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WordPress 4.8の新機能

編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。

つい数時間前にWordPress 4.8がリリースされました。2017年最初のメジャーリリースであり、待望の新機能や機能強化が盛り込まれています。この投稿では、WordPress 4.8の新機能と、サイト更新後に試すべき機能をご紹介します。

What's new in WordPress 4.8




WordPress 4.8には3つの新しい初期設定があります。ユーザーは長い間これらのウィジェットを求めていましたが、ついに登場しました。


The new image widget in WordPress 4.8


WordPress 4.8では、画像ウィジェットをサイドバーにドラッグ&ドロップするだけでよい。ウィジェットの設定で「画像を追加」ボタンをクリックするだけで、おなじみのWordPressメディアアップローダーが表示されます。


Image widget preview


New video widget in WordPess 4.8

画像ウィジェットと同様に、WordPress 4.8には動画ウィジェットも含まれています。WordPressのサイドバーに動画をアップロードしたり、YouTube、Vimeo、その他のプロバイダーからの動画を表示することができます。




Insert your video URL



Audio widget in WordPress 4.8




Text widget with visual and text editors in WordPress 4.8

以前は、初期設定のテキストウィジェットは単なるプレーンテキストエリアであり、非常に基本的な書式設定のために独自のHTMLを追加する必要がありました。WordPress 4.8では、ビジュアルエディターをサポートした新しく改良されたテキストウィジェットが同梱されています。



Better link editing in WordPress 4.8

ビジュアルエディターを使って投稿する際、多くの初心者がリンクからカーソルを離すのが難しいと感じていました。WordPress 4.8ではこの問題が修正され、ユーザーは右矢印キーまたは左矢印キーを押すだけでリンクからカーソルを離すことができるようになりました。

WordPress ニュース&イベントダッシュボードウィジェット

WordPress events and news widget

WordPress 4.8では、新たに「WordPress News and Events」ダッシュボードウィジェットが導入されました。このウィジェットはWordPress管理エリアのダッシュボード画面に外観表示され、WordPressニュースや現在地周辺のWordPressイベントを表示します。




WordPress 4.8では、開発者にとっても嬉しい変更がいくつかあります。以下はその一部です。


TinyMCE エディターを JS 経由で動的にインスタンス化するための新しい API。(#35760)


大きな画面でライブテーマカスタマイザーを使っている場合、サイドバーが狭く見えることに気づいたかもしれません。WordPress 4.8 では、カスタマイザーのサイドバー幅がユーザーの画面サイズに比例するようになりました。(#32296)


WordPress 4.8以降、ユーザー編集画面の見出しにユーザー名が目立つように表示されるようになりました。(#28182)



この投稿で、WordPress 4.8の新機能をご理解いただけたと思います。私たちは特に新しいメディアウィジェットに興奮しています。あなたは何に興奮していますか?

この投稿が気に入ったなら、WordPressの動画チュートリアルをYouTubeチャンネルに登録してください。Twitterや Facebookでもご覧いただけます。

情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Corinne says

    Anyone else having trouble with the Featured Image option for blog posts now? Since updated to 4.8, I haven’t been able to add a featured image on any of my posts. (Never had a problem before the update). Thoughts?

  3. Keith K. says

    Today I updated my WordPress from 4.71 to 4.8.

    All seemed to go well but got the server Error 500 and could not get to my admin or dashboard.

    I tried all the things that others have mentioned, including renaming the plugins folder, and also the theme so it defaults to another (to eliminate a theme conflict), but nothing would work for me.
    I do have CPanel access and on the suspicion that it may be some caching issue, I deleted the plugin W3 Total Cache which I saw had many entries for this day.

    I tried, but got some error messages that there were 2 other “cache.php” files that I needed to be removed from the wp-content file. One was object-cache.php but I do not recall the other one.

    Since simply doing this WordPress update I have wasted several hours of work time and it has been quite exasperating.
    So, when I removed that plugin manually in Cpanel, and deleted those 2 cache.php files, …It worked!

    I now again have all dashboard access. Since this was such an unexpected hassle, I thought I would share the solution that at least worked for me, so it may also help others. Good luck.

    Hope it goes more smoothly for you. At the very least I might suggest that you deactivate at least any caching, if not all, plugins before updating. If you turn some plugins back on, one at a time, at least you know what is causing the problem, but you may still have to use my solution after it shuts you out too.

  4. Suanlian Tangpua says

    I’ve noticed that the text widget stopped working after the WP 4.8 update. It shows perfectly fine on the appearance-widgets (front end) section but on the page widgets section in the back end, it doesn’t show the editable text fields so nothing can be entered in it. Any ideas?

  5. Stef says

    I agree with Dorian, the same thing is happening to me, I use the video widget, and a black rectangle with a play bar underneath (that wouldn’t do anything) when I look at my site via firefox,
    When I look at my site via Chrome, the widget does display the video twice: the black rectangle like above and an overlap video thumbnail of the youtube video!
    I would think they test their widget before releasing it, so what I am doing wrong?

  6. Daniel says

    Hello please I need help.. When ever I activate yoast plugin on my WordPress, I will be unable to login to my admin dashboard.

    But when it not activated everything will be fine.

    Please I need help and suggestions because it yoast seo that I use to create my Google site map!

  7. Thiyagesh says

    Hi Anyone,

    Can we discuss here to resolve text widget visual editor because of wordpress new release on 4.8, so it will be useful for all?

    Because of the default visual editor in text widget. I have around more than 20 text widgets on my site with so many icon related html with anchor links, all will be deleted, If I save each (currently I have to copy paste from my backup file to modify them).

    If text widget opens text editor default – not the visual editor in the text widget, It will be very helpful.

  8. Salvatore Salvia says

    What happened to the edit page / view page buttons in the Admin Bar that allowed a logged-in Admin or Editor to edit and view a page, Woocommerce Product, Post, etc. when the published item is displayed in the web browser?

    Is there a way to restore this critical functionality in WP 4.8? Why in the world would developers remove this???

  9. Pamela says

    They totally ruined the text widget with that Visual tab T_T If someone know a way to disable the tab please let me know.


  10. Dorian says

    I tried video widget (with youtube videos) last night. There was a thumbnail generated during import, but every time I would attempt publishing it, there was a black rectangle with a play bar ubderneath (that wouldn’t do anything), so I gave up. I am using ET’s Extra theme…

  11. Chris Coyer says

    Whats new? Nothing!
    3 widgets we are not gonna use (how bout letting us run shortcodes on the text widget) and a feed we have to hide so our clients dont see that

  12. Iyanu Victor says

    After utilizing WordPress for my blog for over 6 months, I can say I WordPress is the best cms anywhere. Free support, themes, and plugins, a very big thank you to the WordPress developers community.

    Also, WPbeginner has always been the place I visit often to learn more and they’ve really helped me.

  13. Joshua Orekhie says

    The changes are timely. It came at a point when am about to change my theme. Can you tell us the easy steps for beginneer on how to update the Latest WordPress 4.8. I need to this by myself

  14. Mary says

    Thank you so much for this article!

    I know WP is amazing and the updates have created many improvements, but I still cringe.

    Sometimes it is quit a learning curve for me. This really helped
    Thanks again! Mary

