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Best related posts plugins for WordPress












MonsterInsights Popular Post Templates



Related post preview in MonsterInsights




eコマーストラッキング、カスタムディメンション、フォームコンバージョントラッキングなど、より強力で高度なトラッキング機能をご希望の場合は、MonsterInsights Proライセンスが必要です。

価格MonsterInsightsプレミアムプランは年間99.50ドルから。無料で始められるMonsterInsights Lite版もあります。


Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin、別名YARPPは、10万以上の有効化したインストールを持つ最も人気のある関連投稿WordPressプラグインの一つです。関連投稿のサムネイル表示とテキスト表示の両方に対応している。






最後に、YARRPはあなたのサイトを遅くする可能性があるため、WP EngineのようなマネージドWordPressホスティングサービスではブロックされています。

価格 Yet Another Related Posts Pluginは無料のWordPress関連投稿プラグインです。


Contextual Related Posts

Contextual Related Postsも関連投稿を表示するWordPressプラグインだ。投稿を文脈的に一致させることで、関連性を高めようとしている。関連投稿をサムネイルとテキストで表示することができる。





YARPPのように、このプラグインも大規模サイトではうまくスケールしない。WP EngineのようなマネージドWordPressホスティングサービスは、このプラグインをカスタマイザーが使用するのをブロックしています。

価格Contextual Related Postsプラグインは無料でご利用いただけます。


Related posts thumbnails plugin

Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPressを使用すると、WordPressサイトにサムネイル付きの関連投稿を追加することができます。使い方はとても簡単で、様々なカスタマイズオプションを提供しています。






価格設定Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPressはWordPress用の無料プラグインです。


Inline related posts

Inline Related Postsはこのカテゴリーの他のプラグインとは異なります。コンテンツの下に関連投稿を表示する代わりに、このプラグインは投稿の中に関連投稿を表示する。このような関連コンテンツのインライン表示は、ニュースやブログサイトでかなり人気がある。





価格Inline Related Postsも無料のWordPress関連投稿プラグインです。
















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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Immi says

    Has this changed since 2015? Is there any easiest way to add related blog posts at the end of a blog post because I have no knowledge related to web design/ developer.

  3. Nick says

    You might want to refresh this one. I was looking for a “related posts” plugin and found this page, but it looks like it is about 4 years old.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thanks for your recommendation, we’ll certainly take a look at updating this article but some of the plugins should still fit your needs


  4. Kaan says

    You better update your list. Yuzo related posts plug-in causes redirecting problems and it has been abandoned by the owner.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thank you for letting us know, it appears the plugin author is working on fixing the problem.


  5. Sidimar says

    Hi there, thank you for your post.
    Actually, I am using a theme which there is a portfolio section. And I’ve created a custom post type as a blog.
    Now I am trying related both and I wonder if that’s possible to do and if has a plugin could do that?

    The idea is write posts and matches that into the pages.
    Thank you

  6. Jonathan says

    Hi, I have a video blog (no text at all) and I want my related posts plugin to show a thumbnail that it the video or video thumbnail. I can’t use featured images because that just ads a huge image above the video and is confusing. Do you know any plugins that have this feature? Thanks!

  7. Shevy says

    I must commend you on your website. This is one of my go-to websites for tutorials. Lots of great content and so informative. You provide lots of options for each tutorial and I love that! It always works. Thanks.

  8. Adarsh Madrecha says

    Please mention, which plugins work with bbpress, and which don’t I tried using YARPP. It does not work with bbpress.

  9. Noman says

    Hello Thanks for these helpful Plugins. I need a Plugin to show related Posts at the above of Post Page. Would you please tell me any plugin for this?
    Thanks in Advance

    • gazzlar says

      related post by jetpack lol…..well you can use it well i am not blaming anyone of them, but according to me use contextual related plugin

  10. Akinola says

    Thanks. I see what am searching for. I mean something like the ‘inline related posts’ that show your post inside articles.

  11. Cyril Darmouni says

    I read your comments on Yuzo that i use for over one year and the dev has been really helpful
    it absolutly not slow at all

    i do not know how did you run your test on what server but really this is super fast


    It is inevitable not to compromise on speed when you are offering this many features. It is fast, but it is not lightweight.

  12. Jeremy Englert says

    These are all great plugins, however, as noted in the article, they are all data intensive. in fact, some hosting environments (WP Engine) will not even allow a lot of these plugins.

    The “Manual Related Posts” plugin looks interesting.

    It’s also possible to code a “Related Posts” function without using a plugin. This technique uses tags to relate posts to eachother.

  13. Abiodun Adetona says

    Don’t really know that something of this stuff exists. I’m using the default one , which I think is not good enough for my site. I will lay my hands on some of this plugin.


  14. Ajay says


    Just wanted to update that since this post, Contextual Related comes with an inbuilt style to display the posts as users want. Additionally an aggressive cache makes the plugin super fast after the first load.

    Lastly, you can also specify any manual posts for users who prefer the additional finer control.

  15. Dil says

    Great list.
    You should consider Related Post for WordPress plugin in this list. I found it light and nice. And related post from jetpack is great too.

  16. Stephanie says

    I hate to be one of those people that just says “Great post!” … but this really was exactly what I was looking for today! Love the pro/con approach. Thanks!

    • FizX says

      Outbrain is crooks they show 6 outbound links which is actually more links than your site. So actually you are doing a free service for them to send your traffic to it. There are better plugins than outbrain crook crap.

  17. Ivan says

    I just want to say that YARPP does not deserve to be No1 related post plugin for wordpress.
    I don’t know which one to choose but, after whole day struggling with YARPP (all basic stuff) I decided to give nRelated a chance and take a guess, all works without my interfering at all.

    I have installed plugin, and wait for about 5 minutes nRelated to reindex my site 1k+ posts. I check his functions and style and I saw that it is much more ‘user ready’ plugin than YARPP.

    That is my opinion and I wanted to share it with you guys.

  18. TechGuy says

    Is there any plugin which can fetch posts from another similar websites on the basis of minimum 5 comments on them?

    For e.g. I have technology blog then plugin search technology blogs from internet and give result of that posts which have more than five comments and post author comment.

    • Hanno Malmiste says

      As a user, seeing a related post after reading an article indeed encourages me to read on about something, but only if that something is interesting enough.

      But anyway, thanks a bunch for this list of plugins that will take care of the technical aspects of relating posts.

  19. Marlene says

    Thanks for this list! I’m trying to decide between YARPP and nRelate. For YARPP, you mentioned the site size issue, but what do you consider to be a “large” site? And for nRelate, does it have a template system too? I’ve installed and played with Contextual Related Posts, but as I AM a beginner user, I am having trouble getting the thumbnails to look good.

    • Editorial Staff says

      YARPP – if you have a few hundred posts on a shared hosting account, and you are getting 1000+ visitors a day then your host will probably shut you down. nRelate can be styled by targeting CSS classes, and its definitely more scalable.


  20. Abhisek says

    Using YARPP is really great, and with 2.4 million downloads the author’s will be encouraged to update and upgrade it forever. User engagement at it’s best. Good post btw wpbeginner.

  21. Ivica says

    My choice is nRelate Related Content. It proves to be very reliable in work and fast with accurate related content to articles… and free too. Thumbs up!

  22. Krish Murali Eswar says

    We use Disqus as a commenting system that also provides a similar posts functionality in one of our client websites. Works like charm. I wish we can use Disqus’ similar posts system and Jetpack’s commenting system.

