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Do deactivated plugins slow down WordPress? Should you delete inactive plugins?




Activate a WordPress plugin



Installed plugins















Deleting an Inactive Plugin in WordPress



この投稿が、WordPressプラグインの無効化と非アクティブなプラグインの削除に関する質問の答えになれば幸いです。また、WordPress サイトの訪問者をトラッキングする方法や、WordPress のエキスパートが選ぶ、サイトを成長させるための必須プラグインもご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Dayo Olobayo says

    Thanks for clearing this up… I always thought inactive plugins might be slowing things down, but it’s good to know that’s not the case. However, I will be more mindful of keeping my plugin list clean to avoid any security vulnerabilities.

  3. Mrteesurez says

    For me, the reason why I keep inactive is for a fear of if plugin will be available for download again. It has happened to me twice, I got to the plugin directly to download the plugin but no find it again (has been removed or stopped).
    Although, this day I don’t usually keep them much as I would have downloaded the plugin files on my system in case I later need it or it’s elements.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You’re welcome and there’s nothing wrong with downloading the file off your site instead of keeping the plugin inactive on your site :)


  4. Chris says


    I have deactivated a few plugins but have not deleted them in case I want to use them later.
    But the Updates to these Plugins show up on my Dashboard under the Updates and Plugin tabs.

    Is there a way to turn off the notifications for updates to Deactivated Plugins?


    • WPBeginner Support says

      We would not recommend removing the update notification and you should keep the deactivated plugins up to date to keep your site safe.


      • Chris says

        Thanks for the reply to my question and confirming that deactivated plugins should be kept up to date.

  5. Harwinder Karwal says

    Do I lose the database on deactivating a plugin?
    Do I get the database after reactivating a plugin?
    Any other benefit of the deactivation/activation process of the plugin (s)?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on the plugin but you should keep the plugin data when you deactivate a plugin and don’t completely remove it so it would have all of your information when reactivating your plugin.

      You would normally only have deactivated plugins on your site if you are troubleshooting a problem or have a very specific need for a plugin for a limited time.


  6. Mark says

    Is there any performance benefit (or problem) in deactivating a plugin that is used to develop your site so for example Elementor or Contact Form 7. It could then be activated if you need to edit later.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Deactivating a plugin would remove its functionality until the plugin is reactivated. If you’re not using the plugin then deactivating it could help a small amount with your site’s performance.


  7. rakesh kumar says

    I do understand that inactive plugins do not slow-down you website if they are not in a very large number as they have very small footprint in your database, Since the information of the plugin is stored in the database and every time WordPress generate a new page, looks in the database, So according to me if you are not using any plugin then all the traces of that plugin must not appear on your system. If they are there then it should slow-down the website.

  8. Luis Daniel Carbia says

    Hey, I had this doubt and this article resolved it the correct way: concise and detailed. Thanks!

  9. Jason says

    If working on a client’s site, i always like to remove any inactive plugins I do not think we will need to use. That way, your client does not intentionally or inadvertently active any plugin(s) they are not familiar with. Removing inactive plugins also lessens any hacker’s targets.

