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WPBeginnerは12歳になりました – 振り返りと更新

編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。



WPBeginner 12th Birthday




新規の方は、WPBeginnerについてのページでWPBeginnerの全ストーリーをお読みいただき、Start HereページでWPBeginnerを最大限に活用してください。




Balkhi Family 2021






1.WPBeginner YouTubeチャンネルの購読者が246,000人を突破しました。




2.WPBeginner Engage Facebookグループ (77,000人以上のメンバー)

WPBeginner Engage Facebookグループのメンバーは77,000人を超え、Facebookで最大のWordPressユーザーグループとなりました。






ファイブ・フォー・ザ・フューチャーの一環として、WordPressのコア・コントリビューターとして高く評価されているピーター・ウィルソンを雇い、WordPressをより良いものにするために100%の時間を使えるようにしました。最近では、WordPress 5.7.2のリリースを共同リードしました。


また、Weebly から WordPress への移行ツール、Medium から WordPress への移行ツール、人気のある無料のヘッダーとフッターの挿入プラグインなど、その他多数の無料ツールのメンテナンスも続けています。


4.新規買収と投資 (PushEngage, Uncanny Automator, and more)

2018年、WordPressにフォーカスした企業に投資するためにWPBeginner Growth Fundを創設したことはご存じかもしれません。


また、Uncanny Owlと Uncanny Automatorプラグインにも投資しました。Automatorで構築しているものにとても興奮しています。私たちの目標は、サイトオーナーがZapierのような高いコストを支払うことなく、WordPressと他のビジネスツールを接続できるようにすることです。背景ストーリーの全文を読む

今年の初めには、Plugin Rankも買収しました。これはWordPressプラグイン作者が自分のプラグインランキングを追跡し、ビジネスを成長させるための非常に便利なツールです。








Awesome Motiveのチームは今年も新記録を更新し続け、すべての製品が驚異的な成長を遂げました。


  • OptinMonster– 見捨てられたサイト訪問者を購読者やカスタマイザーに変換するのに役立つコンバージョン最適化ソフトウェアNo.1。無料版もあります。
  • WPForms– 400万以上のサイトで使用されている最も初心者に優しいWordPressフォームビルダー。無料版のWPForms Liteもあります。
  • MonsterInsights– 最も人気のあるWordPress Analyticsプラグインです。私はすべてのサイトでこれを使用しています。無料版もあります:MonsterInsights Lite.
  • AIOSEO– より多くのトラフィックを得るためのオリジナルのWordPress SEOプラグイン。200万以上のサイトで使用されています。無料版のAIOSEOもあります。
  • WP Mail SMTP– WordPressのメール到達性を向上させるNo.1プラグイン。無料版もあります:ほとんどのサイトオーナーにはWP Mail SMTP Liteで十分です。
  • SeedProd– WordPressのための最高のドラッグ&ドロップランディングページビルダー。SeedProdの無料版をお試しください。
  • RafflePress– あなたのサイトのトラフィックを増やすための強力なWordPressの景品とコンテストのプラグイン。
  • Smash Balloon– WordPress用の最も人気のあるソーシャルメディアフィードプラグイン。InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTubeフィード用の無料バージョンが利用可能。
  • PushEngage– 中小企業向けの主要なWebプッシュ通知ソフトウェア – 毎月90億以上のプッシュ通知を送信するのに役立ちます。





Cambodian Village Fund School







Syed Balkhi

情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner and Awesome Motive Inc. He started using WordPress in 2006 and has over 16 years of experience building WordPress websites, WordPress plugins, and custom WordPress themes. His WordPress plugins and software apps are used by over 25 million websites today. Syed was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by the United Nations, and his work is featured in top publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc, Business Insider, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, and more.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Adrian says

    Happy Birthday Congratulations Here’s to many more, Fantastic Journey and Brilliant Site, Thank You

  3. Khan Sunny says

    Congratulations wpbeginner!!!
    Many good wishes and best wishes for the coming days. Hope you give us a better

  4. Dipak says

    Really good and helpful guides for the new bloggers to develop. You are doing outstanding job and we are always grateful to you.

  5. James says

    Hi Syed Balkhi,

    First, let us congrats on your company WPBeginner turns 12 years old right now
    we have enjoyed your articles that so much helped our technical worpress team.

    we currently SEO Agency, that provides SEO services for Indonesia ( and overseas clients who have an office in Jakarta – Indonesia )

    Appreciated you and your team hard work

    Thank you

  6. michael shannon says

    Congratulations on making it to 12 years but i can say your never going to go under because your Brilliance with WordPress is unfounded there is no one that can Beat you at creating and building wordpress software and the Tutorials that go with them you have helped me so much that i can honestly say your the #1 Person i would come to for anything on wordpress! so thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this Field and i hope you never quit helping us because we will all go under without your expertise everyday my friend!
    Michael Shannon.

  7. Michelle says

    Happy 12th birthday! I’m a regular reader of the blog. It’s the one place I have turned to over and over again to get quick and reliable information – especially when things have gone wrong and I need to know a fast fix for a website. I also use several of your plugins. The blog has certainly helped me in my journey as a WordPress web designer. So thank you for your awesome content and hard work. It’s greatly appreciated. It happens to be my 15th birthday today as well, and I wouldn’t have go this far without the open sharing of information.

  8. Henk de Heer says

    Dear Syed,
    What a fantastic job you are doing with WP beginners. I just downloaded the Toolkit but saw that it is inm pdf and unfortunately I can’t translate that directly into Dutch. I am a man of 77 years old and unfortunately I never learned before and I gratefully use the translation function in windows.
    Maybe you know a solution for this?\

    But thanks anyway for all the work you do and that even 77 year olds can get started with it!

    Cordial greetings,
    Henk de Heer

  9. Tammi L. Coles says

    Happy birthday! Thank you for providing this valuable and reliable resource. Any random Google search for a question that leads me back here is always the right path. Wishing you much success (and wishing us all COVID-free travel).

  10. M. Faisal. says

    Thanks for your article of wpbeginner turns 12 years old mean of 12th birthday read it. you have to growth of word hard with web development.

    how is possible to this time for earning more income in wordpress developer.

  11. Cliff says

    A year ago I knew nothing about my wordpress site except I pay someone to do everything. Times were tough and so I needed to learn how it works. Thanks to you I am about to rebuild my entire page into something far better than I could ever have imagined. Thank you so much.

  12. Joseph says

    I always look forward to this recap. Its always good to know what a great company is doing and aspire to be like them. Good job Syed

  13. Blanca Mejia says

    Congratulations for being an almost teenager! :) I have learned alot from WP Beginner since I started using WordPress probably around the time you started this blog. It has always been so thorough and valuable. To your continued success!

  14. Shirley says

    I left a comment on the Facebook Group page and I’ll reiterate it here: WPBeginner is the best resource I’ve found. While so many people push mindset and motivation, they forget that many of us can’t move forward on dreams–we need the nitty-gritty details of how to make it happen. Thanks for doing a great job! I’ll add that WPBegginer helps me fix things I didn’t even know were wrong.

  15. Kim.Heng says

    Thank you thank You thank you for your Amazing work in Cambodia with the building school for those poor kids thanks again really appreciate everything you & your family generous ♥️

    May God’s blessings you & your family
    Kind Regards

  16. Larry Mello says

    I love wpbeginner! I have always found it’s the most useful site to anyone starting to use WordPress. I am a seasoned developer. When taking over maintenance for a website, I was leery at first about this “Wordpress” thing it was written in. When I saw how much support there was out there, my concerns disappeared. Keep up the great work!

  17. Sheryl Coe says

    Thank you, WPBeginner, for being everyone’s first stop on the way to WordPress.

    And as for Awesome Motive… to this day, WPForms is the first plugin we introduce new site owners to, with the “5-minute challenge” they are up and running, interacting with visitors. Empowered. Even though it is their first plugin, it grows with them. Over the years, they love it more. Themes come and go but WPForms is a constant.

    From your post above, it’s clear that these awesome results flow from awesome motives. Congratulations WP Beginner! Looking forward to your next 12!

  18. Russ Roberts says

    Congratulations on 12 years of excellent service to the WordPress Community. Your suggestions have helped me make better websites.

