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WPBeginnerが11歳になりました – 振り返りと更新(+プレゼント企画)

今日は7月4日で、WPBeginnerは正式に11歳になりました。私たちは長い道のりを歩んできました :)


ボーナス:Macbook Air、無料ドメイン+ホスティングサービス、お気に入りのプレミアムWordPressプラグインを含むサイトツールキットプレゼントキャンペーンも行っています。

WPBeginner 11th Birthday





新規の方は、WPBeginnerについてのページでWPBeginnerの全ストーリーをお読みいただき、Start HereページでWPBeginnerを最大限に活用してください。




Balkhi Family Photo Collage











2.WPBeginner Engage Facebookグループのメンバーが48,000人を超えました。

WPBeginner Engage - Facebook Group

10周年を記念して、WPBeginner Engage Facebookグループを立ち上げ、非技術系ユーザーにWordPressのヘルプを提供しています。









WPBeginner Playlists on YouTube

また、WordPressエコシステムで起きていること、Awesome Motive製品の概要などを共有するState of WPBeginner動画も毎月配信しています。



4.WordPressのホスティングサービスをSiteGround(Google Cloud)に変更しました。


そのため、今年の初めに、WPBeginnerホスティングサービスをSiteGround Enterprise(Google Cloud搭載)に切り替えました。


もしホスティングサービスを変更しようとしているなら、私はSiteGroundを強くお勧めします – 彼らのカスタマイザーサービスと新技術プラットフォームは本当に堅牢です。

5.新規買収と投資(All In One SEO、Smash Balloonなど)



All In One SEO Packは、200万以上のサイトで使用されているオリジナルのWordPress SEOプラグインです。1月にAIOSEOを買収し、Awesome Motiveの傘下に入れました。私はチームと協力して、上位表示を支援する素晴らしいSEO機能を大量に構築しています。

SEOプラグインをお探しでしたら、AIOSEOをお試しください – こちらから無料版もご利用いただけます。

Smash Balloonは、WordPress用の最も人気のあるソーシャルメディアフィードプラグインを提供しています。130万以上のサイトがソーシャルメディアコンテンツの表示にSmash Balloonプラグインを使用しています。

Smash Balloonほど、カスタムのInstagram写真フィード、Facebookフィード、Twitterフィード、YouTubeフィードを作成・表示するのに最適なプラグインはありません。4つのプラグインすべて無料版でお試しいただけます。

また、Wholesale Suiteと Advanced Couponsfor WooCommerceの親会社であるRymera Webにも投資した。これらはWooCommerceストアオーナーにとって非常に便利なプラグインだ。








WPFormsの無料版をダウンロードするか、WPForms Proを取得してさらに強力な機能をアンロックすることができます。



昨年7月以来、MonsterInsightsは、メールサマリー、レポートのPDFエクスポート、スマート日付範囲、マルチサイトネットワークウィザード、改良されたPretty Links統合などのスマート分析機能を追加しました。

MonsterInsightsの無料版をダウンロードするか、MonsterInsights Proを入手してより強力な機能をアンロックすることができます。


WP Mail SMTPはWordPress用の最も人気のあるSMTPプラグインです。現在、100万人以上のサイトオーナーがWordPressでメールが送信されない問題を解決するためにこのプラグインを使用しています。

それはすべての私たちのサイトにプラグインを持っている必要があります。簡単に言うと、このプラグインは、Amazon SES、MailGun、G Suite、その他の信頼性の高いメールプラットフォームを使ってメールを送信できるようにすることで、WordPressのメール到達性の問題を解決します。

昨年プレミアムバージョンをリリースし、メールログ記録、メールコントロール、Proインテグレーション、ビジネスオーナー向けのWhite Glove Setupなどのスマートな機能を追加しました。

WP Mail SMTPの無料版をダウンロードするか、WP Mail SMTP Proを入手して、より強力な機能のロックを解除することができます。











RafflePressの無料版をダウンロードするか、RafflePress Proを取得してより強力な機能をアンロックすることができます。



賞品には、Macbook Air、SiteGroundからの無料ドメイン+1年間のGoGeekホスティングサービス、Syed(私)との1時間のZoomコール、そしてプレミアムWordPressプラグインのすべてプロライセンスが含まれます:WPForms,OptinMonster,MonsterInsights,WP Mail SMTP,SeedProd,RafflePress,TrustPulse,All In One SEO,Smash Balloon,MemberPress,Affiliate Royale,Thirsty Affiliates,Pretty Links,Formidable Forms,Wholes Suite,Advanced Couponsfor WooCommerce.


EDIT: 当選者が決定しました。おめでとうございます。



* このプレゼントに応募するために購入する必要はありません。









Syed Balkhi


Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPBeginner is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us. Here's our editorial process.


Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner and Awesome Motive Inc. He started using WordPress in 2006 and has over 16 years of experience building WordPress websites, WordPress plugins, and custom WordPress themes. His WordPress plugins and software apps are used by over 25 million websites today. Syed was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by the United Nations, and his work is featured in top publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc, Business Insider, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, and more.

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Reader Interactions

413件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Muhammad Iqbal

    Happy Birthday to WPBeginner on its 11th Birthday.
    Very amazing journey and a path to be followed by people like me.
    My Hugs and all the best wishes.


    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Muhammad for the virtual hug and well wishes. Truly appreciate your continued support and trust.


  2. Ali Rizwan

    Happy birthday! Thanks alot for guidance and we appreciate your efforts in wordpress development.

  3. Hamad Al-Qassar

    thanks a lot for this awesome website,
    helped me a lot, and i am still get new information from you.
    thanks a again :)

  4. Shivam Rathaur

    happy birthday, WPbeginner.
    Thank you for supporting and helping us.

  5. M Fahad Zahid

    Many Many happy returns of the day to WPBeginner. You have help me a lot to start my blog, and Alhumdolillah, now i have started earning from it too :)

  6. Farukh Hussain


    I have been using wpbeginner since 2013. Its been a long time to follow wpbeginner to learn wordpress. There are tons of tutorial Websites nowadays. But Wpbeginner is giving top notch helpful tutorial when there were no other sites like this. I have started the blog, and setup all my wordpress sites using ur guides.

    The big thing i feel is that wpbeginner tutorial are never be like for any fake affiliate promotion. Your guides and instructions are always real without any doubt. Unfortunately, mostly sites out there give fake review only to make money.

    But I have never seen any fake review here to make money. Your guides and tips are always real and with no benefit for u. That’s why I always trust only on syed balkhi.

    Wpbeginner is not only a site. Its an emotion connected with us in our blogging journey. This story can be too long. But I would like to end it here. Happy Birthday to Wpbeginner and many congrats to Syed.

    Best Regards

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you for your continued support and trust Farukh – we appreciate you


  7. Khogulan

    Happy birthday guys! You guys helped me tremendously as I created my very own website for the first time a little under two months ago, thank you for dropping so much of free value over the years, you guys are amazing!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you so much for the kind words and that’s great news that your website is live. Messages like these is what keeps us motivated and going.


  8. Jawed Iqbal

    Happy Birthday. I learn a lot from this site.

  9. Aptul Metin Cetin

    I am new bird on this area. I hope everything goes well

  10. Roksana

    Happy Birthday!

  11. Mohamed Alfaghi

    Thank you fir all your help along those years, I’m looking forward for upcoming greatness

  12. Ahmed

    which plugin are you using for skipping the article or jump to a particular area of the post?

  13. Mohamed Ahmed

    Happy Birthday, Although I do not speak English, I have benefited a lot from you, Thanks

  14. Alex Coleman

    Mandatory Comment! High Five!

  15. Ahmed

    Happy Birthday!!

  16. Naveed Alizai

    Happy Birthday WPBeginner, Such a nice and comprehensive website for all ages.

  17. badar jamal

    happy birthday to you. don’t know when i will be able to earn my first dollar online but struggling hard with wordpress and graphic designing.

  18. Rahul Biswas

    This is absolutely the best WordPress tutorial blog! Helped me a lot while kickstarting my blog! (locally though). All I need now is a good quality hosting… :( no money because spent most of it in charity for Covid-19 and also I am a poor college student who teaches students for free! Yes! For free! (“Maybe” the inspiration came from Syed!). I really hope I win this prize so that I can make a website for them which will help them so much! I feel really happy when I can give back something useful to society! Wish me luck!

  19. Dani

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for all the ways you make the WordPress universe so easy for beginners to explore, grow, and their in!

  20. Vikash Gupta

    Happy Birthday Wpbeginner. Keep working hard and provide is the right guidence and technology.

  21. Al

    WPBeginner is a constant source for this weekend WP warrior who started his experience with Syed. There was a gap and I just rediscovered you. The contest is nice, but I really just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    From Vermont…

  22. David

    Hi Syed,

    Love your work and as a newbie I am looking forward to using it,



  23. Kiran Bulbule

    Happy Birthday!!!
    This people save me always by their perfect content on any topic related to wordpress. Thank you so much.

  24. Hadi

    Happy birthday WPbeginner. I remember when I start learn using WordPress on website dan found WPbeginner when searching for how to use WordPress. WPbeginner realy helped me a lot, many usefull articles dan tips that I learn until now. Wish you all the best. Thanks

  25. Smera Arunachalam

    Fantastic Journey…….Happy Happy Birthday…….and More Ahead…..

  26. vivek Deshpande

    Congratulations syed for this achievement. I must say one thing i was new to WordPress and this platform has been a master resource for me to become a professional WordPress developer. Each and every small thing right from scratch I have learned from here.

    Truly speaking Its not just the content you provide but the way the concepts are explained is very much clear and easy to understand.

    I wish you all the best for the future.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you for the well wishes Vivek and do let us know if you ever come across a topic that we haven’t covered. Majority of our content ideas are user driven.



    The Great Knowledge source of wordpress which I never see in my life. Thank you.

  28. Patty

    Congratulations on your anniversary! WPBeginner is here to stay!

  29. David

    Hi Sued,
    I am a newby to your wonderful world. I am about to build an online store and am looking forward to learning from you. Your starter pack would go a long way to my success,
    Cheers, David.

  30. Kenneth Ojeisekhoba

    Hi Mr. Syed,
    First, congrats on WPBeginner’s 11th birthday anniversary.

    Second, words cannot describe how much I have come to appreciate you and your team. May this would mean something: WPBeginner is the only WordPress resource i am a subscriber to, and this is the first time I’m commenting on any blog. And I’m on the web almost everyday.

    Third, I have saved tens upon tens of your posts in my bookmark and my email. I always look forward to emails everyday.

    By the way you have a lovely wife and boy.

    Once more, happy birthday and congratulations.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you for the kind words and your continued trust in WPBeginner Kenneth. We appreciate you


  31. Omolara

    Awesome platform you have provided for us to reach the world. I just got to know about the foundations. That is a good job you are doing. I just learnt too about the other platforms. I have already joined the Facebook Beginner group for Non-Techs. I will love to join the other platforms too. I am already having answers to my questions on the Facebook group.
    Thank you for all the good work.

  32. Sylvia Wright

    I especially appreciated your work and helps as a newbie website creator. Still so much to learn. Thank you!

  33. adolfo

    Happy Birthday and safe party.

  34. Aaron Engelsrud

    Love this site! Happy 11th Birthday!

  35. Antonio

    Congrats! Keep up the good work

  36. Sheila

    Your site is the first place I go to to get answers about my blogging/WordPress experience. I even have it bookmarked for quick access. I never thought to look for you on Facebook. I’ve joined you’re group and will be leaving the other blog-related group. Thank you for all your help, and Happy Birthday!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Sheila for your continued support. Yes, we launched the FB group last year after lots of requests from users. Glad to have you be part of the community :)


  37. Tasos

    Happy birthday keep up the great work. Luv you all

  38. Noshad Ali

    Happy Birthday Wpbeginner. The ultimate guide

  39. Titania M Porter

    Okay, so this is a brilliant blog post because it’s 100% win/win. You are offering us value with your birthday celebration (and even if I don’t win, you’ve just given me a list of all your premium plugins, which of course is a huge value to me, knowing that what you create is quality, useful stuff). And at the same time, since we’re all going to click on your links to the various premium plugins, etc., you’re going to get a huge traffic and income boost on your big birthday bash! Yeah, I’m taking notes!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Titania – that’s a great analysis of the blog post. Absolutely use it on your site and let us know how it works :)


  40. Debbie Norwitz

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for all the support and help you’ve provided over the years … you are so appreciated!

  41. Jean Roth

    I’ve been using WordPress for over 12 years at least, and I still find WPBeginner incredibly helpful.

  42. Jatupon

    My inspiration WordPress website.

  43. Jack K

    Happy B-day and looking forward to another decade of WP Beginner

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Jack – yes we’re looking forward to more amazing years to come :)


  44. Karin Mainwaring

    You and your team have helped keep me at it.
    Building a website has certainly been a test of my sanity but, with the help of your team and resources, I have actually learnt how to put something together…
    Thank you and all the very best for the future

  45. Md. Sezedul Islam

    Congratulations! Thank you for so much information. Happy Birthday and wishing you all the best in the future WP Beginner.

  46. Chris Hiew

    Happy Birthday to WPBeginner!

    Wishing you all the success in the coming years.


  47. Hosny

    Thank you for this amazing ressource you have put in place ! You can’t really know how much amazing it is helpful even for professional! Happy Birthday and more long life to WpBeginner and higher success to you Syed!

  48. K. L. van Putten, PhD

    As a beginning WP blogger, WP Beginner site and services have far more value than I have yet been able to use! I found this resource when a WP setup problem needed solving and WPBeginner had a solution I could understand and follow – successfully. The relief and encouragement I got from this encounter were enough to result in an immediate subscription to everything I could see from WPBeginner.

    Although the blog is still in development (sigh), which limits my ability to actually USE WPBeginner resources, just about every post, newsletter, and video tutorial that Balkhi/WPBeginner creates/distributes has whetted my appetite for learning more. And more.

    WPBeginner’s clarity, tone, and content, including especially this celebratory giveaway and the way it is presented that make it amazingly easy to follow (and do) are all consistently extraordinary. A recent (2 days ago) dreaded upgrade of my not-yet-launched website to PHP 7.3 resulted in several MAJOR changes to the way the site looks (font size reductions, removed images, etc) that now require many, many fixes, thereby pushing the launch date back even further. Oy vey! I am hopeful that the resources WPBeginner provides will make the fixing process smoother, quicker, and less painful than currently imaginable. Begun today (while visiting WPB’s YouTube channel – of which I was already a subscriber – for this giveaway submission), my WPBeginner search for those answers is on.

    Quite simply, there is immense thankfulness and gratitude over here for EVERYTHING WPBeginner does. So glad you exist!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you for sharing your WPBeginner journey and keep up the work towards launching your site. Let us know where we can help as we’d be happy to do so :)


  49. Jeremy

    Happy birthday to the best learning platform in the world.
    May God continue to establish you all and more wisdom and knowledge to continue to impact others.

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