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Self hosted vs free





Self-hosted vs Free



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両バージョンのWordPressの比較です:、別名 “本物のWordPress “は、あなたがすべての素晴らしいことを聞いたことがある人気のウェブサイトプラットフォームです。






  • WordPressのソフトウェアは無料で、オープンソースで、とても使いやすい。WordPressは、インターネット上のすべてのサイトの 43%以上で使用されています(WordPressが無料な理由をご覧ください)。
  • あなたのサイトとそのデータはすべてあなたのものです。違法行為をしていない限り)誰かが利用規約に反すると判断したからといって、あなたのサイトが閉鎖されることはありません。完全にコントロールできます。
  • 無料、有料、カスタマイザーのWordPressプラグイン/アプリをサイトに追加できます。
  • サイトのデザインを自由にカスタマイズできます。無料またはプレミアムWordPressテーマを自由に追加できます。また、完全にカスタムデザインを作成したり、必要なものを変更することもできます。
  • 独自の広告を掲載することで、WordPressサイトから収益を上げることができます。
  • Google アナリティクスのような強力なツールを使って、カスタム分析やトラッキングを行うことができます。
  • インストール型のWordPressを使用してオンラインストアを作成し、デジタルまたは物理的な製品を販売し、クレジットカードでの支払いを受け付け、あなたのサイトから直接商品を配送/出荷することができます。
  • また、会員制サイトを作り、プレミアムコンテンツやコース、フォーラムなどの会員権を販売することで、ウェブサイトを中心としたオンラインコミュニティを構築することもできる。



  • すべてのサイトと同様に、Webホスティングサービスが必要です。これは、あなたのサイトのファイルがインターネット上に保存されている場所です。当初、コストは月額約3〜10ドルです。しかし、あなたのサイトが成長し、より多くのトラフィックを取得すると、Webホスティングプランのコストは予想通り増加しますが、その後、コストをカバーするのに十分なお金を稼ぐことになります。
  • WordPressをインストールする必要があります。幸いなことに、ほとんどの一般的なWordPressホスティングサービス会社は、1クリックでWordPressをインストールするオプションを提供しています。また、WordPressを正しくインストールする方法についての包括的なチュートリアルに従うこともできます。
  • 更新はあなたの責任です。WordPressサイトの更新は、更新ボタンをクリック(ワンクリック)するだけで簡単にできますので、手間がかかりません。
  • バックアップはあなたの責任です。ありがたいことに、自動バックアップを設定できるWordPressバックアッププラグインがたくさんあります。




ボーナス: Bluehostのチームは、ウェブホスティング+無料ドメイン名の61%割引を読者に提供しています。彼らは正式に推奨されるWordPressホスティングサービスプロバイダです。



  • 無料 – 機能が非常に制限され、制約が多い。
  • スターター – 年間48ドル
  • エクスプローラー – 年間96ドル
  • クリエイター – 年間300ドル
  • Entreprenuer – 年間540ドル (WooCommerceを使用したeコマースサイトに最適)
  • VIP – 年間25000ドルから




  • 3GBまでは無料。それ以降は有料プランに変更する必要があります。(スタータープラン$48/年で6GB、エクスプローラープラン$96/年で13GB、クリエータープラン$300/年で50GBのストレージが利用できる)。
  • 更新やバックアップを心配する必要はありません。WordPress.comが面倒を見ます。



  • 彼らはすべての無料サイトに広告を掲載します。ユーザーには広告が表示され、そこから収益を得ることはできません。広告をユーザーに見せたくない場合は、WordPress.comの有料プラン(年間48ドルから)にアップグレードすることができます。
  • サイト上で広告を販売する権限がありませんので、サイトを収益化する方法が著しく制限されます。もしトラフィックの多いサイトを運営しているのであれば、WordAdsと呼ばれる広告プログラムに申し込むことができます。エクスプローラー以上のプランのユーザーは、すぐにWordAdsを使用することができます。
  • プラグインのアップロードはできません。フリープランのユーザーは、ビルトインJetpackの機能があらかじめ有効化されています。Creatorプランのユーザーは、互換性のあるプラグインから選択してインストールすることができます(300ドル/年)。 VIPプログラムでは、プラグインをインストールすることができ、月額5000円から。
  • カスタマイザーのアップロードはできません。無料プランのユーザーは、限られた無料テーマコレクションからのみインストールできます。ExplorerとCreatorプランのユーザーは、プレミアムテーマを選択し、それらのテーマでカスタムCSSを使用することもできます。無料版のカスタマイズオプションは限られています。
  • あなたはその統計に制限されています。Google アナリティクスを追加したり、他の強力なトラッキングプラットフォームをインストールすることはできません。CreatorプランのユーザーはGoogleアナリティクスをインストールできます。
  • WordPress.comの無料サイトには、WordPress.comのサブドメインが付属しています(例:。カスタムドメイン名(例:を取得するには、有料プランが必要です。
  • 彼らはあなたのサイトが利用規約に違反していると思えば、いつでも削除することができる。
  • サイトには powered by のリンクが表示されます。このリンクは Creator プランにアップグレードすることで削除できます。
  • WordPress.comは、Entrepreneurプランに変更しない限り、eコマース機能や統合された支払いゲートウェイを提供していません。
  • WordPress.comで会員制サイトを構築することはできません。




以下に、よくあるご質問にできる限りお答えします: vs – どっちがいいの?









一方、WordPress.orgでは、コンテンツ管理システムを完全にコントロールできるため、新規サイトの収益化オプションは無制限です。 vs – eコマースにはどっちがいい?

WordPress.orgは、eコマースサイトを構築する最も簡単な方法を提供します。WooCommerceを使用してストアを構築したり、他の多くのWordPress eコマース、メンバーシップ、LMSプラグインから選択することができます。












WordPress.comからWordPress.orgへブログを移行する方法については、ステップバイステップでご案内しています。また、無料ブログ設定サービスをご利用いただければ、無料でブログを移行いたします。 vs. – まとめ




以下は、インストール型のWordPress.orgとWordPress.comの比較で上記で説明したすべての要約です: (Platform) (Free) (Premium) (Business)
Cost$46 - $100 / yearFree$96 / year$300/ year
Custom DomainYesNoYesYes
Hosting StorageUnlimited3 GB13 GB200 GB
Monetization FreedomYesNoYes (with rev/share)Yes (with rev / share)
Branding FreedomYesNoNoYes
All SEO FeaturesYesNoNoYes
Powerful AnalyticsYesNoNoYes
Full Theme SupportYesNoLimitedYes
Full Plugin SupportYesNoNoYes
Ecommerce StoreYesNoNoNo
Membership SiteYesNoNoNo
Full ControlYesNoNoNo






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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

    • WPBeginner Staff says

      Yes you can, but we will not recommend it. If you are just starting out then why not start with it will save you from the hassle of transferring your website.

  2. Mayank Agarwal says

    how to earn .. i know it might sound like a very lame question to you… but i am a beginner.. and i am passionate about building a career in this stuff…

  3. Joseph Rye says

    I now have a domain name, so my website is activated through WordPress, but I cannot share my posts the easy way I used to. I looked at publicise but that just sent me back to dashboard and settings which didn’t allow me to just include Facebook, twitter and the like to my posts and just get it out there. I created a website because I would be able to store more content from a wide-range of endeavour, but feel I am now not in possession of the right skills to just fire out my stuff….Very disillusioned right now and frustrated…feel like jacking the whole thing in and taking a long walk off a short pier….help!

  4. Sherri says

    Ok…it seems I finally got my question answered. I have a domain that I’m hosting via wordpress and I don’t have full functionality because it’s still sitting on wordpress. Ugh!!! Glad I found you guys!

  5. Angie says

    This is very helpful. I am totally new to this and would like to use the, which I already downloaded, but you have to start a host acct first as far as I can tell, and I can’t afford it yet, so I will start creating content on the free hosted .com, and keep learning until I can afford to switch over. Thx for the info!

    • Craig Corbin says

      You can self host using a hosting service, but I didn’t see any mention the option of actually self hosting. While I’m learning WordPress I installed aamps and I am running my WordPress site from my server. My server in my house. It is for the more geeky in the group but it is an actual free way to test WordPress.


  6. Larry H. says

    I definitely like the hosted wordpress as I am able to get help when I need it. I am relatively new to building a site and need to learn everything which is quite extensive. I have a quality choice for a wordpress theme and can customize it also.

    Does anybody have any great ideas for building backlinks manually that are effective?

  7. Melanie says

    Although I don’t have the intention to transform my blog in a money machine, I choose the self hosted version. The change happened only this week and I am struggling with some feature that I loved in the version. I miss the “like it” button for other WP bloggers and the reblogg function. There’s plugins for that?
    All in all, I am very happy with my choice and till now don’t regret it. PS: thank you for the post that helped me a lot.

  8. Beth Kahlich says

    Can’t emphasize enough how disappointed I was that you can’t use Google Analytics tracking code on sites. This is a complete deal breaker for me. If you upgrade to the Premium service – you should certainly be able to install that functionality, as their own reporting is totally inadequate.

  9. Robert says

    ALL reviews for seem to forget a major advantage there. When you start a site there. You will immediately start getting readers. Also your site will be in Google right away. You don’t have to do any SEO or any advertising. All blogs and posts are up for the community for display and there is this thing ‘Freshly Pressed’ where they pick eight posts every and highlight them.

    Now what I do is — have a site on and get visitors there and use that site to drive most of my traffic to my self hosted site.

  10. Frances says

    I “helped” a friend put her website together. When I left for the night she said she was going to bed soon. By the next day she was almost done. It looked like I could do it to. Here go’s my try!

  11. Dawn P says

    I have my own domain name that I purchased and have a blog on blogger currently that I do not keep up on because I wasn’t getting enough traffic to the blog. I have heard great things about but want to make sure before I decide to go with wordpress I am not wasting my money because I am just starting out and have no idea how to “make money” from a blog. Do you have any guides or information on how to make money from your blog so that hopefully it will pay for itself?

  12. sharexact says

    I have self hosted blog. I want to know Is there any way to reach audience?

  13. Jade says

    I have to agree. This is such a great comparison of and because it does what so few articles do – it breaks down the true cost of

    People choose thinking it’s free and just choosing the “cheapest” option – but there is a price to pay, literally and in other ways. If you’re a professional blogger, I recommend all the way. Yes, you’re paying for your domain and host but this is a tiny cost given the huge opportunities and freedom you have to make that money back times many, many times! Not to mention the fact that you truly own your content!

  14. Cindy Smith says

    I’ve created a couple of sites using GoDaddy and but I don’t like the limitations of columns, how video is used and theme limits. I just downloaded the but now I’m not sure I have the computer geek skills to get me to the next level. I’ve looked at the step by step directions of renaming the files and opening an FTP. I want to take on this challenge but could use some guidance in getting it set up…any suggestions!

    • Mac Gyver says

      Cindy, you don’t need to get FTP software when you host with GoDaddy. It’s built into File Manager already, and they have a separate Java based FTP. Manipulating your files etc inside the server is easy, and a live tech guy/girl will walk you through it.

      Call GoDaddy & they’ll explain.

  15. Krista hulshof says

    I am trying to decide whether I should move to self hosted for my architecture firm. In the cost section you do not say if you need to buy a domain from WordPress or not to transfer it to your self hosted site? I know just enoug to be dangerous ( mostly to myself) when it comes to web design, is there a idiot proof tutorial on how to tranfer and set up your self hosted blog? Do you need to set up a redirect from the original free WordPress blog? Does google search your self hosted WordPress blog the same as if you are hosted by WordPress free? Thanks.

  16. Allan says

    I agree with the recommendation. I chose for my new site.

    Rant begins …..

    I disagree with the “super easy to use” statement. It isn’t, for a true, real beginner — even a very technical one, but one not having any blogging or website design experience. There is a major hurdle to overcome at the very beginning.

    I have not found a glossary of terms for blogging or website design orientation that is needed before you start.

    I have not found good info on what you need to know ‘before you start’, and was actually expecting “ease of use”.

    I found that very friendly and free support for themes, widgets, hosting companies, etc., etc., do not understand beginners, make broad and incorrect assumptions about what a beginner knows, and skip over the basics very quickly and provide coding tips and examples for PHP and CSS files.

    And I wish the hundreds of references to “ease of use” all over the WordPress community would go away, or be edited to say that I’d you have a few months or years struggling with inferior products and tools, then WordPress is “easy”! And the videos on and YouTube! They jump to detail just as quickly.

    There are thousands of users who have difficulty getting started and many more thousands of WP ‘consultants’ and experts who are kept busy and make a good living selling WP services because frankly, “it ain’t easy”.

    I’m tempted, time permitting, to create a page on my website describing my stumbling journey on the first few steps.

    Feedback from others would be appreciated.

    • Ester Benjamin Shifren says

      I absolutely agree with you. I’m quite computer literate, but have stalled creating a website for a long time because It’s not as easy as they’re saying. This site explains it best so far, and for a long time no one has been able to clearly explain the difference in the two options. My question as well, is, who reads the blog when it’s first sent out? Who is the readership composed of? So, I guess when you pay for a host you get the .org version. That’s really OK with me. I published a book, have already purchased a GoDaddy domain name, and absolutely must create a website and blog ASAP. I’m getting there, thanks to good articles and liks like these.

  17. Anita Strawn de Ojeda says

    On your info graph you state that the free word press + VIP option allows one to add plug ins and other things for a mere $2500 a month for up to five sites. Seems a bit steep. Is this a type-o, or is it really that expensive?

  18. Kelli says

    Thanks for the helpful info!

    In making the decision WPfree vs WPpaid as a totally clueless newbie. I was mostly concerned with my tiny scope of knowledge & ability design & manage independent of support community but, it seems (from comments) that most beginners catch the learning curve as they step into the realm. So, I’m taking the plunge and going with
    I’m already getting frustrated with the design limitations even though I don’t even know what I’m doing!
    Wish me luck!!

  19. Dnetsurfer says

    If i Just register for custom domain name But still Hosted my wordpress blog in – Can i use plugin feature..

  20. joanpique says

    For webmasters is much better self hosted, for people who don’t know anything of programming or design, or people who don’t care about personalizations, the free hosted is the choice…

    I have my self hosted wordpress with a personalized theme, and from (free hosted) i only envy the comment form with facebook, twitter, openid, avatars support, suscribe to comments/posts and the effects in the form…

    Anyone know any tutorial for making something similar in a theme (without a lot of plugins)?

  21. Debra Leigh Wilson says

    Nice quick and dirty comparison between the two. I went straight to self-hosted when I first moved to WP simply because I wanted my own domain and was unaware that you could get one through them at the time. Still, I’m glad I did as I love having full control over everything. I don’t know what I would do without the Atahualpa theme. <3

  22. WPBeginner - WordPress for Beginners says

    I think you are still seeing the old version. Please retry. Just cleared all caches.

  23. Daniel Peiser says

    it’s informative, but I feel that a few icons/images would make it more appealing and linkable. There’s a mistake in the credits at the bottom (WPBeginer with one N)

  24. gmw says

    “Free is not for your brand. If you want to start a corporate blog, then you need the Self-Hosted WordPress Software.” This part needs to be corrected!

    Nothing kills a theory better than a fact. Go to This is a FREE blog. No VIP upgrade. No domain mapping upgrade. No CSS upgrade. This blog is associated to the following website:

    Those of you who have been watching ABC’s Shark Tank reality show, might recall seeing Jump Forward’s co-founders negotiating for venture capital back in 2009. Clearly not a pair of fools who want to blog about their stamp collection.

    Supporting a blog that has the potential for significant traffic spikes is no small concern. For a startup company who needs a blog in addition to their core web application, offloading those concerns to a cloud hosted service is a VERY LEGITIMATE OPTION. Often times the CEO is also the head of marketing, part-time programmer and system administrator. In this scenario can be a Godsend. @Alex’s comment “Blog it and forget it!” is right on the money.

    Are there trade-offs? Absolutely! You document many of them well but to suggest that a free site cannot fit into a successful corporate business model is both misinformed and misleading.

    • wpbeginner says

      @gmw Certainly, if you don’t care about matching your brand identity with a custom theme, look and feel, then go with a free Last I checked, most major companies have matching look and feels for their blogs, so their users don’t feel alienated when they visit the blog pages. However, we are in the works of correcting the statement.

  25. wpbeginner says

    @photomatt Matt, we would love to correct anything that is wrong. Just shoot an email. Granted, this graphic is pretty outdated now.

  26. photomatt says

    There’s so much wrong and misleading in this graphic I’m amazed it’s on a site that claims to know about WordPress, no credibility.

  27. Jeff Hensiek says

    Good article. I’m looking at developing my own personal site (bring in some extra cash) and i was debating whether it would be good to self-host the blog or to have WP do it for me. Thanks for the info.

    The only thing that wasn’t addressed was the SEO capabilities…Does Google penalize a WP hosted (FREE) site?

    thanks for the info.

  28. jason says

    can you start out with then later move everything over to self hosted? how easy is it to do so?

    • Editorial Staff says

      Yes you can start out with the free and then move to self-hosted. It is relatively easy. If you use our Free Setup service, then we can move it over for you for FREE.


  29. Loreen72 says

    I see the infographic… where is the full article? Is there a different link? I hate to be dense – but I’m not seeing a way to read the entire article anywhere.

  30. etcwd says

    i have my own wordpress blog hosted on a small server. it is very easy to install and to use. i choose self-hosted because i can make mirror changes if i want to

    • Editorial Staff says

      There is no point in doing that because it is not something that beginners need. Now if you are a company that is at Tech Crunch’s level or Giga Om’s level, and you get millions of users then you would need Paid hosting. Otherwise it is much more suitable and efficient to run a Self-Hosted WordPress site.


  31. dave says

    One other thing to add is simple credibility. Hosting on your own domain shows you are serious about your blog as a hobby or as an enterprise.

  32. michael soriano says now offer custom urls for their users (without the “” suffix) – this kinda conflicts with the “branding” section inside your infograph.

  33. Rob says

    In my view, it’s better to start with self hosted platform. The main thing is freedom. You can do whatever you want and whatever you like because it’s your own…and you can learn understand more about it.

    • Editorial Staff says

      It is legal to share infographs as long as you link to this article for users to view the full infograph. You may not copy the full infograph and host it on your server. In short, simply take a thumbnail of this infograph, paste it on your site and link to our site for the users to view the full infograph.


  34. Martin Espericueta says

    I would suggest to even peeps that are not intending to go “big” to purchase a domain, and self-host a wordpress install. My main reason is simply that when I support them – I have to manage 301 redirects. Loss of Google PR is one factor (yes, it’ll follow, but NOT 100% all the time!)

    Also, branding.

    • Editorial Staff says

      Thanks Martin for your input. Yes it is an important point to consider when starting is that if you do choose to move to self-hosted platform, you might Search Engine Ranking Positions (SERPs) and Google Pagerank (PR).


  35. Amber Weinberg says

    I think if you’re just starting out, and not sure if blogging is going to be your thing – it’s best to save the money and start out at, once you’re sure that it’s something you want to do – spending the money on finding a host and unique design is the way to go :)

  36. Name Removed [TOS Violation] says

    It’s more wiser to choose Self hosted WordPress than . Even if you are a beginner. it’s never too late move all of your free WP to self hosting WP. The cost of self hosting is more cheaper than upgrade your free WP to the premium.

  37. Vikas Gupta says

    On blogs that get more than 50k pageviews per month the user can has the option to get show ads in partnership with WordPress (revenue sharing is 50:50).

    In fact, if you do not want ads on your blog then is just prefect and better than the self-hosted ones. And TOS is everywhere (including in the web host’s policy). It can very successfully be argued that if you do not have commerical/very professional needs, then blogs are actually ahead of in many ways!

  38. Alex (Viper007Bond) says

    I disagree with the last bullet point. There are tons and tons of corporations that use (both VIP and not). And with the domain mapping upgrade, it’s easy to remove the part of your blog’s URL.

    Anyway, as to which is better — I think it entirely comes down to what you’re looking for. “With great power comes great responsibility.” Not everyone wants that responsibility or to have to deal with upgrades, traffic (what if you get Dugg), and so forth. is blog and forget. :)

    • Editorial Staff says

      Alex read the caption below. “Free”

      We are aware that there are numerous corporates that are using the VIP program. Which is ok, but we do not recommend using free to any corporates or any new businesses. It is impossible to have custom themes in the free which is what most corporates want. Now unless they upgrade to the VIP version, they are not going to get that.


