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WPBeginnerでは、All In One SEOを使ってXMLサイトマップを自動生成し、特定のタクソノミーを除外する機能など、さらにコントロールできるようにしています。しかし、私たちはWordPressサイトマップを作成する他の方法を研究しました。


What is an XML Sitemap and how to create one for your WordPress site

















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2020年8月以前、WordPressにはサイトマップがビルトインされていなかった。しかし、WordPress 5.5では、基本的なXMLサイトマップ機能がリリースされた。



Default WordPress XML sitemap



幸いなことに、WordPressのトップSEOプラグインはすべて、独自のサイトマップ機能を備えています。これらのサイトマップはより優れており、WordPress XMLサイトマップから削除または除外するコンテンツをコントロールすることができます。


WordPressでXMLサイトマップを作成する最も簡単な方法は、WordPress用のAll In One SEO(AIOSEO)プラグインを使用することです。

これは市場で最高のWordPress SEOプラグインであり、サイトマップジェネレータとSEOのためにあなたのブログ投稿を最適化するためのツールの包括的なセットを提供します。

まず、All In One SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


有効化した後、All In One SEO ” Sitemapsページでサイトマップ設定を確認してください。

Enable sitemap in All in One SEO

初期設定では、All In One SEOはサイトマップ機能を有効化し、WordPressの基本的なサイトマップを置き換えます。


All in One SEO XML sitemap preview




AIOSEO Sitemap settings


All In One SEOは、すべてのWordPressコンテンツをXMLサイトマップに自動的に含めます。しかし、お問い合わせフォームや ランディングページShopifyのストアページなど、WordPressの一部ではない独立したページがある場合はどうでしょうか?


Adding additional pages to your WordPress XML sitemap






All In One SEOでは、XMLサイトマップから投稿やページを除外することができます。All In One SEO ” Sitemapsページの’高度な設定’セクションをクリックすることでこれを行うことができます。

Excluding items from your WordPress XML sitemap



Removing a post or page from XML sitemap using robots.txt

ここからAdvancedタブに切り替え、「No Index」と「No Follow」オプションの横にあるボックスにチェックを入れる必要がある。


All In One SEOでは、動画サイトマップやニュースサイトマップなどの追加サイトマップを作成することができます。


Video search results showing video thumbnail


All In One SEO ” サイトマップにアクセスし、動画サイトマップまたはニュースサイトマップタブに切り替えるだけで、これらのサイトマップを生成できます。

Generating video and news sitemaps in All in One SEO


方法3:Yoast SEOを使用してWordPressでXMLサイトマップを作成する

WordPressのSEOプラグインとしてYoast SEOを使用している場合、XMLサイトマップも自動的に有効になります。

まず、Yoast SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、SEO ” Generalページに行き、’Features’ タブに切り替えます。ここから’XML Sitemap’オプションまでスクロールダウンし、それがオンになっていることを確認する必要があります。

Yoast SEO XML Sitemap option


Yoast SEOがXMLサイトマップを作成したことを確認するには、ページの「XMLサイトマップ」設定の隣にあるクエスチョンマークのアイコンをクリックしてください。

View XML Sitemap created by Yoast SEO plugin

その後、「XMLサイトマップを見る」リンクをクリックし、Yoast SEOが生成したライブXMLサイトマップを表示してください。


Yoast SEO sitemap

Yoast SEOはコンテンツの種類に応じて複数のサイトマップを作成します。初期設定では、投稿、ページ、投稿者、カテゴリーに対してサイトマップを作成します。





Google Search Consoleは、Googleが提供する無料ツールで、サイト所有者がGoogle検索結果におけるサイトの存在を監視・維持するのに役立ちます。

Google Search Consoleにサイトマップを追加することで、たとえ新しいサイトであっても、Googleがあなたのコンテンツを素早く発見できるようになります。

まず、Google Search Consoleのサイトにアクセスし、アカウントを登録する必要があります。


Select property type



Google Search Console verify site ownership


AIOSEOを使用している場合、簡単なウェブマスターツールの検証が付属しています。All In One SEO ” 一般設定に行き、’ウェブマスターツール’タブをクリックするだけです。その後、Googleからのコードを入力することができます。

AIOSEO Site Verification



有効化したら、Code Snippets ” Header & Footerページにアクセスし、先ほどコピーしたコードを「Header」ボックスに追加する必要があります。

Add your verification code in the header section


Google Search Consoleタブに戻り、「検証」ボタンをクリックします。

Googleはサイトに認証コードがあるかどうかを確認し、Google Search Consoleアカウントに追加します。




Add sitemap to Google Search Console

その後、「Add a new sitemap」セクションにサイトマップURLの最後の部分を追加し、「Submit」ボタンをクリックします。

Google Search ConsoleにサイトマップのURLが追加されます。



Sitemap stats in Google Search Console


Google Search Consoleと同様に、ビングもビング・ウェブマスター・ツールを提供しており、サイトオーナーがビング検索エンジンにおけるサイトを監視するのに役立っている。


ここで、サイトを追加する2つのオプションが表示されます。Google Search Consoleからサイトをインポートするか、手動で追加するかです。

Create account in Bing Webmaster Tools

すでにGoogle Search Consoleにサイトを追加している場合は、サイトをインポートすることをお勧めします。サイトマップが自動的にインポートされるため、時間の節約になります。




Copy meta tag to verify site in Bing Webmasters Tool

あなたのサイトにWPCode Freeプラグインをインストールし、有効化してください。

有効化したら、Code Snippets ” Header & Footerページにアクセスし、先ほどコピーしたコードを「Header」ボックスに追加する必要があります。

Add Bing verification code





Google Search Consoleでサイトマップの統計情報に目を光らせておく必要がある。クロールエラーや検索対象から除外されたページが表示されます。

Sitemap coverage



Sitemap URLs reports



詳しくは、初心者向けGoogle Search Console完全ガイドをご覧ください。


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Reader Interactions

269件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Mrteesurez

    This article is helpful to me.
    But I don’t normally create a site map manually, I heard search engines crawl WordPress sites automatically without a need to manually submit your sitemap.
    Am I right or wrong ??

    • WPBeginner Support

      Search engines can crawl your site without a sitemap but we recommend adding a sitemap as it helps tell search engines the content available to crawl on your site instead of waiting for search engines to find the content.


  2. Ahmed Omar

    thank you for the valuable helpful post
    I liked the video as it made it more easy and step by step, Actually when I find a video in the post, I feet comfortable that I will finish the issue
    I am using Yoast for site mapping and it is working fine with me
    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you found our post helpful :)


  3. szymon majewski

    Hi. I have a problem with my sitemap. I’m trying to add my sitemap to google search console and unfortunately I’m getting the error site cannot be added. After checking the url of the map, search console tells me the error: Is indexing allowed
    No: The tag “noindex” was detected in the “X-Robots-Tag” http header.

    I tried to find this tag in many ways but I don’t see it anywhere.

    Please help me, best regards.

  4. Donny

    Thank for this article it was very helpful

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear our guide was helpful!


  5. Viany Sole Cruz

    Thank You. This was so helpful!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article was helpful :)


  6. Wajid Khan

    I am a beginner, I have new sitemap and want to update new sitemap in AIOSEO Lite plugin but I couldn’t find option to update or add new or remove sitemap in the plugin, please guide me how to update sitemap in AIOSEO Lite plugin.

    • WPBeginner Support

      The sitemap should automatically update over time at the moment


  7. Shyam

    Can I submit more than one sitemap? I have submitted a sitemap created by yoast seo and the one created by jetpack. Does this affect any?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We would recommend only submitting one sitemap and not using multiple plugins for creating sitemaps as that can cause issues.


  8. Felicity

    Thank you, this was really concise and helpful :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article was helpful :)


  9. Govind

    this was all I needed, thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  10. Joanne Tjahyana

    When I submitted it to Google Search Console, it says “couldn’t fetched”.
    So what should I do now?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The most common solution would be to clear your caching and resave your permalinks.


  11. Anil

    I have shifted my website from to wordpress. Do I need to resubmit xml sitemap in Google search console?

    • WPBeginner Support

      To be safe you would want to resubmit the sitemap


  12. Zohaib

    Very informative. Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  13. Aditaya

    can we delete the pugin after use or its will important for that.

    • WPBeginner Support

      The plugin is generating your sitemap so you would want to keep the plugin active on your site.


  14. Ari

    Hello, thank you very much for the great information, your website is very helpful! I got a question about sitemap, I follow all the steps but in the end when I add the last part of your sitemap URL to ‘Add new sitemap’ section and click Submit, it doesn´t show me an amount of links, it shows that I have 0 links. What could be the problem?
    Thank you in advance)

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to visit the address on your site to check if there are any errors. You may also want to resave your permalinks for a common solution.


  15. onyenucheya Chinecherem

    Hello admin thanks for this article, but I’m confused to an extent and here is my question; is there any negative effect of submitting both www and non www sitemap to webmasters?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It could cause some reporting issues, it is normally best to submit the sitemap with the URL you would like to have appear on Google’s search


  16. Anisha Shrestha

    I was Struggling to verify my sitemap in google before. Now i added It. Very Useful article. Thank you for Sharing.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you found our article helpful :)


  17. sibasis

    Very infirmative as I was struggling to verify mt site with goggle and bing.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  18. Rituparna

    Very very useful post. I was struggling with the sitemap and its submission to Google Search Console. Now sorted. Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  19. saba

    very helful guide. thanks for sharing

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  20. Metodi

    I find this article very helpfull, but I want to ask you something. I use Yoast SEO, but now need to generate separate XML sitemap for images. Could you reccomend me a plugin for that. Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yoast currently has the option of including images in the sitemap so you shouldn’t need an additional plugin :)


  21. Liv

    This article was very helpful. I used the Yoast SEO method. Thank you :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide could help :)


  22. Suzanne

    Thanks so much for this it was a massive help! Because I verified and uploaded to Google Console first, I managed to verify and import my website/sitemap to Bing by just connecting my google account (Bing gives you an option for this when you click on sign up) – it was done in less than 30 seconds! I wouldn’t have thought to do Bing, so thank you so much for covering that too!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  23. Tasha

    This is honestly the most helpful article I’ve ever seen. I’m not a developer (just new home business owner trying to figure out the rabbit hole that is web dev) and this guided me through all the unknowns I’d had about importance of a sitemap, let alone how it would benefit my site. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  24. Brittney Gage

    I rarely write comments on articles but this was easily one of the most helpful I’ve ever read. Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article was helpful :)


  25. Harish Nemade

    I have my site with only one post published, so is it necessary to submit a sitemap each time when I added a new Article/Post?
    And how often should I submit sitemap?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You only need to submit your sitemap once unless there is an error, it will update as you add posts.


  26. Image Earth Travel

    Great article!
    Yt’s a pain that the Yoast plugin (as with all plugins) are only offered on the WP’s Business Plan. I’ve been on the Premium Plan and not allowed to install plugins.

  27. Sarah

    I am using the free Yoast SEO plugin but I am not seeing SEO » XML Sitemaps. Any ideas? Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yoast has updated their interface so you should find it under SEO>General>Features at the moment.


  28. flyingvan

    Thanks for this tutorial, I could activate the sitemap on my website thanks to you.


    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our article could be helpful :)


  29. Sara


    Recently I added the sitemap for my website. But, while checked with the tool, it’s showing, no sitemap is added. Why it’s showing like this. I added Yoast SEO plugins.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It could be their caching or if your site has caching that you haven’t cleared it could be part of the issue.


  30. Jishnu.M

    I have a problem with sitemap submitting….I am using Yoast SEO when I submit a sitemap to google webmaster it says “couldn’t fetch”…….. but i have successfully submitted sitemap to bing and Yandex without any errors …what to do please help me

    • WPBeginner Support

      For an error like this, you may need to reach out to Yoast’s support to see their recommended troubleshooting for specifically Google not being able to crawl your sitemap.


  31. Sajol Fuad

    I am really happy to get this article about sitemap.
    I am using Yoast SEO for sitemaps. Some SEO auditor is saying that I should improve it immediately. But Google search console is showing a green success and assuring that all is ok.

    Can you please suggest me what should I do right now?
    Thanks for the article..

    • WPBeginner Support

      We’re using the Yoast sitemap without any issues at the moment. If you would prefer what the auditor wants then you could certainly try that if you wanted.


  32. Charles Harris

    I have Yoast SEO but XML sitemaps does not appear on the menu, which indeed looks very different from yours. Any suggestions as to how to find it?

    • WPBeginner Support

      For the current Yoast interface, the Sitemap options are under SEO>General>Features


      • Charles Harris

        Thanks – got it now.

  33. Joseph

    I need some help please,
    some pages on my website are not showing on sitemap.xml

    I entered it manually to google console, It showed an error that the sitemap format is HTML and that I should change the format

    how do I change sitemap format, please?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you’re using a caching plugin you may want to try to disable it to see if it could be a conflict between Yoast and the caching plugin you’re using.


  34. Ravi

    Hi, awesome tutorial, I did same as your instruction and working fine. But there’s a problem with this, check out the details.

    my website is and when I type “”, it works fine but it says page not found when typed “”.


    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to check with your hosting provider that there is not a setting preventing the non www version from redirecting properly


  35. Arun Dixit

    Thanks for your best tutorial!

    I recently have a wordpress blog and have created xml sitemap using yoast seo, according to this tutorial in previous month. Yesterday I happend to see my xmlsitemap file at my wp-admin. There are only 5-6 lines which covers my new posts only. What about my old posts? Is there any problem? And how come I know that there is any problem? Because I have more than dozen posts till now.

    Kindly let me know.

    Arun Dixit

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to clear your caching and reach out to Yoast if your sitemap is refusing to update your older posts if you’re not excluding them.


  36. Darko Loncar

    I am using All in One SEO pack Plugin. If I download Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin should I use both?

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, we would not recommend having multiple SEO plugins active as they can conflict with each other.


  37. Kirti Goyal

    one thing I want to know is that whether after every single update in pages, posts or change within a post, we need to submit the sitemap???
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You should not need to resubmit your sitemap as long as Google does not run into any errors with your sitemap and with the method from our article it should over time update your sitemap.


  38. Viraj

    Please guide me to make a news sitemap for google news submission.

  39. Luke

    I followed these steps but search console is giving me a 404 on the sitemap. I never had such problems submitting sitemaps

  40. Mohammed

    In my website, I generated sitemap using this tutorial, however I want to remove one particular non-existent URL from the sitemap as it’s giving 404 error and google adsense is showing crawl error. How do I remove one particualr URL from sitemap and ask google to stop crawling that URL?

  41. Ernest

    I see some websites have multiple sitemaps. Is it really necessary?

    • Dibyajyoti

      not really. But some large website for multiple purpose .

  42. greeshma

    is sitemaps still relevant in 2018?


    My site has been verified but can’t find site map near to it .What to do for it ?

  44. cher

    I did your step for the sitemap. Awesome! Also, for my robots.txt file I have the following, should I change that first line of sitemap to what yoast says? I am not even sure where I got that old sitemap from but don’t want to mess anything up.

  45. Jude

    Very helpful information.
    I want to ask if it is okay to submit my site to other webmasters like bing, yandex and others.
    Thanks so much.

      • jude

        Thanks so much.
        I can’t find my sitemap code in yoast.
        I also can’t verify my site on other search console like yandex and bing. (i got cannot verify)

  46. daguah

    which social plugin do you use to show the number of shares?

    • jude

      hi. you can use share count or sassy social share

  47. Anshuman Konwar

    Thank you Sir, this article is very helpful

  48. William

    Is there any one who can help me to change sitemap.xml to some new url like sitmap_page_xml

  49. Leo August

    Yoast SEO must have been updated because the check boxes are now sliders – at least on my site. When I enable the stiemap function, then click the link to view the site map, I get a 404 Not Found error. Did I do something wrong?

  50. Rachael

    Really helpful article! I have just having trouble when it comes to viewing my site map, it’s coming up with 404 error and I’m not sure why?

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