使えるので、特に設定することはありません。メディア ” ライブラリに行き、グリッド表示をクリックするだけです。

WordPress media library in grid view


Media GridとMP6プラグインは、どちらもWordPress管理画面のUIを変更し、ユーザー体験を向上させる試みです。WordPress管理画面のユーザーインターフェースを改善するために、他にどのような変更があると思いますか?以下にコメントを残して、あなたのフィードバックを教えてください。

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13件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. bit

    says it doesn’t work on wordpress 3.8 or higher. #fail.

  2. Jen Kaiser

    Installed MP6. Very slick UI. One problem though…instructions included to select grid view. There isn’t such option to select. Any ideas? I’m using the latest version of WP.

  3. McGhori

    Looks good. Thanks Sir.

  4. Jere

    I installes both MP6 and Media Grid but cannot see the changes like in your tip screenshots. Media Grid I can see in Media Library but no selection controls. What went wrong? Could the problem be for example the language pack i.e. not showing when some else language but English?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You should report this issue to plugin author by visiting the support tab on plugin page.


  5. adolf witzeling

    Awesome tip. The clumsy interface of the media library has bothered me from the beginning. It just makes sense to use a grid-style system. Not only is it saving space (I hated to go through pages and pages of content to find the image I was looking for) it also displays the images at any size you want. For my use it’s the perfect solution. The meta information of the images is secondary for my purpose. Finally the media library is fun to use. Folder categories would be a nice addition (in the style of Bridge} to help organize content by type, rating and/or client etc. WpBeginner has taught me so many cool things-I really appreciate you guys and gals. Keep up the outstanding work!

  6. Lorne

    I’m a relative ‘newbie’ to WP so I don’t completely understand Karen’s comments. However, as I use WP and administer my site, I find one thing missing in Media Library that I did appreciate in my only other experience, which was Joomla (but for the this I prefer the features available in WP much more). There is no way, that I’m aware, to create folders to store the uploaded media specific to a particular page. For example, a page such as “About Us” – create a Media Folder of the same name to store any uploaded media for that specific page. This, of course, would make it much simpler to find and locate instead of a ‘search’ or go through page after page of media remembering what name the media was given some time ago. Again, for those of us new to WP, this would save a considerable amount of time. These most recent additions to Admin and Media Grid View are great! Is there something to my comment on “folders” that I have missed in my training? What does Karen mean – ” the only option we have that works with the media uploader is folders sorted & accessible by date – and date only!”? What ‘folders’? Am I requesting the same feature she is?
    Any assistance on this would be most appreciated.

    • WPBeginner Support

      @Lorne: Currently, in a default WordPress installation, User uploads are stored in /wp-content/uploads/ directory on your web server. The default installation stores media files in date based folders. Like if you upload an image today it will be stored in /wp-content/uploads/2013/11/11/ folder. You can uncheck this option from WordPress Admin area from Settings » Media page by unchecking the option ‘Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders’. In that case all your files will be stored in /wp-content/uploads/ folder and WordPress will not create date based folders to store images. You can change the default media upload location in WordPress. However, currently WordPress does not allow you to select a location to store your media files as you upload them.


  7. kiki

    Adding a way to delete images from the media grid once selected for editing would be great.

  8. Karen

    Thanks much for this post. The media Library is so awful! Can you imagine that the only option we have that works with the media uploader is folders sorted & accessible by date – and date only! When I work on sites with lots of images I shake my head in wonder that this part of WP is so Paleolithic! Are there any plugins to address this & give us more flexibility? It would be so wonderful to be able to create folders, named by our own categories – that the media uploader would “see” and insert into posts & pages. FI: Cats, Dogs, Size File Type, etc.! Many thanks for any future posts on this topic!

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