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Allowing user registration in WordPress








注意: このガイドでは、WordPressサイトに初期設定のユーザー権限グループでユーザーを追加することに焦点を当てています。もし、プレミアムコンテンツやコミュニティへのアクセスをユーザーに有料で提供することで、オンラインでお金を稼ぎたいのであれば、WordPress会員制サイトを作成する究極のガイドをご覧ください。



これを行うには、WordPress管理エリアの設定 ” 一般ページに移動するだけです。


Open user registration in WordPress


WordPress の各ユーザー権限グループには、独自の権限と機能があります。WordPress のユーザー権限グループについて詳しくは、WordPress のユーザー権限ガイドをご覧ください。


例えば、ユーザーに投稿日: を書いてもらいたい場合、初期ユーザー権限設定を寄稿者または投稿者に変更することができます。




Register for new account







外観 ” ウィジェットページに行き、サイドバーに’メタ情報’ウィジェットを追加するだけです。WordPressでウィジェットを追加して使用する方法については、こちらのガイドをご覧ください。

Add meta widget to your WordPress sidebar



Meta widget preview

ブロックテーマを使用している場合、外観 ” ウィジェットオプションは 使用できないことを覚えておいてください。その場合は、2か3の方法をご利用ください。

方法2: WPFormsを使ったカスタムログインページの作成





WPForms Site



有効化した後、WPForms ” 設定ページにアクセスし、ライセンスキーを入力してください。


WPForms license key

検証後、WordPressダッシュボードからWPForms ” Addonsページに移動します。


User registration addon




WPForms ” 新規追加のページにアクセスするだけで、WPFormsフォームビルダーが起動します。


Select user registration template



Edit user registration form



Map form fields




user activation options





ユーザー登録フォームを WordPress サイトに追加する準備ができました。



Add WPForms block



User registration page preview



始めるには、WPForms ” Add New画面にアクセスします。これでWPFormsのフォームビルダーのインターフェースが起動します。


Login form template



Edit login form




Login form confirmation


カスタムログインフォームを WordPress サイトに追加する準備ができました。


Adding login form to a page


外観 ” ウィジェットページに移動し、WPFormsブロックまたはレガシーウィジェットをサイドバーに追加するだけです。

Add login form to your sidebar



Login form preview


方法3: SeedProdを使用してカスタムログインページを作成する。




市場で最も強力なWordPressページビルダー です。コードを書いたり、特別なデザインスキルを学んだりすることなく、あらゆるタイプのページを作成することができます。



Enter your SeedProd license key

次に、WordPressの管理サイドバーからSeedProd ” ランディングページの画面にアクセスします。

ログインページが表示されたら、’Set up a Login Page’ボタンをクリックします。

Set up a login page



Choose login page template



Login page settings



Editing your login page in SeedProd



Login page configuration



Publish your custom login page



SeedProd login page preview




Managing users in WordPress




WordPress サイトでユーザー登録を許可する方法について、この投稿がお役に立てれば幸いです。また、ベストなウェブデザインソフトウェアの選び方や、WordPress のエキスパートが選ぶベスト FAQ プラグインもご覧ください。

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. John Pendleton says

    Hello Team, I wish to follow the here numbered steps to create a user registration mechanism but “Settings” tab within WPForms is missing “User Registration” option and controls.

    Why would this be and how do I enable it to follow steps in article please?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For the WPForms method, the user registration is under the addons section to install and enable the addon.


  3. Dharmesh says


    I am new to PHP and WordPress hence i need some help. There is website, where they use wp-members plugin for user registration and it is working fine. I need to call one rest service after user registration is successful.

    Can you provide me some hint?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      WordPress should send you an email when a new user is registered to the email you have under Settings>General so you can know about new users being registered.


  4. Ravikiran says

    Can I give my subscribers the role to edit any of my pages – just like Wikipedia where anybody can edit anything? or Do I need some extra Plugins to do so?

  5. Kunal Sarin says

    How can I change preference of a particular page to be seen only by logged in user and not by copy/pasting the URL?

    Best Regards,

  6. Shubhangi Srivastava says

    one of my site i have not given registration link but people are registering without my permission what should i do

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Shubhangi,

      Go to Settings » General page in your WordPress admin area. Scroll down to the ‘Membership’ section and make sure that the option ‘Anyone can register’ is unchecked.


  7. Mujtaba says

    Hello admin, that was nice article, but my problem is bit defferent, i want many roles… Im working on a website where i want to allow the users to signup as author, as publisher, as advertiser, as creator and as simple user, every type of rule has defferent work to do, like creator can upload and create their stories…publishers can publish articles and can make their own audiance like the publisher, the advertiser can advertise his own content to audience of my website…?? How can i do that.
    Thanks in advance…

  8. Mohammed Ashour says

    If I use WpForms, do I need to check the “Any one can register” in the wordpress dashboard?

  9. danupondrake says

    Please help me. I can’t find the “allow user registration box”. I went to the general settings and I couldn’t find it (Note: I’m using the free plan).

  10. Oliver says

    Is there a way I can have a set list of people, and only allow the people on this list to leave comments? Also, I do not want the people on this list to require a password, instead, to login using just their email address – Is this possible?

  11. Mike says

    I couldn’t find how to implement and customize registered user’s private dashboard or portfolio.

    For example, I’ll allow user registration on website, but I’m not sure how to manage their dashboard and functions (like shopping cart review, personal information, history of paid products from my site…).

    Can you help me with that?

  12. vikash says

    hi i want to allow users to register only with gmail, outlook yahoo ect. i dont want to allow ant business or blog domain email. there is any trick for it? please help me. tank you

  13. Asher Jocos says

    My website doesn’t have the “allow anyone to register” option on the admin menu;Menu > settings > general.
    What do I do pls?.

  14. Syed Sabah Ur Rehman says

    Hi there,
    I have transferred my blog to the self hosted blog with the same address.
    I have added a “ follow button” on my new self hosted site at blue host .i.e
    What is happening is people visits my self hosted blog & click on the follow button placed as widget on my self hosted blog,but the followers are added to my old blog & every time I have to mIgrate the followers to my new self hosted site.
    so please tell me what to be done so that followers may added directly to my self hosted site

    my new site & the older site at are interconnected with each other with JETPACK plug
    Also I have setted the primary domain in my old site as ,so that all clicks on my old site at my redirected to my newer site

    my site address has now become as

    PLEASE help.
    I just want new followers to be added in my self hosted site

      • Kash+Mike says

        I know this sounds silly…but why do people want to register in my site. Is it so they can get new content? Post? I can’t figure it out. Thank you

        • WPBeginner Support says


          It depends on how you want to use user registration feature on your site. For example, you can offer some content only to logged in users or you can invite users to join as authors and write posts on your website. You can also limit comment functionality so that only registered users can comment on your website.

  15. Mohsin says

    I have made a custom sign up form for user registration, when any user register himself for my website, I need this user to verify and check his / her entered values for custom fields manually before activating him. Is there any wordpress plugin or any other way for verification of user’s customs values manually?

  16. Somdeep Acharyya says

    Is this feature of registrations of multiple users available only for paid hosted websites on WordPress? Or does the free websites have this feature too?

  17. Sarah says

    Thanks for the article. Is it possible to require registration/subscription for specific content within a public post? I offer free, downloadable content on my blog, but I would like to require users to subscribe in order to download the material. I want the post to be viewable to all – not just restricted to members or subscribers – but in order to actually download the files they need to be a subscriber. Is there any way to do this? Any help much appreciated!

    • lee birchenough says

      if you add woocommerce you can add downloadable content. you could then restrict this page to members only.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Seema,

      Login to your WordPress dashboard and then click on Users in the admin bar. Take your mouse to the user that you want to delete. and then click on the Delete link.


  18. IJIEH PRINCE says

    1 does wordpress store my wesite registration data in mysql
    2 can i use a plugin like adminer to manage the registration data
    3 how many registration accounts can wordpress allow cause i wanted to make it a public login ( about 25,000 accounts)
    Thank You

    • Daniel Taylor says

      1. Yes WordPress stores all user data within the database. Within the tables wp_users and wp_usermeta

      2. Yes you can.

      3. You can have as many as you want. But keep in mind it uses more resources, so you’ll need to get a better server I’d recommend.

  19. IJIEH PRINCE says

    1 does wordpress store my wesite registration data in mysql
    2 can i use a pluin like adminer to manage the registration data
    3 how many registration accounts can wordpress allow
    Thank You

  20. Carol says

    I’ve been trying to add the option of letting users register and login to my blog so it can be multiauthored, but for some reason, my admin settings/general page doesn’t have the ‘Membership (Anyone Can Register)’ with checkbox, or the ‘New Member/default role’ dropdown on it. It can’t be a issue, since a buddy of mine has the register/login option on his page. Was the option deleted from recent versions of WordPress, or has it been moved? If you could please, please help me out, I’d really appreciate it.

    Thanks so much for your time!

  21. Seneja Daniel says

    I have tutorials on my website and i need only registered users to have access to those tutorials, i created a register and login form with Visual composer but i don’t know how to redirect registered users to the tutorial page after login.

  22. Mike says

    I’ve been searching the web for while, and can’t seem to pinpoint what I need. I’m creating a business site where most of the site is customer info, but I’d like to have a section where employees can log in to access proprietary info and online business tools. It would only be about 25-30 members and not public accessible. Is there a way to create a restricted collection of pages so that only employees can access? Is there a way to do this directly through WordPress, or do I need a plug-in? Thanks for your time-much appreciated!

  23. Geraldine says

    I hired a freelancer to do my SEO and after a few weeks the website had gone down in traffic, not a good sign I assume?

    How to Allow User Registration on Your WordPress Site – The latest
    addition to my RSS feed!

  24. Nate says

    Lets say I set up my register, login, logout and rest password pages. How do I get the Login page in the nav bar, and replace it with the logout page when the user has logged in?

  25. Thapelo says

    I am new on WP, I have a project to design a site where people can register. They are supposed to have different forms when registering. Struggling with How to come up with that. Anybody?

  26. Ronak Parmar says

    Hi there,

    I am new in WordPress and learning WordPress cms, I found this is the best article to setup login and registration link in WordPress site, Steps are easy to follow and you have provided great description of each step. Thank you.

  27. Syamala Tadigadapa says

    I plan to create private blog on wordpress. Not a premium blog. But a free one. I wish to allow only registered users to enter the site, read and comment if they wish. Is there a maximum number of users I can allow to register on the blog site? Whether I can selectively grant permission to chosen readers to comment?

  28. Najihah says

    Somehow my site setting does not have the option for membership “Anyone can register”. Does it have to be a paid account for me to have that option?

    Thank you in advance.

  29. reena says

    i want to ask. what if a user is not previously added by the admin and any random user want to register on a wordpress site. what procedure to follow? please help its urgent thanks

    • Mike says

      Just simply goto settings click the allow register in that settings then save. All user can register to your site now without admin intervention

  30. Frank Carlyle says

    What is the net effect of DISABLING “Anyone can register” on a paid for “hosted” site, such as

    Will no one then be able to comment?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Anyone can register will only open your WordPress site to user registrations. But if you want only registered users to be able to comment on your site, then you need to visit Settings » Discussion page and check the option ‘Users must be registered and logged in to comment’.


      • Arizona Lagos says

        My WP site is an ecommerce website. If I uncheck “anyone can register”, will people still be able to buy products and create accounts? I use Woocommerce. People who have purchased from me show up as “customers” and people who register show up as “subscribers”. So, can I uncheck “anyone can register” and still get customers?

        Thank you so much for any help you can offer!

  31. Maryke van Rensburg says

    Please can you direct me to something where people can register without email address? I am starting a website for people that are unemployed giving them the opportunity to get small contracts, but most of them don’t have email addresses, only mobile phone numbers.

  32. mahesh says

    My site is getting some times 100 registrations in a day when I post something. Also names are looking crazy and dummy . However the email domains are mostly from or outlook .com
    My question is can I trust these registrations and accept them as users?

  33. WPBeginner Staff says

    Does your site offers any functionality that requires users to login? If it does not then you should turn off user registration on your site. Visit settings and uncheck the box that says Anyone Can Register. After that backup your entire WordPress site and once you have backup, you can safely delete all unwanted user accounts.

    If someone else developed the site for you, then you should ask them why user registration is open on your site.

  34. WPBeginner Staff says

    There are many WordPress sites that need to enable user registration. For example, multi-author websites that accept user submissions, job board sites, membership sites, and so on. Yes, it would not be a great idea to add user registration restriction on comments specially on a smaller or newer websites. However, if comment spam becomes too much of a problem then this could work as a temporary solution.

    • tltate1963 says

      I have sort of a music site and people are always registering without me asking. I was just wondering why? So could it be a way of ensuring that they get the latest post? Cuz almost no one subscribes to my feed.

  35. tltate1963 says

    what are the reasons for wanting users to register on your site, besides being able to comment. It seems to me that it is hard enough to get people to join in a discussion in the first place without having them have to register in order to do so.

    • Daniel Larson says

      With registered users you can do things like:
      Add user-specific content
      Customised feeds for users
      Ability to save posts they like
      Interact with other users
      and so on

      While most of this is not built-in with the WP core, the site can easily be extended to accommodate for these things via plugins or some custom coding.

  36. bhalverson13 says

    I was all set to install Stop Spammers until I saw this on the plugin’s site: “2/21/2014: I am ending support of this plugin. I will be asking WordPress to remove it from the Repository as it causes too many problems.” The last update was 3-6-14 so do you remain confident in endorsing it for current and future WP versions? Is there a currently supported plugin which does the same thing?

