
コメントスパムを自分で管理したくないですか?WPBeginnerプロサービスがお手伝いします!手頃な価格のWordPress緊急サポートでは、コメントスパムフィルター機能、不要なコメントの削除などを専門家に依頼することができます。今すぐ WordPress サポートサービスをご予約ください!
- Turn On Comment Moderation in WordPress
- Activate Akismet Spam Protection
- Use a Firewall to Combat Spam Comments
- Use Honeypot to Catch Spambots
- Add Google reCAPTCHA Verification
- Prevent Imposter Comments
- Remove Website URL Field From Comment Form
- Disable Comments on Media Attachments
- Disable HTML in Comments
- Set a Minimum and Maximum Comment Length
- Disable Trackbacks in WordPress
- Turn Off Comments on Old Posts
- Bonus Tip – Switch Off Comments
- Frequently Asked Questions About Spam Comments
WordPress管理エリアの設定 ” ディスカッションページに移動します。次に、「コメントが表示される前に」セクションまでスクロールダウンし、「コメントは手動で承認する必要があります」の横にあるボックスにチェックを入れます。




Antispam Beeは効果的にスパムボットを識別できる無料のハニーポットプラグインです。また、承認されたコメントする人を信頼したり、IPアドレスを検証したり、BBCode(掲示板コード)リンクをスパムとしてマークしたり、公開されているアンチスパムデータベースをチェックしたりする設定もできます。
プラグインの設定方法は、WordPressでスパムコメントをブロックするAntispam Beeの使い方をご覧ください。
5.Google reCAPTCHA認証の追加
Google ReCAPTCHAはCAPTCHAの進化した形で、ユーザーがボットか人間かをテストすることができます。CAPTCHAは、「Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart」の略です。

Advanced Google reCAPTCHAプラグインを使って、WordPress のコメントフォームに reCAPTCHA を追加することができます。設定方法については、WordPressのコメントフォームにreCAPTCHAを追加する方法をご覧ください。

つまり、投稿者のコメントにはたいてい1、2行の無関係なくだらない文章が含まれ、投稿者名にはキーワードか、「Sally from Dunder Mifflin(ダンダー・ミフリンのサリー)」や「John @SEOconsultants(ジョン@SEOコンサルタント)」といったキーワードと実名の組み合わせが含まれる。
有効化した後、設定 ” コメント無効化のページに行き、’メディア’オプションの隣にあるチェックボックスをオンにする必要があります。


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | function wpb_comment_post( $incoming_comment ) { $incoming_comment [ 'comment_content' ] = htmlspecialchars( $incoming_comment [ 'comment_content' ]); $incoming_comment [ 'comment_content' ] = str_replace ( "'" , ' '' , $incoming_comment [ 'comment_content' ] ); return ( $incoming_comment ); } function wpb_comment_display( $comment_to_display ) { $comment_to_display = str_replace ( '' ', "' ", $comment_to_display ); return $comment_to_display ; } add_filter( 'preprocess_comment' , 'wpb_comment_post' , '' , 1); add_filter( 'comment_text' , 'wpb_comment_display' , '' , 1); add_filter( 'comment_text_rss' , 'wpb_comment_display' , '' , 1); add_filter( 'comment_excerpt' , 'wpb_comment_display' , '' , 1); remove_filter( 'comment_text' , 'make_clickable' , 9 ); |
ここでは、無料のWPCodeプラグインを使って コード・スニペットを追加する方法をご紹介します。
AkismetとSucuriは、コメントが自然に見えたため、これをブロックすることができなかった。Antispam Beeはスパマーの動きを鈍らせたが、攻撃を完全にブロックすることはできなかった。
コメントの長さの最小値と最大値を設定できるプラグイン「Comment Hacks」を使って、スパム対策ができました。

Yoast Comment Hacksプラグインを有効化し、コメントの長さの最小値を設定しただけです。その後、1語だけのコメントを残そうとするとエラーメッセージが表示されるようになった。
設定 ” ディスカッションページに移動するだけです。ここで「新規投稿時に他のブログからのリンク通知(ウィングバックとトラックバック)を許可する」のチェックを外すことができます。

12.古い投稿日: コメントをオフにする
設定 ” ディスカッションに行き、’その他のコメント設定’の下に’XX日以上前の投稿は自動的にコメントを閉じる’という設定があります。このオプションの次の設定にチェックを入れ、投稿にコメントを表示させたい日数を入力してください。

新規投稿へのコメントを無効化するには、設定 ” ディスカッションに移動し、’新規記事へのコメント投稿を許可する’の隣のチェックボックスをオフにする必要があります。


もしエラーでコメントを移動してしまった場合は、そのコメントの下にある「Not Spam」リンクをクリックすることで回復できます。また、スパムコメントを永久に削除するためのリンクもあります。
このチュートリアルで、WordPressでコメントスパムを阻止する方法を学んでいただけたら幸いです。また、Email Encoderでスパムメールからメールを守る方法や、良いブログコメントを書いてスパムフィルター機能を回避する方法についてのガイドもご覧ください。
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Dennis Muthomi
Regarding Tip 10 about setting a minimum and maximum comment length, I’m curious….does the Yoast Comment Hacks plugin allow you to set those limits by character count or by word count?
either way, looks like a handy plugin to try out
WPBeginner Comments
It uses the character count.
Moinuddin Waheed
Spam is one the big problems in comment handling and having a robust mechanism to deal with it is always needed.
Akismat comes with every installtion of worpress and most of the people ignore it and delete it.
But I think it is very good strategy to set it up for spam protection and keeping our website secure from any possible vulnerablilties.
Disabling html is comment is the best strategy to keep malicious code being injected in our website away.
Thanks for providing the code snippet for disabling html in comments.
Jiří Vaněk
May I ask, is it a good strategy to use multiple antispam plugins, such as akismet and wp armor, for exhample or is it bad idea and can cause problems?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to check with the support for the plugins in case they are designed to work together but normally plugins with the same functionality will conflict with each other.
Ahmed Omar
the post is really informative and containing gold tips of important part for site management
personally I did not know about all theses ways specially for Akismet Spam Protection, I was just using Recaptcha.
I will apply all the rest tips.
Thank you
Evans Mary
Great article. Thanks for sharing an informative article.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you found our article helpful!
WPBeginner Support
For what it sounds like you’re wanting, we would recommend taking a look into membership plugins to limit the posts to your logged in members. We would recommend taking a look at our guide below on starting a membership site:
I maintain that a portion of my posts should be safeguarded with secret word. It is alright that I give a secret word, yet I believe that the extract of the post should be discernible for every one of the guests. is there a module for it or do u have some other plan to tackle it? thanks ahead of time.
so without overloading my site with plugins, how does one decide which of these to implement?
I have Akismet and Sucuri.
WPBeginner Support
For your concern about the number of plugins, we would first recommend taking a look at our guide below:
As some of the plugins would not cause any change to your site’s speed due to their functionality. But for which to use, it would depend on the goal you are looking for with your site as the plugins have different uses and not all sites would want to use every option.
I copied and pasted the url filter code into a site plugin, however, the website field still displays. Wondering if this could be caused by another plugin or if there is something missing.
WPBeginner Support
You may want to try some of the other methods for removing it in our article below:
Rick Bryan
Thanks for the article. Can you explain about the comment spam industry; who and why and where. Almost all of the spam comments on my website or innocuous comments about “you’ve done a great job here! I was just reading about this topic.” Two or three each day; always with different wording but similar grammar and syntax, etc.
WPBeginner Support
It is mainly people attempting to get backlinks to different sites and when programs start marking them as spam they send those thanks messages to try to make the different spam checkers think they are not spammers when people approve those comments. There are tools out there to automate what they are doing so not all of the comments are manual.
Brendan Ryan
Just a quick question. In item 8 Disable HTML your code snippet uses “wpb-” as its functions prefix. I am guessing that is your “WPBeginner” wordpress installation prefix. And that each user here should edit that to reflect their installations prefix. For a standard installation of WordPress that would be just “wp-“.
WPBeginner Support
You would want that to be a unique identifier, we use wpb in ours and others can too, we would not recommend using wp in case there is a future update to WordPress with a similar function.
Srinivas Reddy
nice excellent thanks…
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
Yesterday, my website was spammed with a “new service” that described some type of software or online service where by a person pays to spam websites via their “contact us” forms. Apparently this is the “new” and up and coming attack, because yesterday alone I received 56 of these on my site. When I received your newsletter today with this article highlighted–I dropped by wondering if you have a specific trick or tip to overcome this new “Contact Us” spam attack which is unfortunately so common right now?
WPBeginner Support
For that, you would want to check with your comment plugin to see if they have honeypot or CAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA that you can add to your form.
Jayanta Bhowmick
It is really helpful.
On my new blog spamers are more active than real visitor. Some times it is difficult to distinguish between spam comment and real comment. At that time These plugins are very useful.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide could be helpful
john miller
this article will help you to solve your problem of spam comments on your WordPress website. you can control that.
Wesley Bergman
Thank you for sharing the good news in preventing this happen to every one who have accounts in social media or in the blogs that we are posted in this internet world. Many are spam that making the sites a game for them to make your works turn down. You did the great job and I am thankful reading this article.
this post has been helpful and validation of some of the things I am doing right now. Thanks. I am facing some issue with my comment captcha, maybe you can help me. I am not using any plugin for captcha. Only JetPack and Akismet, and they both are doing a great job to block spam. The captcha for comments is proving to be a headache. It is a math kind and most of the people have complained about it not functioning well. I have not been able to replicate the issue. But i want to get rid of any captcha for comment. Please help me how to do so. Thank you so much!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Binny,
Try our WordPress troubleshooting tips to figure out where the captcha is coming from and how to disable it.
This was great – very helpful. Thank you!
Rich D.
As a new WordPress blogger, this article was extremely informative.
I only have a small amount of spam so far, which is why I Google and found this article, but wanted to get ahead of it.
I’ve implemented a few suggestions from this article.
If the spam increases, I will implement more.
Great article for WP Newbie!
– Rich
Felix Abur
The cookies for comments plugin seems outdated. Can you suggest a more recent plugin with up to date support?
Nate Balcom
I find adding an expiration date to comments and a good captcha option slow down the spam comments quite a bit. I recently installed Google’s “Recaptcha”. It’s pretty un-intrusive and doesn’t seem to bother commenters.
I considered removing the site URL link-back, but thought it would slow or stop people from commenting. It looks like that’s not the case here. Did you notice a slow down in comments when you did this?
Love the site. Keep up the good work. Do you ever accept guest posters?
Thanks for the post! I have a question – I have been getting a lot of spam comments recently, most of them are rambling irrelevant posts about camping equipment or cam sites etc and I mark those as spam straight away. However some of the comments are actually relevant to the post and make sense but then have a random spam link thrown in at the end or in the ‘URL’ field – for those posts, I have been editing them – making sure that any links are removed and also changing the name to a non-keyword name (they usually use real email addresses so I can get their name from that) and then posting/approving the edited comments.
Does this effect my rankings in any way? And is it a clean way to post the comments or should I just trash/spam them all and not both editing?
Thanks for your help!
WPBeginner Support
It does not effect rankings. However, perhaps it would be better if you don’t edit and fill in the name field yourself. If a user has used keyword in their name, then you should trash such comment. Editing comments to make them more readable is OK.
Why though? Is there a reason that I shouldn’t be adding/approving these comments for my site? Will it effect me negatively? I am just removing any links and *occassionally* changing their name to their actual name based on their email address. Does this effect my website in any way?
WPBeginner Support
It doesn’t. But changing the name a user has chosen to identify themselves seems a bit inappropriate. If their name was like ‘John Smith From Example.com’, then you can remove ‘from example.com’ off the name field. However, if their name was example.com or a keyword, then the user has given you no name to show. You can of course try and find out names, but may be the user didn’t want to use a name and by doing so you will be violating their privacy and rights. We think all this trouble is not worth the effort. There are other ways to get more and better engaged users to comment.
Muhammad Tabish
Wow,Thanks For The Informative WordPress Comment Spam, Tutorial, Keep Sharing
Wonderful article. Thanks so much for sharing it!
AmiR Bin
I’ve just installed Akismet plugin, what should I do? It doesn’t do anything.
May you introduce more captcha plugins(easy for uneducated fools to fill)
WPBeginner Support
Akismet works in the background as a filter. Soon you will start noticing spam comments appearing under the SPAM filter on your comment moderation screen.
You can use CAPTCHA, but CAPTCHA is bad for user experience and discourages your users from commenting.
Just installed Askimet, Thank you very much!
Good information. Hope to have less spam. Thanks
Thanks for the information. Have just installed Askimet. Hope it works for me.
Gulshan Kumar
I’m coming to this post after 5 months approximately, according to your recommendation I started using using Cookies for Comment plugin and today I’m not getting a single spam comment. Thank you so much.
Hello, this is a little bit off theme…
I want some of my posts to be protected with password. It is OK that i give a password, but i want the excerpt of the post to be readable for all the visitors. is there a plugin for it or do u have any other idea to solve it? thx in advance.
Thanks for the article. Great info and helped me stop a spam assault on my new blog instantly.
this is a very informative guide sir,i have a niche blog even after installing askimet and other plugins i’m getting atleast 5 spam comments per day from one pager seo companies[mostly scam].I guess these comments are coming from bots.how could i ban those bots on my blog ?
Teguh IW
akismet is enough to stop spam…
WPBeginner Staff
It actually depends on each site. If a site owner feels that comments are not contributing to the discussions on their site, or not helping them grow, then they can decide to remove them.
Neil Ashworth
Very comprehensive post – and I see you are still using Disqus for comments. There’s been some debate around closing comments all together recently (Copyblogger closed their comments in late 2014) – what do you think? is it something to consider for new blogs with little traffic/comments too?
Levent Cem Aydan
I just uploaded Disqus to fight spam for my company blog, but these are a much better solution I guess. Thank you for this article.
Hello, this is a little bit off theme…
I want some of my posts to be protected with password. It is OK that i give a password, but i want the excerpt of the post to be readable for all the visitors. is there a plugin for it or do u have any other idea to solve it? thx in advance.
Peter Cralen
I still don’t understand why they spam comments in 2014. Ok, 20 years ago, but now ? wasting energy for them and blogger.
Kalpesh Makwana
I think, still they are thinking that kind of spammy links will work for them.