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  • RSS購読者の統計から、ブログ投稿の分析と最適化ができます。
  • メールや他のフィードリーダー(Netvibes、Googleなど)など、購読者に複数のオプションを設定できます。
  • 社会的証明(購読者数)
  • 投稿見出しやブランディングの変更など、フィードをカスタマイズするオプション設定。
  • 投稿を公開したら、様々なフィードリーダーサービスにピンバックするオプション。
  • Google Adsenseを統合してRSSフィードを収益化。
  • さらに…





Step 1 - Claim Your Feeds on Feedburner


Step 2 - Select Title and Feed Address


Step 3 - Go to Feed Management


Step 4 - Click on Optimize


Step 5 - Optimize your Feeds

ステップ6では、フィードの公開オプションをすべて見ていきます。Googleリーダーを使うよりもメールでの更新を好むユーザーがいるため、サイト上でメール購読を許可する必要があります。Pingshotは、投稿時にサービスに通知するため、有効化する必要があります。Feedcountウィジェットは、購読者数を表示することができます。これは、最高の社会的証明方法の一つである。Awareness APIは、BuySellAdsのようなサイトに自分自身を掲載しようとしている場合に便利である。ヘッドラインアニメーターやBuzzBoostのような他のオプションも有効化できます。

Step 6 - Publicize your feed

フィードの収益化は、Google Adsenseを使用できることを除いて、FeedBurnerの別の良い機能です。Google Adsenseに登録し、その指示に従ってください。

Step 7 - Monetize your feed


Step 8 - Analyze your Feed and Improve



このリダイレクトを簡単に作成できるFD FeedBurnerというプラグインがある。.htaccessファイルを使ってフィードをリダイレクトすることもできますが、初心者の方にはお勧めできない方法なので、ここでは紹介しません。

Headway Themeや Standard Themeなど、ほとんどのWordPressテーマがFeedBurnerに対応しています。テーマが対応していない場合は、上記のプラグインをご利用ください。


まず、Publicize ” Email Subscriptionsにアクセスし、彼らが提供するコードをコピー&ペーストして、好きなテンプレートファイル(主にサイドバー.php)に追加します。メールフォームの見た目をカスタマイズするには、HTMLとCSSの知識が必要です。


情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. InfoDari

    Hi… thanks for this nice tutor. How long it takes feedburner send a new post url on twitter?

  3. yourwebchick

    Loved this post.. went through the whole thing super fast with your fantastic instructions.. then went to my blog to set it up in the side bar.. it asks for my code which was tricky to find but finally did BUT it says it’s not set up to do email subscriptions …. and I clicked that button in the setup? Any ideas what might be going wrong? it’s

    • wpbeginner

      @yourwebchick You need to make sure that you actually activate the email subscription.

      • yourwebchick

        It suddenly seems to be working so either I was putting the wrong code in or it just needed a little more time.. I have a tendency to rush things! Have you played with the Beta interface yet?

        • yourwebchick

          I had no idea by the way that I could have my feed tweet out with #Hashtags… That ROCKS my world… Thank you again for this fantastic Tutorial!! @JustAskChrissy recommended! :)

  4. BrandenWilliams

    Looks like a strange Feedburner mess has started for those of us that use a permanent SSL redirect. Do you know a way to create a file that just dumps the feed content without a rewrite redirect such that I can keep that part non-SSL?

  5. rajkanuri

    How to remove captcha from email subscription box in feedburner…??

  6. wpbeginner

    @yashmistrey We are seeing it just fine.. It is listed under circulation.. FeedBurner has glitches sometimes.

  7. yashmistrey

    hi i activate the Awareness API but count not showing !

    300 subscriber not display

    <entry date=”2011-09-12″ circulation=”0″ hits=”0″ reach=”0″/>

    see :

  8. RafaelTrabasso

    @wpbeginner you missed my point – as a theme designer i was looking for a way to redirect the feeds to feedburner WITHOUT a plugin so this would not be a potential problem with future customers.

    so the long title for this article would be “learn how to set up a feedburner account then learn how to install a plugin to redirect your feeds to feedburner”.

  9. wpbeginner

    @RafaelTrabasso Actually that is pretty great. WordPress makes everything SIMPLE… We showed you exactly how to setup your feed with feedburner. Then all you have to do is redirect your main WordPress feed to feedburner just in case if someone types in: they go to the feedburner feed, so you get full stats.

  10. RafaelTrabasso

    well so the tutorial for integrating Feedburner with WordPress, excluding the part of setting up the Feed, is: use a plugin.

    (not) great.

  11. prsbest27

    I just want to say thanks.. This has help me setup my feedburner feed. I really appreciate your great knowledge in WordPress and many other things. If I have a question, now I know where I have to come to find the answer. Super Excellent guidance!!!

  12. sherwinraavi

    Another excellent tutorial! Worked perfectly. I’m actually building a business from stuff I’m learning here. Please don’t make me become a premium member =)

  13. wpbeginner

    @impukax You would need to edit your functions.php file. Please search our site and you will find the article on that.

  14. impukax

    @wpbeginner @impukax Thank you, i got it worked now! Is there a solution to display thumbnail with this method?

  15. SmarMendem

    it’s really power full tutorian and really helped me!!

    i’m newbie and nice to met you!!

  16. wpbeginner

    @impukax Go to Settings > Reading in your WordPress blog and select Summary instead of Full post to show in feeds.

    • DTL8791

      I want my full posts to show in the feed reader, and just modified the Settings > Reading to do that. Will that change affect previous posts or just new posts?

      • wpbeginner

        @DTL8791 it will change all posts :)

  17. impukax

    Is there anyway to customize the feed for just post the title and exceprt only? currently in my feedburner it’s showing full post and there was no excerpt.

  18. coolcash4live

    This is awesome youngprepro coolcash4live

  19. tla

    Can’t get feedburner to work. Able to subscribe for email notice, but when send out new post, I don’t get any notice. I find this message in site admin. of my blog: RSS Error: A feed could not be found at

    What’s wrong?

    Should I install FeedburnerFeedSmith or John Watson FD Feedburner for a WordPress blog 3.1 version hosted by ipower? Not sure which one I should use.

  20. Nick

    Perhaps I am looking for something that does not exist, and I’m trying to either confirm or access what I am trying to do through here…so any help would be really beneficial. I have a self supported wordpress on my own FTP server where my website is. I also have a twitter feed, facebook fan page, and a linkin account. I want to streamline my feeds completely through Hootsuite (and my clients SMO), but Hootsuite doesn’t interact with self supported WordPress blogs……only wordpress hosted blogs. Although, Hootsuite will allow me to submit a RSS feed that can check for new blog posts every so often, and I can set up which social media platforms I want the feed to go once it finds the feed or blog I’ve posted. Basically, I want to to post updates, advertisements, my portfolio, and share marketing advice through my wordpress blog. Then I want that blog to be broadcasted over every other social media platform I have….automatically streamlined. I would use twitter feed but I have clients of mine that I will need to manage their SMO the exact same way. Just makes it easier for me to keep up with everything. When I supply the feed link as:

    Hootsuite will not accept the feed. Will feedburner allow me to create a feed in which Hootsuite will accept?

    Is what I am doing even possible?

    I really appreciate any and all help or understanding with this. Been racking my brain for like a week on this one!

    • Editorial Staff

      Automating social media is probably the worse thing you can do for your business. However, if you do choose to go that route, it is possible. There are several plugins for WordPress that lets you publish your recent posts to Twitter as soon as they are published.


  21. jkissa

    how can you get feed burner to show the author of the post. It is assigned in wordpress but the rss doesnt display author name in the feed just title, then content.

    Any ideas?

  22. Chloe

    Hi I have feedburner attached to my new wordpress ecommerce website. I had it from ages ago when the site was under construction. It’s feed address is set at this URL Should it really be set at

    Please don’t laugh at me if it is a silly question but I am not sure. I subscribed to the site myself and posted a blog earlier but didn’t get an email from it. I have now taken the post off. I would be grateful of any help.

    • Editorial Staff

      Well, if your main installation is << then the feed will be … if you are running two separate installs, then you can have the feed on

      It depends on where you need the feed to be.


      • Chloe

        Hi, what do you mean by separate install? I bought a web theme and the blog is attached. I guess this means it isn’t separate and the feed should be kept where it is? I know my site has feeds on it as the blue rss feed box comes up in the URL when you go to my website. Thanks for
        your help so far. I appreciate it and Happy Easter!!

  23. Jo Rae

    Loved this article! One question. After setting this up and connecting the feed to WordPress is it supposed to send out the email every time I post a new post by itself or do I have to burn a feed myself each time and insert the address into WordPress? I can’t seem to get feeds to go out consistently.

    Thanks for any advice you can give!

    Jo Rae

    • Editorial Staff

      FeedBurner would send out an email everytime you publish an article. However we have heard recent complains about them not doing it consistently.


  24. Pieter Hartsook

    I’m finding that Feedburner is unreliable getting the latest post and especially delivering via email for one of my sites. It will work fine for several weeks (average 2 posts/week) then fail.

    A really strange issue is feedburner adding the latest post to the feed, visible on the Your Feed view and looking at the feed in an rss reader, but just not bothering to send out the email to subscribers, even a day later.

    I ping, resync, change the feed source from rss to atom and back, change the delivery time and eventually the Feedburner will trigger and send out the email. But there doesn’t seem to be any consistent way to fix the no delivery problem.

    It’s so frustrating I’m looking for a reliable alternative. What kills me is there is zero, nada, absolutely NO SUPPORT from Google for this service. Google really doesn’t seem to care about Feedburner. They bought it and seem to be hell-bent on destroying it.

    Too bad, it had great potential.

    • Editorial Staff

      We use it on our site, and it seems to be working fine. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any support in your case.


  25. Julie

    Having problems burning my feed. I get the error message;
    “Your feed filesize is larger than 576K. You need to reduce its size in order for FeedBurner to process it.”
    I have reduced the number of posts in the ‘Reading’ section on WordPress to 5 and also validated the blog through Feedburner but I still can’t get past this stage.
    This is a new blog and has not got much content on it so surely it can’t be that big!
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

  26. kashifmin

    if any of you having problems with your feed just replace the wp-rss2.php with new one

  27. Keith Davis

    I’ve just set up a Feedburner account.

    Nice to have a super clear guide for getting the best out of the settings.

  28. Ron

    I had a problem getting Fedburner to burn a feed. After spending several hours trying to get it to work I finally figured out what the problem was.

    The problem—-

    We have a self hosted WordPress blog that is a duplicate theme of another blog we have. The original blog has a feedburner feed that works without a problem (whenever we post an entry appears in the

    I created a second feed for the second site and things seemed to work without a problem. We were getting close to cutting the second site over and we needed to clear the test items out of the feed. We could not clear the these items out of the feed even after we deleted all blog entries and did a resync with feedburner (under troubleshooting).

    So I decided to delete the feed and tried to burn a new one. The burn failed because the validator indicated that it can not find the feed (error 404).

    Prior to the deletion of the feed we upgraded to the latest version of wordpress (3.0.3) but the feed continued to work after that. The only problem was that we could not remove the test items from the feed.

    The solution—

    It appears that feedburner will not burn a feed for wordpress unless there are published items in the blog. Sort of a catch 22. Once I published one entry in the blog Feedburner was able to burn the feed.

    I don’t know if this is a new issue or was always like this but I thought I would post this here in case someone else runs into this problem.

  29. Ximena de la Serna

    Excellent post, thanks! I need to spend this weekend optimising my blog so will be using your advice to improve it. Cheers!

  30. Jo

    Thank you, thank you soooo much for this step-by-step guide!

    I have successfully completed all of the above steps, including activating the Feedsmith plugin, do I still need to add a “Feedburner ID” in the widgets, on my primary sidebar; on the enews section and copy and paste it into the box that says “Feedburner ID”

    Im using the Genesis Framework Lifestyles theme.

    Oh, and thanks again! :)

    • Editorial Staff

      If you have the widget active, then yes you should enter your feedburner ID in the widget.


  31. Deirdre

    I’m on step 5. When I go to Publicize, it asks me about a Widget and WordPress in not an option.

    • Editorial Staff

      The feed is determined by where your blog is installed. So if your blog is installed in then your URL would be … if your blog is installed in the root directory then it will be

      It all depends on where you want the blog installed.


  32. Gretchen

    The FeedBurner FeedSmith plugin worked for me when I initially installed it, and continues to work on that install even as I upgrade WP. However, it has not worked for me on new installs, so I use John Watson’s FD Feedburner Plugin when I do a new WP setup with FeedBurner.

  33. Evgeni Yordanov

    Do I like this article? I love it! This is exactly what I needed to get my RSS out there

  34. Technonesia

    An explanation how to setup FeedBurner. That’s what I need.

  35. Twolane

    When I enter into the “Burn a feed this instant”, when I hit the “Next” button and it tells me that a valid feed isn’t available.

    When I click “Confirm validity” I go to a page with this line highlighted in yellow:

    That’s it. No feed. Nada. It won’t accept the feed.

  36. Mason Parker

    i always use feedburner to syndicate my blog posts to other subscribers.,;~

  37. Mehmet

    Sweet article, you made my feedburner setup a breeze.

  38. Gretchen

    The email subscription to feeds is popular on the multi-author blog I’m part of, but subscribers complain that they can’t see who wrote the post in the email: only in a feed reader or on the site. I can’t seem to figure out how to include the author field in the email subscription. Is this possible? Thank you!

    • Editorial Staff

      You can modify the RSS Feed and add who wrote it and author bio using a custom field. Use our site’s search feature to find the article.


  39. Wasim Ismail

    Thanks for the tips, just finished setting up my feedburner account and installed it on my blog.


  40. Adam

    Thanks for sharing this info. Plugin referenced in this guide did not work for me either. I could upload it but when I went to activate it I got an error. I did a Google search for a Feedburner WordPress Plugin and found another. The other activated fine.

  41. sriganesh

    if i change my feed name will it affect my rss subscribers or still it can send my new post to their emails ??, i like to change it to short and effective :D

  42. Costa

    Great tips for beginners.

    Just a small note though. Feedburner Feedsmith does not work with WordPress 2.6 and above.

  43. wparena

    It would be more helpful if you write about how to increase feed subscriber…help us and give us some tips ..:)

    • Editorial Staff

      To keep the content related and targetted, we avoid talking about topics like: blogging, blog marketing, blog monetization, how to make your blog successful etc. WPBeginner focuses on the technical aspects of WordPress and how it relates with blogging rather than non-technical aspects such as social media, affiliate marketing, blog promotion etc.

      We do try to add that blend of content in our Newsletter tips, so if you want those then signup for our newsletter.


  44. Yael K. Miller

    Thanks for writing this — you have stuff that I didn’t know about. I had no clue about FeedFlare.

    I’m curious about why you recommend FeedBurner FeedSmith as the WordPress plugin to use. It hasn’t been upgraded for a long time. I use the FD Feedburner Plugin.

    • Editorial Staff

      It doesn’t need upgrading… It is also the official plugin for Google FeedBurner.


      • faheemday mktg

        I’m having an issue with the email subscription…when the feed emails out, it only emails portion of the post without having any “read” more or anything…I’d like for it to send the entire post not just the portion…what do I need to do for it to send out the entire post?

