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先週、WPBeginnerのロード時間を短縮するために、MaxCDNとして知られる最大のコンテンツデリバリーネットワークの1つと契約を結ぶことができました。今週初め、サイトの最適化というキーワードでWPBeginnerにいくつかの変更を加えました。まずすべて、WP Super Cacheから W3 Total Cacheプラグインに切り替えました。これは、WP Super Cacheが悪いプラグインだという意味ではありません。ただ、サイトの現段階では、もっと多機能で強力なものが必要だったということです。

W3 Total CacheがMaxCDNと完全に互換性があることも、乗り換えた主な理由のひとつだ。コンテンツデリバリーネットワークと組み合わせてW3 Total Cacheプラグインを使用し、セットアップする方法をステップバイステップで紹介する完全なチュートリアルを近日公開する予定です。W3 Total CacheのセットアップはWP Super Cacheに比べて初心者には簡単ではありません。チュートリアルが公開される来週まで待つことをお勧めします。


これは誰もが考える疑問でしょう。私たちのサイトが一定のユーザー数に達したら、サイトの高いパフォーマンスを維持するために、このような動きをしなければならないことは分かっていました。MaxCDNは、MashableTemplate MonsterBuySellAdsなどのトップサイトを支えている会社です。MaxCDNは、Mashable、Template Monster、BuySellAdsなどのトップサイトを運営している会社です。









情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. wpbeginner

    @sibtiger33 At the time when we moved, Super Cache didn’t have CDN support. It also didn’t have db caching, browser caching, and other methods that are offered in Total cache.

  3. sibtiger33

    I’m confused why did you move from Super Cache – what does Total Cache do which is better than Super Cache? I currently use Super Cache without any issue with MaxCDN – just want to know more about the reason behind the move

  4. Jay

    Just used your coupon code and it worked fine. Thanks

  5. DJ NightLife

    Not sure I fully understand what MaxCDN does… does it fully replace any webhosting service like Knownhost ? And besides 40$ per month, is there any other extra fee? Is this compatible with cPanel?

    • Editorial Staff

      MaxCDN does not replace your current web hosting. This is an additional layer. CDN = Content delivery network. It takes your media files and template files and mirrors them on several cloud servers. So if your user is located in Florida, then they will load the files from Orlando’s datacenter. Which not only makes the site load faster, but by dividing the server load, you are increasing performance and reducing the risks of crashes. MaxCDN is perfectly compatible with WordPress and any other cPanel web host.


    • Dhillon

      40$ for 1TB is just for the trial first month after that its 99$ per month for 1TB ( or PAYG 10cent per GB )
      Still cheap IMO.

      Also for the first month trial you can avail 25% discount by using coupon code “wpbeginner“.

      • Mouad

        What if I use less than 1TB ? I got a small website which utilizes much less traffic than 1 TB. WIll I still pay for 1 TB , or the actual traffic I use ?

        • Editorial Staff

          You can buy 1 TB, but that lasts until you have used it all… you pay as you go.

        • Mouad

          I see, thanx. But what do you mean by saying “after that its 99$ per month for 1TB”??

          After the first 1 TB, do you pay 99$ for the second TB, or do you pay 99$ for the second month?

          Please clarify that, as I am willing to join MAxCDN

  6. Justin Germino

    I was considering MaxCDN or Amazon S3 when I convert to a CDN network to improve load times and reduce load on my shared hosting provider. I think if you use Shared Hosting, CDN networks allow you to handle more traffic without putting extra load on your hosting provider which allows you a greater # of visits.

    I like W3 Total Cache, do you set it to FTP your images/content to the MaxCDN or URL redirect?

    I just don’t know if I want to commit to an extra $30 per month yet, since that is around 15% of my blog earnings just to cover my CDN costs.

    • Editorial Staff

      It is a redirect. All URLs are automatically taken care of with MaxCDN. We highly recommend their service.


  7. Omri

    Hi Adam,

    Can you clarify, is it 1TB of bandwidth every month for $39/month? In other words, does the bandwidth allocation reset each month, giving you a new 1TB allotment?


  8. xAquatics

    I’ve used Amazon’s S3 service before. It certainly helped with the price of bandwidth but it didn’t do much to speed up content delivery. I was disappointed with how slow content delivery was on Amazon S3. I’m sure it would be difficult to compare MaxCDN to Amazon S3, but does anyone know of a benchmark test between the two or even between any other CDN services?

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Adam,

      This does speed up the site even when you don’t think it is doing it. When we were all based on one central server, upon every traffic hit, the entire site would slow down. For example, hitting the Front Page of Digg would cause the site to slow down for other users due to increase server load. Most articles that go viral, don’t just go viral in one network. Now you have Stumbleupon, Twitter, Digg, Facebook, Reddit and others sending you heavy traffic all at once, impact those users who come from search engines looking for something else. In that term, CDN help a lot. Normally, you can achieve almost similar page load time with just having the right caching and .htaccess settings, but with CDN and correct .htaccess / caching setting (you are pretty much assured a faster site)


      • Adam W. Warner

        @Editorial Staff,

        Thank you for the additional information, but I think my original question may have been misunderstood. Maybe I was asking too simple a question…

        …does a CDN replace one’s current hosting or is it a service you use in addition to a current hosting plan?

        • Editorial Staff

          CDN does not replace an existing hosting account. This is a layer on top of your current hosting account giving it extra stability, so your site loads fast at all times.

  9. Bryce

    Good timing! I’m looking into using MaxCDN for my sites. Looking forward to the W3 Total Cache tutorial.

  10. Adam W. Warner

    Can you clarify for those user who may not be familiar…how does using a CDN Network work with your existing hosting?

    More to the point, is a CDN the same as a hosting account and would require moving an existing site? Or is a CDN a service that can be layered onto an existing site with no need to change hosts?

    • Editorial Staff

      Not a Paid POST… more of an announcement. It was telling users what is going on with WPBeginner. Paid Posts are when we start recommending products that have no use / value for our users.

      This is telling our users that we made these changes in the site within the last few days. More so of a press release.


