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WPBeginnerが11歳になりました – 振り返りと更新(+プレゼント企画)

今日は7月4日で、WPBeginnerは正式に11歳になりました。私たちは長い道のりを歩んできました :)


ボーナス:Macbook Air、無料ドメイン+ホスティングサービス、お気に入りのプレミアムWordPressプラグインを含むサイトツールキットプレゼントキャンペーンも行っています。

WPBeginner 11th Birthday





新規の方は、WPBeginnerについてのページでWPBeginnerの全ストーリーをお読みいただき、Start HereページでWPBeginnerを最大限に活用してください。




Balkhi Family Photo Collage











2.WPBeginner Engage Facebookグループのメンバーが48,000人を超えました。

WPBeginner Engage - Facebook Group

10周年を記念して、WPBeginner Engage Facebookグループを立ち上げ、非技術系ユーザーにWordPressのヘルプを提供しています。









WPBeginner Playlists on YouTube

また、WordPressエコシステムで起きていること、Awesome Motive製品の概要などを共有するState of WPBeginner動画も毎月配信しています。



4.WordPressのホスティングサービスをSiteGround(Google Cloud)に変更しました。


そのため、今年の初めに、WPBeginnerホスティングサービスをSiteGround Enterprise(Google Cloud搭載)に切り替えました。


もしホスティングサービスを変更しようとしているなら、私はSiteGroundを強くお勧めします – 彼らのカスタマイザーサービスと新技術プラットフォームは本当に堅牢です。

5.新規買収と投資(All In One SEO、Smash Balloonなど)



All In One SEO Packは、200万以上のサイトで使用されているオリジナルのWordPress SEOプラグインです。1月にAIOSEOを買収し、Awesome Motiveの傘下に入れました。私はチームと協力して、上位表示を支援する素晴らしいSEO機能を大量に構築しています。

SEOプラグインをお探しでしたら、AIOSEOをお試しください – こちらから無料版もご利用いただけます。

Smash Balloonは、WordPress用の最も人気のあるソーシャルメディアフィードプラグインを提供しています。130万以上のサイトがソーシャルメディアコンテンツの表示にSmash Balloonプラグインを使用しています。

Smash Balloonほど、カスタムのInstagram写真フィード、Facebookフィード、Twitterフィード、YouTubeフィードを作成・表示するのに最適なプラグインはありません。4つのプラグインすべて無料版でお試しいただけます。

また、Wholesale Suiteと Advanced Couponsfor WooCommerceの親会社であるRymera Webにも投資した。これらはWooCommerceストアオーナーにとって非常に便利なプラグインだ。








WPFormsの無料版をダウンロードするか、WPForms Proを取得してさらに強力な機能をアンロックすることができます。



昨年7月以来、MonsterInsightsは、メールサマリー、レポートのPDFエクスポート、スマート日付範囲、マルチサイトネットワークウィザード、改良されたPretty Links統合などのスマート分析機能を追加しました。

MonsterInsightsの無料版をダウンロードするか、MonsterInsights Proを入手してより強力な機能をアンロックすることができます。


WP Mail SMTPはWordPress用の最も人気のあるSMTPプラグインです。現在、100万人以上のサイトオーナーがWordPressでメールが送信されない問題を解決するためにこのプラグインを使用しています。

それはすべての私たちのサイトにプラグインを持っている必要があります。簡単に言うと、このプラグインは、Amazon SES、MailGun、G Suite、その他の信頼性の高いメールプラットフォームを使ってメールを送信できるようにすることで、WordPressのメール到達性の問題を解決します。

昨年プレミアムバージョンをリリースし、メールログ記録、メールコントロール、Proインテグレーション、ビジネスオーナー向けのWhite Glove Setupなどのスマートな機能を追加しました。

WP Mail SMTPの無料版をダウンロードするか、WP Mail SMTP Proを入手して、より強力な機能のロックを解除することができます。











RafflePressの無料版をダウンロードするか、RafflePress Proを取得してより強力な機能をアンロックすることができます。



賞品には、Macbook Air、SiteGroundからの無料ドメイン+1年間のGoGeekホスティングサービス、Syed(私)との1時間のZoomコール、そしてプレミアムWordPressプラグインのすべてプロライセンスが含まれます:WPForms,OptinMonster,MonsterInsights,WP Mail SMTP,SeedProd,RafflePress,TrustPulse,All In One SEO,Smash Balloon,MemberPress,Affiliate Royale,Thirsty Affiliates,Pretty Links,Formidable Forms,Wholes Suite,Advanced Couponsfor WooCommerce.


EDIT: 当選者が決定しました。おめでとうございます。



* このプレゼントに応募するために購入する必要はありません。









Syed Balkhi


Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPBeginner is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us. Here's our editorial process.


Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner and Awesome Motive Inc. He started using WordPress in 2006 and has over 16 years of experience building WordPress websites, WordPress plugins, and custom WordPress themes. His WordPress plugins and software apps are used by over 25 million websites today. Syed was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by the United Nations, and his work is featured in top publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc, Business Insider, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, and more.

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Reader Interactions

413件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Muneeb Abdul Rauf

    Thank you for doing giveaway. I’ll also recommend to others. Waiting for the giveaway result. Excited

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Muneeb – we’ll email the giveaway winner once it’s announced and also have the name listed on this blog post :)


  2. Anas akhzar

    First off all congratulations on your birthday.
    All my wordpress knowledge credit goes to wpbeginner.
    I still remember those errors when I first started my wp site. But all thanks to wpbeginner for helping me in resolving those errors.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Anas.

      Yes, there’s nothing like the satisfaction of solving those early WordPress errors :)


  3. Henry Morris

    Thanks for your generous spirit in helping people like me start up with WordPress. It is very refreshing to see that in these difficult times it is those businesses who have this attitude of sharing and generosity which are beginning to prosper, as they should do.

  4. Kelly

    Thank you for all you do and share!

  5. Charles Pearmain

    I followed the link in your recent email here Syed (OK, I was lured by the idea of a neat prize!). I follow WPBeginner on Facebook and have found everyone there to be very friendly, helpful and respectful whatever a user’s level of experience is – one of the nicest groups on FB in this regard. What I didn’t know about are the things that you personally do for the community in addition to the help you give thousands of WP beginners (and more skilled users who are STUCK!).

    Well done, and good fortune with WPBeginner.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment Charles. Truly appreciate you being part of our community :)


  6. Bill

    Happy Birthday Syed, Love to see people getting there1 well done.


  7. Reza Prama Arviandi

    Thank you for your time, effort, and everything that you gave to WordPress development so far, Syed. Your dedication is truly extraordinary. I followed you 8 years ago and you have progressed very far. Congratulations again. Btw, can I win? I really need some of your gifts. thanks.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you for the kind words Reza and following along for so many years.

      Giveaway is random, but I highly encourage you to enter and complete as many entries as possible to increase your chances of winning :)


  8. Daniel

    Happy birthday to WPbegginners. More blessed years to come. Done all the giveaway activity, thanks…

  9. Cotter BAss

    I have followed WPBeginner for many years – and it NEVER disappoints!
    It offers more detailed information than I could ever absorb. Happy Birthday!

  10. Shivam Sharma

    I hope I win …….. really struggling with hosting even after working so hard on the website on free hosting

  11. Nadzim Putit

    Happy birthday! I never learnt more about WordPress from any other site. Keep up the awesome work!

  12. Siranjeevi

    What ever issues I have in my blog I can get the solutions quickly by the help of your posts. Here I can get the answer for all type questions related to my blog

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Siranjeevi — if you ever don’t find a question – please use our contact form to suggest an article idea :)

      That’s how we come up with our content calendar.


  13. Ludovic

    thanks for your prize, i’m all apreciate your work and may god bless you in all work you done to ensure even people like me, with less income (i mean , low income to purchase domain as well as hosting service ) got chance to acqure your prize when it happen

  14. KatJaeger

    Thanks for the support you’ve given me in this journey! It’s a great resource.

  15. John Scott

    Just like to extend a hearty 3Thank you” to you, Syed, for all of the time, effort and high-quality input that you devote to your work for our benefit.
    Hoping that 2020-21 will prove to be even more successful for you (and that you top the 200,000 mark on Youtube!)
    Very best wishes,
    John Scott
    (‘Blue Sun’)

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you John for your continued support and wishes. This is what keeps us motivated :)


  16. Michael Ogunwo

    wpbeginner has helped me become a WordPress developer.
    Am glad I came across this blog

  17. Jake De La Cruz

    Wow! Amazing achievements, giving back focus and acquisitions! Thanks for all the guides you and your team have shared thru this website.

  18. Evindu Shavinda

    Happy Birthday you WPBeginner. Today is also my 15th Birthday . May your dreams come true.

  19. Richard Yarbrough

    I need to learn EVERYTHING !

  20. David Anozie

    Oh I don’t know if am eligible for this, but no problems.

  21. Michael Ogunwo

    wpbeginner is a Life saving blog..
    I Love wpbeginner

  22. Tolani Jesse

    Happy Birthday WPBeginner.
    Congrats to the best WordPress site ever.
    Thank you for all the amazing articles you have written
    Its really helped a lot.

  23. Jacey

    Thank you Syed. From the day I discovered WPBeginner you have been my go-to for nearly all those 11 years. I’m of the pre-digital generation – coming up to 70, didn’t grow up with internet – and you make it so clear & so easy. I’ve crafted & run a dozen sites now thanks to your great articles, advice and generous help. Wishing you & your family al the very best in the years to come.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you so much for your continued support Jacey. I truly appreciate your kind words and well wishes. This is what motivates me to keep going :)


  24. adiaz luo

    Pretty good to be with WPBeginner.

  25. Jason gomes

    Congrats wpbegginner team for your success by the way the shareable link wasn’t getting copied had to manually copy it

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Jason – we’ll look into the issue with shareable link. I appreciate you manually copying it :)


  26. Steve Weber

    I always appreciate your blog posts. Often I learn something, other times I confirm what I (mostly) already knew.

    Here’s to the next 11 years!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Steve for your continued support. Looking forward to the next 11 years for sure :)


  27. Kenya F

    Congratulations on hitting the 11-year mark! I enjoy your content, the lessons I’ve learned, and can’t wait to see what else Wpbeginner will do. Cheers to many, many more years!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Kenya – we have a lot of exciting stuff coming in the near future. Team is working very very hard on it :)


  28. Dale Reardon


    Thanks ever so much for the competition / giveaway.

    Could really use a gift license to some of your Pro plugins.


  29. Rose Gob

    I haven’t started my WP blog yet. But thank you for this article. I am leaving it open so that I can go back to it, and go through each topic. I hope to learn a lot from your post and find a new means to earn while staying at home. By simply going through the photos of your family and the content of this article, I can really feel your sincerity to help.

    I wish you health and sending my gratitude towards you and your family.

  30. Una

    I’m loving learning how to use WordPress, it’s a great challenge and exciting. Thanks so much for this and all the help you put out there for the people who use it. Fantastic support.
    Happy 11th Birthday!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you for the kind words Una, and we’re glad to be part of your WordPress journey :)


  31. Riddhima

    Hello sir! I am just a beginner in this field…. I mean I used to eat different different foods and bake so many things then one day when my mom told me your exams are coming don’t waste your time in this and go study. I went to study but I was constantly thinking about food and baking and new tips for baking etc. And then I felt that it has become my passion. It gives me peace and I am happy doing this. I even started an Instagram page just a couple of days ago. And everyone says do what makes you happy! So I decided that I have to do more in this field. I love it and I want to get more knowledge about it and go far. Then after seeing so many videos when u goggled about it . Wp came as a suggestion then I read so many things about it and decided to give it a try. And the way you are explaining everything through your email. I am very thankful to you sir . Because there’s no one who can tell me more about this and give Suggestions. I am glad I reached out to you. I am relieved that I have came to a right place.

  32. Pam Rennie

    Congratulations on the big anniversary!
    Thank you for this amazing platform for all of us beginners. Rich content and excellent advice.

  33. Suyog

    You’re Best! I always find your articles helpful when I’m in trouble! Thank you so much for all those articles and Happy Birthday! Wish I could be member of Wpbeginner family :)

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Suyog – please apply to our job listings and we’ll be in touch if we’re a good fit :)


  34. Syed Tauqeer

    i am just imagining to talk with syed Balkhi

    • Editorial Staff

      I’m looking forward to chatting with the lucky winner — last year’s conversation was very fun :)


  35. Luz Alquinto

    Happy 11th birthday, WPBeginner! I’m so glad I found this website – it truly is a valuable tool for a WP newbie like me. Cheers to more successful years ahead!

  36. Mark Roth

    When I do a Google search for WordPress stuff and I see, I’m confident of reading something helpful. Thank you for this resource, which I’ve been consulting for years!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Mark – truly humbled to have your trust. We will continue our best to create even more awesome tutorials – if you have any tutorial ideas, definitely send us an email :)


  37. David Anozie

    This is a very interesting opportunity for me to get a sweet MacBook laptop. WPbeginner is the best online school to learn how to do anything in blogging.

  38. Sandra

    Congratulations on 11 years Syed! Thank you for all the support on the WP journey!

  39. Neal Umphred


    Over the seven years I have been blogging, I have turned to WPBeginner many times for answers to simple and complicated questions.

    I also appreciate that WPB offers easy-to-follow directions for configuring many plugins (something that should be on the WordPress repository page for every plugin).

    Thanks and keep on keepin’ on!


    PS: I recently replaced various modules in Jetpack and now have MonsterInsights on all my blogs. Works and looks great.

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Neal, truly appreciate your continued support of WPBeginner.

      Also great move on replacing Jetpack Analytics with MonsterInsights. It’s far better and give you more insights :)


  40. Doug

    Congratulations and thank you for all the valuable information you and your team have provided over the years!

  41. Masud Rana

    Happy birthday to wpbeginner! I have learned a lot about WordPress from wpbeginner. Best wishes.

  42. Shubham Mishra

    Helpful Article With Giveaway.

  43. Vinay Lakhe

    Impressed with your contributions.

  44. Arup Datta

    I learned a lot from WPBeginner. thank You :)

  45. Fizza Tahira

    Happy birthday good luck to you and your team.

  46. Melanie Lewis

    Through the years we have learned so very much from WPBeginner! Your short, easy to follow video tutorials are THE BEST!! And I’m grateful you also include a print version so I can study and refer back to exactly what the step by step process is if I can’t catch it right away from the video.

    Thank you for all that you freely give to make the internet a better place! Happy Birthday!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Melanie for the kind words – glad you enjoy the videos and web version of tutorials :)


  47. Olga

    You are doing a great job!


  48. Kerry McAvoy

    Incredible accomplishments. Happy Birthday WPBeginner!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you Kerry – yes when I first started in 2009, it was just a simple blog to help users. Incredible to see how far WordPress has come :)


  49. Raaz shrestha

    Thanks for this give away.

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