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WordPress 4.5の新機能

WordPress4.5「コールマン」がつい先ほどリリースされました。2016年最初のWordPressメジャーリリースであり、いくつかのエキサイティングな新機能が搭載されています。この投稿では、WordPress 4.5の新機能と、サイト更新後に試すべき機能をご紹介します。

What's New in WordPress 4.5 (Features and Screenshots)





WordPress 4.5では、テーマ開発者がテーマのロゴサポートを有効化できるようになりました。これにより、ユーザーはカスタマイザーを使ってサイトのロゴを設定できるようになる。

Theme support for logo in WordPress 4.5



サイトアイコンは WordPress 4.4で導入されました。この機能により、ユーザーは自分のサイトにファビコンとアプリケーションアイコンを設定することができます。

WordPress 4.5では、この機能が若干改善されました。4.4.2までは、画像を設定する際にサイトアイコンのプレビューが表示されるだけでした。4.5では、サイトアイコンを設定した後、サイトアイデンティティパネルの下にもプレビューが表示されます。

Site icon preview


WordPress 4.5のカスタマイザーには、デスクトップ、タブレット、モバイル端末用のレスポンシブ・ライブプレビューが搭載されています。


Responsive previews in WordPress 4.5


レスポンシブ画像はWordPress 4.4の大きな改善点の一つで、WordPressは小さな画面のユーザーに対してより小さな画像サイズを表示できるようになりました。

WordPress 4.5では、WordPressが画像サイズを生成する方法のパフォーマンスを改善することで、新たなレベルに到達しました。

WordPress 4.5では、画像サイズを生成するWordPressのパフォーマンスが改善され、新たなレベルに到達しました。これまでWordPressは、画像を圧縮する際に90の画質を使用していました。現在は82を使用し、ほぼ同じ画像をより小さなサイズで生成します。


WordPress 4.5では、コメントモデレーション画面がすっきりし、より使いやすくなりました。4.4.2までは、コメントモデレーション通知メールのリンクをクリックすると、このようなページが表示されていました:

Old comment moderation page in WordPress 4.4 and earlier


WordPress 4.5のコメント編集画面はこのようになっています。

New comment moderation screen in WordPress 4.5



WordPress 4.5では、同一ドメインへのリンクにはnofollow属性が付きません。






WordPress 4.5では、より速く、より楽しく文章を書くことができるように、いくつかの既存の改良をベースに、いくつかの新しい改良が加えられています。



WordPress 4.5では、CTRL+Kを押すとインラインのリンク挿入メニューが表示されます。URLを入力するだけで、キーボードから手を離すことなく投稿を続けることができる。

Inline link editing in WordPress 4.5



WordPress 4.5では、3つ以上のダッシュを使用して水平線を追加することができます。また、バックスティック `code` を使ってコードを追加することもできる。

WordPress 4.5では、太字と斜体のショートカットも追加される予定であることをお伝えした。残念ながら、これらのショートカットのパターンは4.5には入りませんでした。

new inline shortcuts in WordPress 4.5


Keyboard shortcuts modal





WordPress 4.5では、ユーザー名またはメールアドレスのどちらかをユーザー名として使用してサインインすることができます。

Login with email support in WordPress 4.5



WordPress 4.5では、開発者向けにエキサイティングな新機能も追加されました。

ライブラリの更新– WordPress 4.5には、Underscores、Backbone、jQuery、jQuery Migrateの新しいバージョンのライブラリがバンドルされています。

カスタマイザーでの選択的更新– これまでは、カスタマイザーでのいくつかの変更にはページ全体のリロードが必須でした。WordPress 4.5には、カスタマイザーで選択的な更新を可能にするフレームワークが付属しています。これは高速で、開発者はライブプレビューで素晴らしいことができるようになります。(#27355).

カスタマイズ可能な埋め込みテンプレート– WordPress 4.4では、ユーザーが自分や他のWordPressブログの投稿を埋め込める埋め込みが導入されました。WordPress 4.5では埋め込みテンプレートがカスタマイズ可能になり、テーマの投稿者が自分のテーマに合わせて埋め込み表示を調整できるようになりました。(#34561)

WP_Siteクラス– WordPress 4.5では、マルチサイトWordPressインストール用のWP_Siteクラスが追加されました。(#32450)

スクリプトローダー– WordPress 4.5では、インラインスクリプトを簡単に追加できるwp_add_inline_script()が導入されました。(#14853,#35873)

この投稿で WordPress 4.5 の新機能の概要をご理解いただけたと思います。私たちは特に、最適化された画像ジェネレータと埋め込みテンプレートに興奮しています。あなたは何に興奮していますか?

この投稿が気に入ったなら、WordPressの動画チュートリアルをYouTubeチャンネルに登録してください。Twitterや Facebookでもご覧いただけます。

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Reader Interactions

42件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. vh

    Is there any way to persuade your developers to please return to the old way of inserting links? What a freaking NUISANCE the new system is! You have to jump through three hoops (at least) and half the time the da** thing doesn’t insert the link, so you have to go through all that unnecessary hoop-jump again.

    Your users have enough work to do without WordPress kindly adding more hassle.

  2. Johny

    I prefer insert link menu on previous wp version
    on the latest version 4.5.2 I have to work twice to insert link

  3. Cassidy

    When I upload a new image to the website I don’t have any sizing options (thumb, small, med, large). It always puts the image in at full size. The image size I use (ideal for Pinterest) is just larger than the width of my blog posts. I’m having to manually resize them so they don’t get cut off.

    Anyone else with this issue or know what’s causing it?

    • alex

      Yes. I also facing same problem. So far do you get any solution to solve the image cut off problem?
      Thank You

      • Cassidy

        Once you inset the picture into the post, click on the image and then the edit button. Under sizing you can then select “Custom size” which will allow you to input whatever size you want the image. It’s time consuming, but at least I have images that work now!

  4. Quentin

    Why is this not a responsive site?


  5. C. James Cote

    I think that, as far as the link editor update – first of all, not only was in completely un-necessary, but it now requires at least six extra steps if you want your links to open up in a separate tab.

    Yes, sure, pressing the tab, space-bar, and enter key six times does not seem like a big deal, but for someone who spends at least 10 or more hours every day pressing buttons, this is quite annoying and actually doubles the time necessary to do this simple step, and I see no reason for this “update”.

    Other than that, I always look forward to new WordPress updates.

    • Bibiana GF

      I don’t like this upgrade I can’t edit any content in pages. Does anybody has figure this out? Please help!!!! Thanks

  6. Mike Ament

    I like the new inline link editor but is there a way to make it default to “open link in new tab” instead of needing to open the settings to do it?

  7. Mark M

    Be aware that if you are using commercial templates e.g. Themeforest. I have several client sites broken by this update. The template developers are fairly quickly coming out with updates to fix incompatibilities but just be aware you’ll have to deal with this. Mostly have to do with Visual Composer. Backend and/or front end depending on template freezes so you can’t edit. Also, one of my template that allows a logo to be uploaded … logo disappeared until i applied an update to the template.

    Just take your time… and BACKUP.

  8. Mike

    Inline links feature is annoying as hell. Anyway to disable this useless feature aka “BUG”?

    • Zif

      I agree completely. There’s also a focus bug that makes it extra annoying. If anyone figures out a plugin or way to disable this annoying “feature”, please reply!! It’s driving me nuts.

  9. Skye

    I don’t see an advantage to log in with e-mail address instead of username but see a bigger risk to get my site hacked. Can I disabled this possibility?
    I do get daily trials to hack my site!

    • Chen

      I agree with Skye. People exchange email addresses, and this feature isn’t safer. Anyone knows how to disable this feature?

  10. Rene Gouw

    In addition to Zach Jenkins comment, i also find the inline link editor not as nice as it was.
    If you put in the link name now, it puts this link name straight away into the text and i only want to see this link name when you hoover over the link with the mouse as in earlier days.

  11. Terry

    We badly need better ways to manage media. A method to keep media organized into folders and sub folders. The current year / month thing is terrible. Having to scroll through hundreds of images to find something is extremely wasteful. Hope this feature gets some improvement soon.

    The current changes are useful, but nothing like a good media management system would be.


  12. Michael

    I would like to get some help getting my WP site to accept pasted text and pictures from the Gmedia Gallery…
    these vital features crashed with 4.5

  13. Michael

    upgraded to 4.5 and then my site will not longer accept new text or photos.
    NOT a welcome turn of events…

    • DITTO

      I’m dead in the water on ALL of my sites now. My edit window is very small, all my text runs together and I can’t even begin to add a youtube video or a link. I hate this and hope it is fixed ASAP.

  14. Ricardo Ribeiro

    “In WordPress 4.5, pressing CTRL+K shows an inline insert link menu. Simply type the URL and continue writing your post without removing hands from keyboard.”

    In my installation it doesn’t work like that. If I Ctrl K and write the URL, It will replace the word(s) text with the URL I am typing and it won’t link at all. The whole new concept is a buggy disgrace.

  15. ray

    I like my wordpress the way it is. My site will most likely crash if I upgrade and will make a long night ahead for me trying to get the backup to work. No thanks…

  16. Ellie Gill

    Hi – I just downloaded Coleman and now can’t work out how to update my theme, as it has caused some conflicts. ANy help would be appreciated.



  17. Toby

    I’m still utterly waiting for nice media management, which, in my opinion, is one of the big gaps that WordPress core developers still fail to fill.

    A simple functionality to create folders and organize media in a more structured way would be a big step forward!

    Sorry, I don’t need responsive preview, I don’t need a REST API (btw. how many of you do?), only real improvement that I see is the login with e-mail.

  18. SMSA

    It might be a silly question, but my site has a fully customised template. Normally it is not affected by wordpress upgrades (or theme upgrades, since it doesn’t use the wordpress standard themes). It does not use a child theme because it was from scratch. If I am reading the warning on the upgrade page and the info about the update on wordpress correctly, then it sounds like this 4.5 will overwrite custom themes? Where does that leave me?

  19. Zach Jenkins

    I just thought I’d ask here just to see if anyone else has any suggestions. The new inline link editor has been extremely buggy for me; erasing links, remaining open with no way to dismiss, obviously adding extra work if need to edit a link or add a nofollow attribute. I know this was made core (though I think without adequate use testing) so does anyone know of a plugin that would revert the behavior to the more advanced link editor?

    I think it was designed for those that compose everything inside of WordPress and not for those that may copy and paste the text and links from other programs and then clean it up inside the visual editor.

    Or if there is info to file proper bug reports to core to let them know what’s wrong or why this should be something that could perhaps be overridden with a setting, that would be much appreciated.

    • Gaya

      I would appreciate some help with this too. The inline link box won’t close after I input the link — clicking elsewhere and pressing Esc don’t work and there is no X button for closing it — and I end up not being able to see the text behind the box. If I want to make the link open in a new tab/window, I have to click the gear icon. I don’t know if anyone else has this problem or if there is something else I should be doing, but personally this new feature has complicated my workflow, not improved it. If anyone has suggestions, I’d love to hear it, as I’m not a WP expert.

      • Dan

        I’m having the same issue with links. If I add a link on my site opening in the same window is fine. If I have a link to another site I always have it open in a new window/tab. This is now much more difficult to do and the popover box won’t close once you edit the settings by clicking on the gear icon.

        The only way I can get it to close is to start another link somewhere else and then close out of that. Hope they fix this.

    • Alan

      Yes the inline links update in 4.5 has broken my wordpress site with theme Lotus.
      I am unable to use the smart site builder on this theme as it blocks any new elements being added in site builder and also the inline links popup box is continually open at the bottom of my dashboard with no way to dismiss it.

      I’m looking for a simple way to disable this feature.

  20. Danish Farhan

    Very Very True. Nice Work @ WordPress Team

  21. Anas Iqbal

    Highly informative post.

  22. Neha Singh

    Thanx for this great article, I want to ask one thing, today I updated my wordpress blog to wordpress 4.5 and I’m not able to edit my exitising post. Can you please guide me how to resolve this?

  23. Neha Singh

    Thanx for this great article, I want to ask one thing, today I updated wordpress blog to wordpress 4.5 and I’m not able to edit my exitising post. Can you please guide me how to resolve thi?

    • Brad Harris

      We are experiencing the same issue. There is some real buggy stuff on when I create a new post: When I put in an image the scrollbar disappears … the menu that used to pop up to edit the image tags no longer appears. It’s rather jacked up. Not sure what to do about all of this.


  24. Ataul Ghani

    CSS Stylesheet Editor is not working on WordPress version 4.5! I’m little bit confused about it because on my two blog same issue. Do you know what’s the actual problem?

  25. Temmyhlee

    Wow such a fabulous turnaround, been using the beta versions for a while and it has been awesome, now I do not need to use developer tool to view responsive designs, as I can view it in the preview panel. Thumbs up @WPBeginner.

  26. Destiny Young

    I updated my site to wordpress 4.5. Now, my site wont load, hanging at loading screen without populating the content on the front page

  27. Nouman Younas

    very detailed informative post. (Y)

    after reading this point “Login With Email”, i thought that wpbeginner should come with a post like
    “Plugins you shouldnt use after WP 4.5 update”

    many of us are using plugins from years but i observed that after last one year WP updates, some plugins have become almost useless but they are still part of our blog.

    yes it can be offensive for plugin authors to ask users to remove those plugins after WP update but its still a positive thing :)

  28. Rajit

    can we disable the option of using email address to login to the admin panel? I want the login to be a unique username for the admin panel at least. For other users I already use only email as the login username and would like to keep it that way.

  29. arulmjoseph

    Great updates…

  30. Ricky Rachmanto

    Thanks your information for WordPress update.

  31. Ebenezer

    WordPress have users seo in mind. I love the way it handles no follow

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