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WordPress 5.9の新機能(機能とスクリーンショット)

WordPress 5.9 Betaが数日前にリリースされ、2022年1月25日にリリースされる予定です。2022年最初のメジャーリリースとなり、多くの新機能と改善が含まれる予定です。


この投稿では、WordPress 5.9で追加される機能をスクリーンショットとともにご紹介します。

Overview of all the features coming in WordPress 5.9

注: WordPress Beta Testerプラグインを使用すると、コンピューターまたはステージング環境でベータ版を試すことができます。


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WordPress 5.9は、今年初めのWordPress 5.8で初めて導入されたサイト編集機能に基づいて構築され続けます。


Launching site editor in WordPress 5.9



WordPress 5.9では、フルサイト編集用に特別に作られた10個の新しいブロックが導入され、「テーマ」カテゴリーに配置されます。

Site editing blocks


  • ナビゲーション
  • テンプレートパーツ
  • ヘッダー
  • フッター
  • 投稿者
  • 次の投稿
  • 過去の投稿
  • 投稿コメント
  • キーワード説明
  • アーカイブタイトル

ヒント: サイトエディターブロックは、必要に応じてWordPressの投稿やページ内でも使用できます。



Editing theme styles



Save template




Edit block styles



WordPress 5.9では、ナビゲーションメニューを編集する新しい方法が導入されました。


Navigation menus in WordPress 5.9


Blank navigation menus screen


Navigation menu block


新規デフォルトテーマ Twenty Twenty-Two

WordPress 5.9は来年最初のメジャーリリースとなるため、Twenty Twenty-Twoという全く新しい初期テーマが同梱される。


Twenty Twenty-Two


Twenty Twenty-Twoは、見出しにSource Serif Proフォントを使用した、大胆かつミニマルなデザインが特徴。

Twenty Twenty-Two preview


Patterns Twenty Twenty-Two



WordPress 5.9でのブロックエディターの改善




Moving items in the block editor





Using navigation block for table of contents


WordPressの以前のバージョンでは、ソーシャルアイコンや ボタンを操作する際に、親ブロックや子ブロックのコントロールにアクセスするのが少し困難でした。

WordPress 5.9では、子ブロックが親ブロックのツールバーを使用できるようになり、より簡単になりました。

Social icons and button blocks absorb parent toolbar
Better Headings Controls


Headings block now has more controls


過去の投稿エディターでは、リンクにマウスオーバーしてもURLしか表示されませんでした。WordPress 5.9では、投稿エディター内のリンクのリッチURLプレビューを取得して表示するようになりました。

Rich URL previews




Choose language during login


WordPress 5.9では、開発者が自身のテーマ、プラグイン、プロジェクトで探求し、使用するための多くの変更ももたらされます。


  • WordPress core PHP Test Suite が PHPUnit 8.x に対応しました。
  • 投稿リビジョンの URL を取得する新しい関数wp_get_post_revisions_url()を追加しました。(#39062)
  • 新しいwp_list_users() テンプレートタグが導入されます。(#15145)

この投稿で、WordPress 5.9で登場する機能の一端がお分かりいただけたかと思います。


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Reader Interactions

34件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Arielle Q Adams

    I simply want to know, how do you change the favicon on the site please!!! The update made so I completely can’t find the settings.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless your theme changed the location, you should have the option under Appearance>Settings>Site Identity.


  2. H. Ariyasankha

    Wow, this will give a nice experience on editing, ok will try. good luck

    • WPBeginner Support

      We hope you enjoy the new tools :)


  3. Vineet Kumar Singh

    Hi Team,

    I had read few blogs where they mentioned that WordPress 5.9 will come up with the solutions for improving Core Web Vitals which happens to be an important aspect when it comes to the SEO. You have not mentioned it though. Are they really working on it?

    Moreover, if we use blocks to design the site rather than the builders like Elementor or WP bakery, would It speed up the site?

    • WPBeginner Support

      While base WordPress could be improved for core web vitals, with the number of ways that a WordPress site can be used, there is no guarantee every site will see any change.

      For blocks vs page builders, we do not have a comparison at the moment.


  4. Rex

    Coder point of view, If we don’t want to use “Block Editor” and “Appearance > Customize” (to make WordPress light weight). can we have this option?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you wanted to separate the design from WordPress, you could look into headless WordPress for specifically a coded solution. For most users, if you are worried about the speed of your site we recommend using a CDN.


  5. Lisa

    The changes in WP (e.g. the “site-wide” styles) are making child themes more and more redundant. This will make it easier for themes and plugins to be updated, I think.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hopefully it will make the updates easier but themes have some time as not everyone is a designer :)


  6. Lee Bush

    WP for me has been a tough nut to crack. Primarily because I enjoy raw code. However more and more people/businesses enjoy the CMS idea of WP and others. So, I am trying to learn WP and develop a product line for those entities. That being said I am really looking forward to this new rollout.

    I think the best item for me is the changes in design. Particularly the “site-wide” styles. And overall it seems like it is an upgrade that provides more intricate control over the entire build procedure. Can’t wait to give it a go!

    • WPBeginner Support

      We hope you enjoy the updated tools :)


  7. Charles Lotara

    Great article. The ‘Editor’ section is my most favourite!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you like the planned update :)


  8. Benning Peter

    The new features I like most are the new blocks, the new navigation block and the option to choose language during log-in.

    Will it be possible, to show (in the navigation) more than one category list? In my projects, I will usually offer at least two categories (taxonomies): Country, Fields of Business.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can certainly add multiple categories to your menu, if your theme has a specific feature that lists the categories, you would want to check with your theme’s support to see if that is an option.


  9. Nick Squires

    do these new features (especially navigation) come with responsive edits. The current standard blocks are severely lacking in mobile/tablet customisation.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You should be able to use the preview option in your post editor to see how the blocks will display on mobile and tablet, your theme would be a large determining factor in how your blocks display on your site. If you want very specific responsive edits, you would likely want to look into a plugin to add that functionality.


  10. Gerald A. Livings

    I am looking forward to a site-wide style editor. I have been wanting to convert my website to WP for a long time and it looks like I may finally be able to do that more easily.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear :)


  11. Michelle

    It all sounds good, but I think the parts that I’m most looking forward to are the expanded block editing (headers, hold onto your horses), and the customizable navigation menus.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear you enjoy the upcoming features :)


  12. Lee Graham

    The next upgrade will be a awesome and the features it promises to deliver are long overdue. I have been trying them out and so far I like what I see, it give Gutenberg a lot of the features only previously available with Page builders

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you like the upcoming update :)


  13. Rita Settle

    My favorite change is the Block Editor Improvements.
    Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this site.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you find our content helpful :)


  14. Raaz shrestha

    Awesome features. Thanks for the info and keep us updating.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could share whats coming in the update :)


  15. Roberta Stevenson

    Will we still be able to use Classic Editor with this new release?

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would depend on the classic editor plugin rather than WordPress itself and the plugin is planned to be supported through 2022 so it should still work. If it has been some time since you used the block editor, the 5.9 update may be a good time to test the block editor out to see if it fits your needs :)


  16. Sudhakar Tammysetty

    Thank for the info about Version 5.9. This makes bloggers life easy by giving more creative options

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you like our article covering the update :)


  17. Bilal Akbar

    When will this update roll out?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless the schedule changes, it should be January 25th :)


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