Incidentally I came across a lot of articles about WordPress membership recently and I was wondering if you can put together a series regarding the membership and the way to deal with content display and authorship on a multi-user WordPress site.
I know there are plugins that also hide a part of the article and only reveal the rest of the article only if you sign up for newsletter or Like or share the post…
Very curious about the promise you made in the last sentence: when will you be covering membership features/plugins?
I have password protect on a blog post, but then it will not allow comments on that post. The allow comments setting on the page is checked, any advice on how I can password protect and allow comments both on one post would be greatly appreciated!
Editorial Staff
Not sure what could be the issue with that.
Allan Douglas
I found the Private setting when I needed to take a page down but not delete it. I missed the pasword protect; that could come in very handy later on if I have a paid subscriber area. Thanks!
Anita York
I set up a WordPress site for my high school class with password protection on certain pages with personal info. I got lots of complaints that the password would not work in IE.