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  • 超高速サーバー
  • カスタマイザーサポート
  • 1クリックWordPressインストール
  • 無料のSSLとCDN
  • 簡単なステージングツール
  • 統合されたファイアウォールとセキュリティ


  • 無料ドメインなし

WPBeginnerユーザーは2ヶ月間無料と 無料SSLを利用できます!

ロケットネット を訪れる



編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。



続きを読む »


  • スピードとパフォーマンス:Rocket.netホスティングサービスの速度と突然のトラフィック急増への対応。
  • 信頼性ウェブサイトは24時間365日、ダウンタイムなく利用できますか?
  • カスタマイザー:必要なときにすぐにサポートを受けられますか?
  • 機能:プレミアム価格タグを正当化するのに十分な機能を提供しているか?
  • 価格設定:料金プランと、お得なキャンペーンを利用することで、いくらか節約できるか?


OnRocket Review Summary
Performance gradeA+
Average load time448 ms
Average response time3.8 ms
Free domainNo
Free SSLYes
1-click WordPressYes
SupportLive Chat / Email / Knowledge base
Start with OnRocket

結論:私たちは、Rocket.netがより速く、信頼できるマネージドWordPressホスティング会社であることを発見しました。もしあなたがビジネスに集中できるVIP WordPressホスティングサービスをお探しなら、Rocket.netはあなたにぴったりです。



Rocket.netはBen GablerとAaron Dewell Phillipsによって2020年に設立された個人経営の会社です。2人とも長年ホスティングサービス業界で働いており、豊富な経験を持っています。






  • スピード:サーバーはWordPressのスピードとパフォーマンスのために高度に最適化されています。あなたのサイトは、地理的な場所に関係なく、すべてのユーザーにとってより速く読み込まれます。
  • 使いやすさ:コントロールパネルが非常に使いやすく、上級ユーザーにも初心者ユーザーにも適している。
  • セキュリティマネージドWordPressホスティングサービス会社として、彼らは更新の世話をし、ウェブサイトのファイアウォール、マルウェア保護を使用してセキュリティを強化し、定期的なバックアップを保持します。


  • ナレッジベース – 現在、ナレッジベースの記事、ハウツーガイド、動画などのセルフヘルプリソースは少ない。しかし、ライブチャットや電話による24時間365日のサポートはある。
  • 月払いを選択した場合、かなり高額になる。年会費を支払ってサービスが気に入らなければ、その間に解約すれば全額返金される。




そのために、ホスティングサービスにサインアップし、WordPressサイトをインストールした。その後、初期設定のTwenty Twentyテーマを使い、画像を含むテーマテスト用のダミーデータをサイトに埋め込んだ。



まずは、Pingdomのスピードテストツールを使った簡単なスピードテストから始めた。テスト結果は以下の通り: speed test results





これがテスト結果のスクリーンショットだ: stress test result






Bitcatchaというツールを使って、Rocket.netのレスポンシブタイムを見てみました。これがテスト結果のスクリーンショットです。 response times



また、テストサイトのアップタイム監視を設定しましたが、テスト期間中、ダウンタイムは記録されませんでした。 uptime test




  • WordPressホスティングサービス。クラウドエッジネットワーク、グローバルCDN、Brotli圧縮、その他の最先端技術を使用して、より高速なパフォーマンスを実現します。
  • ビルトインWebサイトファイアウォール、マルウェア保護とパッチ適用、ブルートフォース攻撃およびDDoS攻撃保護など、強化されたセキュリティ。
  • 1クリックWordPressインストーラ、シンプルな1クリックステージングサイト、毎日の自動バックアップと手動バックアップ、すべてシンプルなミッションコントロールセンターから行います。




  • スターター– 月額25ドル(年払い)WordPress1インストールと25.000アクセス
  • プロ– 月額50ドル(年払い)WordPressインストール3回、アクセス数10万回まで。
  • ビジネス– 月額$83 (年払い) 最大10 WordPressインストール、250,000アクセスまで。
  • エージェンシー– 月額166ドル(年間課金)、WordPressインストール数25、アクセス数500,000の場合。

すべてのプランに30日間の返金保証がついており、サービスに不満がある場合や、単に継続したくない場合は、期間内に全額返金される。 サポート&カスタムサービス


Rocket.netは、ライブチャット、電話、メールによる24時間365日のサポートを提供しています。マネージドWordPressホスティングサービス会社として、WordPressを知り尽くしたサポートスタッフが常駐しています。 support options









WPBeginnerユーザーは2ヶ月間無料と 無料SSLを利用できます!

Reader Interactions

16 ロケットネット ユーザーレビューレビューを書く

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. TJ says

    Just migrated 2 sites from WPENGINE & AWS – the customer service of is second to none. These guys rock!

  3. Laura Jawad says

    I’m a very small business in a highly saturated space and I migrated to OnRocket to get an edge with page speed. They haven’t disappointed. As an added bonus- their customer service exceeds expectations. Fast, courteous and very helpful. I recommend with no hesitations!

  4. Charles Meier says

    Since coding my first website back in 1995 I have had my share of web hosting experiences. They all started out good but the customer support was always the first thing to go by the wayside. I then found Rocket and though they did not have many reviews at the time I gave them a try. I was pleasantly surprised. Most hosts brag of page load speed and I thought they were all acceptable till Rocket. No matter what host I was with, working in wordpress always seemed sluggish till I found Rocket. What a difference how pages load instantly when navigating in the wordpress dashboard. The choice of Edge server locations was also a huge selling point for me. Also, I have to say the customer service is second to none which is why I took the time out to give them my praise and support. Keep up the good work guys!

  5. Terry Myers says

    The moment we moved IPVanish’s blog to Rocket we saw performance improvements globally. Our former WordPress host did the job, but Rocket is on a different level – expert customer service, simple setup, and global infrastructure to make sure the sites fast for all our visitors.

  6. Konstantin says

    We’ve been using OnRocket for our main site hosting. OnRocket is without a doubt the best solution for both large and small. The pricing is straightforward and. We love the CDN as a charity site with images and other multimedia content, it’s great to have a straightforward pricing model which includes a solid CDN. The uptime, latency and pageload time has been smooth. We are averaging 25-80MS globally with their Miami location tied to the CDN.

  7. Joe Gilharry says

    With over 12 years of experience using WordPress, I have to say Rocket is the absolute best WordPress hosting platform I have come across. I run a digital marketing agency and website development and hosting is a large part of what we do.

    Rocket not only provides a very user friendly interface, but the founders are seasoned veterans who understand every aspect of Web Hosting. I couldn’t be more happy as a customer. Thank you guys for your hard work and dedication to providing a service that is game changing!

  8. Gopal Raha says

    I have migrated my WordPress website from previous host to onRocket Managed WordPress Hosting. Thanks to onRocket Technical Support team for migrating my WordPress website from old host to onRocket platform without any downtime.

    I have checked the speed and performance of my WordPress website is drastically improved on onRocket Platform.

    In past, I have tried various hosting company but I can’t find the topnotch security and performance that onRocket provides in their hosting plan. The onRocket provides all essential services for free that includes CDN, WAF and Premium DNS services.

    I am very satisfied with onRocket service and giving them full 5 star rating. Also, I recommend onRocket Managed WordPress Hosting for those who need World’s Fastest Managed WordPress Hosting.

  9. Ben Thomas says

    Look no further for simple, professional WordPress hosting. When I think about all the time I’ve spent over the years installing/updating/tuning/maintaining my WP installs it kind of breaks my heart. Now I don’t have to worry about so many of those painful details because Rocket has in my new ride. I’ve even got my colleagues at work using Rocket for their WP sites. You know what they say? “We don’t think about it.” That’s the absolute highest praise you can say for a WP hosting service. If you need WP hosting then do yourself a huge favor and stop looking. You’ve found exactly what you need.

  10. Troy McCasland says

    I’m a web hosting veteran and have been involved in the industry since the beginning. OnRocket is one of the best places to host your WordPress website. The instant setup, ease of use, lightening fast hosting, and awesome support is unbeatable.

  11. Andy Mentges says

    I’ve known Aaron and Ben for more than 10+ years and when I needed a mission-critical project hosted for one of my business, I decided to check out Rocket. Without knowing much in advance, I was surprised that my WordPress site was instantly on CloudFlare and about 2.5X faster. Migration was a breeze and believe me when I say the seamless integration with CloudFlare Enterprise is top notch.

  12. Tinu Cleatus says

    Moving to OnRocket was one of the best Operational decision we made recently. Managing a WordPress website yourself isn’t an easy task with a security black hole showing up now and then. You don’t want to spend your valuable time dealing with each and every one of those. Also, performance is another big task if you don’t know what you are doing – leave it to the experts at Rocket!

    Moving to Rocket was a breeze – just ask the Rocket support team and with a simple DNS change, you are done. I must say that the Rocket support team has been great, get instant replies to your queries, no matter which time zone you are in. Also, like the feature that you can enable FTPS using your SSH keys which makes it even more secure.

    We are really glad we moved to Rocket, looking forward to migrate more clients onto it.

  13. Michael Gargiulo says

    onRocket is a wonderful managed WP solution. Not too many good ones out there but their servers, speed, support and team are easy and accomadating. Was delighted to see them featured here. Thanks Syed.


  14. Tom Copeland says

    Happy customer here! Struggled with page speed for years. I’ve tried it all from WP plugins to VPS, to a more expensive VPS, nothing ever really made much of a difference. Switched to Rocket and instantly my page speed scores 2x because Rocket put me on a regional server close to my location. Migration is a breeze, too. Highly recommended.

  15. Josh Etheridge says

    Rocket is hands down the fastest managed WordPress hosting we have been on. Their price point is perfect and the support is just as fast as their platform. We saw a 50% increase in load times just by switching. Highly recommend them!

  16. Chris Broedell says

    onRocket is without question the fastest WordPress hosting provider we’ve come across.

    We were able to host our site in Miami (which is 40 miles from our service area) complete with a CDN and Website Firewall giving us a huge SEO benefit… not to mention our full load time went down from 18s down to just 3 seconds without any changes other than DNS updates.

    Bottom line… if you’re using WordPress you need to use!

