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編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。




How to create a contact form in WordPress (step by step)

なぜ WordPress のお問い合わせフォームが必要なのか?





  • スパム対策– スパムボットは定期的にサイトをスクレイピングし、mailto: メールアドレスのタグを探します。サイトにメールアドレスを投稿すると、多くのスパムメールを受信するようになります。一方、お問い合わせフォームは、お問い合わせフォームスパムをブロックし、ほとんどすべてのスパムメールを阻止することができます。
  • 一貫した情報– メールの場合、必要な情報をすべて送ってくれるとは限りません。お問い合わせフォームなら、ユーザーの電話番号や予算、プロジェクトの詳細など、求めている情報を正確に伝えることができます。
  • 時間の節約– お問い合わせフォームは、想像以上に多くの方法で時間の節約に役立ちます。一貫した情報はもちろんのこと、フォームの確認を利用してユーザーに次のステップを伝えることもできます。例えば、動画を見てくださいとか、レスポンシブが来るまで24時間待ってくださいとか。



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ステップ 1.最適な WordPress お問い合わせフォームプラグインを選ぶ




  1. 最も初心者向けのお問い合わせフォームプラグインです。ドラッグ&ドロップビルダーを使えば、数クリックで簡単にお問い合わせフォームを作成できます。
  2. WPForms Liteは100%無料で、簡単なお問い合わせフォームを作成することができます(600万以上のサイトで利用されています)。
  3. より強力な機能の準備ができたら、WPForms Proにアップグレードすることができます。



ステップ2.WordPress にお問い合わせフォームプラグインをインストールする。

このチュートリアルでは、無料で使いやすいWPForms Liteを使用します。

WordPressダッシュボードにログインし、プラグイン ” 新規追加に進むことで、あなたのサイトにこのプラグインをインストールすることができます。

次に、検索フィールドに’WPForms’と入力し、’Install Now’ボタンをクリックします。

Install WPForms plugin



Activate WPForms plugin




これを行うには、WordPress 管理画面のWPForms ” すべてのフォームに移動します。そして ‘新規追加’ ボタンをクリックします。

Add new WPForms form



WPForms Liteには20種類以上のフォームテンプレートが用意されています。これらを使って好きなタイプのお問い合わせフォームを作成することができます。

この例では、’Simple Contact Form’ テンプレートを選択します。これで自動的に名前、メール、メッセージフィールドが追加されます。

Choose WPForms form template



Make edits in field options panel


Change form fields order



Drag and drop new form fields


ステップ 4.WordPress フォームの通知と確認を設定する







Go to form confirmation message



Redirect to page after confirmation




Go to form notifications tab




Change form email notifications

お問い合わせフォームへの返信先: ユーザーがお問い合わせフォームに入力したメールに返信されます。




ステップ 5.WordPress お問い合わせフォームをページに追加する

WordPress のお問い合わせフォームの設定が完了したら、次はそれをページに追加しましょう。


新しいお問い合わせフォームページを作成したい場合は、ページ ” 新規追加と進み、ページに名前を付けるだけです。


次に、’WPForms’ ブロックをクリックします。

Create new contact page and add WPForms block



Select contact form from drop down

WPForms はエディター内にお問い合わせフォームのプレビューを読み込みます。これで ‘公開’ または ‘更新’ ボタンをクリックしてフォームを保存することができます。



WordPress contact form example


WPForms には WordPress のお問い合わせフォームのショートコードも付属しています。WPForms ” すべて のフォームにアクセスして、フォームの横にあるショートコードをコピーすることで使用できます。

Copy form shortcode



Add shortcode block



Paste form shortcode and save


ステップ 6.WordPress お問い合わせフォームをサイドバーに追加する


これを行うには、外観 ” ウィジェットに移動し、フォームを追加したいウィジェットエリアの「プラス」追加ブロックアイコンをクリックする必要があります。

Add new widget block


次に、’WPForms’ ブロックをクリックしてサイドバーに追加します。

Add WPForms widget block



Select form from drop down



Sidebar contact form example


WordPress お問い合わせフォームを次のレベルへ

WPForms Proには 1,700以上のフォームテンプレートが用意されており、必要なフォームを素早く作成することができます。





WPForms Full Page Conversational Forms Example



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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Shamli says

    Hi, I’ve done all the steps as mentioned above, but I cannot see the Contact page when I preview.

    Please help me to solve.
    Thank you.

  3. Brenda says

    HI – We are using this contact form and it’s fine but I would like to add Captcha and, more importantly, some text that can be overwritten in the message box. There is a local company with a very similar name so we are constantly receiving messages which relate to this other company. We want to have some text, that has to be overwritten, to reiterate what our company is to try and reduce these messages. Is this possible?

    • Brenda Donovan says

      I redid the form and rechecked the add recaptcha on the confirmation settings and it worked this time. I had done it before but somehow didn’t take.

      now on to the mail problem. thanks

  4. safi says

    sir how can i know which email system notify or receive message i did everything but don,t which i will receive the email from client i am beginner with wp

  5. Sarah Zubair says

    So how do I access the library of media (if I’ve an option of attaching some files in my WP forms) then where do they all get stored?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Sarah,

      By default, the user-uploaded files are stored in the WPForms folder inside the Uploads directory of your site.

      If you’d prefer to upload the files to the WordPress Media Library, click on the File Upload field in the form builder. Then, under Advanced Options, check the box next to Store file in WordPress Media Library.

      For more details see this guide.


  6. marypeter says

    This is truly helpful. I can say it is my first time to leave a review in any website. The information you have provided has prompted me to do this. Thank you a thousand times!!

  7. Eston says

    how do i set it up that i recieve emails in Gmail, and be able to reply to customers right there in

  8. Cathy says

    I found this very helpful in setting up, however, after completion I ran a test, so did a friend of mine, I cannot figure out why we are not receiving the email tests sent from the web site? Although I’ve gone through the steps a second time to be sure all was correctly set up, I am not receiving messages from the web site, I hope you can assist with constructive suggestions to aid in problem solving, much appreciate the assistance…

  9. Lori Jo says

    I am very new, easily confused! Regarding the assigned admin email address in my WP blog site, can that actually be used to receive messages from the contact form? I think the address looks more professional and it would be nice to have all site messages responding back to the actual site instead of an outside email like my Gmail. I did a test and I could not find the reply, installed Flamingo and I did see it but there is no reply option like regular email.

    Please let me know, thanks!

  10. Yoshi says

    I’m looking to build my own contact form plugin because the contact forms in the market I’ve tried slow down my site. Is this the best alternative?

  11. gigi says

    hi, i have key in my email address in the notification but i’m yet to get any notification from my email even though i have done few testing.. how do i solve this matter? please guide, thanks

  12. Al Kadam says

    I have contact form plugin installed but customization is very limited and the code is too long and complicated. Now I plan to copy a simpler .php code and install it myself. is it better to do it this way? is there security issue accessing the .php file from the page where the contact form is placed?

  13. Ashley says

    Hi, I have tried several different forms and this keeps happening. Whenever I go to the contact page, under the title it says “>contact”. I can remove the word “contact” by removing the page title, but that little carrot ( > ) is still there. how do I get rid of that? Thanks.

  14. Joe Tittiger says

    The mail does not arrive from this form.
    Is there a video on how WP handles email so that I can fix this?

  15. Keith says

    Thanks guys, a real easy process that let me set up my first contact form in like 10 minutes; tested and works

  16. olx says

    i tried inserting form after creating it but on the add page the form did not insert. my wordpress seems to be limited and cant add and form. please help

  17. pratima Shrivastav says

    I have created the Wp form as mentioned but when I test it out I am receiving any email notifications. i have turned on the notifications by clicking on email Notification section of the form. Am I missing any other settings? Please guide me to this

  18. Yvonne says

    I have set up the form, just like it was explained, but it isn’t showing up on the page I told to add the form.

  19. Rebecca Yurkanin says

    WP forms is super easy to set up, but DOES NOT work. I tried several times to send an email to myself. It worked once! The other 20 times did not. I went back and tried to change things around. It still did nothing. I am familiar with shortcodes, so that wasn’t the problem. And never saw a recaptcha. And wpforms doesn’t even have a contact form to fill out so I can contact them! What a joke!

  20. Brenda says

    My blog isn’t even launched yet. I have a Coming Soon Page. I have been working on getting a Contact Form to appear for what seems like hours. I had added a new Contact Page on my menu. I saved the code on my Contact Page. Published. And, The Contact Form is not showing up when I live preview Contact on my primary menu. I’m following your tutorial. This seems so easy, and yet…not so much! Does this work with Genesis child? I’ve tried WPForms and Contact Form. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Since I’m a newbie, I’m having trouble with menu + page connection and menu category drop downs. This blog setup is more difficult than I thought. Any advice?

  21. zelda zerafa says

    When I go on SETTINGS it looks different to your video.
    I get 3 tabs : General, Integrations and System Info as follows:

    General > Form Styling/ Email/Re Captcha/Validations
    Integrations > Integrate Constant Contact with WP forms
    System info

    I have no idea what to fill in for Validations and Email.
    Under validations there are also two mysterious fields : Number and Confirm Value

    Please help!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hey Zelda,

      The screen you are viewing is for the plugin settings. Click on WPForms » All Forms and then edit a form or go to WPForms » Add New to launch the WPForms’ form builder interface. There you will see a screen like the screenshot above with a Settings tab. These settings are specific to the form you are creating.


  22. Myri says

    Is this setup (Form plugin) recommended for creating a form with ~500 entries per month where users upload images + complete payments. Eg. Now I am using contact form 7 plus cc7 paypal addon to create a “submit your images + pay” type form. Is this sustainable or is it better to use a professional form builder service?

  23. Dock says

    excellent blog, very rich in content and correctly thought out, personally I found

    here much interesting and useful…..Well! let know my friend as well.

  24. Heather Pooley says

    I followed this tutorial and I got the contact form working. But when I tried to send a test email through it to my blog email address from my personal one, it didn’t get to me. Any advice on how I can fix this?

  25. Prats says

    Unable to add contact form as sidebar. Already created form using WPforms, added to WordPress widgets (Appearance-widgets) but unable to see the form on page (But getting the title form the form on the sidebar widget area). Tried several times, so frustrated, Can you help ?
    FYI, I am using live composure and beaver page builder to design page.

    Thanks in advance

  26. Kathy Broyles says

    Hi! created the form and linked the page – works great! but… when i do a test and hit submit, I get this:

    how do I fix that?

  27. Calli Jacobs says


    For some reason, the shortcode doesn’t work, and the “add form” button doesn’t, either. It just gives me the shortcode in both “text” and “visual.” What am I doing wrong?

    Asking you because I used the suggested plugin.

  28. Joe Andrews says

    How long does it take for the wpforms contact me plugin to work? I set it up on my wordpress site and the submit appears to work and the reply message appeared as expected. I have tested it 3 times (now an hour later on the last one) and have yet to receive any of the notices. I tried it first to the admin, and then changed it to my regular email. 0-3 have been received. I have checked the spam folder.

  29. stephen thomas says

    how do I use the same form but know what page it has come from automatically. I want to design a simple form and have custom made a few for every page I place it on. I’d rather it just emailed me and somewhere tells me ‘came from contact us page’ or ‘enquiry came from price list page’

  30. Kevin says

    Hello thanks for the post. Is there away to change the font color? The font is black and our web page, thus you can’t see the words.

  31. Neil Hanes says

    I’m brand new to blogging and this guide is fantastic! Thank you. I have a couple of follow up queries:

    – If I fill in a custom email address, can I respond to the inquiry through my website? If so, how?
    – Is there any way to change the font of the form to be more in line with my website theme? I’m thinking maybe I just want to unbold the title and field headings.



  32. Alicia says

    After building up the contact form, (yes, i did add the email address for notification) do not receive any notification. I had trouble with Contact Form 7 so I am now trying WPForms and it shows the same problem! How to make WPForms work? Thx.

  33. Saher says

    From:domain name [mailto:info@domain name]
    Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 4:53 AM
    To: info@domain name
    Subject: Contact from domain name

    Name : XYZ
    Email :]
    Message :This is testing email

    Hi ,
    when I used short code of contact form & send testing email to check I got email with 1st paragraph . I don’t need this info can you help how can I stop it ?

  34. Harsha says

    I installed. I filled info in the form to test it and clicked “sumbit”. It said “Thank you, will be in touch with you” And nowhere it appeared in the mail. Where to see that info???

      • Harsha says

        I have set up email using go daddy C panel. Is it same for WordPress also? Or Do I have to setup a different admin email id in WordPress? Please guide me.

        However I have included all email ids in the notification settings separated by commas (Cpannel id & personal gmail id)

        But nowhere I received any mail regarding the info I filled in the contact form for testing purpose.

        Also, I went through the link “how to fix WordPress not sending email issue” and installed Gmail SMTP it didn’t work either. I tried troubleshooting by configuring port with 587 (with TLS encryption), 465 (with SSL encryption). 25 with TLS first and then SSL. Nothing worked.

  35. Lesley Jackson says

    This all looks very useful but when I want to use some of this I can’t seem to find it on my admin site. I wanted to create a contact form but can’t find any way to add a new plug in. Are these tips and suggestions just for people who have a self hosted WordPress blog?

  36. jo dewberry says

    Thank you so much. I am new to blogging and your step by step information was easy to understand and I installed my Contact plug in first time.

