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WPBeginnerでは、All In One SEOを使ってXMLサイトマップを自動生成し、特定のタクソノミーを除外する機能など、さらにコントロールできるようにしています。しかし、私たちはWordPressサイトマップを作成する他の方法を研究しました。


What is an XML Sitemap and how to create one for your WordPress site

















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2020年8月以前、WordPressにはサイトマップがビルトインされていなかった。しかし、WordPress 5.5では、基本的なXMLサイトマップ機能がリリースされた。



Default WordPress XML sitemap



幸いなことに、WordPressのトップSEOプラグインはすべて、独自のサイトマップ機能を備えています。これらのサイトマップはより優れており、WordPress XMLサイトマップから削除または除外するコンテンツをコントロールすることができます。


WordPressでXMLサイトマップを作成する最も簡単な方法は、WordPress用のAll In One SEO(AIOSEO)プラグインを使用することです。

これは市場で最高のWordPress SEOプラグインであり、サイトマップジェネレータとSEOのためにあなたのブログ投稿を最適化するためのツールの包括的なセットを提供します。

まず、All In One SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


有効化した後、All In One SEO ” Sitemapsページでサイトマップ設定を確認してください。

Enable sitemap in All in One SEO

初期設定では、All In One SEOはサイトマップ機能を有効化し、WordPressの基本的なサイトマップを置き換えます。


All in One SEO XML sitemap preview




AIOSEO Sitemap settings


All In One SEOは、すべてのWordPressコンテンツをXMLサイトマップに自動的に含めます。しかし、お問い合わせフォームや ランディングページShopifyのストアページなど、WordPressの一部ではない独立したページがある場合はどうでしょうか?


Adding additional pages to your WordPress XML sitemap






All In One SEOでは、XMLサイトマップから投稿やページを除外することができます。All In One SEO ” Sitemapsページの’高度な設定’セクションをクリックすることでこれを行うことができます。

Excluding items from your WordPress XML sitemap



Removing a post or page from XML sitemap using robots.txt

ここからAdvancedタブに切り替え、「No Index」と「No Follow」オプションの横にあるボックスにチェックを入れる必要がある。


All In One SEOでは、動画サイトマップやニュースサイトマップなどの追加サイトマップを作成することができます。


Video search results showing video thumbnail


All In One SEO ” サイトマップにアクセスし、動画サイトマップまたはニュースサイトマップタブに切り替えるだけで、これらのサイトマップを生成できます。

Generating video and news sitemaps in All in One SEO


方法3:Yoast SEOを使用してWordPressでXMLサイトマップを作成する

WordPressのSEOプラグインとしてYoast SEOを使用している場合、XMLサイトマップも自動的に有効になります。

まず、Yoast SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、SEO ” Generalページに行き、’Features’ タブに切り替えます。ここから’XML Sitemap’オプションまでスクロールダウンし、それがオンになっていることを確認する必要があります。

Yoast SEO XML Sitemap option


Yoast SEOがXMLサイトマップを作成したことを確認するには、ページの「XMLサイトマップ」設定の隣にあるクエスチョンマークのアイコンをクリックしてください。

View XML Sitemap created by Yoast SEO plugin

その後、「XMLサイトマップを見る」リンクをクリックし、Yoast SEOが生成したライブXMLサイトマップを表示してください。


Yoast SEO sitemap

Yoast SEOはコンテンツの種類に応じて複数のサイトマップを作成します。初期設定では、投稿、ページ、投稿者、カテゴリーに対してサイトマップを作成します。





Google Search Consoleは、Googleが提供する無料ツールで、サイト所有者がGoogle検索結果におけるサイトの存在を監視・維持するのに役立ちます。

Google Search Consoleにサイトマップを追加することで、たとえ新しいサイトであっても、Googleがあなたのコンテンツを素早く発見できるようになります。

まず、Google Search Consoleのサイトにアクセスし、アカウントを登録する必要があります。


Select property type



Google Search Console verify site ownership


AIOSEOを使用している場合、簡単なウェブマスターツールの検証が付属しています。All In One SEO ” 一般設定に行き、’ウェブマスターツール’タブをクリックするだけです。その後、Googleからのコードを入力することができます。

AIOSEO Site Verification



有効化したら、Code Snippets ” Header & Footerページにアクセスし、先ほどコピーしたコードを「Header」ボックスに追加する必要があります。

Add your verification code in the header section


Google Search Consoleタブに戻り、「検証」ボタンをクリックします。

Googleはサイトに認証コードがあるかどうかを確認し、Google Search Consoleアカウントに追加します。




Add sitemap to Google Search Console

その後、「Add a new sitemap」セクションにサイトマップURLの最後の部分を追加し、「Submit」ボタンをクリックします。

Google Search ConsoleにサイトマップのURLが追加されます。



Sitemap stats in Google Search Console


Google Search Consoleと同様に、ビングもビング・ウェブマスター・ツールを提供しており、サイトオーナーがビング検索エンジンにおけるサイトを監視するのに役立っている。


ここで、サイトを追加する2つのオプションが表示されます。Google Search Consoleからサイトをインポートするか、手動で追加するかです。

Create account in Bing Webmaster Tools

すでにGoogle Search Consoleにサイトを追加している場合は、サイトをインポートすることをお勧めします。サイトマップが自動的にインポートされるため、時間の節約になります。




Copy meta tag to verify site in Bing Webmasters Tool

あなたのサイトにWPCode Freeプラグインをインストールし、有効化してください。

有効化したら、Code Snippets ” Header & Footerページにアクセスし、先ほどコピーしたコードを「Header」ボックスに追加する必要があります。

Add Bing verification code





Google Search Consoleでサイトマップの統計情報に目を光らせておく必要がある。クロールエラーや検索対象から除外されたページが表示されます。

Sitemap coverage



Sitemap URLs reports



詳しくは、初心者向けGoogle Search Console完全ガイドをご覧ください。


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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

269件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Christopher Ebling

    I only get options that say Dashboard Search Console and Go Premium I don’t see site map as an option how do I get it to do the site map so I have to pay the 97$

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Christopher,

      The option is moved to the advanced settings pages. Please see our updated guide on setting up Yoast SEO plugin and check step 3 which shows how to enable advanced settings and then step 9 which shows how to enable sitemaps.


  2. Deepika Bisht

    Yoast seo best way to create a good sitemap for a wordpress blog. Thanks for share it.

  3. Mahmoud

    i already have my sitemap XML , but i need to regenerate it .
    what is the best way to do that ?

  4. chittara

    OMG it helped me loads and loads…thanks a lot

  5. Shane Jackson

    Thanks, this helped a lot!

  6. Vin Boris

    Very informative content. It is a good information with good knowledge, my most of doubts get cleared with this.

  7. Justin Lanouette

    how do you add a sitemap to sites?

  8. Abdul Asif

    can you explain, what must be included in sitemaps, whether all posts, category, tags etc..

  9. Angela - CRD Founder

    Amazing article! no-one could explain the Sitemap thing better than you. Thanks so much!! I’ve just followed all the steps (for the verification method, I chose “Domain Name Provider”, by the way)

    So my website is roughly a month old and I’ve only just added the YOAST plugin and sitemap today. How much time does it take for Google to recognize it? Right now, I have this message in my Webmaster Tools:

    “Error details: 1 Errors, 0 Warnings.

    “We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit.

    “Network unreachable: Network unreachable”

    What does it mean, please?

    • andy

      thanks! this is great!

  10. Valentine

    Nothing to comment again because the process was straight forward. Thanks so much

  11. Toma

    First off, I`d like to say “thank you” for all your support and guidance to the new WP users.

    I`ve created a sitemap, however Google is telling me that the URL is restricted by robots.txt

    My robots.txt file look like this:

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /


    sitemap.xml has been tested and is working as expected.
    I`ve checked the site variants (www and non-www)
    I understand that in WP Admin, under Search Engine Visibility it is possible to encourage search engines to index the site. My understanding is that doing so will modify the robots.txt file and will allow all robots to crawl my site – including the “bad” crawlers (I`ve read this on other tutorials).

    Any further assistance will be greatly appreciated.



  12. danielsonjosh

    this is fabulous!!!!!! great work

  13. Abhinav

    The yoast sitemap page is showing “Warning: Class __PHP_Incomplete_Class has no unserializer in /home/content/n3pnexwpnas01_data02/78/3160178/html/wp-content/object-cache.php on line 520”, followed by url’s. This is the case with sitemap_index as well as sitemaps contained within. Sometime it shows right format and sometimes the similar error for the same post/page/index sitemap. How can I fix this?

  14. Quanglepro


    Your tip is very detail. But can i ask some more thing. I am new wordpresser from Viet Nam, I meet the problem with sitemap of Yoast seo.

    After Save changes the Sitemap of Yoast, Then i go to Google console to add ” sitemap_index.xml ” for index.

    After add sitemap_index.xml, It just show the blue color culumn, dont have any red color column for Index.

    It is PASS or FAIL? How can i know google console indexed my sitemap or Not index for this case.

    Nice day

    • WPBeginner Support

      If there is an error, Google will display the error. Otherwise you should see your sitemap accepted.


      • Quanglepro

        It is done sir. After 2 days, it will be indexed. Google doesnt index immediately.
        Nice day.

      • ArParvez

        dear sit iam seeing ur video and tutorial, using how to seo wordprees ytoast. i have done it, but when i try to see xml file it tell error/page not found but when i test this link on google sitemap it say no error found, but its empty. what should i do. and also i am getting problem using wordprees, i think i have done some mistake to install wp. i have install via Android phn.and sometime when i want to delete some plugin it tell error database,can u guys help me to reinstall wordprees pls it will be greatfull. tnx

  15. Alessio

    Hi guys,
    do I still need a dedicated plugin for the sitemap or does the latest version of WP come with something for the sitemap too?

  16. suji

    After installing Yoast plugin i got the below msg!

    The plugin Yoast SEO has been detected. Do you want to import its settings into All in One SEO Pack?

    wat do i need to do?

      • Suji


        Thanks for the reply. I disabled All in one SEO plugin. I have one more query. Can you pls answer it?

        I have already verified my site using HTML file upload method, so now how can i generate a sitemap using Yoast SEO plugin?

  17. Summer Breeze

    Thank you so much! This was immensely helpful.

  18. Jacqui Rawson

    Thanks guys!
    This was really helpful.
    You’re making my stress levels deflate immensely with all your assistance on getting my site all SEO set up.

  19. Emma

    Thank you for the step-by-step instructions – really helped me to understand WP and Google further.

    Keep up the good work!

  20. Abhyank

    “If you have a sitemap that is located on, your sitemap is not being generated by our Yoast SEO plugin. It is probably generated by Google XML Sitemaps or another XML sitemaps plugin. Please disable other sitemap plugins and remove any sitemap files via FTP before enabling the sitemaps in our plugin.”

    How do i get around this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Simply go to your plugins page. See if you have a plugin installed that adds XML sitemap. If you do, then disable that plugin.


      • Abhyank

        I really can’t figure out if any of my plugins are making a sitemap, i don’t think i have installed any that do. So terribly confused.

        • WPBeginner Support

          Then try disabling all plugins except Yoast SEO. Then try go to sitemaps, if you don’t see the message then this means one of the plugin was causing that. You can then activate plugins one by one and visit the sitemaps screen to see if the error reappears. Do that until you find the plugin causing it.

          On the other hand if you see the message even after deactivating all plugins, then it could be your WordPress theme or a manually created file on your server.

  21. Yuvraj Khavad

    Thanks for this tutorial.
    Very mush informative post.

    Yuvraj Khavad

  22. Dawit

    Thanks! very helpful.

  23. Erin

    Thank you for this informative article.
    I have notice that some of my pages are not included in the sitemap generated in WordPress using the Yoast SEO – XML sitemap tool. Is there a way to manually enter the missing pages or to update the sitemap to include these pages?

  24. Galib

    Really easy to follow and create a site map!!

  25. Jo

    Thank you! I think I have created what was needed and it was easy. Instructions were clear and easy to follow, thank you.

  26. Annika

    Hi there,
    I’ve read through a lot of pages trying to explain what you did, but seriously, yours is BY FAR the best. Easy to understand, one-by-one explanations. Thanks for your great help, you probably just saved me hours and hours of work.

  27. Magaly

    Great info, very useful! :)
    Now will wait for Google Analitycs to do his work :P

  28. Suraj

    Very helpful article n screenshots makes it easy to understand!! Thanks for posting!!

  29. kksilvery


    It was easy to understand. My question is , how can i edit my blog current sitemap?


  30. Kay Collier

    Thank you once again for more valuable information.

  31. Josh Watson

    SUPER useful article! I really appreciate the info! This saved me so much time and hassle. I had looked at a couple other guides and they were just confusing.

    I used this on my site and it really saved us!

  32. Shailesh Jangra

    Hi Syed Balkhi,

    Great post over sitemaps. I have one question for you.
    I have sitemap_index.xml for my website (without www ) but now I set my website to www version. I can see that all pages automatically changes with www version but sitemap_index dosn’t. Any specific reason.

    Also it shows nothing on but at sitemap_index.xml page I have complete sitemap.

    What is the mistake?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Since you have set your website URL on www your sitemap will be published on the same URL.


  33. zeeshan khan

    My site map shows the staticstics of web page but not show the staticstics of images. why not show image in my site map help me please.

  34. Tom Horn

    Whenever I submit the sitemap this is the message I get:

    “Your Sitemap does not contain any URLs. Please validate and resubmit your Sitemap.”

    Can you tell me what to do? Thanks.

  35. Leo

    I am having serious problems regarding sitemaps for a few months ago. I am using a wordpress hosted by godaddy. I’ve installed SEO by Yoast and did the sitemaps tutorial you had. Site’s is connecting, the sitemap is there, but the specific links (posts, pages, author, etc) are pending.

    We wait 48 hours, and none. We try it so many times, re-submitted, and yet Google search console is not crawling our site correctly.

    I don’t know what to do! Does it has to do with our theme? Godaddy told us there’s nothing blocking it on their side. And every time i look on the internet, many people are still having the same issue. Noticed that our site is working correctly and so are the feeds. But we are not crawling anything… Please if somebody already solved this, tell us, maybe someone else will going to solve this terrible issue

  36. Jess @ Make and Do Crew

    Thanks for this! It’s the clearest explanation I’ve seen. How long does it take for Google to crawl it? I can’t seem to get to that final visual you showed with the total number of pages and images indexed, although I haven’t gotten any sort of message that google is still working on it. Like, should I check back tomorrow? And if so, can you tell me exactly what to click on to find the confirmation that the site has been fully crawled? Thanks again!

  37. John

    Thanks for the info. As an addition: if the sitemap url gives a 404 then try lowering the default value of 1000 for the maximum number of lines. Worked for me.

    • Tamsin

      Thank you for your solution. I changed the default value to 200 and it works! I have spent the last week trying to get my head around this stuff being a complete beginner. You have saved my sanity.

  38. Israel

    please, after i clicked on the XML Sitemap

    what i got is error,

    Error 404 Not Found
    Oops! We couldn’t find this Page.

    Please check your URL or use the search form below.

    Please what can i do to get mu sitemp. thanks

    • Taranpreet Singh

      same problem is with me. have you solved the problem.

      • Austin

        Same issue, no sitemap on my free site. How do we fix this or create one?

  39. ramin ziafat

    thank you it was great

  40. surya teja

    thank you for the great article .

    i am having a problem . i am using free wordpress of name ( free domain ) i am not understanding how to add the site map at now

  41. Nitika

    nice article! apart from this do we need to enter google authorisation code?

  42. Leo


    Thank you so much for the easy-to-follow instructions and well explained topic about sitemaps.

    My question is How to add a ‘single’ page or post which displays all your posts. I hope you got what i mean.

    I saw a blog, at the bottom of the page there is a clickable link called ‘sitemap’. when you click it, it will bring you to a page containing all the published post or articles or i suppose, “the sitemaps”.

    How can i do these type of ‘clickable link’???

    Thank you very much.

  43. Naveen

    Nice article ! But when i submitted the sitemap, it is showing 0 url submitted at the dashbard area

  44. Kris letcher

    Thanks for the concise information.

  45. Deb Slater

    Wow. wpbeginner is the very best instruction I have found for my WordPress site. Thank you.

  46. Harrison Okoyibo

    I just want to say a big “THANK YOU” for your efforts providing the internet wordpress users with useful, and relevant information, articles, and tutorials. Wishing you and your team more of God’s blessing. Shalom!

  47. Luigi

    Thank you for this tutorial! It was really helpful! :)

  48. Ana

    Thank you for your tutorial and info. It really helped me with the sitemap! Great job!

  49. Ezekiel

    Thank you for this explanation. I am indeed grateful for it.
    Your tutorials in this site has always been helpful

  50. Kaleem Ullah

    Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead. need help

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