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Scalaホスティングサービスは、市場で最高のクラウドベースのVPSホスティングプロバイダです。マネージドクラウドVPS、WordPressホスティング、リセラーホスティングを手頃な価格で提供しています。さらに、すべてのマネージドVPSホスティングプランで、無料のドメイン名、無料のSSL証明書、無料のサイト移行が得られます。また、WPBeginnerユーザーはScala VPSホスティングを63%オフで利用できます。


  • 無料ドメイン、SSL、移行
  • VPSホスティングサービス用無料SPanel
  • 99.99%アップタイム保証
  • 受賞歴のあるカスタマイザーサポート
  • 30日間返金保証


  • 高い更新料
  • ネイティブサーバーのロケーションが限定される

WPBeginnerユーザーは63%割引と 無料ドメインが得られます!

Scalaホスティングサービス を訪れる



編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。

Scala Hostingは人気のあるクラウドベースのVPSホスティング会社です。マネージドVPSホスティング、マネージドWordPressホスティング、アプリホスティング、リセラーホスティングプランを提供しています。あなたは、Scalaホスティングがあなたのサイトに適したVPSホスティングサービスプロバイダであるかどうかを見つけるために私たちの完全なScalaホスティングレビューに従ってください。

続きを読む »
Scala Hosting Review



  • 信頼性 ウェブサイトは24時間365日、ダウンタイムなく利用できますか?
  • パフォーマンスScala HostingのVPSサーバーであなたのサイトはどのくらい速く読み込まれますか?パフォーマンステストを実施して分析します。
  • カスタマイザー: カスタマーサポートは信頼できるか?必要なときに簡単に助けを得ることができますか?
  • 機能 サイトを簡単に作成・管理できる機能があるか。
  • 価格設定:業界最高の価格を提供しているか?お得なScalaホスティングサービスはありますか?


Scala Hosting Review Summary
Performance gradeA+
Average load time1.04 s
Average response time120.4 ms
Free domainYes
Free SSLYes
1-click WordPressYes
SupportLive Chat / Knowledge base
Start with Scala Hosting


だからこそ、私たちは最高のWordPress VPSホスティング会社の一つとしてScalaホスティングを追加しました。












  • スピードの最適化:VPSホスティングサーバーには、より高速なNVMe SSDストレージが搭載されており、サイトのパフォーマンスを向上させます。
  • スケーラビリティ:VPSホスティングプランやその他のScalaホスティングサービスは、個別クリックでアップグレードやダウングレードが可能です。
  • セキュリティScalaホスティングは、AIを活用したサイバーセキュリティサービスSShieldを導入しており、攻撃やハッキングの試みを99.98%防ぎます。また、WordPressサイト上で悪質な行為があった場合、アラートを送信します。
  • 無料:各クラウドVPSホスティングプランでは、無料のドメイン名、無料のSSL証明書、無料のサイト移行、ユーザーフレンドリーなSPanelコントロールパネル(cPanelの代替)をご利用いただけます。
  • カスタマイザーサポート:Scalaホスティングは、顧客満足度を確保するための優れた顧客サポートチームを持っています。ライブチャットのレスポンスタイムは30秒で、緊急の問題に対処するのに役立ちます。


  • 高い更新料:ScalaホスティングサービスはVPSと他のウェブホスティングプランに最大63%の割引を提供しています。しかし、更新時には元の費用を支払う必要があります。また、2年目からはドメイン名やその他のサービスも支払う必要があるため、更新料は高くなります。
  • サーバー拠点の少なさ:サーバー拠点は3カ所のみで、アジアやオーストラリア地域のデータセンターはありません。しかし、ScalaホスティングサービスはDigitalOceanやAmazon Web Services(AWSホスティング)と統合しており、世界中に12以上のサーバーがあります。


Scalaホスティングサービスは、パフォーマンスとスピードの最適化をビルトインしたNVMe SSDクラウドサーバーです。




Scala Hosting speed test result




私たちはGrafana LabsのK6というストレステストツールを使用しました。このツールを使ってサイトに仮想ユーザーを送り込み、毎秒数回のリクエストでユーザーを最大50人まで増やしました。


Stress testing Scala Hosting







Scala Hosting uptime test result



これはサーバーのスピードテストの結果に影響します。Scala Hosting VPSサーバーの応答速度を確認したかったのです。




Scala Hosting response time test result






Scala Hostingのマネージドクラウドホスティングパッケージとその特徴をご紹介します:

  • スタート– このプランは月額29.95ドル(3年払いの場合)です。50GBのSSDストレージと無制限の帯域幅が含まれます。
  • アドバンスド– 月額63.95ドル(3年払いの場合)からご利用いただける2番目のプランです。このプランでは、80GBのSSDと無制限の帯域幅が利用できます。
  • ビジネス– 月額121.95ドル(3年払いの場合)の一流プラン。160GBのSSDストレージと無制限の帯域幅が含まれます。
  • エンタープライズ– 月額179.95ドル(3年払いの場合)の最上位プラン。320GBのSSDストレージと無制限の帯域幅があり、エンタープライズレベルのビジネスには十分です。
Scala Hosting VPS plans


ScalaホスティングサービスはAmazon Web ServicesおよびDigitalOceanとも統合しています。これらのサービスのVPSホスティングプランを選択した場合、料金プランは月額41.95ドルからとなります。




  • WPミニ– $2.95/月から。1サイト、固定10GBストレージ。このプランには無料ドメイン名は含まれません。
  • WP Start– 月額5.95から、50GBのストレージを提供。
  • WP Advanced– 月額$9.95から、100GBのストレージを提供。
  • Entry Cloud– $14.95/月から。CPUとRAMが保証されたVPSクラウドホスティングプランです。
Shared WordPress hosting plans








Scala Hostingは70万以上のサイトをVPSクラウドサーバーでホスティングしています。同社は、市場で最高のマネージドクラウドVPSサービスを提供することに主眼を置いています。




WPBeginnerユーザーは63%割引と 無料ドメインが得られます!

Reader Interactions

123 Scalaホスティングサービス ユーザーレビューレビューを書く

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Robert Johnson says

    Scalahosting offer great service options for a variety of hosting choices at an affordable cost. I’ve had reason to use their support on a few occasions and they jump on any issues straight away. I can’t recommend them highly enough.

  3. Tyler Atkins says

    Everything is working correctly and the management system is well deserved and easy to use. Overall I’m very pleased.

  4. Mikaela Heinonen says

    Their support was super professional, fast, clear and helpful. Perfect company for hosting any web sites with!!!

  5. Toni Thomas says

    A business built with a focus on sustainability, good pricing, great and personable support. What’s not to like? Completely happy with these guys.

  6. Dennis Muthomi says

    I am small business owner, I’ve been using Scala Hosting for VPS for about a month now, their 24/7 support is the main reason I migrated from cPanel, and I’ve had no regrets. whether it’s day or night, I can open a live chat in just less than 30 seconds, and their really knowledgeable staff assists me in real-time if any issues arises

  7. Jamie Bailey says

    I have been using Scalahosting for years and can thoroughly recommend them. No problems at all and any queries or random technical questions that I have are always answered really quickly. Excellent!

  8. Connor Stonor says

    The customer service is always so helpful. I continue to recommend Scalahosting for clients needing better, faster hosting. It isn’t the cheapest but it is worth the money.

  9. Melody Gray says

    The experience was great and very quick. I am super pleased with the service I got + simple-to-use SPanel!

  10. Eshan Anderson says

    Naturally, when my website breaks, it’s on my long holiday weekend. I was glad to be able to get the problem looked at right away. Even better, their technician was immediately able to fix it. Such a relief!

  11. Joel Glassey says

    I want to drop a line about Scalahosting company as my best hosting provider with usable SPanel which I have ever used. Prices are all right for me and support is prompt and active around the clock. I enjoy being their successful customer.

  12. Enzo Gomes says

    Speedy, professional and fixed the issue! 100% recommend! SPanel is a nice control panel for me with a lot of features.

  13. Wendy Bullock says

    Agent understood the issue with my site and resolved it in good time with an explanation of why the problem had occurred. Great hosting service with nice SPanel which helps me much manage my VPS account!

  14. Marija Sochor says

    I’ve used Scalahosting twice now and they have solved both of my issues QUICKLY (as in, within 15-30 minutes). Very easy to communicate with and affordable! Definitely plan on using them again and again and again….

  15. Eric Bratcher says

    Excellent hosting services with simple-to-use SPanel at great prices. Excellent, fast, thorough support!
    I have been a client for several years now.

  16. Victoria Stace says

    Their tech support is superb. Quick, correct, helpful and most of all, friendly. I’ve been on many different hosts over the past two decades, and Scalahosting is at the top of my list.

  17. Arianna Colombo says

    I 100% recommend Scalahosting services, they’re amazing! SPanel has a nice navigation and servers are as stable as a rock. Good to have a deal with.

  18. Tomoha Kawahara says

    Always have a great Experience! Everyone is always quick to help and the issues are resolved.

  19. Elizabeth Milliken says

    The support is very helpful. I just described the problem and the assistant found and fixed the problem themselves, so it was very fast and convenient for me. SPanel is a plus from them.
    Good to be their successful client.

  20. Ruth Allie says

    I have never been with a better hosting company. The prices they have are reasonable and affordable. Their customer service is right on the money. They are a very nice company.

  21. Ursula Adler says

    I choose Scalahosting because of the reviews, quality of service, user-friendly SPanel control panel & packages offered. They offer a reliable service, great speed & fantastic customer service.

  22. Linnea Hallan says

    Scalahosting provides an awesome service !!
    They are offering great plans at a affordable cost.
    Their tech support is superb and hands down.
    Keep up the good work , Scalahosting.

  23. Isabella Norberg says

    The price is right and the customer service is prompt and courteous! For the lowest prices they offer the best hosting services in their packages. I highly recommend Scalahosting!

  24. Mikayla Haydon says

    By far, the fastest servers I have ever seen. I have a bulky WordPress shopping site, but it is lightning fast. SPanel is good and easy to manage.

  25. Judithe Poulsen says

    These guys were prompt, efficient, helpful and polite in dealing with my issue. SPanel deserves 5 stars. Very usable.

  26. Nikifor Zawadzki says

    I tried different companies before, I was tired of unexpected issues and behaviors. I paid more than my previous experiences, however, I received a very good service! So, this was what I need. I highly recommend using it.

  27. Isaac Custance says

    I think Scalahosting is one of the best hosting player out here!. Assistance is top, server speed, uptime are outstanding. No hidden costs.

  28. Jeremy Horn says

    The service at Scalahosting is simply the best on the web. Thank you for your help… very much appreciated!

  29. Andi Wallace says

    Not a free hosting service but worth every penny when it comes to service & back up. Always a fast response and supports my limited technical knowledge perfectly!

  30. Hugo Cheong says

    You know Scalahosting tech staff really care about their customers and never ignore their questions. Highly recommended to try for whose who are interested in getting quality hosting services at modest rates with quality SPanel!

  31. Amira Murphy says

    The service, SPanel control panel and assistance I have received from Scalahosting in migrating my site has been impressive.

  32. Sarah Barros says

    Quick responding, solving issues quickly, they are always on time, taking to customers as friends, overall I didn’t regret moving to Scalahosting. Keep your good work guys!

  33. Ebony Moresby says

    Impressed with the quick migration, professionalism, and the speed of each of the websites so far!
    SPanel control panel is the best.

  34. Koby Dovey says

    Swift and courteous responses to questions. SPanel is the best control panel I have ever tried. It has a user-friendly interface. recommend to try.

  35. Emily Ritchie says

    Excellent hosting service+ user-friendly SPanel. The best performance all the time. And prices are competitive.

  36. Eduardo Stmartin says

    Once again, you guys are amazing! Sorted out my website issue in record time ! Thanks again! My Platinum support team, just help me grow my business.

  37. Hugo Olofsson says

    I have over five years of excellent hosting of six websites by Scalahosting. They handle my requests for support with super technical skill, fantastic customer service, and amazing speed.

    I highly recommend this company and this is a public Thank You to Scalahosting!

  38. Riley Gisborne says

    I have tried several of the “top” hosting companies and Scalahosting is the best. Their speed is the best you can get!! And SPanel is really comfortable to navigate.

  39. Susan Williams says

    If you have heard enough promises and had enough delays from your current hosting company, try the best in the trade Scalahosting! Scalahosting, you guys rock!

  40. Felix Baumgartner says

    Scalahosting has great and affordable plans for home users and the tech support is fast.
    SPanel is also very comfortable to use.

  41. Madison Edith says

    Easy to deal with, good price for services offered, responsive support. Well done and thanks to the Scalahosting’s team.

  42. Tori Walker says

    This company has always provided me with fast, friendly and reliable service. As a non IT person it is greatly appreciated. And SPanel is really webmaster-friendly.

  43. Jasmine Moubray says

    SPanel at Scalahosting is awesome. Overall great service, and expedited everything I needed to get done, provided necessary direction to articles, reviewed and corrected server settings and more. Great Job!

  44. Indiana Veale says

    Unbeatable professional support. Very patient and always friendly. Scalahosting has great staff and very good customer service + webmaster-friendly SPanel.

  45. Laura Byrne says

    Wonderful service from their technician who is very kind, patient and professional. He helped me every step of the way and when things got difficult, he took action to fix them. I am delighted with the services of Scalahosting!

  46. Cardoso Ribeiro says

    Scalahosting is awesome and the representatives are always attentive, kind, and fix the problem every single time. Though I’m not blogging anymore if I ever were to again I would highly recommend using Scalahosting compared to any other. They’re great!

  47. Nebyat Robel says

    The support consultant has been very helpful. The chat was friendly and relevant to the questions asked. Plans are full-featured and uptime is high. Recommend.

  48. Antonio Brooks says

    Wow, I was so surprise with the service from Scalahosting, in 2 minutes my problem was solved, that is so professional! And the guy who helped me was really nice and patient ! Big thumbs up!

  49. Michael Allman says

    Amazing support, patience and pedagogy ! The support of Scalahosting really never disappoint, and this is truly awesome. I have been using them for 4 years now and it seems you guys keep improving your support.

    Keep up, it is really valued
    And massive thanks.

  50. Lily Wrigley says

    Superb hosting provider with excellent support and user-friendly SPanel control panel.
    All is all right with them.

