私たちも同じことを望んでいました。そこで過去数年間、私たちはSeedProd、Beever Builder、Thrive Architectなどのページビルダー・プラグインをさまざまなプロジェクトで使ってきました。

クイック・ピック – ベストWordPressページビルダー


Thrive Optimizeで簡単A/Bテスト
- 私たちはプロジェクトにそれらを使用しました:さまざまなプロジェクトで、PPCのランディングページにいくつかのページビルダー・プラグインを使用しました。私たちのサイトのいくつかは、完全にウェブサイトビルダーで構築されています。これは、実際にどのように機能するかを確認するのに役立ちます。
- 最も人気のあるものもテストしました:私たちは、市場で最も人気のあるプラグインをいくつかテストし、それらが誇大宣伝に値するかどうかを確認しました。使いやすさ、機能、カスタマイザー設定、テンプレート数、そして価格です。
- どれだけ変えられるかサイトの見た目をどれだけ変えられるかをテストします。思い通りの外観にできるか?
- 私たちはあなたのニーズに基づいてそれらを分類します:ページビルダーに関しては、万能なソリューションはありません。私たちは機能を分析し、あなた独自のニーズに合ったプラグインかどうかを判断するお手伝いをします。
What is a WordPress page builder?
Do I need to use a WordPress site builder?
Do I need to install a theme to use a WordPress website builder?
Do I still need a page builder if I am using the WordPress Full Site Editor?




お勧めする理由 SeedProdは、市場で最も高速なテーマとページビルダープラグインです。また、最も手頃な価格です。あらかじめビルトインされたテンプレートとプロブロックの大規模なライブラリは、非常に時間の節約になり、すべての小さなディテールをカスタマイズする機能は、すべてのWordPressユーザーにとって完璧なソリューションになります。

Thrive Architectはパワフルで高速、そして使いやすいページビルダーです。コードを一行も触ることなく、WordPressで美しいページ、レイアウト、コンテンツを作成できます。
Thrive Architectでは、カスタムブログ投稿レイアウトを作成することもできます。ハイライトボックス、スタイル付きリスト、クリックツイートボックスのようなブロックを追加して、WordPressブログをより魅力的にすることができます。
また、Thrive ArchitectとThrive Optimizeアドオンを接続して、ページのスプリットテストを行うこともできます。これにより、同じウェブページの2つのバージョンを比較して、どちらが最もコンバージョンが高いかを調べることができます。
おすすめする理由 Thrive Architectは簡単で非常に直感的なWordPressページビルダーです。膨大なテンプレートライブラリと高速なフロントエンドビジュアルエディターにより、初心者でも簡単にWordPressでカスタマイザーページやレイアウトを作成することができます。
価格: プラグイン単体で年間99ドルから。または、Thrive Theme Builderを含むプラグインのThrive Suite全体を年間$299から購入することができます。
詳しくはThrive Architectのレビューをご覧ください。

Beaver Builderは、WordPress用の人気のドラッグ&ドロップページビルダープラグインです。
Beaver Builderには、ライブドラッグアンドドロップインターフェースが搭載されています。右サイドバーから要素をドラッグしてページにドロップすることで、追加した変更をすべて見ることができます。ページ上の任意の要素をクリックしてプロパティを編集できます。
Beaver Builderは初心者に優しいツールです。Beaver BuilderでカスタムWordPressレイアウトを作成する方法については、チュートリアルをご覧ください。
WordPressの新バージョンと互換性がありますか?はい、対応しています。Beaver Builder は WordPress Gutenberg エディターと一緒に動作するように更新されました。
おすすめする理由 Beaver Builderは人気のページビルダーオプションです。テンプレートがあらかじめ用意されているので、すぐに使い始めることができます。多くのウェブプロフェッショナルが、クライアントサイトやカスタマイザーの作成にBeaver Builderを使用しています。

SeedProdやBeaver Builderと同様に、Divi Builderにはドラッグ&ドロップ機能を備えた真のWYSIWYG(見たままが得られる)ビジュアルエディターが搭載されています。
Divi Builderプラグインは、Diviテーマのバックボーンでありながら、他の一般的なWordPressテーマとも相性が良い。
すべてにおいて、Diviには魅力的な価格設定があります。個別価格で、Diviテーマ、Diviページビルダープラグイン、Extraや BloomなどのElegant Themes製品をすべて利用できます。
つまり、Diviテーマを使用したり、他のテーマにDivi Builderプラグインをインストールしたりすることができます。
お勧めする理由 Diviは、SeedProdビルダーの優れた代替ツールです。無限のデザインの可能性を秘めたパワフルなページビルダーです。多数のコンテンツモジュールにより、文字通りどんなタイプのサイトでも作成できる。また、ライフタイムプランは、市場で最もお得なプランの1つです。

Elementor Proは、強力なドラッグ&ドロップWordPressページビルダープラグインです。ライブページビルダープラグインなので、変更を加えるたびにライブで変更できます。
おすすめする理由 ElementorはWordPress用の人気ページビルダープラグインです。使いやすく、大規模な拡張機能エコシステムがあり、カスタムサイトを構築するために使用できるモジュールやテンプレートがたくさん付属しています。しかし、コードの出力はあまり効率的ではなく、ユーザーからはページスピードが遅いという報告がよくあります。
6.Visual Composerサイトビルダー

Visual Composer ウェブサイトビルダーはユーザーフレンドリーなWordPressウェブサイトエディターで、カスタマイザーによるウェブサイトレイアウトを素早く作成できます。
SeedProdやBeaver Builderと同様に、サイトをデザインするための本格的なフロントエンド編集体験を提供します。しかし、このWordPressビルダーでできることはもっとたくさんある。
SeedProdを除いて、Visual Composerはロゴ、メニュー、ヘッダー、フッター、サイドバーなど、ランディングページのすべてを編集できる唯一のプラグインです。
Visual Composerは、WordPressのすべてのテーマに対応しています。これにより、Visual Composerで作成したカスタム・レイアウトを失うことなく、テーマを切り替えることができます。
また、Gutenbergエディター、Googleフォント、Yoast SEOのサポートも含まれている。
Visual Composerはプロフェッショナルのために設計されており、それは色の選択を覚えておくなど、細部への配慮からも明らかです。これによって、デザイン全体に一貫性を持たせるために、同じカラーパレットを簡単に使用することができます。
おすすめする理由 Visual Composerは初心者がサイトを立ち上げるのに最適なプラグインです。サイト制作のための強力な機能をシンプルな方法でプロバイダーする。サイトの編集はフロントエンドのドラッグ&ドロップエディターで超シンプルに。しかし、インターフェースは一般的なWordPressプラグインとは少し異なるため、新規ユーザーには戸惑いを感じるかもしれない。

フリーミアムWordPressサイトビルダーとして、Themify Builderはかなりユニークです。このプラグインを使用すると、2種類のインターフェースを得ることができます:ページのデザインをカスタマイズするためのドラッグアンドドロップWYSIWYGとコンテンツ要素を移動するためのバックエンドです。
Themify Builderには、無料プラグインとプロプランの2つのバージョンがあります。無料プラグインは、40以上のレイアウトを使用してカスタマイザーページを作成することができますが、サイトの他の部分を作成することはできません。
一方、Themify Builder Proでは、ヘッダーやフッターから個別投稿テンプレートやカスタム投稿タイプまで、すべてのページテンプレートを変更することができます。このプラグインはプロフェッショナルなデザインのテーマとテンプレートを提供します。
Themify Builder Proには、表示条件機能もあります。これを使用すると、サイト全体ではなく、特定のページのみに特定のテンプレートを表示させることができます。これは、関連する商品ページにプロモーションバナーを表示するのに役立ちます。
お勧めする理由 Themify Builderは、少し高度なオプションをお探しの場合に最適なWordPressサイトビルダーです。他のWordPressページビルダーではなかなか見つからない機能が搭載されています。しかし、初心者にとっては、最もユーザーフレンドリーな選択とは言えません。
価格Themify Builder Proの料金は1回限り69ドルです。無料のプラグインもあります。


Live Composerは完全無料のWordPressサイトビルダーです。使用するには、サイトにメールを入力する必要があり、彼らはあなたにプラグインをインストールして有効化するためのダウンロードリンクを送信します。
Live Composerを使ってみて、このプラグインはダウンロード商品、パートナー、プロジェクト、スタッフ、テスティモニアル、ギャラリーなどのカスタム投稿タイプも作成できることに気づきました。
おすすめする理由 Live Composerは、予算が限られている人にとっては良い無料WordPressサイトビルダーだ。しかし、お問い合わせフォームや動画エンベッドのようないくつかの必須要素が無料版では利用できないため、ユーザーは拡張パックを入手するか、他のプラグインをインストールする必要があると思います。


Kadence WPは、初期設定のGutenbergエディターを強力な新しいカスタムブロックとデザインオプションで強化する無料のWordPressページビルダープラグインです。
このプラグインは、サイト制作をスピードアップするAI搭載デザインライブラリも提供しています。ビジネスの詳細を入力するだけで、Kadence AI がカスタマイズされたコンテンツを生成し、ブランドイメージの提案を行い、数分で魅力的なサイトを構築するお手伝いをします。
おすすめする理由 Kadence WPは、新規ページビルダーのインとアウトを学びたくないユーザーに最適な選択です。すでに知っていて使っているWordPressのネイティブインターフェースと統合されているので、美しいページをすぐに作り始めることができます。

シンプルなWordPressページビルダーを探しているなら、Page Builder Sandwichは良い選択です。
おすすめする理由 ページビルダーサンドイッチは、このリストの他のオプションと比較してかなりシンプルなWordPressサイトビルダーです。機能セットはそれほど豊富ではありませんが、基本に忠実でわかりやすいものをお望みなら、良い設定だと思います。

Kadence WPと同じく、これもGutenbergブロックエディターで動作するページ構築プラグインだ。そのため、ビルトインエディターに慣れているが、ウェブページを修正するための追加機能が欲しいという人には良い設定となる。
また、Zip AIと呼ばれるAIジェネレータ機能により、ランディングページのコピーを素早く作成することができます。無料のスペクトラプラグインユーザーは、この機能を使用するために1000クレジットを無料で入手できます。
おすすめの理由 Spectraは、多くの機能を備えた使いやすいWordPressサイトビルダーです。既存のブロックエディターにGutenbergブロックやテンプレートを追加して拡張したい方に最適です。さらに、AI機能はサイトを成長させるためのコンテンツを書くのに便利だ。

Zion Builderは、高速に動作するように作られたWordPressドラッグ&ドロップビルダーです。このプラグインの開発チームは、テンプレートがクリーンで軽量なコードを使用していることを確認し、あなたのサイトが高いパフォーマンスを持ち、SEOフレンドリーであるようにします。
Zion Builderには、特定の条件に基づいて特定の要素を表示する条件ロジック機能もあります。例えば、ユーザーがログイン中か否かに応じて異なるコンテンツを表示したい場合があります。
おすすめの理由WordPressサイトビルダーとして、Zion Builderは高速かつ強力で、スピードと幅広い機能の両方をプロバイダーします。また、ドラッグ&ドロップ機能とツリー表示モードにより、コンテンツの移動がより簡単になり、使いやすさも抜群です。

お勧めする理由 コーナーストーンの豊富な機能と、すぐに使えるSEO対策に感心しました。SEOに力を入れているWordPressサイトビルダーはあまりありません。とはいえ、このプラグインはその高度なインターフェースのため、最も初心者に優しいとは言えません。
さまざまなドラッグ&ドロップWordPressページビルダーを比較した結果、1つはっきりしたことがある:SeedProd、Thrive Architect、Beever Builderがトップ3の選択肢である。Diviと Elementor Proは他の素晴らしい選択肢です。
この投稿が、あなたのサイトに最適なWordPressドラッグ&ドロップページビルダープラグインを見つける手助けになれば幸いです。ブログのトラフィックを増やす方法や、WordPress のお問い合わせフォームプラグインのリストもご覧ください。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
免責事項: このリストにはWPBakeryやWP Page Builderなど、他にも多くのページ・ビルダーやサイト・ビルダーのプラグインを含めることができた。しかし、私たちはあなたが選択麻痺を避けるために、非常に最高のWordPressページビルダープラグインのみを含めることにしました。
Thank you so much for publishing this handy article. I have been using Beaver Builder and wanted to see what else is out there. I have subscribed to your email list because I’m tired of just scratching the surface regarding site design and capabilities.
WPBeginner Support
Glad we could share a list of options for you
Jordan Riddle
I’d be interested to know how long these products have been around. Like some have said, its hard to switch builders so I’d want longevity in a product, but still, new exciting ones are hard to resist…
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for that feedback, we will consider it for the next update to this article
Gonzalo Gallegos
Let’s face it. Once you start with a builder, you need to stick to it, or start from scratch. If I am wrong, let me know how I can transfer from Elementor for example, to Beaver Builder.
WPBeginner Support
Unless there is a transfer tool that the page builder has set up then you are correct that it is difficult to change your page builder.
Peter Iriogbe
I want to express my gratitude to the author. Until now, I believed Elementor Pro was the best, but your post made me aware of other page builders I hadn’t known about. I’ll test these alternatives to find the one that suits my preferences the most.
WPBeginner Support
We hope you find one you like
Moinuddin Waheed
I have been a fan of page builders lately but left because of slow speed of the website.
I used to make beautiful websites with the help of elementor pro but it caused websites to get slow load.
I don’t know what other factors might have caused to this issue.
seedprod seems promising for me as it takes care of the speed in mind while giving powerful drag and drop page building option.
Thanks for the entire list of page builders with their pros and cons.
Jiří Vaněk
In my opinion, it wasn’t Elementor that caused the site to slow down. I use it on practically all websites and according to the google search console I have very good results, even on shared web hosting. Sometimes, however, the problem is in the appearance template, which should be prepared for elementor, so it is good to emphasize the selection of the appearance template. That’s where I might be looking for the initial problem.
Moinuddin Waheed
Thanks for your opinion, it may be the case that it might have been caused by some other factors.
But given the fact that so many stories are making round where people are showing their websites speed stats when it was on elementor and speed stats when they made a transition to some block based page builder.
I think it’s more of a personal preference at the end.
like I am a big fan of seedprod page builder and have no issue with speed and performance.
Jiří Vaněk
Statistics can be very misleading because many people don’t give context. Server performance, number of plugins and overall settings. But I understand it. Seed Prod is a quality webbuilder and in the end it’s really about what one gets used to. Rather, I just wanted to respond to Elementor slowing down the site, because I don’t think that’s true. I’ve tried Seed Prod and it’s great, I’m pretty much the same speed results.
Very detailed. I am not satisfied with the WP classic esitor need more advance editor I will try more.
Thanks for this post.
WPBeginner Support
We hope you find a page builder you like
Jiří Vaněk
Thank you for the overview. Over the years, I’ve tried almost everything, and after careful consideration, I ended up using Elementor PRO. It works really well for me. On the other hand, the native Gutenberg editor probably never suited me. But maybe it’s just my laziness when it comes to working with it.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for sharing what works for you.
Steve D
I’ve been using Elementor and finding the oposite happening, feel like its become more bloated and resource heavy as now all of a sudden I get my hosting company contacting me saying my sites are using to many resources and got me to keep upgrading for more resorces.
I have seen many other people complain about the same thing recently and the commen thing has been Elementor.
after months of back and forth and optimising and doing everything the hosting support said to do, I have worked out it only happens now when ever I log into the back end and start making changes.
For this reason I am now looking for something just as good as Elementor without being so resource heavy.
I have been recommended Oxygen, what would you recommend as a replacment to Elementor? and thoughts on Oxygen?
WPBeginner Support
We have not reviewed that builder at the moment but we will look into it in the future.
Jiří Vaněk
I have had exactly the same experience with Elementor. Everything was fine until I logged into the admin and started working. The server load graphs shot up on the shared server, placing me in the top 10 for the most server-intensive websites. As I work for the company that hosts the website, I had access to all the graphs and could monitor them. Just editing articles and working on content caused the load to spike. Wanting to stick with Elementor, I eventually left the shared hosting, set up my own server on Ubuntu, and migrated the website. Now, with 4 vCPUs and 8GB of RAM, the site with almost 1300 articles runs at less than 5% load. In my opinion, the extremely limited resources on the shared hosting might have contributed to this issue, as I don’t face these problems on my own server. Yes, I have a high-performance server, but still, being in the top 10 just by editing an article was strange.
Steven T
Thanks for the comprehensive reviews. Am just not sure about the conclusion. Gutenberg is not a true page builder? Are you kidding? I’ve built a few sites with complex layouts using Gutenberg. I haven’t found limitations so far.
Gutenberg is only a couple years old while many of existing page builders have years to mature. So it’s not a fair comparison feature to feature at this point. Gutenberg will eventually make these third party page builders irrelevant if not obsolete. And even more so when Full Site Editing eventually be the standard practice for creating a WP site.
WPBeginner Support
The comparison is for users who want to know if they should stop using page builders today which is why we are comparing current Gutenberg offerings to the current page builder offerings. This is why in our conclusion we specify not yet for if it replaces the other page builder options.
In the future, the block editor can become a more robust tool that replaces page builders but for now, page builders have better tools for customizing site designs for those looking into this question today. If we find that the block editor becomes better than page builders we will look to update our opinion.
Moinuddin Waheed
I am also of the same view that as for the time being, page builders are doing well and they have no match in terms of flexibility to use and make intuitive websites.
as for block based editors concerned, they are making their way and will take their time to replace the page builders.
may be till that time page builders also optimise their code base in such a way to compete with block editors.
it’s all in the head, we must be enjoying making what is available right now.
Mansour Baker
I have 2 questions.
1) Which drag and drop is similar to weebly. Am planning to move to WP.
2.) Which WP drag and drop ingrates with Easy Digital Downloads
WPBeginner Support
All of the page builders should allow you to use Easy Digital Downloads and for which one is similar to Weebly, would depend on what functions you want. It would be best to go to the sites for these plugins to take a look at their interfaces there.
Md Masud Rana
Thank you for the information, this article has been quite beneficial.
Beaver is excellent, Elementor is excellent, and Divi is outstanding!
WPBeginner Support
Glad you enjoy some of our recommendations!
Can I use this page bulider to make a custom stand-alone page on my site (not a landing page)?
I need a place to embed a video stream for people to watch. Would that work with SeedProd?
WPBeginner Support
Yes you can use page builders to have a custom page and any of these builders should do what you are wanting.
How would you go about switching a blog from one page builder to another?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the page builder you’re using and switching to. If you reach out to the support for the tool you’re planning to use, they may have a recommended tool for converting layouts.
Great article. I am new to this, I understand design, and coding concepts, but looking to restart from scratch. Do I need CSS Hero if I use one of these page builders?
WPBeginner Support
If you are using a page builder you would not normally need to use CSS Hero as well.
I want to build newsportal site. Is it possible to make two language site of Spanish and English, so that visitors can select for their ease. And which web builder is good for that?
WPBeginner Support
Rather than a page builder, you would want to take a look at a multilingual plugin such as the one we recommend in our article below.
I was reading that WYSIWYG editors put in many extra codes and as result slower responsibility of pages or site. Are that true?
WPBeginner Support
It would heavily depend on what is added and how well the editor is coded. We feel the editors here are well coded and the speed would depend on the content added more than the page builder
Awojulu Akeem Olawale
Some themes or plugins recommend page builder for you. If we are to choose our own favorite page builder, is it going to have effects on these themes or plugins?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the specific theme or plugin you are using, there is no hard rule on if there would be an issue or not.
Niraj Kumar
Great Article & Great Collection.
i have a question?
when i use any page builder plugin for my wordpress website then my website loading speed or time is same or may be changed
please reply
WPBeginner Support
As long as it is a well coded page builder like one of these we recommend, you shouldn’t notice a change in loading time
How can I post and choose different pages to put them in different pages at once.
What are the plugins
WPBeginner Support
If you have a posts page and a category page, the post should appear on the posts page and the category page it is a part of. If you wanted more customization it would depend on what you’re looking for.
Jeeshan Anwar
Hello sir,
Can you please suggest some plugin of those page builder that can let me decorate my front page with category.
I see many premium wordpress theme front page has a lot of post with differeent categories and gallery etc. Like category TECH has 5 post, or category WORLD has some post.
WPBeginner Support
Any of the page builders should have the option for what it sounds like you’re wanting
Rajiv Patel
Beaver Builder is the best page builder.
Hi, I’m new to page building. I wonder if I use a page builder plugin to build a website, then delete or deactivate the plugin, or perhaps while the plugin is still active, can I use code to edit the page? Thank you very much.
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the page builder you use for how to add code but you would normally want to keep the plugin active after designing the site
Hello, Im about to create a multilingual web page, so far 3 languages. Question is, will a use of page builder is posible in this case ? Are there any rectrictions in terms of design and content management? Thank you, and good article btw.
WPBeginner Support
Depending on how you are setting up the multilingual site would determine if there would be any issues with a page builder
Can any of these builders do things with groups of posts? E.g., display all posts of a certain post type, or of a certain category or tag? And then allow styling of that page? I guess I’m talking about styling archive pages, and also controlling some of the options on them — # of posts displayed, etc.
WPBeginner Support
Yes, depending on your preference you would want to reach out to the support for the page builder you’re wanting to use for if they allow you to customize specifically how you’re wanting.
Jeffrey Von Stetten
I have a woocommerce wordpress site. Could I safely use this on my site to make it look the way i want without screwing up any of the functionality?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, you should be able to use these with WooComerce without breaking the WooCommerce plugin.
Niraj Narkhede
You can use builder on your e-commerce site. Builders will improve your site design without disturbing woocommerce functionality. WordPress page builders also provide some woo commerce features like latest product, featured product.
Paul Herrick
Good plugin very helpful.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our recommendations could help
Derek Marshall
Excellent Article, the question begs, and I am surprised not to see Thrive Themes mentioned in this article.
Surely they are an excellent builder for wordpress?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, we’ve hard about Thrive and have tested it ourselves. We didn’t include it in the list because it didn’t meet all the criteria that we have for our list
Thanks for a great and concise review! I’m going to be going with Beaver Builder after not having a great experience with the Divi Visual Builder.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our recommendations could help
Am looking for a WordPress page builder in the mould of Divi/Beaver Builder that I can use offline and be able to publish to any hosting provider of my choice. Want to move from Adobe Muse and need something not web-based when creating a website, thanks.
WPBeginner Support
You could create a local installation: https://www.wpbeginner.com/how-to-install-wordpress/#installlocal
then transfer the content to your hosting provider once the site is set up: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-move-wordpress-from-local-server-to-live-site/
For the offline site builder try something like Mobirise or BlocksApp. They are more easy and friendly comparing Adobe Muse and not web-based.
What would be nice is some speed tests. Speed is much more important these days especially on mobile. Right now I’m using divi and I’m about to dump it for multiple reasons, but one of them is it’s bloated and slow.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for your recommendation, we will certainly consider adding something like that to our article in the future.
Jacques Soulé
I am surprised that you didn’t mention Thrive Architect from ThriveThemes
For me one of the best page builder.
Have you heard about it?
Editorial Staff
Yes, we’ve hard about Thrive and have tested it ourselves. We didn’t include it in the list because it didn’t meet all the criterias that we have for our list
Juan Lulli
One thing I like about Divi Theme is that its page builder is seamlessly built in and theme offers sooo many pre-made site layouts already stored in the theme library. Please compare contrast these features with Beaver?
Editorial Staff
They’re both excellent solutions. One of the neat things that Beaver Builder team did was create Beaver Themer which allows you to create completely custom WordPress themes.
Hey there from Visual Composer! Thanks for listing us there and the high grade we got.
I believe some users are messing up Visual Composer and WPBakery – these are two independent products.
Editorial Staff
Thanks for leaving a comment Raitis and doing a great job with the new Visual Composer product.
I tried Beaver Builder but don’t like it. And I am surprised that you didn’t include Thrive Architect in the list. It’s an excellent page bullder, with constant updates and improvements and for a one time fee you get updates for life and 1 year support. Go check it out!
Michael Hawker
I’ve been using Thrive for two years now and love it. So easy to use and provides all the tools necessary to build
John Naismith
I use Thrive Architect. Love it. Astounded that you didn’t include it in your list.
Editorial Staff
Yes, we are aware that Thrive Architect has a great following. However we have had a lot of users complain regarding their support and updates breaking websites.
Not my experience in the 4 years that I use it.
Where did you get the info that Elementor Pro is not GPL?
Divi is better than Elementor? As one who has used both, Elementor is far better in almost every way. Maybe when the original post was written that might have been true but not any more. Elementor is more lightweight, has a real time preview and doesn’t use shortcodes. Divi was great in its time, but its time is over.
Also Visual Composer is not Visual Composer any more. I know this was an updated article but if you are going to update it, update it all.
Editorial Staff
Hey Donald, that was a surprise to us as well but it was reported to us by another user.
If you read the terms on Elementor’s website, #3 Licenses section clearly restricts distribution and how you use the Pro plugin which is not GPL compatible. There are also several support threads in WordPress.org forums that have not received accurate responses from their team.
I’m a very happy Elementor user (left Beaver Builder behind)
What do you mean with this:
Quote: “The biggest thing that we don’t like about Elementor is that their license is very restrictive. If you’re a freelancer or agency looking to use Elementor on client websites, please know that their Pro version is not GPL. ”
Could you please explain what this means in pratice ?
//Lars, Copenhagen
Editorial Staff
Hi Lars,
WordPress and most other popular WordPress plugins adhere to the GPL license which offer you (and other users) a lot of freedom. You have the ability to use the plugin as you see fit. Ofcourse some plugin authors will restrict access to support and updates based on the license, but overall you are free to do what you like with the codebase as long as you don’t violate the respective trademarks.
According to their terms, Elementor Pro is licensed under a proprietary license because it has restrictions on distribution and very specific guidelines that you must follow. Although it’s hard to enforce at such large scale, and it’s unlikely that Elementor will take a customer of theirs to court, it is still possible.
We believe in educating our users about the risks. Thankfully, we don’t really have to do this very often since most premium plugins are licensed under GPL. However this plugin is not, so we feel it’s important that we emphasize it.
Overall Elementor offers a lot of powerful features, and we hope that their team seriously consider making the Pro plugin GPL as well.
Diane Laidlaw
You still haven’t answered the question how GPL affects web designers who are making websites for the clients. I understand if you are a plugin developer and you want to tinker with code, or if you’re a theme developer and you want to throw Elementor Pro in the them but as a web designer how does it affect me and others?
The restrictions it has is that you can use the plugin on your clients sites but your client can’t take the plugin and reuse it on other sites or expect support direct from Elementor. The other restriction is neither I or my clients resell Elementor Pro either as it or through a theme. The distribution from my understanding is no different to the distribution of, let’s say, Beaver Builder.
I just wanted clarity
Editorial Staff
As a web designer or agency working with clients, you need to evaluate the contracts you’re signing with clients. Typically it contains language of you transferring ownership right of the product (website) that you built.
You will need to make sure that you add clause that work-for-hire doesn’t include third-party software and services used as part of the project.
If you were using products that were GPL, you could wouldn’t need a clause like above. You can always consult a lawyer for further details based on your individual requirements.
Russ White
The one thing missing from Beaver Builder is the ability to display a number of entire posts on a page — for instance, if I want the newest five posts in a category displayed on a page, I can get the abstracts and featured images in a lot of cute formats, but not the five entire posts in a single column.
I cannot find information on which builders include this capability, and which do not — I am already starting the refund process for Beaver Builder because it is missing this really basic functionality. Does anyone know if any of the others include this?
Olaf Mueller
Hi, Russ,
I had just the opposite reason for looking at WP Beginner: my category archive pages (e.g. an Archive for all posts categorized as News) list the whole posts, one above the other. Maybe that article would be something for you:
Good luck!
Beaver Builder is awesome but double the cost of Visual Composer or Elementor Pro, for a single license.
Hey guys, I changed my page builder plugin but now all my pages are blank.
What can i DO!?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Bruno,
Please contact the page builder plugin’s support for help. You can also activate the plugin temporarily and then try importing content manually. See the page builder plugin’s documentation for that.
Just a heads up for others out there. I have tried Divi and want to pull my hair out. Their tutorials are outdated and so if you want user friendly – this is not.
I often am instructed to go to a certain drop down menu, and it isn’t there. I am instructed to “simply” look for a button option and it not in the place they say it is. I find it somewhere else 20 minutes later… It has become VERY time consuming and frustrating.
I found myself at this article looking for another drop and drag software option because after months of struggling with Divi, I’m done!
sangam kr
I am looking for a page builder similar to hub pages. can you suggest one for me
Doug Byrd
I already have a WooCommerce website that I am perfectly happy with. If I get one of these page builder plugins, can I keep my present website the way it is? Will the plug-in integrate into my website?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Doug,
Yes, just don’t edit any of your existing pages with the page builder.
Nuno Pereira
Hi there,
What do you think of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)? Would they be a good alternative to page builders? Could a non-developer create and customise page layouts using ACF rather than page builders?
I have to decide between using ACF or a Page builder. The agency that will develop my website recommends ACF, but I think it’s because they want to push me to use them again in the future, since any changes require the involvement of a developer.
So, I’m a non-developer, I’m the typical digital marketer who knows some HTML/ CSS and I know how page builders work, but I’m not sure about ACF…
I’s important for me to have the flexibility to customise page layouts if needed. For instance, would I be able to create a new page with a new layout by copying existing sections from other pages (e.g. create page #3 using the “testimonial” section from page #1 and “customer logo” section from page #2)?
Let me know what you think,
WPBeginner Support
Hi Nuno,
Your developers will recommend a solution based on your needs. If you are unsure, then you need to ask them why they would prefer ACF over a page builder plugin. If they are unable to convince you, then you can reconsider your options.
Can one use different page builders in a website for different pages therein?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, but we will not recommend it. You will need to keep them installed, which will slow down your admin screens and may even result into conflicts when writing posts or creating pages.
tnx for this perfect article.
I have a question:
when we wanna use a page builder like elementor or beaverbuilder is it important what theme we have?(i mean a free theme or pro theme)
if yes, can you give me names of some of the appropriate free and premium wordpress themes?
(if the answer of the first question is yes)what does make pro themes different from free themes?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Hadi,
Most page builder plugins are compatible with any standard compliant free or paid WordPress theme. However, some themes may not have a full-width page template in which case page builder may have to fit its layout inside the page container. In that case you have the option create your own full-width page template or you can use page builder’s canvas template which will do the samething and provide you a blank canvas to use as template.
Hello, im new in this. What about if i want to make a platform were my clients can chose there template and edit it with one of those drag and drop builders. Is it posible tu include one of them like seperadly with every registered clientes?
Do page builders slow your site down?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Stacy,
They can. Some page builders may load additional scripts and stylesheets which may slightly increase your page load time. However, with proper WordPress performance optimization you can easily negate their impact.
Elementor every time for me. I think it’s streets ahead of the competition.
Daniel Lee
Yes but how about its problem with a lack control over responsive breakpoints?
What about the code quality of these page builders? Using a page builder seems to me like putting an awful lot of trust in a plugin to handle the layout as opposed to handcrafting templates yourself. Then again, page buildes cut the development time considerably.
Editorial Staff
These page builders are top-notch in their rights and have huge communities around them. Of course, you’re having to trust the developers of the page builder to maintain the platform, but most of these companies have build sustainable businesses.
Anthony Pero
I think in a lot of cases, you can limit the output of the page builder to the_content(). So, you can design a theme, but instead of creating custom templates, or using ACF and custom post types, you can just go with Posts and Pages, and either build some defaults for the client, or allow them to add blocks and widgets to design their own one-off layouts.
Richie Trice
Is there any builder out there I can use to create the layout of a single blog post but have user adding content use the classic wordpress editor? I am looking for a drag and drop builder to do this, I am sure it can be done with custom coding.
The beaver themer will create the layout for posts….
Jeff Moyer
Great article I personally user Divi regularly but am exploring more options because I don’t like the lack of drop down menu options. Want to give Beaver Builder a try soon…