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画像は WordPress サイトを魅力的で視覚的にアピールするための重要な要素ですが、それでも問題が発生することがあります。私たちは、画像がサイトの読み込み時間や表示品質、サイズに影響しているのではないかと疑っている多くのユーザーから話を聞いてきました。




Fixing common image issues in WordPress






Adding an image block to your WordPress website



Adding image block



Select and upload image



Image preview


プロのヒント WordPressへの画像アップロードに問題がありますか?WordPressの画像アップロードの問題を解決する方法をご覧ください。




Image alignment options



Image aligned left with text on the right

また、「Image」ブロックの代わりに「Media & Text」ブロックを使うこともできます。


Media and text block



Image next to the text in WordPress




Write caption for an image in WordPress








Adding a gallery in WordPress





Envira Galleryの使用をお勧めします。Envira Galleryを使用すると、WordPressサイトに美しく、完全にモバイルフレンドリーな画像ギャラリーを簡単に作成することができます。

プラグインに関する詳しい情報は、Envira Galleryのレビューをご覧ください。

Envira Gallery


WordPressフォトギャラリープラグインのもう一つの人気はNextGEN Galleryです。WordPressで画像を表示するための多くのギャラリーレイアウトと美しいライトボックスギャラリーを提供します。

NextGen Gallery

ネクストジェンギャラリーには、フォトプルーフ、プリントフルフィルメント、画像保護、Adobe Lightroomアドオン、PayPalとStripeの支払いゲートウェイなど、プロのフォトグラファーのためのパワフルな機能も含まれています。

詳しくはNextGEN Galleryのレビューをご覧ください。



Setting a featured image for a WordPress post

まず、「Set Featured Image」をクリックして投稿サムネイルをアップロードします。


Featured image preview in post editor






Add the Cover block




Cover image preview






Featured image appearing twice







メディア ” 新規追加に進み、画像をアップロードしてください。画像をアップロードすると、アップロードした画像の横に「編集」リンクが表示されます。


Editing image in WordPress



WordPress image editing features



Clicking the Crop button in the Image Block Toolbar



Selecting an aspect ratio in the Image Block Toolbar





カスタムヘッダー画像は外観 ” カスタマイズページからアップロードできます。

Header options


まず、外観 ” エディターにアクセスします。

Selecting the Full-Site Editor from the WordPress admin panel



Patterns in site editor



Selecting the Header pattern on the WordPress Block Editor




外観 ” カスタマイズにアクセスし、’テーマカスタマイザー’を起動します。


Custom background









Compressing images automatically using powerful machine learning algorithms




これは、訪問者に追加のコンテキストを提供することにより、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させることができます。例えば、美味しそうなチョコレートケーキの画像がある場合、「Homemade Chocolate Cake」のようなタイトル属性が役立ちます。

An example of an image with a title attribute in WordPress






Finding images for blog posts








Filter images by category


Envira Galleryは、WordPressで美しく、モバイル対応のフォトギャラリーを作成することができます。タグを使用することで、ユーザーはページをリロードすることなく、簡単に写真をフィルターしたり、並べ替えたりすることができます。

Envira Gallery tags feature



これは、BloggerSquarespaceWordPress.comから ブログをインポートするユーザーに特に当てはまります。

サイトの画像が正しく表示されていても、外部ソースから読み込まれています。この問題を解決するには、Auto Upload Imagesプラグインをインストールして有効化するだけです。

Auto Upload Images plugin settings








これは、PublishPress Checklistsプラグインをインストールし、有効化することで可能です。


Publish button will be disabled






Default featured imageプラグインを使って、初期設定のアイキャッチ画像を設定することができます。

Default featured image












幸いなことに、右クリックを無効化し、画像に 透かしを追加し、ホットリンクを無効にし、著作権表示を追加することで、画像の盗用を防ぐことができます。




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Reader Interactions

264件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. dannielle

    Help I had a background image and for some reason its gone. I have tried reassigning it, re-uploading it, and changing the image all together. I have even tried changing my theme and nothing works it doesnt show. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me

  2. george

    Need help. I’m using Seos Music theme and all my posts that get published on my primary page are automatically aligned to the right. In the archive pages its correctly aligned. According to seos music theme it shouldn’t be doing this but I probably added a plugin for something else and it ruined this. Do you know which classes to look for to fix this issue if you ever heard of this happening?

  3. Neil

    To fix the hhtp error when uploading images I tried loads of fixes listed on various websites, however the fix that worked for me was to add a line of code to the .htaccess file to modify the PHP version being used.

    The default our web hosting provider was using 5.5, but 5.6 and 7.0 can also be specified.

    Adding the following line of code to the .htaccess file cured the image upload issue for me on various sites.

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php56 .php

    (Note the gap before .php should be left exactly as shown)

    For 7.0 it would be:
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php70 .php

    Your web hosting provider should be able to advise you what versions of PHP they support.

  4. sandra

    hi, I see many helpful tips in your article, however I can’t use them because somehow I do not seem to get an editing screen like yours. Mine does not have any buttons for cropping, scaling or mirroring and things like that. Do you know what I am doing wrong?

  5. Mark

    Thank you for a great article.
    I would like to know how can I optimize my wordpress webpage by taking into consideration sizes of the images to load.

    What is really strange is the fact that my full webpage is loading much faster (it has almost half of the size as my mobile version). In fact, I can observe that wordpress tries to download bigger image files for my mobile version that for the full webpage.
    I have tried to force images to have “medium” size, but nonetheless they are not loading this way on mobile (it was tester in network tab in dev tools).

    Just to add, I have tried to minimize my images in various ways. I upload 1200 x 900 image and then it is resized by wordpress. Somehow, wordpress forces to load bigger images than needed – sometimes it is loading full image and sometimes in the resolution belonging to “medium-large” size.
    What is really strange is the fact that when wordpress processes my 1200 x 900 image it produces another image with the same resolution that is bigger than my initial file.

    Could you please let me know what is the best way of dealing with the problem described?

  6. Kristen


    this site is absolutely amazing!! thank you for all the valuable inside.

    i had a question about my header. I have a not so wonderful premium theme. I added the image to my site, but it only appears on the left corner on a laptop browser. I looks perfect on my iPad though. Anyone one else experience or have any advise? thanks

  7. Michael

    Hi I wondering, I can not insert photos with this add media button. Even I click on it nothing happen.

  8. Natasha

    Why is it not possible to change the feature image after published?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Natasha,

      You can easily change featured image by editing a post. Scroll down to featured image box and then click on the remove featured image link.


  9. Radu


    I have the following problem listed below.
    When I select a photo to integrate in my post as a featured image, it displays ok within the home page and also in my post page however when i try to edit my image like cropping/rotating/mirroring etc. the image is not shown. The link of the image is broken it appears.

    Could you advise, please ?

  10. bec

    Very helpful article thanks.

    Can you tell me why some images that I have added into my posts appear to ‘move’ when hovered over yet others do not? I love the look of this and would like it to happen consistently across my images.

    A pdf version of this would be awesome!

  11. Jaclyn

    Good article, but the problem I’m having is I edited a picture using picmonkey and used that as my featured image and now, at the top of my post, the featured image is left-aligned. How do I fix that??? There are no options for alignment (or much else) on featured images.

  12. Shan


    m using the twenty sixteen child theme and I’m working on speeding up my loading time. I used pingdom for the speed check. My home page came out as the third biggest file while the page only contains 1 image of 600 x 400 and my other pages got sliders with more than 10 images. So I dont understand why the file size of my homepage is so big. And how I should ajdust this. I have inserted the image with insert media and not with a featured image. Not sure what the difference is. But when I use featured images the file will become even bigger.

    Hopefully you can help me out on this.


  13. bala krishna

    i have used your ewww optimizer to optimize images it did a great work on it but as soon as it is done some fatal error occured and some background scripting is going on which gets me internal server error ..when i contacted my host administrators they said some png images are causing this problem ..i analyzed it in gmetrix and i got this as errors under leverage cached browsing my website is entirely down now please help

    • bala krishna

      and to add to that issues they said these process are constantly running even after killing them screen shot is posted please help me solve this

  14. Mark Simpson

    I have a problem that when I upload and publish an image in our blog, it shows differently on the web vs mobile device. It will be upside on web, but rightside up on mobile. Any ideas? Anyone else see this problem?

  15. Pia Leinonen

    Hi! Somehow the insert as a thumbnail and link to the original file – options have disappeared from my wordpress site when adding a new picture. How can I fix this? The theme I use is called Matala. Could you help me?

  16. Dilchan

    I want to make a video streaming website like netflix. I mean same to same can i make with wordpress

  17. Patricia Viscount

    That was very helpful, thanks. I’ve mostly learned most of these things by trial and error, so I’m glad you gave me more information… The one thing I can’t seem to figure out is how to know when (and fix!) photos appear upside down. They look fine to me as the author but I’ll get comments from readers about them being upside down. Help please!

  18. Banna

    Most of the links in top show me a 404 page.
    Please check.

  19. rad

    When I add one image(929×400) to post there is not problem,
    but when I want to Putting Multiple Images(452×400) On One Line,its appear column,and I cant put it on one line,while there is enough width for putting.
    (2×452<929).what is problem?

  20. Columbus

    Hi I am have problem of with my site how can I stop to see my post image and my features image appearing in home page and also how to stop situation I upload a video on my site and upload features image appearing my phone. What is the solution to these problem of video and features imgaes appearing in features image please help taken and cause

  21. Todd McCann

    Thanks for a great article. My featured images have captions, but they don’t show up in the post. I don’t care that much, but I thought we were supposed to give credit to the photographer and link to the creative commons license to be legal?

  22. Suman Gayen


    The images in my blog are showing little cropped up. But in internet explorer it is showing correct. What should i do? Please suggest.

  23. Pelwal

    Hello can you help me check up on my website, Both featured image and images inside post are not showing.

  24. Anca

    I started my blog recently and this was very helpful.Thank you so much! :)

  25. Rasaq

    Please, images are showing up on my blog posts. I use same theme and settings on another blog and they are working fine. Help me.

  26. Annette Osterlund

    I am creating images for someone else who is placing them in wp. They have pictures and text. I use InDesign to arrange things and have saved the image as a jpeg. The type appears all blurry and bitmapped no matter how large I make the document. (4200 x 4800 pixels). What is the best way to create/save images?

  27. Imaneula Bright

    In the last 2 weeks, all the image in the media library stopped showing. i suspect something changed the file format. pls what can i do?

  28. Sam Meaghan


    This article is actually really handy. Just I need to know how to set a default featured image for my homepage on I have a feature set as the front page, and have tried to change the featured image to the logo. Rather oddly, as it is a feature that changes weekly, it only ever comes up with the week before’s content.

    Could you help me? I’m going crazy over here

  29. Miz Akwele

    this post is pretty resourceful for beginners, BUT my problem is with uploading media on the backend. For several hours I’ve been frustrated with this issue – it’s just not working.

    Initially, I thought it was the size of the images, but miraculously, 2 bigger sizes as compared to the others I’ve been trying to upload, have been successful. Then I figured it could be the resolution, but that’s also not the issue.

    I keep receiving the HTTP ERROR notification after a slow process.

    What am I not doing right? What do I do about this? I need help urgently. Thanks a million.

    • Grace Ashama

      Were you able to fix this eventually? How did you do it please? I’m having the same problem as well

  30. Larry Cross

    Featured images in posts are not visible on cell phones and tablets. They look fine on desktops. Problem started after updating WP and Enfold theme.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Please contact your theme developer for support, they will be able to help you better.


    • Courtney jones

      I am not able to see my features images or header images on my mobile device anymore. Nor is the contact form showing up these things are very important as to most of my viewers will be on cell phone or iPad. What could be the issue?

  31. Rose

    Hi there,

    Great post but I still can’t find my issue and have looked and looked. I have a website and have only just noticed that when i go to my posts if i click on the image is shows a very large photo. usually on its own and i have to click back to remove seeing it. Can you help me undersand what setting i need to do so that the photo becomes sticky I guess and not an active large photo.

    I have wp smushit to reduce image size and have check page load and it appears it is the images as the main culprit.

    Many thanks Help !!

  32. MIREL

    Don’t know how to get my wp content and its giving me a lot of difficulty to rectify my “featured image writing fail to write file to hard disk”.

  33. Christine

    We created a Photo Gallery using WordPress. When I first go to the Photo Gallery page, a blue box pops up for a second and then disappears. It has blue lines, and each line has a number before it, 1, 2, 3, etc. Perhaps the number of images? Not sure. The developer who created our web site says he can’t figure out why its doing this. It happens on all the PCs in our office, and mobile devices. Anyone ever see this or have any answers on how to fix this annoying problem? It causes a delay in downloading our photo gallery. Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      This issue can be caused by conflicting or broken CSS. Go to your plugin’s page and deactivate all your plugins. Visit your website after deactivating each plugin until you find the culprit. If you don’t find any plugin causing the issue, then you can safely activate the plugins you deactivated earlier. Try temporarily switching to a default WordPress theme, like Twenty Sixteen to find out if the issue is caused by your WordPress theme.


  34. Susan Rawlings


    All of the images in my posts are showing as thumbnails. I think somehow the Gallery was activated, but the blog owner does not want the images to show in the black pop up box that currently appears when you click on an image in a post. When I am in a published post now, for example, I click on a thumbnail. The thumbnail pops open a black box, inside of which you can scroll through and see all of the images inside of the post by clicking arrows back and forth. How do I return the posts to showing images without being inside the gallery? The images themselves need to open in a new tab or window, one that is linked through Google Drive. I cannot figure this out. Help!

    Thanks in advance…..

    • WPBeginner Support

      When adding an image to a post, after uploading the image you can see some options in the right hand column. One of the option is to select the image size to add and how you want image to be linked. If this does not help, then deactivate all your plugins. See if this resolves the issue. If it does, then reactivate plugins one by one. After activating each plugin visit your site to see if the problem came back. Do that until you find the plugin that is causing the issue.


  35. Jabr

    Hello wpbeginner,
    First of all, allow me to thank you very much for your great efforts. I have a them which has a featured image to add. I was uploading the images to external website and then copy the image url and paste it in the featured image and it worked perfect. Now I want to change the theme, the images which are uploaded on the website are shown perfectly but the images which were uploaded on external website are not shown. So what to do in order to fix this? I don’t want to go again for the 1000 posts I have and add the images manually so that appear in the new theme. Is there an automatic way to do this?

  36. STA

    I have created a popup with this plug in, but it does not automatically pop up every hour like it is supposed to, and it doesn’t respect any formatting changes I make to the popup itself. Can anyone help me?

  37. Roxana Dell'Osso

    I need your help so badly. To start I am not a tech person, but I do have my website and blog with wordpress.
    I have written several articles for my blog and never had this issue with the images that I am including as part of the blog.
    I uploaded all the images very nicely no issues there. The problem starts when I preview the post prior to approving. The images (pictures) look cut, but in the back the post and images look perfect. I don’t know what to do – I have read most of the articles but it is hard to figure out what to do when you actually don’t know what to look for. Could you please help me…..

  38. Rebecca

    I am trying to upload images to the media library and continue to get this error
    “Cycle YP single page.jpg” has failed to upload due to an error
    Missing a temporary folder.
    Any idea what temporary file?
    i am VERY new to this, we had this set up for us and I have no idea how to fix this issue – any advice will be gratefully received

    • WPBeginner Support

      Please contact your web host. It seems that the temporary folder used by PHP to store uploads is not accessible by the server.


  39. Steve Kohn

    I found this page looking for guidance on rotating header images, but learned so much more. Many thanks. I’ll be coming back here often.

  40. Crystal Merrill

    My wp has suddenly stopped rotating images. Photos look fine in the draft section and in the media library – rotated correctly but in the “view post” or on my website on pc or mobile, photos are rotated incorrectly. Please help!

  41. Margie

    Can anyone explain why , when posted, my photos have a huge space under them before the next row of text? I do not want the text wrapped around my photo. I insert image, make it the size I want and then continue with text, but when posted they show with a huge empty space. Thanks

  42. Karen Molenaar Terrell

    I’m trying to put a new image in my header. I’ve never had problems with this before, but this time every image I upload comes up as a teensy tiny little box in the upper left hand corner. I finally pushed “crop and publish” thinking maybe the image would magically appear once I’d done that, but nope. Now I have no image at all. Then I thought maybe it was my computer, so I used my husband’s computer and had the same problem-o. Help?

  43. Tawny

    I am managing a website for a business and we have an employee page. All but one of the employee pages are perfect. We have it so the image is left aligned and there is text wrapped around it, however for this trouble page the text is butt up to the image and it looks sloppy but when I try to add indents it doesn’t work. How do I solve this?

    • Tom

      Try adding margins to the tag. You may have to play around with the 4 values for margins (top, right,bottom,left).

      style=”float: left; margin: 40px 10px 0px 20px;”

      • Tom

        Add the style to the img tag.

  44. Shell

    How can you remove the link to all past uploaded images so al images link to “none”?

  45. Chrisray

    Bravo!!! This post has really helped today! Thank you very much.

  46. Camilla

    How do I ensure that images in my blog posts that other people see in their reader come up as their original size that they appear on my website, and aren’t simply reduced down to a degrading thumbnail? Thanks a lot

    • John

      Did you ever get an answer to your question, or figure it out? I am new to WP and I am having the same issue you described. I see my image fine on one of my computers, but it appears as a thumbnail on my other computer.Do you know how to fix this? Thanks a lot.

  47. opine

    I moved wp to a new folder. now my images dont show up in posts… how do I fix this? images are in the library but not showing. :(

  48. Hans G N Andersen

    Hi, what about this issue: howo to make text wrap around images also in the RSS feed? in feed readers, the text comes below the image – how to fix that? cheers

  49. Badani

    Hi, very helpful article.

    However, I am trying to see if there is a way to fix the alt text from getting cut off when the image is clicked on and pops up. The text below the image in the lightbox pop-up is the alt text, but if it is too long, it will not text wrap. It is in the Customizr theme.

    Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks!

  50. Amoy Nicholson

    I keep getting an error that my images cannot resized when using the cropping option. How do I fix that?

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