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WPBeginner限定 – Bluehost $2.95/月 + 無料ドメイン (期間限定クーポン)


Bluehost 2.95 Special




Bluehostは、ウェブ上で最も古いウェブホスティングサービスの会社の一つです(1996年に開始 – Googleよりも古い)。WordPressのホスティングサービスでは最大のブランド名であり、私たちのサイトを含む数百万ものサイトをホスティングしています。





  • ドメイン名を無料で取得できる(Bluehostの場合のみ)
  • より多くのテーマやデザインカスタマイザーオプションにアクセスできる。
  • プラグインをインストールできる。
  • 何の制限もなく、独自の広告を実行することができます。
  • 独自のストアを作成することができます。
  • WordPress.comでは利用規約に縛られ、ユーザーが広告を表示しないようにお金を払わない限り、広告が表示されることが多い。














→ 今すぐBluehostにサインアップ←– 史上最低価格+無料ドメイン名。

情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Anne

    Does this deal apply to me? I’m a user with a self-hosted website (10 published pages on the site)?

  3. Dell Walston

    Would this be a good place for me to start a garden blog? I have never used Wordpress, BlueHost, etc. All of this is new to me and although nervous, know that I have much to offer the gardening community. I see that the $2.95 offer expired July 1st. What is the current charge?

  4. Jack

    Can’t find the offer when I click through. I’m quite new to the WP thing so I’m not even sure if I need this? Seems like everyone everywhere wants money for something and I’m not sure what’s necessary and what I can live without.

    • Editorial Staff

      This offer expired yesterday. You definitely need hosting for your blog. See the link we mentioned in this article about vs


  5. Amanda

    Didn’t realise it was US$ but that’s ok. Still an awesome offer. Signed up an idle domain name I’ve had sitting there for ages. Just the kick in the butt I needed to get action going! Thanks.

    • Editorial Staff

      It’s always great to take advantage of an offer like this to get a kick start :)


  6. Michele Verley

    I started the login process with bluehost via your link but there was so mention of a free domain name. In fact as I’m going through the payment process it tells me the domain fee of $11.99. Is that part of the offer expired? Thanks.

  7. Subrato

    How to add ad on my word press site?

  8. Connie Sanders

    How long is the domain name free? And what will be the cost to renew the domain name after the free period? As well as the cost to renew the hosting? I believe you said the $2.95 is good for one year.

    If I am not happy with the hosting service, can I change hosts taking my domain name with me? I don’t want to have a hosts that keeps all my data, etc. or charges me an arm and a leg to release.

    Thank you for sharing this offer. I am very new to this business of blogging and this seems a good/affordable way to start. Albeit, a little nervous!

  9. Sonya Hill

    I am going to need email services too. Is this included? How do I get an email address that is compatible with the domain name etc?

  10. Sandra Martin

    Hello is this offer open to Canadians, or only Americans? Thanks

  11. Charisse

    Thank you for the offer, I’m glad that I researched and found your article and offer. I’d like to know if I can host two domains on one account, as I do on my current host, or do I have to have separate $2.95 per month accounts for each domain’s website. Thank you.

    • Editorial Staff

      On the $2.95 plan, you can only host one website. They do offer another plan which is $4.95 which allows multiple websites.


  12. jill

    Sounds great.
    I have a and it works fine for me but I always read I should be on the .org.
    I have my domain already through godaddy and it is rerouted to my blog.
    I’m nervous to switch b/c I’m not technical (which is why I like the .com)

    Question: What other costs are associated with this? Is the $2.95 month paid in a year’s chunk or month to month?

    Will you move everything over including comments, likes, etc..
    Will the site look exactly the same?

    What happens if I hate it? Can I just switch back to without any disruption?

    Thanks! This looks like a great offer, I’m just not sure I’m ready to make the leap :)

    • Editorial Staff

      Hi Jill,

      1. You have to pay that $2.95 in a year’s chunk.

      2. Yes, we will move over everything including comments, posts, etc. Likes cannot be moved unless you have a custom domain on

      3. The site will look exactly the same if that theme is available on (most are).

      4. Yes you can switch back without disruption.


  13. shaurya

    great offer. I would like to know if this offer is just for the first year or forever ?. secondly I want to purchase the PLUS plan, the one in the middle, is it also on discount ??
    And lastly, what will be the grandtotal if I chose 1 yr PLUS plan without any additional services, they are not showing the GRAND total and are straight away asking for the CC info


    • Editorial Staff

      This offer is for 1 year only. Most promotional offers are ran the same way.

      Yes the middle plan is also on discount. I think it’s at $4.95 / month.

      As long as you don’t select any other services during the checkout, the grand total is the plan you select (pre-paid annually).


  14. A

    What about switching hosts period?
    Say you are at site5 or iPage? Would you help set up the transaction?

  15. Rick

    I have been planning to start a blog and go through BlueHost. I have a blog that I don’t use right now. I was planning to purchase a WP theme from outside of WP. In addition, I already own a domain (actually 3) through 1&1. Can I use this offer to migrate my to, then use my owned domain name on BlueHost? Can I use a purchased WP theme, like from ThemeGrill? I am just starting out.

  16. Lucy

    This looks like a great offer, but I have already bought the domain name I wish to use via a different provider. Can this deal include mapping of an existing domain name?


    • Editorial Staff

      Yes you can definitely use a different domain and still use this offer.


  17. Tammi L. Coles

    I’ve been looking to switch to a WordPress optimized server for a while and have heard nothing but good things about BlueHost. Now’s my chance!

    Thanks for the tip, the discount, and for all you folks do to improve my WordPress experience

