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Self hosted vs free





Self-hosted vs Free



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両バージョンのWordPressの比較です:、別名 “本物のWordPress “は、あなたがすべての素晴らしいことを聞いたことがある人気のウェブサイトプラットフォームです。






  • WordPressのソフトウェアは無料で、オープンソースで、とても使いやすい。WordPressは、インターネット上のすべてのサイトの 43%以上で使用されています(WordPressが無料な理由をご覧ください)。
  • あなたのサイトとそのデータはすべてあなたのものです。違法行為をしていない限り)誰かが利用規約に反すると判断したからといって、あなたのサイトが閉鎖されることはありません。完全にコントロールできます。
  • 無料、有料、カスタマイザーのWordPressプラグイン/アプリをサイトに追加できます。
  • サイトのデザインを自由にカスタマイズできます。無料またはプレミアムWordPressテーマを自由に追加できます。また、完全にカスタムデザインを作成したり、必要なものを変更することもできます。
  • 独自の広告を掲載することで、WordPressサイトから収益を上げることができます。
  • Google アナリティクスのような強力なツールを使って、カスタム分析やトラッキングを行うことができます。
  • インストール型のWordPressを使用してオンラインストアを作成し、デジタルまたは物理的な製品を販売し、クレジットカードでの支払いを受け付け、あなたのサイトから直接商品を配送/出荷することができます。
  • また、会員制サイトを作り、プレミアムコンテンツやコース、フォーラムなどの会員権を販売することで、ウェブサイトを中心としたオンラインコミュニティを構築することもできる。



  • すべてのサイトと同様に、Webホスティングサービスが必要です。これは、あなたのサイトのファイルがインターネット上に保存されている場所です。当初、コストは月額約3〜10ドルです。しかし、あなたのサイトが成長し、より多くのトラフィックを取得すると、Webホスティングプランのコストは予想通り増加しますが、その後、コストをカバーするのに十分なお金を稼ぐことになります。
  • WordPressをインストールする必要があります。幸いなことに、ほとんどの一般的なWordPressホスティングサービス会社は、1クリックでWordPressをインストールするオプションを提供しています。また、WordPressを正しくインストールする方法についての包括的なチュートリアルに従うこともできます。
  • 更新はあなたの責任です。WordPressサイトの更新は、更新ボタンをクリック(ワンクリック)するだけで簡単にできますので、手間がかかりません。
  • バックアップはあなたの責任です。ありがたいことに、自動バックアップを設定できるWordPressバックアッププラグインがたくさんあります。




ボーナス: Bluehostのチームは、ウェブホスティング+無料ドメイン名の61%割引を読者に提供しています。彼らは正式に推奨されるWordPressホスティングサービスプロバイダです。



  • 無料 – 機能が非常に制限され、制約が多い。
  • スターター – 年間48ドル
  • エクスプローラー – 年間96ドル
  • クリエイター – 年間300ドル
  • Entreprenuer – 年間540ドル (WooCommerceを使用したeコマースサイトに最適)
  • VIP – 年間25000ドルから




  • 3GBまでは無料。それ以降は有料プランに変更する必要があります。(スタータープラン$48/年で6GB、エクスプローラープラン$96/年で13GB、クリエータープラン$300/年で50GBのストレージが利用できる)。
  • 更新やバックアップを心配する必要はありません。WordPress.comが面倒を見ます。



  • 彼らはすべての無料サイトに広告を掲載します。ユーザーには広告が表示され、そこから収益を得ることはできません。広告をユーザーに見せたくない場合は、WordPress.comの有料プラン(年間48ドルから)にアップグレードすることができます。
  • サイト上で広告を販売する権限がありませんので、サイトを収益化する方法が著しく制限されます。もしトラフィックの多いサイトを運営しているのであれば、WordAdsと呼ばれる広告プログラムに申し込むことができます。エクスプローラー以上のプランのユーザーは、すぐにWordAdsを使用することができます。
  • プラグインのアップロードはできません。フリープランのユーザーは、ビルトインJetpackの機能があらかじめ有効化されています。Creatorプランのユーザーは、互換性のあるプラグインから選択してインストールすることができます(300ドル/年)。 VIPプログラムでは、プラグインをインストールすることができ、月額5000円から。
  • カスタマイザーのアップロードはできません。無料プランのユーザーは、限られた無料テーマコレクションからのみインストールできます。ExplorerとCreatorプランのユーザーは、プレミアムテーマを選択し、それらのテーマでカスタムCSSを使用することもできます。無料版のカスタマイズオプションは限られています。
  • あなたはその統計に制限されています。Google アナリティクスを追加したり、他の強力なトラッキングプラットフォームをインストールすることはできません。CreatorプランのユーザーはGoogleアナリティクスをインストールできます。
  • WordPress.comの無料サイトには、WordPress.comのサブドメインが付属しています(例:。カスタムドメイン名(例:を取得するには、有料プランが必要です。
  • 彼らはあなたのサイトが利用規約に違反していると思えば、いつでも削除することができる。
  • サイトには powered by のリンクが表示されます。このリンクは Creator プランにアップグレードすることで削除できます。
  • WordPress.comは、Entrepreneurプランに変更しない限り、eコマース機能や統合された支払いゲートウェイを提供していません。
  • WordPress.comで会員制サイトを構築することはできません。




以下に、よくあるご質問にできる限りお答えします: vs – どっちがいいの?









一方、WordPress.orgでは、コンテンツ管理システムを完全にコントロールできるため、新規サイトの収益化オプションは無制限です。 vs – eコマースにはどっちがいい?

WordPress.orgは、eコマースサイトを構築する最も簡単な方法を提供します。WooCommerceを使用してストアを構築したり、他の多くのWordPress eコマース、メンバーシップ、LMSプラグインから選択することができます。












WordPress.comからWordPress.orgへブログを移行する方法については、ステップバイステップでご案内しています。また、無料ブログ設定サービスをご利用いただければ、無料でブログを移行いたします。 vs. – まとめ




以下は、インストール型のWordPress.orgとWordPress.comの比較で上記で説明したすべての要約です: (Platform) (Free) (Premium) (Business)
Cost$46 - $100 / yearFree$96 / year$300/ year
Custom DomainYesNoYesYes
Hosting StorageUnlimited3 GB13 GB200 GB
Monetization FreedomYesNoYes (with rev/share)Yes (with rev / share)
Branding FreedomYesNoNoYes
All SEO FeaturesYesNoNoYes
Powerful AnalyticsYesNoNoYes
Full Theme SupportYesNoLimitedYes
Full Plugin SupportYesNoNoYes
Ecommerce StoreYesNoNoNo
Membership SiteYesNoNoNo
Full ControlYesNoNoNo






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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Falak

    Is there any Number where I can contact WordPress support? I have few queries on upgrading my blog.

  3. Mac

    Thanks so much for the response. I have refunded 73$ now and I still retain my domain name.
    There is a problem now. I goto BLUEHOST and insert my domain name to register and it requires a password to verify I am the owner
    I typed my password and it cannot login. And I am sure of my password.
    Please help … Thanks in anticipation

  4. Macc

    I will use your coupon code for bluehost. If I want a refund of my 99$.can I take all full refund or I still leave my domain name with them. Tho its just 36hours now that I registered. Which do you recommend? Take all 99 and goto bluehost for all or take 73 and pay them for domain?

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Macc,

      You can’t get a refund on a domain name. So probably best to get a refund and move to Bluehost. You can point your domain to Bluehost.


  5. Mac

    I just purcahsed a domain and hosting from at 99$. Now I started seeing the diffs btw and .org
    My question is
    Can I go take a refund of my 99$, and then goto bluehost for hosting and get to
    I just export my files as youve said and leave the 99$. And I am still going to pay for bluehost again?
    Please I am confused. In a nutshell. Since I already purchased a premium plan from Will I still pay to bluehost for another host again cos I want to migrate to Cos I am a begginer and no money.

  6. Carrie

    my question. I am not a blogger. I just need a website for my business with:

    1. about page with my pictures
    2. pages (maybe two additoinal) services (not selling just telling what my business has and contact me)
    3. three emails with business domain (i have domanin)
    4. maybe a contact form
    5. maybe a newsletter (maybe in the future but not now)
    6. no sponsors – but links to certifications, etc.
    7. job postings

    It seems as though the premium would benefit me.

    Can you please direct me if this .com would be the best option? Thanks!

  7. vaibhav arora

    i suggest it too is really good for professional blogger as it allow customization as per our need

  8. Larissa

    What about the paid plans (personal, premium, business)? How do they compare to I don’t have a lot of disposable income, especially for a blog that’s not currently generating any money, but I’d like to add some scripts for Google Analytics and a couple of affiliate programs. The personal plan is reasonably priced but WordPress does not make it at all clear what kind of benefits are included in comparison to the free plan. And what is the difference between the premium plan and The features seem to be almost identical.

  9. muhammadmubashar

    hello sir,my concern is security and muc difficult is that and also how different is vs for a novice user.and how different is to optimize vs
    if we have features like ddos and spam control and other ones.will our site be safe from hackers or is it vulnerable.can a novice do this easily.
    Do You Offer Training For i dont mind if i have to pay.

  10. Muhammad Tabish

    Wow, This is Great Article Thank for the WordPress,org Difference, and WordPress Dot Com, Thank You So Much,

  11. François

    I have a premium account with WordPress since 10 month,. A Domaine name and I will use your service to move to my blog.

    I have Basic simple questions:
    1) can you confirm me that after the moving process , I will not have to continue to pay the premium ( Maybe just the small year fee to keep the redirect)?
    2) my will be host by Bluehost. can I do the important setting with an IMac ?
    3) can,I had post with an iPad ?

    Thanks for your answer, Icall start the process with you in few days.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi François,

      1. You will not have to pay for Premium. However, you will have to pay for your domain when its registration expires.

      2. You can use any computer PC or Mac to update and manage your site.

      3. You can add posts with an iPad.


  12. Sue warren

    You’ve convinced me. Now can I use and integrate it with my existing website which is powered by weebly and they own my domain and email? Thanks.

    • Rajendra Zore

      Self-host your WordPress Blog & later Migrate Weebly to WordPress.

  13. Laura Campbell


    I have used the free WordPress website for about two years to blog pictures and memories
    and have used up the 3 GB. I just would like the least amount money spent on something for a blog to post pictures and videos for my kids to read one day. At this light, I posted a lot of pics which is why I’ve used up the 3GB. Is there one you’d recommend? I thought there is one that is about $100 a year for 15 GB. What happens, though, after you use up 15 GB? Do you have to pay the higher membership or just it restart every year? Also, I thought I read something here differently that says you can pay just $20 a year for more GB but perhaps less than 15 GB. Is that correct? Any thoughts would be helpful as I’m not computer savvy. Just want to write online with pics one day for my kids to possibly read one day. Thank you for any help!

  14. Amarjit Singh

    With premium plan of 99$ per year. Is it includes hosting, domain name, Google email free for one year?

  15. Lucy Barret

    With free blog, you can’t do much as they have limited features but with, you can add as many features as you want through WordPress plugins. There are so many plugins available online in both free as well as paid options. So my choice would be

  16. rebecca

    How do I know which version of wordpress I am currently using? (.com or .org?) I am unable to add my own plugins….but I do have my own site ( Is there a way to tell which version of wordpress I’m using? And how would I upgrade to Thanks!

    • Syaz Amirin

      Hi Rebecca!

      Your website is

      You can check at the footer of your site.

  17. Kassi Chapman

    So confused right now! I’ll break my questions down into list form to make it easier:
    1) Can I use my .com site for affiliate marketing and sponsored posts? Or do I need a .org?
    2) Do I need a .org site to use my own plug-ins?
    3) Is having a self-hosted WP difficult? Does it require extensive training on codes and such. I have none.
    Thanks so much for your awesome site!

    • WPBeginner Support

      1. No, you can’t.
      2. Yes you need a self hosted .org site to use your own plugins.
      3. No it is not. There is a learning curve, but you will find plenty of help every step of the way.


  18. Ram Sai Nag

    1)Offer freebies like free pdfs of 3 to 4 pages

    2) Share links on fb groups

    3) Always remember content is king

  19. Akanksha Bhardwaj


    I have recently started blogging and even though I am just doing it out of interest, at some point I would want to pursue it full time. I am on the free – basic wordpress plan. (

    I have two questions:

    1. What can I do to drive more traffic to my blog?

    2. If, at a later stage, I want to move to an org/ Premium wordpress plan, what happens to my existing subscribers.

  20. Daksh Pokar

    Well Self-Hosted is the best!

  21. Abdus Samad Azad

    Great article for every newbie. I think you should add topics like SEO, website traffic etc.

  22. Petia

    Hi there, I am just starting with blogging and I feel kind a overwhelmed. .
    I paid for my domain and then to be able to use my not I upgraded to premium on

    Now I feel like I wasted my money since I wanted to do my blog and use it also for affiliate marketing.

    Would you recommend just to start with since I just paid $99 for a year to have it premium?

    Please let me know your thoughts.

    Thank you!


    • WPBeginner Support premium plans can be canceled and refunded with in 30 days of purchase. Please contact support for more details on that. Your domain registration price will probably be deducted from total cost of premium plan. But you will be able to keep the domain and use it with self hosted website.


  23. Dani Kemeny

    Hi, thanks for all this helpful information.
    I’ve been researching and Just to clarify… so what I need to use is to download, download MAMP and download bluehost?

    • WPBeginner Support

      MAMP is a package that you can install on your Mac computer and test drive WordPress on your own computer. Only you will be able to see and work on your WordPress site with MAMP on your computer.

      Self hosted sites need hosting. BlueHost is a WordPress hosting provider. You signup for their service and then install WordPress on their servers. This way your website will be available on the web for everyone.


  24. nayan

    plz help me I’m using Mail Chimp for mailing lists and I want to add a subscribe form to a couple of my pages. The code mail chimp gives for embedding subscribe form onto my site doesn’t work on

  25. Palash

    What is meaning of “space” exactly.If i get 3gb space does that means my blog/website can retain 3gb of content and then I will not be able to publish more?

  26. Jesse

    I agree with WANDERINGJULIA. Another take on it is this. I am fully able to handle a self-hosted site. Heck, I even wrote my own theme (PHP), associated CSS, coincident HTML, and added web art (SVG and various and sundry other images). I have four sites on that provider, all registered elsewhere. One is my wife’s. It occurred to me, what if I get run over by a semi? I don’t necessarily care that my blog will whither and waste away, but it might indeed be nice were my wife to have one easy place to logon and get to her stuff (without going to at least two places to pay bills and at least two others to fiddle with somewhat complex control panels). For such a niche case, might be the answer.

    [Off topic: a cost you didn’t mention for self-hosted blogs, versus HTTPS encryption. provides it free and automatically; on a self-hosted blog one must buy a certificate, and garner the skill to install it.]

  27. Anuradha Chawla

    A thorough elucidation of the difference between and platforms. In my opinion, is suitable for blogs with which are not meant for any commercial gain. But, if you are a pro-blogger, you should definitely look for as it offers a lot of customization.

  28. Madan

    Having self hosting service gives more services, full control on server and have our fresh domain with proper keyword. While free hosting services have some restrictions and we do not get access to all other plugins, features which we want in our site. If any one planning blog, website for their business then self web hosting is the best option for them.

  29. Ian M

    Using BlueHost, while selecting their entry level domain they offer .org .com etc. Between their domain options .com and .org is there a difference or limiting factor to .com? After reading this post I feel like the startup at is the limiting factor because it isn’t self hosted unlike a domain through BlueHost. A dot com with my domain through BH isn’t a deciding factor on what kind of options and plugins I would want to use compared to what I started with through, right?

  30. Max Basnet

    Awesome report. Totally informative. I already have a registered domain of my own. I transferred from blogspot to WordPress. While blogger asks zero dollar to setup a custom domain which is already registered, WordPress costs certain amount of money. Which means, I have already registered a domain from another company/registrar and I have to pay double ( domain tax + WordPress tax ) . That’s a loss in my mind. The domain which I registered was a national domain from a country and that domain is not available to register anywhere else. In the same way, I don’t want to pay extra money to WordPress. So please I need your help and suggestion on this. I might be switching back to blogspot if needed.

    • Editorial Staff

      You need to use self-hosted WordPress where you pay for hosting, but don’t have to pay the additional “Domain Tax”.


  31. Lauren

    Thank you so much for this brilliant post. I bought both my website domain names through and was therefore never given the option to choose a host. I was mentally running around in circles confused as to why I never chose a host. Thank you for explaining. works perfectly for my personal goals as of now. As I become more of a professional in my field that may change and I will adapt my websites accordingly.

  32. Tracey Sharp

    This is a brilliant post and just what I’ve been looking for. I’ve had a blog for several weeks now and realise that wordpress is a bit limiting and also very expensive if you want to upgrade. Reading this and your other posts on transferring to has been invaluable in showing me step by step how to do it. I’ve had a test run and now just need to take the plunge to transfer everything over.

  33. K.J. Larson

    Under “ Benefits” text, your first point is that “It’s free and super-easy to use.” Super-easy, yes. Free, no. Please edit ASAP, as it’s *very* confusing for folks just beginning to navigate the vast online publishing realm.

      • Tango

        You shouldve written “freedom” then, not “free” like free like Wut

    • Tyano Jason is 100% free.

  34. FraNK UMEADI

    Thank you so much for this good piece.


    Good day admin, have been reading a whole lot about the wordpress thingy and i plan on opening a website for personal use, i do not have a proper foundation in web area, though i am currently undergoing a training in graphic design, kindly help me out with step by step on creating a website and how to host them.


  36. blankyd brotu

    from my experience with FREE sites, all providers will delete your site at a certain time, regardless of any thing. they give you free space to see if you can get bigger or not, if not then there is no reason for them bother but if you get bigger they would want money for that or they will wipe you off

  37. MELewis

    For me one of the main issues with self-hosting is the lack of a platform to share the content. Sure, you can tweet your posts but that can be a lot of work for little return. Can anyone help me understand how some self-hosted blogs manage to get their content to mirror in the Reader? I have read that this is not allowed yet see it all the time – most recently with some major news outlets such as the New York Post (presumably they pay for a VIP service?)

  38. Maria

    What about the SEO? Is it any difference between and in terms of ranking by google or bing?


  39. Kim Smyth

    Hey, just read the article and my question is-if I have a www. Name. com, free on WordPress, that’s not the same as a domain name right? And if I want my blog to be a business, I should switch to .org-I get that- but instead, maybe I should start all over because really all I have is a blog PAGE. I don’t have a real website with several pages. That’s the problem for one. Advice?

  40. Francheteau

    I just opened an account on and bought the theme PROMENADE. I just realized I can t add any plugins on my website . I would like to switch from to, but will I have to pay for my theme again ? or can I switch and keep my Promenade theme ?
    thank you for your help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Premium themes purchased on are only valid on You can contact support for more help.


  41. Ayietim

    Hello, thanks for this post. The content and the commens are a great beginner’s guide. I have a blog running on, I started the blog about seven months ago and I am absolutely enjoying myself, do you know why? Yes, I want to make money with it, but not FROM it, I want to make money THROUGH it. This is how, I am a businessman who believes in a building first, a brand with a good and a growing GOODWILL, a goodwill which is trusted by many. Then, one could leverage on the goodwill to make money. You can use your blog to make a name for yourself and use that name to sell yourself to individual and corporate clients. So, whether or, one should on a process which begins with the building a BRAND.

  42. Mubashir Ali is not only a blogging software. It is a great CMS to create every type of websites by using new themes and pluging. With you cann’t do it. So, is too higher than

  43. Jerrod Anielle Lopez

    For me, I do not care about that. I blog because I want to share something. Money isn’t always the thing! And what you are saying about is wrong.

    It is very useful and social.

    We blog because want to share. We blog because we want to help. We blog because we have a reason and we do not need to care about what to choose between or

    • Lana Kane

      You sound so childish, what the author has written is accurate and unbias information. Don’t get emotional about something that isn’t targeted at you. A lot of people blog to make money and share their art. Just because you don’t,doesn’t mean they are wrong.

      On a side note, great article. I enjoyed it and found it informative.

  44. JeffDeWitt

    I’ve built a couple of websites and am maintaining one for my church. I don’t know what tool that site was built with but one of the great things about it is I was given a full, functioning copy of the website on a CD when I took over.

    I wanted a tool that would let me build and tune a site before putting in on some server somewhere and would have complete control over it.

    There is a version of WordPress we can get from Microsoft for free (along with Microsoft “WebMatrix”. It seems to be exactly what I was looking for.

    I’d really be interested in any comments or suggestions about going this route.

  45. wanderingjulia

    I’m about to transfer my to a self-hosted site and truth is I’m starting to feel torn about it.

    From my perspective, there’s no comparing and Here is why. I see that most of the people who choose do it for the revenue. By the sound of it, they do it for the money they save, the versatility in appearance, and most especially the ads they profit from. Truthfully, this is what drew me to as well.

    However, I’m realizing more and more that I blog not make money. I blog to share content. I blog to have my voice be heard. I don’t blog for bottomless plugins or endless themes. I blog first and foremost because I have something I want to share, and not to make money. gives me a great space for that. I get to be part of an active community that sees me easily and responds to me immediately. lets people find me right off the bat and my content becomes relevant. on the other hand, despite all the freedom it can give you in terms of managing your blog, doesn’t give you that community. You’re a lone wolf, so to speak, in the super dense world of the interwebs, and you’ll have to work that much harder to get your voice across and be heard.

    So if you’re a business or a company with a certain look, or if you sell stuff, or you want to make money, yes, is great. But if you want to share your voice and be part of a community that acknowledges, hears, and discusses your thoughts with you, is the place. Plugins and customization and all else are just fluff you may not even need.

  46. Manos Johan Hanssen Seferidis

    I have a blog at and there are some issues that are not been talked here. One huge annoyance is that whatever I might type in the text editor, it get’s re-parsed. Sometimes I want to keep my table’s rows as rows but has to split each little td in a separate line. Also I hate the fact that the editor is so small. I make coding tutorials that tend to be huge and with the current setup it makes it a nightmare to find the correct paragraph of my post.

  47. bernice jooste

    Thank you for the reply. Will I be able to keep my blog name when I change over to using Also what would the cost be for using per month

  48. WPBeginner Staff

    Using a self hosted site means that you get full control on your website.

    This will allow you to install any plugin you want including the plugins for recipes.

    You will have to maintain your website. This means you will have to make sure your site is up to date using the latest version of WordPress and all plugins and themes. This might sound like a lot of work, but actually WordPress has a built in update system so all you will have to do is to click on the update button.

    As for backups, there are several WordPress plugins which automatically create backup of your website and store it to your dropbox, google drive, or anyother desired location.

    Hope this answered your question.

  49. bernice jooste

    I have a account and realize now I cant have any plugins for recipes ect, what do I do?

    If i change to what does the following entail :
    You are responsible for updates. You are responsible for backups,
    You are responsible to prevent SPAM,
    you are responsible for maintenance?
    please advise

    • Saroj

      Hello, their are 2 plugin in wordpress for recipes WP
      1. Ultimate Recipe
      2. EasyRecipe Just try this, they will defiantly work.

  50. bernice jooste

    I started a blog last week im totally a beginner I want to add recipes on my blog and have the print option, now I see that plugins are not available on I read through the above can you please advise what the following entails :
    responsible for updates, how is this done ?

    responsible for backups how do I do this?

    keeping your site updated and optimised?

  51. Cameron Ward

    I think it’s kind of dumb that can’t have stuff like google adsense or infolinks…I just find that utterly silly

