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Livefyre Comment Spam





Livefyre Like SPAM


Livefyre Like Spammer Profile











  • 一括モデレーションができない – 複数のコメントを削除したり、スパムとしてマークしたい場合、それを簡単に行う方法がありません。個別に行う必要があります。この問題は、新規インターフェースでも変わりません。
  • 劣悪な個別モデレーション – 単純にコメントを削除するには2回のクリックが必須。一つは削除の決定、次に削除の理由を述べること。これは面倒なことです。これは新規インターフェースでも問題である。
  • コメントのコントロールができない – 私たちが乗り換えを決めたとき、ユーザーのコメントを編集するオプションはありませんでした。そのため、コメントガイドラインを実施するのが難しくなりました。例えば、誰かが素晴らしいコメントを残したのに、署名リンク(私たちがする権限がありません)を貼ってしまったとします。私たちはそのコメントをそのまま受け入れるか、削除しなければなりません。これは新しいインターフェースで修正されました。コメントを編集できるようになりました。
  • 返信先が面倒 – 私たちのようなサイトでは、しばしばコメントに返信する必要があります。これを行う簡単な方法はありません。livefyreのモデレーションパネルでコメントを見ることができます。あなたは保留中のコメントを見ることができる投稿を開く必要があります。それを承認し、そこから返信してください。これでは、Livefyreのモデレーションパネルはほとんど役に立ちません。WordPressのバックエンドのモデレーションでは、返信と承認というとてもクールな機能があります。そのため、投稿の新しいタブ/ウィンドウを開くことなく、コメントに返信することができます。



もうひとつ気づいたのは、コメントする際に改行を入れるのが面倒だということです。そのため、私たちは誰かに返信してリンクを貼り付けようとしていました。しかし、Livefyreのオートフォーマットは改行を削除してしまいます。時にはリンクが切れてしまうこともあったので、リンクとそのあとのテキストの間に余分なスペースを入れなければなりませんでした。最大の問題は、入力中にShift + Enterを使うと、改行があったことが表示されることです。下の画像を見てください:

Livefyre Line Breaks













さて、私たちはビルトインWordPressコメントシステムに戻しました。何人かのユーザーから、下にあるTwitter/Facebookでサインインするオプションを追加するために何を使っているかという質問をメールでいただきました。私たちは、Simple Twitter Connectと Simple Facebook Connectという2つのプラグイン(同じ投稿者@otto42による)を組み合わせて使用しています。

2012年10月12日更新:TwitterログインとFBログインの両方のオプションを削除しました。これらのオプションはロード時間に大きな影響を与えます。私たちはむしろ、大多数の人にとってサイトがより速くなることを望んでいます :)


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Reader Interactions

243件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Mika Kujapelto

    Pretty interesting discovery. I’ve been a fan of Disqus since you don’t have to store the data yourself. Would be interested to know more, how much more work you had after the switch compared to Disqus.

    Any idea if this bug is already fixed?

  2. Justin Germino

    I was using Disqus for many years but now they are requiring adds to have it for free which I don’t like, not paying $10 per month to have ad free commenting system.

    • Joseph


      What are you switching to, to avoid the monthly fee?

  3. mike

    livefrye never works for me and I hate it on websites. Good choice

  4. vinhchiase

    How to change the language in Livefyre comment?

  5. Turkey

    I just wrote Slate to let them know how horrible Livefyre is when it comes to reading the comments. Nevermind being able to sign up for it.

    I’ve tried different browsers and devices, and it’s still useless.
    I wish they would switch to Disqus, as I have personally have never had a problem using their program.

    Anyway, glad I could come by your article just to complain about Livefyre.


  6. DS

    Have been looking for a comment platform since I disabled Disqus a few weeks back after my website was hacked.

    While cleaning up and hardening the site, I was surprised to learn of a mountain of bad links and redirects away from my site. It was a total nightmare.

  7. RSVP

    Maybe this explains the commenting problems on Slate. The whole site is a bit of a mess, but lately I can’t get into the Livefyre comments at all without a laborious process of deleting cookies and reloading, reloading, reloading.

  8. Murhaf Sousli

    very helpful, thank you.

  9. Albert

    This is a very interesting post. So which one do you suggest ? Disqus or Facebook comment plugin?

  10. Jason Lemieux

    How did you leave Livefyre while keeping your comment_meta in tact? We just attempted the same but comment hierarchy was lost. Child comments have all become parent comments… and their support is MIA. Any tips for the migration?

  11. kate

    I comment on via their livefyre system

    can anyone tell me … is there a way to BLOCK another User from seeing my comments?
    im being stalked/abused and would like to continue commenting but without the grief


  12. Sara

    The only reason I refuse to have anything to do with Livefyre, is because of their downright evil demands to invade and poke around in your email account even when you’re offline.

    To that end, I had to create a fake email address just to let people know about it, because I’m quite sure most people don’t read the fine print before leaving a comment on Lifefyre sites – the one where they blatantly say that’s what they want!

  13. Bruno Bezerra

    Livefyre system installed in my Blogger blog platform. I confess that Livefyre company does not provide additional resources for Blogger, it’s a bit tricky to install Script comments in a blog platform Blogger. Will I have any future problem?

  14. Jazib

    Disqus take much time to load and that’s why i am also using default wordpress comment system. Its better than rest of systems.

  15. Brian

    I replied to a forum that uses livefyre without looking into it and now I can’t unsubscribe from the thread. I’ve unsubscribed 6 times and I still get emails from them about it. Ridiculous.

  16. Bo Kauffmann

    Great points . I’ve been looking at Disqus and it seems that people either love it or hate it. Which system did you end up going with?

  17. Nikos Avgerinos

    Thank you for the info !

  18. asad ali

    very informative post but competition is very high

  19. David

    Thanks so much for helping me decide which way to go!

  20. Ben Allen

    I don’t know if LiveFyre changed their link system, but if you look on current comments with LiveFyre, the link for the comment author’s name links to their LiveFyre profile, not to a web site. I don’t believe there is an option to have it link to any other URL. I know this topic has been dead, but does anyone else feel otherwise now? Is there actually a way for spammers (or link builders, not everyone is spamming with it) to link back to their site?

  21. Bruce Maples

    Better late than never, I suppose …

    I have been looking at plugins and systems for about a week, comparing and reading reviews. (Think I’m up to about 40 reviews, or so.)

    Posting TO social media from my blogs is not a problem — tons of plugins out there to do that. The issue is that many comments happen on my FB pages when I put up a post pointing to a new blog post, and I want to integrate those back into WordPress, if possible

    I was looking at Livefyre because it seemed to be the best at doing two-way integration like that. After reading this (for the second or third time, I think ), I’m having second thoughts.

    So, WPBeginner folks — is there a system or plugin out there that does 2-way integration with FB and other social media?

    • Bruce Maples


    • Andy

      Bruce, The latest version of FB comments offers 2 way posting, replicating the comment on your FB fan page and your site.

    • Alex Thibodeau

      Bruce, may I ask you which plugin you prefer to share your new blog posts to social medias? Thanks for your time.

  22. Bryan Cork

    But if all the comments remain in your database, you’ll still have to delete them one-by-one per hand, don’t you?

  23. Jaidityam Mathur

    So Disqus is better than Livefyre?

    • Rochelle Beemes

      Yes, Disqus is loads better than Livefyre. Well, I can’t say from the blogger’s perspective, but as a reader–heck yeah. If Livefyre has a central location where all my comments from all the sites I go to are listed, I’ve not heard of it. With Disqus, I can see all my comments from every site I’ve visited that use Disqus. I can follow my friends and see their comments, but if someone doesn’t like that, they can block you from following them. It’s just a far superior commenting experience.

  24. Zeeshan Ahmed

    Great article bro.. Disqus is more powerful than Livefyre :) your discussion is so good.. Keep it up

  25. Carlos Mendoza

    Did you create a post talking about why you decide to use Disqus? I would like an answer regarding to this. Thanks!

  26. Christopher Battles

    I am still on Livefyre, but looking at switching.
    For now I am trying to get a grasp on “basic” things.
    I have Livefyre installed, but not able to able to remove WordPress comment option also visible. Even if go to Disques, not want to have both options.

  27. Deborah

    Very thorough and interesting article. I don’t currently use Livefyre, but I always like to keep informed on the different commenting systems. While I don’t relish changing the system, having my head stuck in the sand and ignoring available knowledge isn’t wise either. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  28. Moses

    This is a good article, i was considering livefyre but will stick to discuss for now

  29. ma-li

    just spent ages trying to communicate through LiveFyre, its not happening, no my comments either not loading or taking ages, completely limiting my ability to get a problem solved!!

  30. Glenn Dixon

    I see you are on Disqus now, which really helps answer my big question. Thanks!

  31. benjaminlibor

    would be interested in your reply as well! thanks

    • Mark McIntyre

      Like Disqus, Livefyre syncs with your WordPress comment database so if you disable Livefyre, all your comments remain in WordPress.

      • Linda S

        Thanks Mark. I got an email about “Livefyre Community Comments” telling me that since Adobe had bought Livefyre they were discontinuing this free service and only offering an enterprise solution. Fortunately, I had only converted one of my websites to Livefyre from Disqus.

        As I recall they said in the email that they would be sending instructions on how to convert from Livefyre to native WordPress comments I think in February. I now can’t find that email.

        But what you are saying is all I need to do is deactivate the plugin. I guess it should be safe to try that.

        Syed, it would be great to have an article alerting users to Livefyre’s change. When you “go to the plug-in” from the WordPress dashboard now if you still have Livefyre installed, you are sent to Adobe Marketing – Adobe Experience Manager. They have no alert or obvious info there about the change for Livefyre free plugin users, just trying to get enterprise customers. Their drop down multiple choice on what service you are interested in makes it obvious that they want to get into social marketing in a big way. After what they did to my partner with their Adobe tools (Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop) I don’t trust them from here to the corner for anything.

        What sucked me into trying Livefyre was their customer service. They had a great social media team.

        Great article Syed. Nice contribution to the WordPress community. Look forward to seeing at WordCamp Miami.

  32. Coley

    Hi, when you move from LiveFyre back to default WordPress comments do you lose all the comments that were made in Livefyre?? (thanks)

  33. fwu

    So, now you use Disqus??!?

    As far as I know, doesnt have sync with facebook and tweeter comments. Also, users need to register in a third party system (disqus).

    So, why it is better than Livefyre?

    • konisto

      I would love to hear the answer to this question as I’m evaluating commenting systems, as well.

    • Albert Raich

      We’re developing a new discussion widget solution so this article and related answers are so interesting for us! Leaning from others :D

    • MUX

      people don’t need register to disqus to leave comment as long as they have FB or twitter or G+ account :D

  34. barry brown

    oh, I thought livefyre was almost the same as disqus. I see you’ve tackled specific details. IMO, spamming is your number one problem with blog commenting. It’s good to have that one where you’d be able to have total control over the comments and user friendly as well.

  35. bb

    Ok avg, thanks for the tip, maybe that’s what I will do…cheers

  36. n

    Disqus is best i think

  37. bbsport

    I’m about to switch to a robust commenting system (e.g livefyre) when I can’t get Disqus running because of its complex reg but saw your post in Google and read through. Jeez! I need to have a rethink, work on Disqus or pend switching from native WP commenting system. Thanks for the authenticate review. Cheers :)

    • avgjoegeek

      Disqus is pretty simple to install. Are you using WordPress? If you are still having issues a way around it is to get the CommentEvolved plugin and you can get it to display Disqus for you. Though the native way is best.

  38. Garrett H

    Hello – what were the steps that you took to migrate your Livefyre comments to Disqus? From what I understand you have to migrate them to WordPress first and then to Disqus? Do you have a resource on how to do this?

    • WPBeginner Staff

      Garret, you are right. Once we stopped using Livefyre we used default WordPress comments for a long time before moving to Disqus.

    • vinod

      Same problem. Disqus is not able to import all comments from wordpress.

  39. MikeHigginssss

    Some rum goings on, I reckon! Think I’ll encourage users to send me comments…by post!

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