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How to easily embed videos in WordPress blog posts (4 ways)










YouTubeに動画をアップロードしたくない場合は、VimeoJetpack VideoWistiaなどの他のプラットフォームを使うことができる。









Paste video embed code in block editor






Edit video display options in block editor



  • アマゾン
  • アニモト
  • クラウドアップ
  • カレッジ・ユーモア
  • クラウドシグナル
  • デイリーモーション
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • フールー
  • イムガー
  • Instagram
  • 発行
  • キックスターター
  • ミートアップ・ドット・コム
  • ミックスクラウド
  • レッドディット
  • リバーブネーション
  • スクリーンキャスト
  • スクリブド
  • スライドシェア
  • スマッグ
  • ソメカード
  • サウンドクラウド
  • スピーカーデッキ
  • スポティファイ
  • TED
  • タンブラー
  • Twitter
  • ビデオプレス
  • ヴィデオ
  • ユーチューブ



Add video embed HTML code





Embed video in classic editor


本当に〜してもよいですか? ‘更新’または’公開’ボタンをクリックして、変更をライブにします。



WordPress管理エリアの外観 ” ウィジェットに移動し、「+」新規ブロック追加アイコンをクリックするだけです。



Add new video block to widget



Enter embed URL and click update


Widget video embed example





1.スマッシュバルーン YouTubeフィードプロ

Smash Balloon YouTube Feeds Pro

Smash Balloon YouTube Feed Proは、40,000以上のサイトオーナーに信頼されているWordPress用の最高のYouTube動画ギャラリープラグインです。

私たちは自分のサイトで使用し、すべての機能をテストしました。詳しくはSmash Balloonのレビューをご覧ください。



YouTube channel feed example



Smash Balloon YouTube Feedプラグインは、Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、YouTubeのすべてのソーシャルメディアコンテンツを個別WordPressページに統合するSocial Wallプラグインと併用することもできます。

2.Smash Balloon TikTokフィードプロ

Smash Balloon TikTok Feed Pro

Smash BalloonによるTikTokフィードProは、WordPressサイト上の任意の場所にTikTok動画を簡単に埋め込むことができる強力なプラグインです。


Smash Balloon TikTok feed example



WordPressにシンプルなTikTokフィードを追加するためのプラグイン「Feeds for TikTok」の無料版もあります。


The Envira Gallery YouTube plugin

Envira Galleryは市場で最高のWordPressギャラリープラグインです。私たちは美しいWordPressギャラリーを作成するためにいくつかのサイトで使用しています。詳しくはEnvira Galleryのレビューをご覧ください。




Envira Galleryには無料版があります。しかし、動画ギャラリー機能を利用するにはプレミアムプラグインが必要です。


YouTube Subscribe Bar

YouTube Subscribe Barは WordPress に埋め込んだ YouTube 動画の下に YouTube 購読ボタンを表示します。また、YouTube の購読者数を取得することで、社会的な証拠を追加し、より多くのユーザーにチャンネルを購読してもらうことができます。



Lazy Load for Videos

Lazy Load for Videosは、外部サイトからの動画埋め込みスクリプトの読み込みが、サイトのページ読み込み速度やパフォーマンスに影響を与える問題を解決します。


ちなみに、Smash Balloon YouTube Feedプラグインを使用している場合は、動画プレーヤーのキャッシュと遅延読み込みがビルトインされているため、このプラグインは必要ありません。


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Reader Interactions

122件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    Thanks for the block editor tutorial. I’ve been using Elementor until now and here’s a widget where you just put the URL of the video and it worked. But it’s good to know how it works in the block editor in case the website owner doesn’t want Elementor for some reason.

  2. Pierre Gazzola

    As my dementia stay the same I though I try again wordpress been away siince version 3.

    However was smart enough to keep your page in my wp tab on chrome you help me so much all the time and remembering so much thank you.
    From a old 70 25 at hearth :))

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we can be helpful and we hope our guides continue to help you now and in the future!


  3. sandeep

    i have added YouTube video links in my WordPress blog post. now I want to remove that video link
    so my question is after removing that links does it create any problem in that post indexing in google search console. because that video is appearing in video indexing page of google search console

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless we hear otherwise, removing a video link should not cause an issue with your post indexing.


  4. Krystal

    When I upload a video using the blocks wordpress tells me I must upgrade my account for $96/year. I’ve been using wordpress since 2012. What gives?

  5. Barry C Laminack

    Hi, In case others may have the same problem I did with embedding a video from Rumble, after many trying many different things, I figured out how to do it by accident lol.

    If it is your own video, use the Embed Code but only the link within the src= portion.

    If it is not your video, using the “EMBED” button of the video, copy and use the “Embed IFRAME URL” link provided in the Embed pop dialog.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing that for users using that service :)


  6. Dexter Rodrigues

    Super stuff guys. I was struggling for 2 days with LearnDash LMS on WP and a premium European hosting provider. I used the method of Custom HTML embed and it worked just fine. It’s 3.00am in the morning where I am at and am smiling because of you :). Thanks a lot, this content is truly for a beginner like me with an erratic learning curve.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  7. Imtiaz

    I tried to upload videos from youtube, but it shows all related videos. I tried to put some restrictions also with functions like control=0, autoplay=1, ?rel=0, but none of these worked. I tried to upload videos from vimeo also, but there also related videos displayed.
    Than I tired to upload videos directly from my pc, but that made my site slow.
    Any suggestions how to use embeded vdeos of html from my pc.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a recommended method for embedding a video from your home computer as a server at the moment.


  8. monika

    hi can i add food youtube videos on my wordpress food theme?……..i am serching for a food theme on wordpress that supports food videos.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can add videos to any WordPress theme, where you add it would determine how difficult it would be to achieve.


  9. tuna

    Thanks for the nice information…
    I have a problem with url embed function in wordpress. When I add a url to embed a different post from my website ,everhting seems fine in preview mode. I mean I am seeing thumbnail and a excerpt of the post which is exactly what I want. But, when ı update the post there is only a simple link instead what is shown in preview mode. I need your help if possible.
    Best Regards

  10. Samuel

    I would like to have a website that is purely a Video Gallery but more like YouTube.
    Do you think Plugins can do that?
    Can you recommend some Plugins for me?
    Thank you,

  11. Gaurav J

    Hi. i am using embeds block to embed my YouTube video into the post. In the edit post window, I can see the video is getting embedded/I can see the preview of the video. But, once i publish the post or preview it, I could only see the link of the video and not the preview.
    I am not using any plugins for embedding the videos.
    Could you please help?

  12. Liz

    i used to embed video on wordpress by simply past the link.
    Now, Google search console detect that there are some problems in the two pages I have with video embed.
    I’m talking about mobile usability.
    Is there a way to fix this problem or a plugin that will fix it ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on how and where you added the videos from, using the YouTube embed as an example should not cause an issue unless you’re using an iframe embed that specifies width.


  13. Luz Manalo-Cruz

    I am unable to embed a YouTube video using the embed block editor (I tried both the embed block and the Youtube block). I’ve already tried pasting from the youtube studio link, from the URL in the address bar, and from the “share” button. Is there something I’m not doing right?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to try disabling your plugins to ensure this isn’t a possible conflict between one of your plugins and the embed.


  14. JOy Halverson

    I have a youtube video on my WordPress ecommerce site – when the video ends I simply want it to end so that my customers aren’t curious to go see other videos. No “ads” for other youtube videos unrelated to my site- I seem to recall that there is some code you can put at the end of the video URL that will accomplish this. thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      YouTube does not offer that functionality at this time.


  15. Naomi

    Thank you for the information. May God bless you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you like our content :)


  16. HJK

    Hi, I’ve used the embed code in the HTML editor then when I switch back to visual it appears, however when I try to preview the post the video does not show up at all.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If it is only when trying to preview the post, you may want to try saving your draft beforehand to ensure that it is not due to the preview not being saved properly


  17. Arpit

    Really useful information. Can you please help me to know, if i add video on WordPress post will effect on site speed or particular post speed.

  18. Jason

    “ll you need to do is paste the video URL into the WordPress editor.”

    What a ie. Even putting the youtube link into the embed block doesn’t work. I wish WordPress would stop giving incorrect directions. Nothing seems to work when it comes to putting a simple short youtube link (of my own 2 minute video into wordpress. WP? …. IDK about this.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may have a plugin or similar that could be preventing the embed from being added correctly, have you tried using the video block that was added with the Gutenberg/block editor?


  19. Jeffrey Christian

    I’m trying to embed a link from Vimeo but come up with the following error:

    Sorry, this content could not be embedded.

    There is no issue with the video, so not sure why there’s an error.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    • WPBeginner Support

      If this method didn’t work, have you tried the video block to embed using that? If the error is in a Vimeo embed then the video owner may not allow embedding of the video.


  20. Suzanne Dunaway

    I cannot get this to work at ALL and I have a blog with 10,000 followers so far. Why won’t this work on my WordPress editing page??????

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you’re using the new block editor then there is an embed or a video block that you can use if that is the issue.


  21. Gordana

    I tried to embed url from yotube, it does work but copied video seems too large. I wanted smaller feature and I couldn’t get it smaller in no possible way. I tried same from Vimeo and was satisfied with the size. Do you have any similar experiences?

  22. Ashley

    I am pasting in the URL for our YouTube video and it does not auto embed. I did this exact process twice yesterday with no problems. Tried the embed code, logged out and logged back in but it still won’t auto embed.

    Any ideas as to why this has suddenly stopped working?

  23. David

    Well what do you do when you you insert the URL, the image auto generates and then clips the rest of the paragraph instead of adjusting to fit?

  24. Muhammad Junaid

    I am using elementor to add youtube video.Secondly,does it violate copyright rule?

  25. Civali

    Please, how to set autoplay and sound off in video url?

  26. Tyoaan Calistus

    When I embed a YouTube code and add on my post, the button on click on and watch the video is usually not in the middle of the post.. How do I fix that pls?

  27. Sejal

    Hi..I copied the Youtube URL and it shows properly on the desktop version but doesnt show anything in the mobile version? Am I doing something wrong?

  28. Suzanne Eutsler

    I am embedding facebook live videos into our ministry website and am trying to figure out spacing issues. If you look at the link below, you’ll notice that underneath the video some of the text is cut off and when you look at it on an iphone you’ll notice there’s a TON of white space after each video.

    HOW do I set it to be automatic that it just fits? Is there a way? I’d like it to show up correctly regardless of the pc or iphone or android etc.

    HELP!!!! Please

  29. Isaac

    pls how can i post non-youtube videos on my wordpress page

  30. Erin

    Do I have to have WordPress premium to be able to do this?

  31. Tom Minkler

    What if a video is shared to Facebook from Instagram, THEN i try to put it in WordPress post? For awhile, pasting the FB link into the visual editor was working fine, but now it just shows the link.

    I don’t think those past videos that work were from Instagram, i went back and looked and one was shared from one Facebook page to another but the original doesn’t say it is from Instagram. Does it matter?
    Thanks for your help.

  32. Judy Mitchell

    Perfect – thanks!

  33. Alexander

    thank you very much wpbeginner for this awsome post as usual it was so usefull
    and i have another question my worpress site does not display properly on smartphones and android device what could be the problem ?

  34. Riyaz Khan


    I want to develop a site where i am allowing users to upload the videos in their profile dynamically and same can be seen by other member, kind of facebook.
    Is there any plugins for the same?

  35. Kim

    Hi WP Beginner!

    First off my wordpress is a localhost. I’ve uploaded the video by adding media. (It shows up in my media library) However, when I put it in a post it starts by looking like it will play then goes black as says:

    Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found
    Then it gives a download link.

    Is there anyway to just embed the video without giving a download link?
    The video is an mp4.

    Any help would be great! Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Kim,

      Test your video in different browsers if it still shows error then your video file may not be encoded properly.


  36. Hedi Putra

    How to embed video on worpdress without iframe? can I use div code to embed?

  37. Zeeshan Zafar

    I have added Youtube Link in my site post but unfortunately it is not showing. I have tried many things to make it visible but no success. On load iframe load but there is nothing in the body tag of iframe.

    Please Help….

    • JEG

      I think in 4.9 you may need to add the link to the media library and then paste it from there

      • JEG

        Sorry this is not correct. Instead I suggest you delete your post and create a new one. I was having a similar problem and that is how I fixed it.

  38. Jennifer

    I was able to embed my video from facebook live, and everything appears to be working perfectly EXCEPT there is no audio. What can I do?

  39. Milliana

    So how then do we use the embed code for ARCHIVE.ORG

    WP will not let me use the Internet Archive iframe any more since it has updated.

    This is a problem!

    Do you have a work-around?

    • Thien Tam

      I am using WP 4.9. and it is ok to embed audio and video from just put the file between embed code. Like this: your video or audio link here

  40. Alex

    This does not work in the category text. Is it possible also here?

  41. ILIA

    Hello! Is there a way to upload a Boomerang from my iPhone to a post on my WP blog?

  42. Mac

    Hello, I’m trying to include a video on my WordPress post. I copy the URL (URL only, not the embed code) from my Vimeo link and paste it onto the Post Editor on its own line. It is not a hyperlink. After saving & updating the post, I go to look at the post and all I see is the text of the Vimeo url (no video). What am I doing wrong? FYI this is my own video on Vimeo; there are no privacy settings and it can be shared. Thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Mac,

      Try switching to a default theme and disable all plugins, see if this resolves your issue. You can also try this shortcode

      [embed width="123" height="456"]Your video URL here[/embed]


  43. Vivek Darji

    hello wpbegginer
    how to increase Traffic on Photography site? without any content because my friend start a photography blog he was update only photos in blog how to improve that blog?

  44. Guust

    Just a note to anybody thinking of just adding videos to explain things rather than explaining with written words.
    Videos with spoken explanations only are not accessible to hearing impaired people and might also be difficult for visitors to your site who do not speak the same language as the language used in the video.
    And videos cannot be read by screen readers for the bling.
    So make sure to add subtitles and also provide screen reader accessible content if you want or need your site to be accessible.


  45. Michelle


    I’ve just embed a youtube video on my wordpress site and it plays from that webpage on a desktop/leptop. However, when I access the webpage from my mobile device, when I play the video it opens it up in the Youtube app instead of staying on my website. I don’t want viewers to leave the webpage I’ve embed the video on while on mobile devices. Is there anyway to ensure viewers will not leave my site while on a mobile device and watching my video?

  46. Hassin

    is it possible that I could upload a video on my homepage. this is my wordpress blog
    I want to change the video that is on the bottom of my page but I can’t change it, please help me. It is entered through Videopress

  47. Paul Holmes

    Hi Kathy,
    I’m having problems with Vimeo embed codes. I have copied and pasted the Vimeo embed code onto my WEBSITE on the WORD PRESS Page but, when i click update and view changes all I see is the VIMEO Embed Code and not the VIDEO.

    It isn’t showing the Video on my WORD PRESS Page just the EMBED CODE?

    Look forward to your reply THAK YOU

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can add a Vimeo video by simply entering the URL of the video page. No need to add embed code.


  48. Kathy

    I am having great difficulty getting a video to post on my WordPress blog. I’ve loaded it up to my youtube channel and then copy the URL from there. I paste into my NewPost, taking care to not have anything else on that same line. The video pops up in the edit box, but will not show on my blog when I come in from the outside, like any of you would do.

    I’ve reviewed bunches of training sites that all say I am doing this correctly, and yet it won’t show. I called GoDaddy, since they are my blog host, but to no avail. They couldn’t help.

    I even tried using the embed code and got the same results.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

  49. Jeanne

    Thank you for this video. Seems simple enough, but the video I want to embed in my Word Press template is from a news station’s website. It’s not on the white list and although you said we would have to use the embed code instead, you did not provide a link to how to use the embed code.

  50. Cory

    This was helpful, but I’m an idiot and need every single step spelled out for me…haha! What may be helpful for others looking for the solution, is more details on the link that you actually use on the wordpress page. It’s shown in the video but isn’t specifically explained. Don’t use the links that youtube gives you in the “share” option. Instead, copy and paste the actual url that is in your address bar of your browser.

    • Erin Tallman

      Agreed. I’m looking for more advanced options, so this actually wasn’t very helpful :(

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