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GDPRとは、General Data Protection Regulation(一般データ保護規則)の略で、サイトを利用するユーザーのプライバシーを保護するための欧州連合の法律です。



The Ultimate Guide to WordPress and GDPR Compliance






What is GDPR?














GDPR Fines and Penalties








GDPR Personal Data

















GDPR Data Protection Officer









はい、WordPressのコアソフトウェアは、2018年5月17日にリリースされたWordPress 4.9.6からGDPRに対応しています。これを実現するために、いくつかのGDPR拡張機能が追加されました。





コメントする 同意する チェックボックス



WordPress Comments Opt-in for GDPR






WordPress Data Handling - GDPR




WordPress Privacy Policy Generator for GDPR







Google アナリティクス

ほとんどのサイトオーナーと同様に、Google アナリティクスを使用してウェブサイトの統計情報を取得していることでしょう。これは、IPアドレス、ユーザーID、Cookieなどの個人データを収集したり、行動プロファイリングのためにトラッキングしている可能性があることを意味します。


  1. データの保存と処理を開始する前に匿名化する。
  2. Cookieについて告知し、トラッキングの前にユーザーに同意を求めるオーバーレイを追加する。



MonsterInsights EU Compliance Addon





  • ユーザーから情報の保存について明確な同意を得ること。
  • ユーザーをメールリストに追加するなど、マーケティング目的でデータを使用する場合は、ユーザーから明確な同意を得ましょう。
  • フォームのCookie、ユーザーエージェント、IPトラッキングを無効化します。
  • データ削除要求に従うこと。
  • SaaS フォームソリューションを使用している場合は、フォームプロバイダーとデータ処理契約を結んでいることを確認してください。

WPFormsGravity FormsNinja FormsのようなWordPressプラグインを使用している場合は、データ処理に関する同意書を作成する必要はありません。



GDPR Form Fields in WPForms


メールマーケティング オプトインフォーム



  1. ユーザーがオプトインの前にクリックしなければならないチェックボックスを追加します。
  2. あなたのメールリストにダブルオプティンを必須とするだけです。













Google Fontsは、WordPressサイトのタイポグラフィをカスタマイズするのに最適な方法です。

しかし、Google FontsはGDPR規制に違反していることが判明している。Googleはフォントが読み込まれるたびに訪問者のIPアドレスをログ記録するからだ。

幸いなことに、あなたのサイトがGDPRに準拠するようにこれを処理する方法がいくつかあります。例えば、フォントをローカルに読み込んだり、Google Fontsを別の設定に置き換えたり、無効化したりすることができます。

Google Fontsをプライバシーに配慮したものにする方法については、こちらのガイドをご覧ください。






  • WPConsentは、訪問者が権限を与えるまで、すべてのトラッキングスクリプトを自動的にブロックし、ユーザー同意の詳細な記録を保持し、あなたのサイトをコンプライアンスに保つために簡単にカスタマイズできるプライバシーバナーを含んでいます。WPConsentには無料版もあります。
  • Google アナリティクスを使用している場合は、MonsterInsightsを使用し、EUコンプライアンスアドオンを有効化することをお勧めします。
  • WPFormsは最もユーザーフレンドリーなWordPressお問い合わせフォームプラグインで、GDPRフィールドやその他の機能を提供しています。
  • Cookie Noticeは、EUクッキー通知を追加するための人気のある無料プラグインで、MonsterInsightsなどのトッププラグインとうまく統合します。
  • GDPR Cookie Consentは、ユーザーがCookieを受け入れるか拒否するかを決定できるように、サイトにアラートバーを作成することができ、GDPRだけでなくCCPAもカバーしています。
  • WP Frontend Delete Accountは、ユーザーがサイトのプロフィールを自動的に削除できる無料のプラグインです。
  • OptinMonsterは、GDPRに準拠しながら、コンバージョンを高める賢いターゲティング機能を提供する先進的なリード生成ソフトウェアです。
  • PushEngageを使用すると、サイト訪問者がサイトを離れた後にターゲットを絞ったプッシュメッセージを送信することができ、GDPRに完全に準拠しています。
  • Smash Balloonは、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、YouTube、TripAdvisor などからのライブフィードを埋め込み、投稿を表示する GDPR 準拠の方法を提供します。
  • ノバシェアは、ユーザーの個人データを収集したりクッキーを配置したりすることなく、ユーザーがソーシャルメディアでコンテンツを共有できるようにする方法を提供します。

コンプライアンスを向上させるWordPress GDPRプラグインのエキスパートによるベストセレクションでは、さらに多くのオプションをご紹介しています。




WordPress サイトを開設してしばらく経ち、GDPR 準拠に向けて取り組んでおられるかもしれません。あるいは、新規サイトを立ち上げたばかりかもしれません。








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Reader Interactions

196件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Mrteesurez

    Also, I can see maybe that’s why WordPress itself comes with a basic privacy policy generator with some suggested text.

    I just discovered it not so long.
    But is that basic content sufficient ?? because sometimes I used the basic WP generated policy contents for new blogs.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to edit the content in the privacy policy to suit your needs and if you are concerned then you would want to check with a legal professional.


      • Mrteesurez

        OK, maybe when the blog grows and gaining more traction, then, I can seek out to legal professional for a standard and official policy.


  2. Mrteesurez

    Honestly, most of the bloggers and online marketer who just want to make money online don’t usually take this serious.

    I could remember how much fine I heard in the press that Google have paid and some other businesses that use tracking software.

    My question is, Is this only applicable for if I have visitors from EU ??

    Also, you talk of ‘checkbox’.
    In WPbeginner, checkbox is not showing, I manually need to re-enter names and email every time I want to comment. Can you fix this ?? or is there any reason no to do this ??

    • WPBeginner Support

      It is applicable to more than the EU, we give an example with California in the article above.

      We do not have the consent checkbox at the moment, our theme style overrides the checkbox. We do not save your information in the browser for the time being.


      • Mrteesurez

        Ok, I understand but you can try to implement it for easy participation in the community.

        It can be autofilled or save it in browser but give disclaimer or include it in your privacy policy.

  3. Jiří Vaněk

    I hadn’t paid much attention to this topic before, but practice eventually showed me that it’s indeed much better to have everything in order on the website, especially when it comes to laws. Living in an EU country, GDPR is now a top priority for me. Guides like these are great because there’s always something one might overlook.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you found our guide helpful :)


  4. Moinuddin Waheed

    Thankfully I am not from any of the European country which means GDPR rule will not apply to my website. But data protection has been a prime topic for every country not that for European countries only. we have similar data protection bill in our country as well. it is infact good to see that there is enhanced awareness in terms of data and content online.
    thanks for detailing every bit of GDPR for us

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  5. Ralph

    Good to find such a detailed guide that not only explains what to do, but also how and why it is important.

    I see GDPR as a plus for user as he can have some impact on his data, but we have to have more and more annoying popups on websites. Cookies, ads, newsletters, GDPR… In 5 or 10 years we will spend more time closing this than reading websites. I wish governments can come up with new 1 idea, that will replace all of that.

  6. Geethu

    Thank you for the detailed explanation. It cleared some of the queries I had especially if GDPR applied to websites outside the EU and what to keep in mind while making them GDPR complaint.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad we could clear up some confusion!


  7. Ram E.

    Thanks for listing the two cookie notice plugins (Cookie Notice and GDPR Cookie Consent)! I’ve been meaning to find and install one on my blog. This compliance stuff is one of the reasons why I haven’t opened my blog for user registrations yet, and it’s going to be more complicated if more and more countries require it. Personally, I think this is not a big deal though if an EU country or California is not one of your top 10 locations by sessions.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our recommendations were helpful :)


  8. John Fernandez

    Thanks for the article! This guide will help me manage my wordpress site better.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  9. Ahmed Omar

    Thank you for the detailed post.
    I have concern about GDPR , what if the visitor did not accept the terms, would he still be able to browse my site or register
    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless you set it up to prevent access, the users should still be able to browse your site. For registration you can have a required checkbox to prevent registrations.


  10. Mikolaj

    Thanks for the article! It’s good to know that WP tracks the development of the situation on an ongoing basis

  11. Charles Anderson

    Great post, helpful WordPress and GDPR guide ness. keep posting more articles.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad you liked our article :)


  12. Chris H

    A kind of good post. All SMEs and large business should be GDPR compliant. GDPR Awareness must be given to the staffs.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you liked our content :)


  13. Shashank

    Nice Blog. Thank you for the article about GDPR. Much needed for me

  14. Gavin

    I am still a little confused with all this. Some say as long as you get consent and use something like a cookie/privacy popup to alert users and get consent etc its fine. But surely once someone has visited your site the cookies have already been placed in their browser so in this case should all cookies etc not be used until the users agrees? If this is the case how do we achieve this?

    • Konrad

      Some cookies are just required to load the page.
      Users consent to the use of 3rd party and non-essential cookies.

  15. Trond


    I would just like to add that the Cookie Notice for GDPR plugin states it’s “100% GDPR compliant”. See “features include” at their plugin page.

    You say that “Beware of any WordPress plugin that claims to offer 100% GDPR compliance. They likely don’t know what they’re talking about, and it’s best for you to avoid them completely.”

    So, how can Cookie Notice be recommended by you?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Trond,

      Cookie Notice is a useful plugin, however the plugin alone cannot make your website 100% GDPR compliant.


  16. Rick OD

    how could a law in the European Union hold any water in the USA and how on earth could they fine you or force you to make changes to your website here in the US if no US law forces GDPA compliance?

  17. Mathukutty P. V.

    I have Monsterinsights free version. Can not afford to buy pro now so cant install addon.

    I was using Jetpack comment, after reading this post changed to wp default. Thanks.

  18. Mathukutty P. V.

    Thanks for the clarification. Mine is a personal blog. Will try to modify privacy policy.

  19. Debbie

    Excellent article. Could you clarify something I’d not seen mentioned anywhere else?

    According to GDPR Article 83, (this is not a quote, but my own summary) fines, penalties, or other consequences for non-compliance, would be based on your footprint as an organization, the degree to which you collect and process data from Europe, and the severity of the infraction.

    You said: “While GDPR has the potential to escalate to those high level of fines, it will start with a warning, then a reprimand, then a suspension of data processing, and if you continue to violate the law, then the large fines will hit.” And then you have an infographic with this info.

    That’s a very specific progression. Can you point to an official notification or article somewhere where this is stated? Specifically, that an infraction would start with a warning, etc. And let’s just assume we’re talking about the average or smaller site and not Facebook. :) Thanks!

  20. Abin

    Seems it is the lengthy process to correct all the checks against each clause, do we have any plugin available to do correction across the WordPress blog?

  21. Prithvi Raj

    This is impossible to enforce.

    Who is going to go around and check if every single site is following this?

    What are newbie website owners going to do?

    It is hard enough to create a website and get a few people to come and read, and now you also have to deal with rubbish like this?

    To put it in plain English, the EU intended that big giants like Google and FB don’t screw with data.

    This law is not for the average Joe. There are hundreds of laws ordinary people break everyday by visiting simple websites, and doing simple thing online. Nobody can enforce laws like GDPR on small business owners.

    If you’re getting big, you definitely need to comply, it also makes sense, if you’re bigger, you have more resources.

  22. Prithvi

    I doubt if this GDPR can be enforced for small businesses, does the EU plan on going after every single small website?

    I’m not based in the EU, this regulation does not apply to me, at least not at this level (I’m a small business).

    Even if it does apply, I can’t make any changes for every single regulation that comes about in different countries.

    I’d like to see how this plays out over the years, it is primarily meant for giants, not for ordinary people.

  23. Jeanne

    Thanks for the article! I am glad to know the WP is all over this topic.

  24. Geoff

    The Ginger plugin works, it is simple to use and will block 3rd party cookies if the user wishes to not accept cookies but still see the website in question.

  25. Christophe Huget

    Hello, I use Iubenda to manage my Privacy Policy, the page is not physically on our website, it’s hosted on There’s no option to add a link to an external link.

  26. owolabi Thankgod

    I was sent a message by google that I should log into my adsense account and accept their new privacy policy and I have done that

    Is this same as GDPR because I am getting increasingly confused after reading this article

    Please what am I to do to make my wordpress site GDPR complaint because as for me, i have not done anything whatsoever.

  27. Guust

    The article says there are fines for companies, so what if my business is not carried on by a company?
    And what about hobby websites and blogs, as in non-business websites?

    Either the article is not complete or misleading?
    Can you clarify?

  28. Nanette Irvine

    Thank you for your informative article. I have a question in regard to a blog I write. I have a self hosted WordPress site with a Divi theme. It is not a business, no marketing, no advertising – purely sharing a personal journey. I do offer people the opportunity to receive a notice when the next post is up. Their name and email address is stored in Aweber. Do I have to have Privacy notice etc for GDPR compliance?

  29. Mamun

    Very informative article. Really I was confused about the term GDPR. Now it’s clear to me…Thanks buddy

  30. Bill

    I disagree with assuming the EU can dictate to a business without a physical location in an EU country. This is a sovereignty issue most US citizens would have issue with like the tea tax which basically started the American colonies fight for independence. The EU cannot globally criminalize an action they do not like and penalize a US citizen, or other citizen outside their umbrella of power, based on such action. To say they can is the height of socialist arrogance.

    Nor does the EU have dominion over the internet. If they do not like the way the rest of the world does business they are free to lock their coddled citizens in a make believe world much like the Chinese do.

    • JC

      True indeed but then there is DMCA which is an American law designed to protect copyright that people also follow regardless of soveriegnty. And Americans seem not to fight paying tax abroad even when their physical location and employment does not fall under American jurisdiction.

    • Geoff

      Of course the EU can criminalise certain actions globally.

      Currently – The sale of illicit goods to the EU can be made illegal and any EU police force make arrests for certain actions carried out by people entering the EU.

      The point is, this is a step towards protecting the data of anyone residing within the EU (even non-EU nationals). If a US based organisation releases data that is personal to me for their own gain or because they did not protect it properly – they should be penalised.

    • Nathan

      Yes! I thought I was the only one who’s thinking this way. Is there a legal precedent for something like this? A citizen from the EU visits my site and all of the sudden they have the right to legislate what I can and can’t do? I think everyone is jumping on the GDPR train because it means more work (i.e. more money) for developers. Is anyone else willing to just say that the emperor doesn’t have any clothes?

    • Tony Tremblay

      I don’t think they will go after anyone outside the Euro zone. What they could do howerver is force Google to integrate them in the search engine ranking factors. This way, every website could be affected…

  31. John

    Can we choose to block business in Europe? There’d be ZERO reason for me to even come up over there… I don’t even want their money!

    • Magrt

      Sadly that’s more problems for you.
      Apparently EU has a rule, that will take effect this year that prohibits geoblocking. Am not a lawyer but basically that rule will prevent you from blocking out EU members from your site and attract fines .

    • Bill

      Yes John, you most certainly can block all EU based traffic and forget the whole mess.

  32. Latunde

    Thank you for sharing this awesome information

  33. GeeLew Grinds Carpentier

    GDPR understanding is real right now

  34. Amanda

    Hi, thank you all, Editorial Staff, SO much for this wonderful and helpful article, with all the helpful links and resources!! And I am so grateful to see a mostly positive and thankful response from our fantastic community of bloggers. I am so proud to be a part of this. And I really love your respectful treatment of the “spirit of this law.”

  35. Joe

    This was fantastic! I only wish it included AdSense, as a lot of site owners use that, too.

  36. nancie

    Thank you! Was looking for something simple like this for weeks…

  37. Amar Ilindra

    Thanks for the detailed guide.
    But I feel you missed Google Adsense part.

    For EU users, we need to get consent for personalized/non-personalized ads.

    It would be really helpful for people if you update the article with the changes we need to make with Adsense.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Amar,

      AdSense has issues GDPR related guidelines for publishers. Basically, you will need to disclose your ads in the privacy policy and cookie usage. You will need to show a cookie popup to get user consent.


  38. Mike

    What if a person’s business is only local to Western Canada

    • Geoff

      If that business interacts with a person residing within the EU – then yes they do.

  39. Lawrence Elliott

    What about using the Facebook Comments plugin? Is that in compliance? If not, how can we make it so?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Lawrence,

      All Facebook embeds set cookies and track users across the web, you will need to disclose this information and get explicit user consent for those cookies.


  40. Una

    Thank you so much for this very useful article.

  41. Dawn Daniel

    Very good Article Thank you sharing this informative article. easy to understand

  42. balu

    I don’t use Google Analytics plugin in wordpress. But I placed Google Analytics code in header file of WordPress Theme. What can I do for this problem.

  43. Clare

    This WAS plain English. Thank you.

  44. David Lightfoot

    Well that’s just brilliant. In order to eliminate spam, they have now set it up so every website, that I have ever sent my email to, anywhere in the world is going to email me some kind of spam about their “new privacy rules”. Idiots.

  45. C.J. Haynie

    Thank you so much for putting this together! It’s been a big help. I just run a personal blog but have managed to change a few of my plugins to be more compliant. I need to look at monster insights about their free version of their addon, but I think for the most part I should be fine.

    Cheers to you all! :) Take care of yourselves.

  46. Suzanne

    “If your website has visitors from European Union countries, then this law applies to you.”

    Correction, “If your website has visitors from European Union countries, then this law applies to THEM.”

    This article makes no reference to which countries have treaties with the EU that would allow the EU to usurp their sovereignty to enforce, prosecute, and fine people within them, for having the “wrong check boxes” in their contact forms.

    The EU doesn’t get to swallow the earth like some amoeba. I am neither a citizen, serf, nor resident of the EU. My websites are all hosted in non-EU countries. If you can show me the list of countries that have signed on to a treaty to allow the EU to prosecute people for non-GDPR-approved check boxes within their borders, I’ll consider choosing or updating my own plugins/contact forms, thank you very much, or updating my .htaccess to block all EU IP addresses from visiting.

    And that’s how it’s played.

    • Jean Jeudi

      Good to know that your site can do without visitor from Europe. I reckon your are not providing important services or goods. Maybe you should read a bit more what the EU requires from companies tar getting European customers. Most of the topics are common sense e.g not to share information you receive with third parties without a previous approval. Similar laws exist ever since for sharing photos showing third parties in social media.
      I know that I am already a transparent person thanks to google and friends but at least I want to have the right to check what they have collected on me and to stop distribution of this information

    • Geoff

      I’m afraid the EU does… if you want to play fast and loose with personal data, feel you have a right to send me crap emails me if I didn’t sign up, store information about me with permission, release information about me to 3rd parties (intentionally or not)… then you shouldn’t have a website.

  47. Chris Bukoski

    This post seems relevant for (as mentioned). What about sites?


  48. Jonathan Soto Gregg

    This is important information. Thanks for sharing. Can i share this in my blog?

    • Editorial Staff

      Hi Jonathan, we don’t allow folks to copy our entire articles. However if you want to link to our article from your own original content blog post, then absolutely :)


  49. Gidon Ariel

    Great article, I will certainly try to find it and refer to it if I ever need to worry about this.
    But since you say that worst case, i will first be given a warning, I will focus on other things and be motivated by real 3rd degree urgency then instead of spending hours now – a few hours before the “deadline” – for something that will probably never affect me.
    Sorry chums, this sounds like Bug2000’s little brother.

  50. Jasmin Patterson

    First off, thank you for explaining this so simply!

    Second, a question. I have a small self-hosted WP blog and I send new posts and updates to my readers but don’t sell them anything at this point. I’m using the Mailmunch plug in for opt-in forms, integrated with my Mailchimp email list.

    If I enable double-opt in for my email newsletter opt-in forms, do I need to also have legal language on each of those opt-in forms specifically stating that users information will be stored in my email marketing client and that they can unsubscribe at any time? Or is the double opt-in sufficient to be compliant? Should I perhaps include storage information in a privacy policy also/instead?


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