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WordPress 4.2の新機能 (機能とスクリーンショット)

WordPress 4.1のリリース後、次のメジャーリリースの開発が本格的に始まりました。WordPress 4.2は2015年最初のメジャーリリースとなり、4月末までにリリースされる予定です。その周辺では、エキサイティングなことがたくさん起こっています。この投稿では、WordPress 4.2の特徴とスクリーンショットを紹介します。

WordPress Beta Testerプラグインを使えば、コンピューターや ステージング環境でベータ版を試すことができます。

WordPress 4.2

新規: 絵文字サポートの改善



WordPress 4.2では、WordPressサイトに絵文字がビルトインされます。モバイル端末を使用している場合、投稿、コメント、カテゴリーなど、テキストを書くことができるほとんどの場所に絵文字を簡単に追加することができます。これには投稿スラッグも含まれます。

Native support for emojis in WordPress 4.2




WordPress 4.2 では、WordPress カスタマイザーを使ってテーマをインストール、閲覧、プレビューする方法が改善されます。テーマカスタマイザー画面からテーマの切り替え、プレビュー、有効化ができるようになります。

Theme switcher in WordPress 4.2



WordPress 4.2ではプラグインのインストールが効率化されます。ユーザーは「プラグインの新規追加」や検索結果から直接プラグインをインストールできるようになります。

Faster plugin installation in WordPress 4.2




新規: Press Thisボタン

Press ThisはWordPressであまり知られていないツールですが、WordPress 4.2で生まれ変わりました。2つの大きな改良点があります。

Press This in WordPress 4.2

1つ目は、ブラウザのブックマークバーにドラッグ&ドロップできるブックマークレットです。 ウェブで表示しているトピックについて投稿したいときに、Press Thisブックマークをクリックするだけです。WordPressの投稿エディターがポップアップで開き、ページのタイトル、画像、元のソースへのリンク付きの抜粋が自動的に取得されます。

Press This popup in the upcoming WordPress 4.2


2つ目のPress Thisツールは、モバイルブラウザで開くことができるシンプルなリンクで、ホーム画面に追加したり、ブックマークしたりすることができます。

Adding Press This to your Home Screen in mobile devices





この投稿で、WordPress 4.2で実装される機能の一端をご理解いただけたと思います。また、WordPressの今後のリリースでどのような機能が追加されることを期待しますか?

この投稿が気に入った場合は、WordPressの動画チュートリアルをYouTubeチャンネルに登録してください。Twitterや Facebookでもご覧いただけます。

情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. Ron

    As mentioned by others, there are usability issues with core components in WP that should have been addressed a long time ago. For instance, running a WP site for photography and having to deal with the `media library´ is a nuisance.

    A library is supposed to be more than just a slowly loading bucket with items, where filtering is limited to months. Having to rely on third party plugins for categories and tags is just plain silly.

    It´s almost as if showing images on a website is a new thing :-(

    When I read “WordPress 4.2 is coming with some great new features…” I was curious to see those… Honestly, I am not impressed.

  3. Michael

    The only thing good on this release is the plugin and theme install one step now. These Emoji things or smilies do not even make me interested at all. Are they popular? First time I heard of these. Well, I don’t have a smart phone. So I guess that is why. Still don’t know how these look cool. I have not like smilies that much anyways. Whatever, but this hardly any features added per release, kind of makes me not to look forward to the next release. Two features, and minor fixes.

    It seems that wants to add less each release. The more the plugins and themes need to be updated for unnecessary release, since hardly features are being added. Two features per release and maybe two total releases a year would be better, unless they start adding up to 5 features per release. Just does not make WordPress more interesting with less features.

    I think they worry more about fixes and bugs more than what people need for their blog or website. Reminds me of World Golf Tour. They hardly add any worth while features either to their game.

    What really bugs me is there is more plugins to add to WordPress, than there is any of the plugins features added to the Core of WordPress. Themes that are bought on Themeforest are better than what the Core of WordPress offers. WordPress is just the soul and the theme are the body of WordPress, since there are not much features into the Core.

    You get more out of the themes than WordPress offers. You would think with more features added and less plugins, you would have a speedier website. Less resources used. Too many plugins slows the website, and uses more requests and resources on the server.

  4. Kim

    why in the world would auto activate be a good use? And how is this meant to go with multisite ?

  5. John

    Making changes in the admin process has cost me time and frustration. Background image and header image in last update were moved to some customizer window that I normally would never touch and the work flow there is MORE than the old screens. If it ain’t broke, DON’T FIX IT!!

    The last bunch of core themes were useless as parent themes. We are still building custom child themes on twentytwelve which was the last theme that was about useability. We have maybe 300 sites just modifications of 2012.

  6. Brandon Kraft

    One thing the article didn’t mentioned is while emoji sounds fancy and cool, the real meat behind the enhancement is the underlying work that had to be done to support it within the WP database.

    The underlying work makes it possible to use Han characters (Chinese, Japanese, Koren, etc) natively in WordPress, which is a huge thing for a large population of the world. I wrote a little about it at

    And, whether we like it or not, emoji is increasingly becoming part of the Internet lexicon and it is a standardized character set.

    Full disclosure: Work for Automattic, but on my free time, contributed to both the Press This revamp and the emoji work.

  7. Nitin

    definitely it would be the big release of wordpress. Actually, the new features you discussed here will be great to use. As, emoji feature I like the most because it may help to attract visitors to the blog. Thanks for updating us with such great news. Waiting for its release.

  8. Shipra

    The emoji’s are not at all good. Hope to have better cute emoticons.

  9. vanessa

    I’d like to see an integrated connection between adding images to widget and not having to go into the media library copy and paste the code path in order to add the image to the sidebar. Adding an image to a sidebar widget should be ‘add image-direct to media library and choose’. It was save a clunky system. Also stricter about updating themes that have faults and some of the nicest designs have faults and vital elements don’t work.

    • Piet

      There is an image widget that does that, works perfect, has been around for years and is actively supported.

  10. Bart Kennes

    What WordPress needs are different add-ons for the basic features that are missing in the core at the moment.

    Add-ons that are :

    * simple to install and activate
    * with automatic updates
    * and constant improving and evolving

    A little bit like the Jetpack plug-in, but then MUCH better.

    All the other things should remain plugins. But when a plugin becomes an industry standard, it could/should become an add-on. And when it’s time, an add-on could/should be integrated into the core.

  11. Ken Eastwood

    Agree with comments about the media library – long overdue.

    Security improvements would be welcome too.

  12. Robin

    The must have is the theme builder

  13. Lahiru

    Not impressed. WordPress should have taken steps to work on there security bugs rather they focus on bells and whistles.. Worst CMS when it comes to security

    • Joe

      Worst CMS when it comes to security

      WordPress core itself hasn’t had a major security problem in a long time. WordPress plugins and themes, however, run the gamut of security problems. It’s pretty naive to blame the core software for security problems caused by third-party add-ons. It’s helpful to know what you’re talking about.

    • Ansel Taft

      I think you’re confusing security holes in third-party developers’ plugins and themes with WordPress core. It’s the ‘worst CMS when it comes to security’ because it’s the largest and most tested target. Cheers

  14. Salocin.TEN

    Honestly not quite an impressive upgrade.

    For business purposes of WordPress, emojis are practically useless.

    Also for WordPress development, the one-step plugin install can be dangerous. Where I work, we have implemented an “install but DO NOT activate” policy which everyone has to adhere, due to the problem of sites showing strange defects or even “dying” (white screen of death) whenever a plugin just gets activated, and it is hard to get a log of who activated what.

    Which brings me to another much needed item: More extensive logging.
    Like said before, it is hard to determine who activated themes / plugins. For page and post editing it is easy to find out from the revisions feature, but there is no such thing for other activities on the site.
    Other frameworks have activity logging built into the core and logs everything without module developers even having to enable logging.

    • Scott

      I agree about the instant activation of plugins, this strikes me as a huge future problem.

      • Joe

        fwiw, the installation feature has been removed from 4.2. The activation concerns weren’t well-addressed so it was pulled in beta 3.

  15. Adrienne

    I do like the usability aspect to the look of the new admin panel.

  16. jgl

    For one I would like to see milti networks for multisites as part of the core development so that it is tightly integrated. My 2 cents.

  17. Alain Guerpillon

    I don’t care about emojis… I’d prefer WP to develop a multilanguage capability.

    • Leo

      Why Multilingual capabilities? It’ll never be in the core. If you need it, get WPML :)

      • Robbert

        Or better: WP Multisite for each language with domain mapping and a language switcher.

      • Bart Kennes

        yes, WPML is a great plugin and should stay a plugin.
        Maybe it’s time to step up the collaboration between automatic and WPML so it’s easier to integrate and update

  18. sam

    can’t wait for 4.2 :)

  19. Dave Navarro

    I think the primary problem with WordPress updates is that what gets done is what volunteer developers themselves are willing to do. A developer was willing to work on Emojis, but not security… The system itself is flawed.

    So, a new version is released and then a leader is chosen for the next version, that leader gets together the developers who are actually available and willing to work on their favorite feature. The things that are actually NEEDED are ignored because no developers want to work on those things.

    Where is the roadmap? Where is finding devs willing to work on what is actually needed rather than what their pet projects are? Where are the project leaders for features that will be available in future versions that are not the NEXT version?

    I think the only ongoing project for future release is the JSON group. Where are the other groups?

    As they say… The “lunatics are running the asylum”. A few people are running the WordPress development process and nothing of note is being done as a result.

    • Psozo

      Yeah but you have no idea what security fixes, if any, have been fixed. Why would they announce security fixes to the public? it will not make sense to publicly announce with detail security fixes while 4.1 is still being used.

    • Joe

      I agree with you on there being no clear roadmap. And it’s true that features getting worked on are largely at the whim of willing and qualified developers.

      there’s a list on the core development site with all of the active feature plugins currently being developed:

      I for one think users should have a more substantial say in what goes into a future release, whether that be through surveys or whathaveyou.

  20. Tom Kiser

    WOW some good things but like most says very disappointed that a few things were not addressed. *shrugs* Ole well maybe one day they will be.

  21. Jeremy Tarrier

    Y-A-W-N … what a lot of wasted effort. This is all well and good but it’s only window dressing. They should have spent time doing really helpful stuff such as enabling user defined directories/subdirectories in the media library.

    Overall a very disappointing “upgrade”

    • Dave Navarro

      The “Album/Gallery” metaphor used in NextGen and other image plugins is what we need.

      I run several dozen WordPress sites for news outlets with tens of thousands of images and the inability for users to browse categories is exasperating.

      • Dave LeBlanc

        Agreed. I manage a fashion site and it’s a constant challenge to keep styles and seasons organized.

    • Gebakken Ei

      This! There is a plugin that gives categories for images, but its a premium/paid one.

      Beter user/permission manager would be my seconden one.

    • Bart Kennes

      User defined directories/subdirectories ?

      Off course !
      That should have been in WP three versions ago !

    • Bart


      I think we should start a petition to have user defined directories/subdirectories in WP 4.3

      Kind regards,

  22. Jeremy

    I’d like to see Automattic integrate robust modules that are common features in web design, such as contact forms, eCommerce, and image galleries. I think these things would be worthy of a new release. These modules should be able to be activated or disabled via the admin panel.

    Basic features like these shouldn’t rely on third party plugins – especially if WordPress is trying to move forward as a full blown development platform.

    • Kote Shengelia

      Contact forms OK (though it’s provided by Jetpack which is bundled with WordPress), but how is eCommerce a basic feature and how having online shop will help be more flexible platform for developers?

    • Bart Kennes

      Spot on !
      Basic features shouldn’t rely on third party plugins !
      Shame on you Automatic

      I shouldn’t say eCommerce is basic, but so many others things are !

    • DeBAAT

      Tend to disagree. As soon as you should disable a feature, it should not be part of core. That’s the main and best reason for the support of plugins.
      As far as third party plugins, there is nothing wrong with third parties. They also come in different flavours varying from crappy to fully reliable, comparable with core development.

    • Joe

      I’d like to see Automattic integrate robust modules that are common features in web design, such as contact forms, eCommerce, and image galleries. I think these things would be worthy of a new release. These modules should be able to be activated or disabled via the admin panel.

      Automattic does have a lot of that, it’s in their Jetpack plugin. Automattic doesn’t run the open source project … they run a hosted service on And they also don’t govern the future of WordPress. They may donate employee time to working on the core software but Automattic doesn’t own WordPress.

  23. Mitchell Miller

    I agree with previous comment: emojis should be a plugin.

    Do not understand automatic plugin download AND activation.

    Few WP users have test sites.
    Would you activate a new plugin on a live site?

    • Adrienne

      Spot on with this comment. Contacts and others should in a feature of WordPress at the least.

    • Joe

      I agree with previous comment: emojis should be a plugin.

      To be fair, 4.2 doesn’t add emoji to WordPress, it just adds the ability for WordPress to display emoji. It’s an important distinction worth making.

  24. Peter Shaw

    Press this and emojis should be plugins.

    The customiser stuff is nice and clearly the start of using that for all sorts of stuff and the taxonomy stuff is important (but only as a step to fixing the whole taxonomy setup).

    Unfortunately there is nothing in this release that is ging to set the world on fire…

    • Adrienne

      Totally agree on this… Why would you just activate a plugin…there could be compatibility issues, and I like to make sure everything is going well before I add another plugin into the mix.

  25. Gulshan

    I want to see a best upcoming WordPress Version. I dont want to compermize with Visitors Experience, performance of website. Once if visit my blog, I wish they must think- Woww.. what a nice blog…. :) Such a experience I need from latest version of WordPress.
    1. WordPress Dashboard loading slow due to heavy unminified JavaScript and CSS, There should be a inbuilt function or api key method to minify all those static resources. Also, Need a header cache expiration setting.
    2. After Installing SSL, a common problem people face, Some elements are not secure. So I in one click to change in HTTPS. Due to this problem I hate taking headache of Installing SSL.
    3. A light-weight Rich Text editor, like MS-Word. I don’t want to use plugin like Tiny MCE.
    4. This is off the topic, but if possible, I want a best solution for serving static resources from cookie-less subdomain.

    • Chris

      Your number 1 problem is caused by using bad plugins, the clean install wp is fast and responsive no problem, because there is such functions for the developers, also there is a way to autominify and compress a plugin called minify-something cant remember right now but its rather cool, still only works if the developer used the wp-api for loading css/js

  26. brandomix

    Thanks for sharing , Emojis are cool and fun .

  27. Donna Fontenot

    I usually prefer to leave positive comments, but it’s hard to be excited about any of these upcoming features and changes. None of them strike me as anything important enough to spend time on. Press This has been around forever and is rarely used. Emojis? Yeah, that’s gonna make everyone’s life so much better. Whatever. Shave a second off of installing plugins. Ok. Switch themes via customizer? Yeah’ll we’ll use that once a year maybe. I know, I know. Instead of complaining, I could be contributing. I get that. Still…it’s difficult to get excited about this release. *yawn*…

    • Frank

      I highly prefer these incremental and stable updates than perpetual attempts to reinvent the wheel. The problem when you make too much of a dramatic change is the likelihood of it breaking a lot of themes and plugins, many of which would need to adapt to these changes, and sometimes they never do. It can be a headache and take precious time and energy away from content creation.

      As for Press This, I’ve always wanted to see WordPress develop a bookmarklet that was on par with Tumblr’s bookmarklets. Tumblr’s is so easy to use that curating content is a breeze, but Press This never measured up. I’m hoping it will with this new update. :)

    • Grant Palin

      To be fair it is reasonable for the team to limit the scope of each major release so it is manageable and to minimize chance of breakage. Incremental releases = slow and steady. Not every release has something for everyone.

      The one thing I like in 4.2 is the progress on the taxonomy roadmap, which supposedly culminates in us being able to easily add taxonomy metadata. What I’d like to see in a not-too-far-future release is native post relationships and a official post format UI.

  28. Jeff Bradbury

    This stuff looks great! Looking forward to 4.2.

