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WordPressを静的サイトジェネレータよりも高速化した方法(ケーススタディ – WPBeginnerの高速化)



そう、WPBeginnerの読み込みは、ほとんどの静的サイトジェネレータよりも速く、場合によってはGoogle AMPサイトよりも速いのです。


Speeding up WPBeginner - Behind the Scenes


更新:この投稿で紹介したセットアップはもう使っていません。代わりに、SiteGroundが管理するGoogle Cloudプラットフォームに完全に切り替えました。同じスピードで、さらに高速なバックエンドパフォーマンスを実現しています。SiteGroundに切り替えた理由をお読みください。


最近、WordPressは “モダン “な開発者から、WordPressは遅いという悪評をよく耳にする。










WPBeginner Homepage Pingdom



WPBeginner Single Posts Page Speed Test from Pingdom


WPBeginner Google Page Speed Test



Gatsby Homepage Pingdom


Netlify Homepage Pingdom


Contentful Homepage Pingdom










彼らはBluehostと HostGatorの両チームから最高のエンジニアを投入し、WPBeginnerの高速化のために私と密接に協力してくれました。


WPBeginner Hosting Infrastructure

ご覧の通り、これは2つの地域(テキサス州とユタ州)にまたがるマルチサーバーのセットアップです。ロードバランサークラウドを除いて、合計9台のサーバーがあります。各サーバーは、8コア(16スレッド)のXeon-D CPU、32GB RAM、2 x 1TB SSD(RAIDセットアップ)です。






PHP-FPMプールとともにPHP 7.2を使用しているので、高負荷のプロセスやリクエストを処理することができます。もしあなたのホスティングサービス会社がPHP 7+を使用していないのであれば、深刻なスピードの最適化を逃していることになります。



WPBeginner Post Edit Screen


データベースサーバーは、MySQLからMariaDBに切り替えました。MariaDBはMySQLのクローンですが、より高速で優れています。また、データベースのレプリケーション、フェイルオーバー、ロードバランシングを改善するために、HyperDBから LudicrousDBに切り替えました。



これらは、David Collins(Enduranceのチーフアーキテクト/HostGatorのCTO)、Mike Hansen(WordPressのコア開発者)をはじめとするEnduranceチームの優れたエンジニアたちによるもので、以下のクレジットセクションでお礼を述べる。





WPBeginner DNSは、DNS Made Easy(Constellixと同じ会社)によって提供されています。彼らは常に世界最速のDNSプロバイダーとしてランクされています。DNS Made Easyの利点は、CDNやWAFの特定のデータセンターが正常に動作していない場合に、グローバルなトラフィックの方向付けを行い、最大限のアップタイムを確保できることです。





Waterfall Breakdown of Requests on WPBeginner






あなたのサイトでInstant.pageを有効化するには、Instant Page WordPressプラグインをインストールして有効化するだけです。

Instant Page Script


更新:今のところinstant.pageを無効化しているので、近いうちにFlyingPagesプラグインをテストするつもりだ。Gijo VargheseがWPBeginner Engage Facebookグループで彼の新規プラグインをシェアしてくれたのだが、どうやらinstant.pageとquicklinkスクリプトの長所を組み合わせたもののようだ。



また、Optimoleや EWWW Image Optimizerのようなプラグインを使って画像圧縮を自動化することもできます。


現在、画像の遅延読み込みは行っていませんが、GoogleがChrome 76に遅延読み込みサポートをビルトインしたので、近い将来追加する予定です。


更新:私がブログ投稿を公開した数時間後、GoogleはWordPress用のNative Lazy Loadプラグインを公開した。


Reduce cross-domain HTTP requests




HTTPリクエストを減らすために必要なのは、CSSとJavaScriptファイルを可能な限り組み合わせることだ。WP RocketのようなWordPressキャッシュプラグインの中には、最小化機能でこれを自動的に行うことができるものもある。



例えば、多くの広告スクリプトやリターゲティングスクリプトを実行している場合、サイトの速度が低下します。Google Tag Managerのようなツールを使って、必要なときだけ条件分岐でスクリプトを読み込むようにするとよいでしょう。






新しいマルチサーバーのセットアップでは、WPBeginnerを他のAwesome Motive製品サイトと同等にするために、新しいデプロイワークフローを導入しました。






まず、WordPressの更新はサーバー同期/レプリケーションのため、それほど簡単にはいかないということだ。私の個人ブログ(をWordPress 5.2にアップグレードした際、ウェブノードのひとつで更新ファイルがうまく同期されず、デバッグに予想以上に時間がかかった。このため、より良いビルド/テストプロセスの構築に取り組んでいます。



全体的に、私はセットアップに非常に満足しており、WPBeginnerのために作られたキャッシュ設定/最適化の一部は、HostGator Cloudと BluehostのWordPressホスティングプランの標準的な部分になることを知っています。

もしあなたがサイトや ブログオンラインストアを 始めたばかりなら、この洗練されたエンタープライズセットアップは必要ないことは言うまでもないと思います。



例えば、Bluehostの標準プランにはすでにキャッシュプラグインがビルトインされており、PHP 7を初期設定することができます。

SucuriのようなCDN + WAFと組み合わせることで、サイトを大幅に高速化することができます。



Thank you HostGator and Bluehost

上記の投稿では、HostGatorと Bluehostのブランドに対して多くの賞賛を贈ってきたが、この場を借りて、その実現のために舞台裏で働いた個々の人々を認識し、感謝したい。

まず、EnduranceのリーダーシップチームであるSuhaib、Mitch、John Orlando、Mike Lillie、Brady Nordに感謝したい。


スティーブン・ジョブ(DNSMadeEasyの創設者)には、私の質問に素早く答えていただき、いくつかの設定について理解を深めることができました。また、いつも私の背中を押してくれたSucuriのTony PerezとDaniel Cidにも感謝します。




この投稿が気に入ったら、WordPress動画チュートリアルのYouTubeチャンネルを購読してください。Twitterや Facebookでもご覧いただけます。

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Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner and Awesome Motive Inc. He started using WordPress in 2006 and has over 16 years of experience building WordPress websites, WordPress plugins, and custom WordPress themes. His WordPress plugins and software apps are used by over 25 million websites today. Syed was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by the United Nations, and his work is featured in top publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc, Business Insider, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, and more.

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Reader Interactions

58件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    I’ve always wondered what’s behind the speed of your site. I was expecting your own server and some improved caching environment, but I really didn’t expect such a tailor-made robust solution. It’s great that you let us see behind the scenes of how this website is built. And it’s also great that you’re showing the world that even WordPress with a really huge number of users can be incredibly fast, even if it also needs a fair amount of power. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and giving us the opportunity to see the infrastructure of your website and what exactly the whole server is running on. It’s a really interesting read.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could share how we made our site as fast as it is :)


  2. Onur

    i m wondering why wpbeginner doesnt use
    Is there any specific reason ?
    please clarify me

  3. asantos

    This article is unbelievable.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  4. Cadu de Castro Alves

    Amazing article! I love to see other perspective about WordPress optimization other than migrating to headless or other CMSs.

    I personally don’t like homepage load speed comparisons especially for news/blogs websites because the homepage usually is not the most visited page.

    So I’d love to see load speed performance of posts pages on different environments/platforms.

    Thanks for sharing this!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you like our content :)


  5. Joseph

    Once again, wpbeginner came through. This article is one too much. This is awesome, I have to save this page and read it over again

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad our article was helpful :)


  6. Chris

    [blockquote]There’s also a ticket in WordPress core to add this feature on all sites (really hoping that this happens soon), so I don’t have to write a custom plugin.[/blockquote]

    I wrote a simple function to cover that. Until lazy-loading makes it into core you can try it out. I’d like to hear your feedback if you do use it.

  7. Jarret

    I don’t really see where you made your site faster than a static site generator.

    Sure, you spent time optimizing your own site to load as quick as possible, then compared it against the homepage of a static site generator domain which is more likely designed to display important content to a visitor than to load as quick as possible.

    You should have configured a domain using each of the static generators, optimize it as you’ve done to your own site, slap a CDN in front of it and then compare that test data.

    • Editorial Staff

      Our homepage content is dynamic and updates every day to show the visitors important content and new blog posts.

      I compared headless CMS and other static generator homepages because you’d hope that those claiming performance boosts would practice what they preach :)


  8. Mathukutty P V

    My reply question to this thread guided to this article. Great article. A few days back I removed shortpixel plugin and using online tinypng for compressing images. Just installed Flying pages for checking. Plan to change host, Godaddy to other. Had a chat with Bluehost India today, price is little higher than Godaddy, but they give free SSL, I don’t know it is only for a year or for ever free.

    • Editorial Staff

      Bluehost offers SSL for free always. The free domain offer is for 1 year though.


    • Gijo Varghese

      The developer of Flying Pages here. If you run into any issues, jut let me know

  9. Jumedeen khan

    Nice guideline sir but I have some doubts,

    I think Nginx LEMP stack is fastest server setup for wordpress.

    For cache, you can use opcache, file cache and fastcgi cache, no need any cache plugin, nginx cache more fast then plugin cache.

    For CDN, Stackpath is not best for all world, it very slow in India, your site image loaded 2-3 seconds here.

    For hosting, Hostgator not best than Google cloud, AWS, Digitalocean etc. cloud providers.


    • Editorial Staff

      Sure you can use NGINX cache without any plugin. We have that setup on WPForms and several of our other websites that different teams manage.

      At the end of the day, it comes down to your level of comfort and familiarity.


  10. The 'Staunch Investor


    This is very powerful. Your blog is more like Lambo now.

    Congratulation sir

  11. Ahmad khan

    I am looking forward to applying these steps on my newly purchased hosting on SiteGround for my blog Writer Feels where I write poems.

    • Editorial Staff

      Ahmad, SiteGround also comes with a built-in caching plugin called SG Super Cache. You should enable that, and it will unlock a lot of optimizations. After that I recommend adding the Sucuri WAF + optimize all your images :)


  12. Chip Williamson

    Great post. I always manage to learn something from the WPbeginner posts I read! Thank you!

  13. Luke Cavanagh

    Site performance is WebPageTest looks pretty good no max ages or expires set on a number of the assets being served by CDN. Cloudflare has way more PoPs than StackPath offers.

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes Cloudflare does offer a lot of PoPs, but I have found StackPath to have better support. Also StackPath CDN is much cheaper ($10 per month for 1TB of bandwidth).

      To get full value of Cloudflare, you have to be on their $200 per month plan ($2400 per year) whereas you can get Sucuri for $299 / year. We’re going a bit extra and adding the extra CDN layer from MaxCDN (StackPath) for an additional $10 per month.


  14. Anne Hennegar

    Nice write up.

    Just curious about combining JS and CSS scripts since you were using http/2. I thought with http/2, you weren’t supposed to combine those files.

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes with HTTP/2 you have faster file transport, but reducing queries is always a best practice.


  15. Patrick

    Great post Syed, very thorough post. I honestly feel like static WordPress and serverless WordPress is not a good solution for 90% of WordPress users. It is a fun buzzword right now but the headache associated with it just isn’t worth it. Either way your infrastructure and attention to detail is very impressive.

    I saw you mentioned using a database server but didn’t see what database server you use to? What are your thoughts on using Amazon Aurora RDS 4 WordPress database hosting? Or google cloud?

    • Editorial Staff

      Patrick, we’re using MariaDB on WPBeginner site. We chose to keep it simple, and it serves our needs for now.

      On OptinMonster, the team is using a much more sophisticated database setup because they have billions of rows to handle.


  16. Peter Cruckshank

    I just want to say that Netlify is like the greatest thing to happen in web development of you’re hosting static sites or JAM stack sites. And yes you can get WP to have a quick load time, but look at the effort it takes!! And throwing money at the problem never hurts
    If you split up you’re site with Gatsby on the front end and WP on the back end to can save A LOT of money on hosting
    But you do make some good points with imagine optimization. An easy way to cut load time

    • Editorial Staff

      I agree with you there Peter. There’s never a single right or wrong solution. I just wanted to share the perspective that’s not as popular these days since the cool thing is to talk about JAM stack which most SMB’s can’t implement.

      But optimizing images, combining plugin requests with WP Rocket, adding Sucuri is easy enough to get progress :)


  17. Bimal Raj Paudel

    Whoah! What an amazing thing to read. Was waiting for this.

  18. Wojciech Marusiak

    Thanks for the article. I appreciate your results and sharing.

    I do however must write my two cents. Your migration costs and further site/code maintenance arguments are 100% valid.

    However, what you are using as a hosting (apache ha cluster, waf)is far from “normal” wordpress hosting 99% people use.

    Secondly, jamstack is so popular because you can host your website for a fraction of any WP hosting, delivering better “out of the box” performance being many times cheaper.


    • Editorial Staff

      Thanks for your comment Wojciech. I agree that my enterprise setup is far from normal. However from my perspective, adding a WAF + optimizing images + reduce HTTP requests with WP Rocket is much more attainable for a small business owner than a JAM stack migration.


  19. Mike

    Can you please share how many unique monthly visitors this site gets?

  20. Tareq Hasan

    How much this setup costs for WP Beginner per month? Just asking :D

    • Editorial Staff

      Tareq, a similar setup like this will cost in the thousands per month. It all depends on how many web nodes / db servers you spin up. Managed services will vary based on the company you choose. For example at OptinMonster our server costs are in the $XX,XXX / month.

      For WPBeginner site, our hosting is sponsored by HostGator :)


  21. Anthony

    Interesting article and it’s certainly possible to speed up load times for WordPress sites and make them comparable to static sites. That said there is no real mention of costs here. Having a static site with someone like Netlify for a small site is probably going to be much cheaper. Not sure on enterprise level and larger websites but would image you’d still be better off.

    Also while you show your desktop score on Google insights this page performs worse on mobile than the Gatsby home page. Arguably mobile speed is more important as that’s where bandwidth and processing speed is going to be the most limited.

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes the costs of an enterprise setup like this for a large media site like ours will be in thousands per month depending on your needs and the provider you use.

      For smaller sites, you can surely use Netlify, but it’s not easy for small business owners.

      With regards to mobile, yes I did mention that in the article that we have room for improvement on mobile. A friend of mine shared this new plugin by Google that I’ll be adding on the site which will help boost our mobile score –


  22. David

    Does the plugin affect the page speed ratings with sites like google? It seems like it wouldn’t since there is no human clicking. So for that purpose, is it really an advantage to have one more script installed?

    • Editorial Staff

      This doesn’t impact Google ratings however it improves the overall user experience. As much as I love Google rankings, I value our overall user experience more.

      With that said, if you make your website faster you’ll likely see less abandonment overall :)


      • David

        Thanks for the reply. That makes sense.

        Unrelated, can you tell me what the wpbeginner logo is supposed to be? I keep staring and all I can see is a winking face wearing a gas mask.

        • Editorial Staff

          Hey David,

          The WPBeginner logo was my poor attempt of drawing a simplistic cartoon that looks like a beginner. I call him Blob.

          It was basically 3 round shapes in Photoshop with a rotated Exclamation mark and tilted close parentheses :)

  23. Cathy

    Thank you for your article. But seriously Hostgator is the worse hosting service!

    • Editorial Staff

      I think we will have to agree to disagree.

      There are negative reviews of just about every web hosting company in the world. I put HostGator in my top 5 for small business hosting because of their track record and my personal experience :)


    • Editorial Staff

      Thanks for sharing the plugin Arjun. Another friend shared that with me on twitter as well. I have it in my list to try it :)


  24. Caleb Weeks

    Thanks for these insights, Syed, and for taking the time to so thoroughly share them! Who knows if some of the work you’ve done here may very well trickle into managed WordPress hosting for others in the community over time. Thanks, again!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thanks Caleb. I know that some of the optimizations will definitely be trickling down :)


  25. Parvez

    Setup like your required thousands of dollars per month or more than that. On the other hand we could achieve nearly similar performance with breaking the bank or even free hosting like netlify.

    Congratulations for the new site.

    • Editorial Staff

      For large content sites, you’ll be paying thousands of dollars per month regardless. Several of my friends who’re running large blogs in their various industries all spend multiple thousands per month.

      If you’re running a small site, then sure Netlify will work, but you really have to be a dev to use that.

      My goal is to share that with proper caching + WAF + CDN + DNS tools, you can have a really fast website without having to give up the flexibility of WordPress.


  26. Martin Lam

    Well that is a very great enterprise setup and a worth reading one, and I hope that it ‘d come handy for me in the near future.

    I have a question, since I’m a beginner and I have a simple setup with WordPress+SiteGround+Genesis Framework and obviously a theme by StudioPress.

    My site already uses SG Cache plugin +Cloudfare CDN , I just wanted to know more about Genesis framework in terms of site speed and load time, if it has anything to do with it ?

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Martin,

      We use Genesis on WPBeginner as well, but the framework alone won’t make your website fast. You still have to look at the additional HTTP queries and image sizes. You’re definitely on the right track with the tools you’re using :)


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