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16年以上にわたる経験から、Google アナリティクスはオーディエンスを知るための最良の方法であり続けていると信じています。私たちはまた、多くのユーザーがWordPressサイトにGoogleアナリティクスをインストールし、使い始めるのをお手伝いしてきました。


How to Install Google Analytics in WordPress



最後に、Google アナリティクスでトラフィックレポートを表示する方法を説明します。




ブログを始めたら、一番の目標はトラフィックと購読者を増やすことです。Google アナリティクスは、重要な統計情報を表示することで、データに基づいた意思決定を支援します。見ることができます:













また、それぞれのソースからの訪問者の割合も表示されます。Google アナリティクスでは、これらのカテゴリーごとの内訳を見ることができます。検索エンジンのカテゴリーであれば、Google、Yahoo、Bingなど、どの検索エンジンからのトラフィックが最も多いかがわかります。




Google アナリティクスは、ユーザーがサイトのコンテンツにどのようにアクセスしているかを表示します。ユーザーの何パーセントがあなたのサイトのどのリンクをクリックしたかなどがわかります。

Google アナリティクスでコンテンツ実験を行うことで、A/Bスプリットテストを実施し、目標を達成するために何が最も効果的かを理解することができます。




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Google アナリティクスへの登録方法



Click get started today



Sign in using your Google account



Click start measuring button



Enter your Google account name

Google アナリティクスでは、複数のアカウントのデータ共有設定も表示されます。


Account data sharing settings




Enter property name



Enter business details

次に、ビジネスの目的を選択し、Google アナリティクスをどのように使用するかを選択する必要があります。これにより、あなたのビジネスにパーソナライズされたレポートを得ることができます。


複数のオプションを設定することも、ニーズに合わせて指定されたオプションのすべてを選択することもできます。ベースラインレポートを取得する」オプションを選択すると、Google アナリティクスレポートがすべてアカウントに反映されます。

Choose your business objectives


ステップ4:Google アナリティクス ウェブストリーム オプションが表示されます。


Select data collection option


初期設定では、Googleアナリティクスは「拡張測定」オプションを有効化しています。これにより、Google アナリティクスでページビュー、スクロール、送信クリック、ファイルダウンロードなどをトラッキングできるようになります。

注: MonsterInsightsプラグインを使用する予定がある場合は、「Enhanced measurement」オプションをオフにしてください。そうしないと、プラグインは2倍の量のデータを収集し、表示します。


Enter website URL and stream name



View stream ID and measurement ID


タグの表示」ボタンをクリックしてください。これで、WordPressサイトにGoogle アナリティクスのトラッキングコードを追加するさまざまな方法が表示されるはずです。

View Analytics installation instructions


Google アナリティクスのトラッキングコードが表示されます。

Install GA code manually



Google アナリティクスのアカウントを設定したところで、WordPressにGoogle アナリティクスをインストールする方法を見ていきましょう。








eコマーストラッキング、広告トラッキング、投稿者トラッキングなど、より高度な機能をご希望の場合は、MonsterInsights Pro版をご利用ください。設定方法は同じです。




プラグインを有効化すると、WordPressの管理メニューに「Insights」という新しいメニュー項目が追加され、ようこそ画面が表示されます。Launch the Wizard」ボタンをクリックしてください。

Launch setup wizard



Choose what describe your website



Connect MonsterInsights with your site



Choose Google account to sign in



Allow access to your Google account


ここでサイトを選択し、「Complete Connection(接続を完了する)」ボタンをクリックして続行します。

Connect analytics with your site

その後、「Complete Connection」ボタンをクリックしてください。これでMonsterInsightsがあなたのサイトにGoogleアナリティクスをインストールします。


Recommended settings



設定が完了したら、「Save and Continue(保存して続行)」ボタンをクリックして設定を保存します。

Who can see the reports


下にスクロールして「Continue」ボタンまたは「Skip for Now」オプションをクリックします。

Choose which tracking features to enable


Google アナリティクスが接続され、トラッキングコードがインストールされ、データが収集されていることがわかります。

Tracking should be all setup



Continue setup without upgrading

WordPress サイトに Google アナリティクスを追加できました。

Google アナリティクスで拡張測定の無効化

GA4でMonsterInsightsにデータストリームを作成させる代わりに、自分でデータストリームを作成した場合は、Enhanced Measurementをオフにする必要があります。



Switch to admin view in Google Analytics



Go to admin and data stream settings



Select your data stream

次の画面で、’Enhanced measurement’ オプションを無効化する必要があります。


Disable enhanced measurement



Click turn off button for enhanced measurement

Google アナリティクスでデータ保持設定を変更する


まず、管理 ” データ設定 “Googleアナリティクスのデータ保持にアクセスします。

Open data retention settings



Change data retention settings

Google アナリティクスが統計情報を表示するまでに時間がかかることを忘れないでください。



インサイト ” レポートページで、アナリティクスデータの概要を簡単にチェックできます。

Dashboard reports



View your site notes under the report




Use Conversations AI to ask your analytics questions


さらに、MonsterInsightsにはPopular Postsアドオンが付属しており、トラフィックとページビューを増加させるために、パフォーマンスの高いコンテンツを表示することができます。

MonsterInsights Popular Posts Widget



MonsterInsights popular products

注:MonsterInsightsは以前、Google アナリティクス for WordPress by Yoastとして知られていた。WPBeginnerの創設者であるSyed Balkhiは、2016年にこのプラグインを買収し、MonsterInsightsにリブランドしました。現在は、当社のプレミアムWordPressプラグインファミリーの一部となっています。

方法2:WPCodeを使ってWordPressにGoogle アナリティクスをインストールする



Install GA code manually


有効化したら、Code Snippets ” Header & Footerページにアクセスする必要があります。ここで、先ほどコピーしたGoogleアナリティクスのトラッキングコードを「ヘッダー」セクションにペーストしてください。

Enter tracking code in header using WPCode


以上で、Google アナリティクスのサイトへのインストールはすべて完了です。






Install GA code manually








add_action('wp_head', 'wpb_add_googleanalytics');
function wpb_add_googleanalytics() { ?>
// Paste your Google Analytics tracking code from Step 4 here
<?php } ?>

上記のスニペット内の「Paste your Google アナリティクス tracking code from Step 4 here(ステップ4で使用したGoogleアナリティクスのトラッキングコードをここに貼り付ける)」の部分を、Googleアナリティクスのコードに置き換えることをお忘れなく。

Google アナリティクスでレポートを表示する

Google アナリティクスは、あなたの統計から収集されたデータの宝庫を表示することができます。Google アナリティクスのダッシュボードにアクセスすると、このデータを表示できます。


GA4 reports

Google アナリティクス 4のレポートは、これまでのユニバーサル アナリティクスのレポートとは少し異なります。左の列には、専用のレポートオプションがあります。レポートは、ライフサイクルとユーザーを含む2つのカテゴリーにまとめられています。


Google アナリティクス4の各種レポートの内訳は以下の通りです:

  • リアルタイムレポートはユニバーサルアナリティクスに似ており、サイト上の有効化したユーザーをリアルタイムで表示します。
  • 獲得レポートは、オーガニック、リファラー、メール、アフィリエイトなど、ユーザーがどの媒体を使ってあなたのサイトを見つけたかを示します。
  • エンゲージメントレポートは、サイト上で発生したコンバージョンやイベントを表示します。
  • マネタイズレポートは、アプリ内課金やパブリッシャー広告などの新しいレポートとともに、eコマースデータをすべて一箇所に表示します。
  • リテンションレポートは、基本的に新規訪問者と再訪問者を表示し、ユーザーリテンションに関する洞察を得るのに役立ちます。
  • デモグラフィックスレポートでは、上位の国や都市などからのサイトトラフィックを確認することができます。また、性別の内訳や関心度のレポートも表示されます。
  • テックレポートでは、人々がどの端末、ブラウザー、オペレーティングシステム、アプリのバージョン、画面サイズを最も使用してサイトを表示しているかを表示します。

Google アナリティクスを最大限に活用しよう

Google アナリティクスは、驚くほどパワフルなツールで、素晴らしい機能がたくさんあります。その中には、ごく当たり前で簡単に使えるものもあれば、追加設定が必要なものもある。

Google アナリティクスのレポートを最大限に活用するためのリソースをご紹介します。

Google アナリティクスは、Google Search Console(旧Googleウェブマスターツール)との連携が最適です。検索結果であなたのサイトがどのように表示されているかを確認することができます。Google Search Consoleの使い方については、Google Search Console完全ガイドをご覧ください。




この投稿が、WordPressにGoogleアナリティクスをインストールする方法を学ぶのにお役に立てば幸いです。Google アナリティクスと Jetpack Statsの比較や、専門家によるWordPress 向けの最適なアナリティクス ソリューションの比較もご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

844件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. jinson

    Hai.. I edited header.php file for Verifing Google Analitycs for my WordPress blog But after that it shows “The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website’s home page.” I tried after half an hour still the same result.
    Finally I used “Insert Header footer plugin and get the result.
    Thanks Syed.

  2. Akhil

    Actually I am using one WordPress plugin Google Analytics as I don’t want display the results on my website but I want them on WordPress itself. I have installed and configured the plugin successfully, one day it showed some visits on my websites but today it is showing same status as if no one has visited the website. But my friends have visited the website, that I have confirmed. What could be the issue?
    As someone said that google may take 3 to 4 hours to update the status, I waited. But the whole day has passed, still it is not showing any update.


  3. Aarish Maluja

    I have done everything right.It is showing everything ok but the data is not increasing from last website is help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Aarish, Google Analytics code can not be found on your site. Please refer to second section of the article and choose another method to insert code into your WordPress site.


  4. aarish

    i installed the tracking info correctly but the data is not increasing .It is not showing any visits.still on zero

    • WPBeginner Support

      Check your Analytics dashboard, does it detect code on your site? Generally, when Google Analytics is added to a site for the first time it may take a while before you can see any data.


  5. Misty Young

    Thank you so much for your simple instructions! I was able to generate the Google Analytics code quickly and found the right spot in my theme to insert it within a couple minutes. Very helpful, thank you again!

  6. Vince

    Hi…I installed the ‘insert headers and footers’ plug-in to my wp and copied my Google Analytics code to the footers box under settings, clicked save but GA is telling me the tracking is not installed. I did this 24 hrs ago. Did I do something wrong? Can you help?

    • WPBeginner Support

      can you see the analytics code in your site’s source code? You can view source by visiting your site, right clicking on any empty space and selecting view source from the menu. On the view source scroll down the document and see if you can find Google Analytics code there. Alternatively, you can try the second method described in the article.


  7. Mary

    I liked this post because anything to do with google seems to be quite complicated

    But I tried the plugin you recommended but GA wasn’t tracking.

    SO I just put the code on the page and it still isn’t tracking.

    Any advice? Thanks Mary

  8. Mary

    Thank you for this post, but google analytics isn’t showing up on my site

    I pasted the code into the footer of the “header and footer plugin”.
    It was blank.
    I saved the changes.

    But where will I find the analytics page? There is nothing labled google analytics.
    Thanks Mary

    • Mehul

      Let me know if you need help. I will be happy to help you in installing the Google Aanalytics Code on your website.

    • Alo Knows

      You’ll find all the Analytics data on your GA Account. Not on wordpress.

  9. Latreasa

    Can I add it to blog if my domain is hosted by I would like to do this without having to change my blog to


  10. Alin

    If you install Google Analytics Dashboard for WP you will be able to display Google Analytics data and statistics, in a chart, inside your WordPress Blog.

  11. Eddy

    Very useful post. I have a problem I install the GA wordpress plugin and when I go to the Settings > Google Analytics don’t show me anything only the title “Google Analytics for WordPress Configuration” what’s wrong with this? please I need help

  12. Zoe

    Thank you for this tutorial.

  13. Lula

    Someone should really mention at some point that if you’re using (not and you don’t have a separate software purchased for your sites hosting you CANNOT add google analytics there is no ability to add your own plugins. I think they think it’s better for wordpress to handle everything but I would have liked to have known this before starting.

    • Editorial Staff

      Sorry Lula, we have written numerous posts about the differences, but we simply cannot add on every article that this tip is only for users. All articles written on this site is intended for self-hosted WordPress users.


  14. Ann

    Thanks for the helpful tutorial. I installed GA using your plugin about a week ago and the page views that GA is showing are significantly less than what Jetpack is telling me. Page views according to GA are roughly half of page views per Jetpack. Is this typical?

  15. Anna

    Thanks for the great simple instructions for beginners like me.
    I have installed this plugin successfully and activated it but I am unable to add the Google Analytics code as there is no Settings option!
    Under the Plugin name I only get two options: Deactivate or Edit
    I am probably being stupid but where can I find the plugin Settings option?
    Many thanks for your help

    • Noumaan Yaqoob

      @Anna the plugin settings are located under Settings > Insert Headers and Footers.

  16. Fran

    Status: Tracking Not Installed
    Last checked: Jun 16, 2013 7:44:16 PM PDT
    The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website’s home page. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.

    I used the header/footer plug in, followed instructions, and received this code.
    What should I do now? I’m hosted WP btw.

    • Editorial Staff

      Depending on the theme you are using, it may not have the default wp_head(); or wp_footer(); functions in place. Also if you have a caching plugin installed such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache, then you need to empty the cache.


      • Jesse

        If the theme is not compatible with header / footer plug-in for analytics, is best to then copy the script manually into every page or is there a way to add the format required to the theme? Thanks!

        • WPBeginner Support

          No, you can still add the code in your theme’s footer.php file just before the /body tag.

  17. Kristina Larse

    I added the tracking code to the header useing the plugin – i went in to my webshell and found the function.php file (in the them folder)- pastede

    // Placede my code here and removede the //

    But no matter where i try to paste it in the begingne, the end, efter the first break – the site just breaks down.

    Any idea whaat im doeing wrong?

    • Kristina Larsen

      //The code i pastede was like this

      // Placede my code here and removede the //


  18. Waheed

    Thanks For This Great Tutorial :)
    I have One Question… i installed The Header and Footers Plugin, So Now I have To paste the Google analytic script In Header of the Plugin setting or Both Header and Footer?

    Thanks in advance?

  19. Chaotic Kristy

    Thanks this helped me out a lot

  20. Adam Moustafa

    I tried the plugin and the direct method but it still says tracking not installed.

    From the google analytics plugin on WP i do get information, though. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  21. Mahmudul

    Thanks for this helpful post :D

  22. Matthew P. Schneider, LC

    What are the advantages of this over Site stats using JetPack. I have a self-hosted blog but use statistics that are available in the JetPack plugin.

    • Editorial Staff

      Google Analytics is far more advanced and give you much more data. However for some beginners it can get a little complicated. Jetpack Stats give simple data, but its easy to use.


  23. Tiffany

    I can’t find my footer or available plugins. Is there a real step-by-step once you are in your wordpress blog ‘for dummies’? Help!

    • Editorial Staff

      If you can’t add plugins, then you are probably using This will only work for self-hosted sites.


  24. TJ Ellis

    Amazing blog post it worked nicely! Thanks again

  25. Lanaya Green

    That is what it is about getting useful information thanks for the details it makes it so simple to have something you can follow step by step… Thank you rock on brother

  26. leo wolf

    Thank you for the clear stepwise description. I had already an account with Google Analytics showing the results on the website. Now I copied the script code in the functions.php, so far so good. Where and when can I expect the GA output now? Is it displayed in the footer?

    BTW: I don’t use a standard theme, but one built from scratch so maybe I miss something?

    Thnx in advance, Leo

    • Editorial Staff

      The output is not visible unless you view the source code of the page. You should see it towards the bottom in the source code.


      • leo wolf

        The title of this post suggests that you can have GA data at your site. But if is not visible, what’s the use then?

        • Editorial Staff

          Most tracking software will NOT make your data visible to the general public. Google analytics is a tracking software. You install it on your WordPress site, so you can get better insights about your audience. Google analytics works silently behind the scenes to capture data about your audience such as (what time they visited your site, who referred them, which pages they viewed etc).

  27. Louise Bibby

    Thanks so much for this info. It helped me overcome my paralysis with anything related to code. It was really useful!! Cheers Louise

  28. Alan

    Where do you get the code from step 6 if you do not get it the first time? I do not see it again when I log in.

    • Editorial Staff

      Login to Google Analytics. Look in the orange bar where it says Admin. Click on that. Under the accounts, click on the account that you want the code of. Under that account, you will see the property. Click on that property. There you will see a tab for Tracking info.


  29. Webbis

    This helped me a lot! But how do I do to measure my subdomains in the same account?

  30. Carly

    I wanted to do the paste. I made it to the footer.php page but there is no tag on that page so I can’t paste before it. What am I missing? Plus, I closed the Google page before reading your instructions not to do so. (I did copy the code.) Do I need to start over with Google? Thanks.

    • Editorial Staff

      No you do not. Just use the plugin we are recommending in the article above, and it will take care of it.


  31. Luis

    Thanks! The header and footer plugin helped me a lot!

  32. Naeem

    Thank you for this post.

    I am totally new in blogging and has recently set up a blog using wordpress platform.

    I have set up analytics account and paste the code using my theme’s option.

    Now my account is showing that tracking code installed.

    But the problem is in the audience section it is showing 0 visits while in the real time section it is showing 2 visitors.

    I am totally confused.

    ( My blog is under construction. Me and one of my friend is the only visitor. And I was unable to find single domain option. there are subdomain, mutiple top level domain options but no single domain option.)

    Can you please help me.

      • Michael Hickey

        I’m not at all sure what I am doing so perhaps you can help. Someone else that is not available now laid out my site. I was told to cut and paste the Google Analytics code one line below this last line of each page of my simple WP site. However, I cannot see where to do that for the Home Page. There is not a tab for the Home Page from the Dashboard. Any help is appreciated.

        • Editorial Staff

          Use our plugin that we mentioned, and it will add it on all pages of your site.

  33. Bob

    Does this plugin work retrospectively: that is to say, does it enter the the code into existing headers for pages that I’ve already developed on my WordPress site? I’ve put the script code in the header section and pressed save settings, but I’m not sure that that’s all I need to do.

    Any assistance would be gratefully received.

  34. Ameh

    Hi, great tutorial. Just one question. I have a desktop site and a mobile site. They both use different themes but have the same domain (, so do i enter the google code in the footer.php file of one theme or both themes? Thanks.

  35. Saad

    Thank you so much for guiding me. I’ve completed and now waiting for 12-24 hours :)

  36. Omar

    I used the “Insert Header and Footer” plugin and pasted the google analytics code into the header in the settings of the plugin. I saved the settings and when I log into google analytics, the status is still “tracking is not installed.” Did I do something wrong and do I simply have to wait a while?

    • Editorial Staff

      If it is not working, then it means that your theme does not have wp_head(); in the header.php which is a standard for all WP themes.


      • Ryan

        So how would we be able to include the wp_head(); to the site?
        I have the same issue (I think) – tried different ways but tracking still stating not installed.

        • Editorial Staff

          It is supposed to be included in your theme’s header.php file in the head markup.

  37. David

    We have just started a WP blog as a sub-directory to our main site. We used the main site analytics code in the WP blog but I am not seeing any information about the pages visited in the blog. Should we create a separate analytics account for the blog sub-directory? If so, will that show us information about where visitors move from the blog to the main site?

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes, there is an option in Google Analytics to get subdomain analytics code.


  38. Monetsky

    Hi. Thanks for this tutorial. It simplified my life using the plugin to insert the code. I was wondering thoughif theres a way to get previous months data into google analytics? I only installed the code now and opened an account. Just wondering.. Thanks in advance. Great work!

    • Editorial Staff

      It cannot show you the data of things it didn’t track. The only way google can give you the data is if their script is on your page. Otherwise, they can’t.


  39. Bob Furber

    I followed the instructions to pate in footer.php, and the Tracking status shows “Receiving Data”.

    However, when I go to the bottom of the Word Press Dashboard, to the Google Analytics Dashboard Widget, there is a note:

    “You need to log in and select an account in the options panel.”

    On clicking the options panel or Settings -> Google Analytics Dashboard, I get the following error:

    “Error gathering analytics data from Google: GDatainsufficientPermissionsUser does not have any Google Analytics account. Please try again later.”

    The problem is later does not arrive and I can find no way out.

    • Editorial Staff

      The issue you are describing is with a specific plugin that you are using “Google Analytics Dashboard Widget”. You should ask that question in their support forum.


  40. Lisa - Une Belle Vie

    Hey, amazing that this is possible, but is google analytics replacing the normal wpstats ? Do you lose your views and information from that ?

    • Editorial Staff

      WP Stats is not a built-in WordPress plugin in self-hosted WordPress. Google Analytics is definitely a more robust platform.


  41. Lynette Chiang

    When you open Settings>Insert Header and Footer, there are two fields. You don’t specify above whether the code is to go in one field or both.

      • Kate Dewfall

        Hi there,

        I added the code into the footer – is this incorrect or will it still work?

  42. marie

    My Google Analytical has stopped tracking and is showing all 0’s for the past week. Can you advise why?

    • Editorial Staff

      Is the code still added in your site? Did you change your theme? The only reason for it to be zero is if the code from your site got removed.


      • Savita

        My Google Analytical has stopped tracking and is showing all 0′s for the past week. Can you advise why?
        I looked in the footer if the code is still there, but I don’t remember what the code was or looks like (did not make a note of it so it seems…). It does not look good. So what can I do now?

        Above the in the footer.php it says:

        Thank you.

  43. vida

    my wordpress site is a free one and i don’t see any option for plugins. The site is i’m wondering if this url has the ability to add plugins. I can’t even find the footer option you’re referring to …am i even able to get google analytics ?

  44. Lauren

    How do I add a plugin? WordPress doesn’t let me edit my coding. I downloaded one of the plugins but how do I get it on my site?

    • Editorial Staff

      Please refer to our Videos that will show you how to add plugins in WordPress.


  45. figz91

    I tried to do this and lost everything, I think its because I put in the function.php coding in wrong but did it in the section where it said I was able to add in extra coding anyway.
    My site isn’t opening, neither my admin page to correct the problem it just says theres an http 500 error, I’m clueless and scared, is there anyway I can fix this problem? Please help.

    • wpbeginner

       @figz91 Yes, you would need to go through the FTP. Send us an email, and we can help you fix it.

      • Heidi

        The same thing just happened to me, please help me fix this asap!

        • Editorial Staff

          Heidi, you would have to use FTP to fix it. You are probably getting a syntax error because you pasted the code improperly.

  46. AdamCollins

    Aloha, so I signed up for analytics and placed the code in my theme options where there was a spot for my analytics built into the wp theme.  I also have a squeeze page on the blog. part of the domain and wondering do I upload the same code, or do I get another code?  Thanks so much.

    • wpbeginner

       @AdamCollins You can use the same code. Because that is on a separate page. You can see traffic by pages in Google Analytics.

  47. buckingham87

    Yeh hi… i tried to follow all this and now i have lost everything! i cant even login to my admin page!!

    • wpbeginner

       @buckingham87 That probably happened because you pasted the code improperly in your functions.php file.

      • figz91

         @wpbeginner I’m having the same problem Buckingham is and I’m about to breakdown. Regardless of why it’s happening I need to get back my 4 years worth of content and I can’t even get to my admin page let alone the actual site.
        Is there anyway to fix this. I’m clueless and have no idea what to do. Please help.

  48. Tommy Stuart

    What exactly does the following mean? I have a website that I put together compliments of Wealthy Affiliate University. Does that mean it’s a self-hosted or is it a free word press site?

    “Note: This is only for Self-Hosted blogs. Free sites cannot use Google Analytics. Maybe it’s time to upgrade from free to Self-Hosted WordPress? Consider using our Free WordPress Blog Setup program.”


    • wpbeginner

      Go in your WordPress admin panel and click on Appearence > Editor … If you can edit all of your theme files, then you are on self-hosted.

  49. pradeepnairjc

    Very useful post. How should I add tracking in case I am using WordPress as a Subdirectory? For example-

    Do I copy -paste the same tracking code in the footer file or do I need to generate a new tracker code for this? I installed the analytics plug-in and configured it but somehow it never recorded visits although the data was being received successfully.

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