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WordPress サイトを Google Search Console に追加する方法

Google Search Console(旧Googleウェブマスターツール)へのWordPressサイトの追加は、ウェブサイト所有者がGoogle検索結果でのランキングを監視し、ランキングに影響する可能性のある問題を発見するのに役立つ重要なツールを提供するため、SEOにとって重要なステップです。


Google Search Consoleの情報を定期的に確認することで、あなたのサイトが十分にオプティマイズされ、Googleのベストプラクティスに準拠していることを確認することができます。

このガイドでは、Google Search Console に WordPress サイトを簡単に追加して確認する方法を紹介します。

How to easily add your WordPress site to Google Search Console

Google Search Consoleとは?

Google Search Consoleは、Googleが提供する無料ツールで、サイトオーナーがGoogleの検索結果における自分のサイトのプレゼンスを監視するのに役立ちます。



ということで、Google Search Consoleにサイトを簡単に追加する方法を見ていきましょう。


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Google Search ConsoleにWordPressサイトを追加する

まず、Google Search Consoleのサイトにアクセスし、「今すぐ開始」ボタンをクリックします。

Start Google Search Console

次に、Google / Gmailアカウントでログインする必要があります。



Add website URL

GoogleはHTTPとHTTPSを2つの異なるプロトコルとみなしていることを覚えておこう。また、 と を異なるサイトとみなしています。


もしわからない場合は、入力すべき正確なURLを調べる簡単な方法があります。WordPressの管理エリアにログインし、設定 ” 一般ページを開きます。


Copy your site address from WordPress settings page



Copy the HTML tag







まず、All In One SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化した後、All In One SEO ” 一般設定 ” ウェブマスターツールのページにアクセスし、”Google Search Console “をクリックします。

The Webmaster Tools page in All in One SEO, to select Google Search Console

次に、Google Search Consoleからコピーしたコードを「Google Verification Code」ボックスに貼り付けます。


Google Search Consoleの設定に戻り、「検証」ボタンをクリックします。

Verify ownership

Google Search Consoleはサイトコード内のHTMLタグを検索し、成功のメッセージを表示します。

Your website successfully added to Search Console


これですべてです。これでGoogle Search Console(ウェブマスターツール)へのサイトの追加は完了です。これで「プロパティへ移動」リンクをクリックしてGoogle Search Consoleのダッシュボードにアクセスすることができます。

Google Search Console dashboard



Google Search ConsoleにXMLサイトマップを追加する


朗報は、上記の手順でAll In One SEOプラグインをインストールした場合、すでにXMLサイトマップがサイトに自動的に追加されていることだ。

サイトマップを見るには、All In One SEO ” サイトマップにアクセスしてください。ここから、サイトマップが自動的に有効化されていることがわかります。

Enable sitemap in All in One SEO


All in One SEO XML sitemap preview




Google Search Consoleのダッシュボードに切り替えて、左の列からサイトマップのメニューをクリックするだけです。

Add your sitemap URL to Google Search Console

その後、「Add new sitemap」セクションにサイトマップURLの最後の部分を追加し、「Submit」ボタンをクリックします。

Google Search ConsoleにサイトマップのURLが追加されます。



以上で、Google Search Consoleへのサイト追加は完了です。

AIOSEOでWordPress内のGoogle Search Consoleデータを表示する

次のステップは、Google Search Consoleの情報の宝庫をどのように使ってビジネスを成長させるかを学ぶことです。

Google Search Consoleのデータを最大限に活用する方法を紹介する、初心者向けのGoogle Search Console完全ガイドがあります。

しかし、AIOSEOSearch Statisticsアドオンを使えば、WordPressのダッシュボードからこの重要なデータの多くを簡単に表示することもできます。

AIOSEOのSearch Statisticsを使えば、WordPress内でキーワードのトラッキング、トップパフォーミングコンテンツの表示、貴重な検索統計の発見などを行うことができます。これは、あなたが探しているデータを見つけるためにWordPressからGoogle Search Consoleに切り替える時間を無駄にする必要がないことを意味します。

Search StatisticsをGoogle Search Consoleに接続したら、WordPressダッシュボードからAIOSEOメニューの「Search Statistics」をクリックするだけです。

AIOSEO Search Statistics addon


See SEO Statisitics report in AIOSEO Search Statistics addon


AIOSEO Search Statistics keyword performance table


AIOSEO Search Statistics Content Rankings Report




Google Search ConsoleとWordPressのFAQ

Google Search Console で何千人もの読者のサイトの追加と検証をお手伝いしてきた私たちは、皆さんが思いつくあらゆる質問を見てきました。ここでは、よくある質問に対する回答をご紹介します。

1.WordPress ブログに Google HTML 検証ファイルをアップロードする方法を教えてください。

Google Search Consoleでは、サイトの所有者を確認するためにいくつかの異なる方法を使用することができます。この投稿では、最も簡単な方法であるGoogleサイト検証メタタグを使用する方法について説明した。しかし、サイトの所有権を確認するためにHTMLファイルをアップロードすることを好むサイト所有者もいる。





All In One SEOプラグインを使えば、(個別プラグインで)すべてのプラットフォームのサイト検証を追加できるため、はるかに優れている。言うまでもなく、このプラグインには他にもWordPressのSEO機能がたくさんあり、ランキングを上げ、トラフィックを増やすのに役立つ。

3.Google Search Consoleのパワーユーザーになるには?

Google Search Consoleには、ビジネスの成長に役立つ情報がたくさんあります。私たちは、パワーユーザーになるための究極の Google Search Console ガイドを作成しました。

4.Google Search Consoleの電話番号はありますか?

Google Search Consoleの電話番号はありません。Google Search Console で問題が発生した場合は、オンラインサポートセンターをご利用ください。WordPress に関する具体的な質問については、いつでも無料の WordPress ヘルプグループに参加して質問することができます。

WordPress サイトを Google Search Console に簡単に追加する方法について、この記事がお役に立てれば幸いです。また、ウェブサイトへのトラフィックを増やす方法についてのガイドや、ウェブサイトのトラフィックを増やすためにGoogle Search Console を使用する際のヒントのリストもご覧ください。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Malaykumar

    Website ownership verify successfully but when i am submitting sitemap then this type of error is showing: Sitemap couldn’t fetch

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure you’ve cleared any caching on your site as that is the most likely cause of that specific issue.


  2. Jonathan Whitaker

    Right now I have a 2 properties on GSC for the same website. One domain and one URL prefix

    Since the https:// version is in the settings > general > site address URL field, should I just delete the domain property from GSC? (

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can remove the version of the site you don’t want to use.


  3. ryad

    on the tutorial about google analytic you said to paste the code on the header section of the, header and footer plugin and you said the same thing for google search console, its a bit confusing .
    how we can do when we have both, google analytic and google search console

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would add both codes on different lines


  4. Ashish Malik

    Really helpful, did the work.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  5. Hadar

    very helpful, thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  6. Karan

    Hello i have a question.
    Can I add my site to search console from day 1 .if i have not much posts less then 5 .can I add on search console .how many posts has on the site to add site to console

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can add your site to Google’s search console from the beginning so you don’t have to worry about waiting :)


  7. Aishwarya Rani Kotipalli

    Bro !
    You are a true life saver. I did everything you said and it worked :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  8. Daniel

    Please i successfully verify my site but since then Google search console has been displaying “processing data please check again in a day or two”. I have been waiting for close to a week now.
    Please help me

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sadly, this is something you will need to wait for something to change from Google’s end, there is no hard timeline for it to be added.


  9. MuhammadWasim

    Sir, I have some problems with indexing my wp site which is, when I put URL of my site in search console it said ” Blocked by Robot.text “. I have done everything including sitemap and robot.text .

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check your robots.txt file that you’re not blocking your site from being crawled for that specific issue.


  10. Regi

    Thank you, that was very helpful.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you liked our article :)


  11. Stefan

    THANK YOU GUYS! You really are the best , and you make everything so easy! I did it successfully! Much love and gratitude!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you’ve found our content helpful :)


  12. SaraH O

    THANK YOU! This was exactly what I needed — none of the other instructions I found elsewhere worked.
    You’re the best.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad we could help :)


  13. Sarah

    Sadly no help to someone not on the premium package.

  14. Adi

    Is impotant or not to index all tags and all caetogires on worpdress website?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We would recommend adding your category and tag pages and not excluding them


  15. Josiah

    What if I manage multiple sites, can I used one Google account

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can, you would add an additional domain to your account for that


  16. Emmanuel Mabuza

    This helped. Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  17. Karin

    yeaaasssss! thank youuu!!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  18. mel

    Thanks for an easy and straight forward guide!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you liked our guide :)


  19. Dipen Soni

    Nice, the projection for adding Wordpress site to webmaster tool (Search Console) is simple and easy steps. I did the same with the “insert header and footer” wp plugin. Once I add the meta tag to the head I simply remove the plugin.

    Now I want to delete that meta tag but I don’t know how to do that. Can you help me in finding the root path where all these meta tags are lives?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you removed the plugin then the code that was added by the plugin should be removed as well.


      • Dipen

        I did. Means I remove the plugin but the meta tag is still there. Now what should I do.

        • WPBeginner Support

          Just to be sure, you would want to ensure you’ve cleared any caching on your site as that is the most common reason for still seeing code on the site.

  20. Harish Nemade

    Hey, I had created Blog page and Added Categories as a sub in Blog page from Appearance –> Menus.
    But then GSC showed my Blog Url as a Soft 404 error.
    What does this mean?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It likely means you either have very few posts on that page or your site could have had a hiccup when Google tried to crawl your page


      • Harish Nemade

        Yes, I have Only 2 posts on my Blog page, so that could be the reason for Showing Soft 404 error?

        • WPBeginner Support

          Yes, once google recrawls the page the soft 404 shouldn’t be an issue as long as you don’t have any errors on your site

  21. Pranjal Raut

    Thank you so much. I was literally stuck in this step and you cleare my doubt. my website is now verified thank you soo much.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  22. Rahul choudhary

    How to use webmaster

    • WPBeginner Support

      At the moment we do not have a guide for Google’s webmaster tools.


  23. ash

    hey , I have a free plan , how can i do this /

    • WPBeginner Support

      For you would sadly need to reach out to their support for if they allow the connection and/or how to connect


  24. Andreas


    Thank you for another informative post. I love WPBeginner!!! :)
    One thing this post does not address which confuses me is whether I should add the domain with and without the www. I have added both as properties in the Google Webmaster tools and I don’t know if this will cause problems.


  25. J-P Zacaropoulos

    I installed my website (Bluehost/WP going thru the video tutorial you sent. I finished, but did not launch it. The tutorial does not cover how I can change the picture in the header. Is there a different tutorial for that?

    Also. When I am finished, just not published, I have no way to see the finished product. Do I need to publish before it shows up?

    Thanks in advance

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on your theme for how to change the header image but that is normally under Appearance>Customize.
      For the content to appear for users not logged in, it would need to be published


  26. sandeep

    Sir, It is very good article for beginners. But can you please publish a new post about Adding a website on new google search console, sitemap, and everything.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will certainly look into updating these articles as Google updates their interface


    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you :)


  27. Kudakwashe Blessing Muzividzi

    Thank you very much. This article helped me verify my website.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  28. Rakesh Mhetre

    Nice article…it helps me to add site to google webmaster..

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you :)


  29. Venkatesh M

    Extremely useful site.Thanks a lot for the great work!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad our articles can help :)


  30. Katerina Strabergerova

    Thanks! Such a useful website for a beginner blogger!!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our site can help :)


  31. Gerry

    Hi, This, as with so many tutorials, is most helpful. However I have come across something not dealt with. On pasting the meta line into the Insert Headers and Footers widget and hit save, the system takes to me to my site with an “oops we cannot find this page” message. So annoying. As a result I get a verification failure.
    Any suggestions as I always seem to have issues installing the google apps.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to reach out to your hosting provider to see if they have any errors on their end that could be causing the message.


  32. Tobin

    Thank you this was easy and helpful. If I need any help I’ll hire you!!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      While we don’t have a service for hire at the moment, we’re glad you found our article useful :)


  33. Frogger

    In both plugin

    Verification failed. We couldn’t find the verification meta tag.

  34. Ronna Johnston

    Thanks for the excellent info on this site in general! I am the subcontract for a person who wants us both to have individual access to Google Console.

    My question: I have used various plugins for Google verification and there is one space only for the code. I know I can also add an HTML file to the root of the site or insert an HTML code into the header. If she generates a new code through Google Console and I insert it, will that nullify my data views/ownership?

    I have added her as a full user in Google Console but it is still asking her to verify her ownership via one of the code.HTML file methods.

    Thanks for your help!

  35. Alessandra

    Thanks for that
    really helpful

  36. Anna Tang

    As a new WordPress site owner your tutorials have been extremely helpful! They are up-to-date, simple, use visuals, and just make things easy to do. Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Anna,

      We are glad you found WPBeginner articles helpful. Don’t forget to join us on Twitter for more WordPress tips and tutorials.


  37. gk

    how to add verification file in root directory

  38. Andrea

    Thank you so much!!! I was trying to get my site verified for a couple days now…trying so many different options – this worked on the first try! Thank you!

  39. Vincent Iheke

    Quite handy… THANKS A MILLION

  40. Prashant

    can I register my domain in Google search console if I’m using wordpress hosted version for my own domain not the free version. And yes, one more point, I’m not using the Business plan for wordpress hosted version. I am using the Pro one. Please reply.

  41. jonathsn

    no matter what i can it says cannot connect to server

  42. Bruce

    This was very helpful. Thank you!

  43. Shazad Bhatti

    How to put my wordpress post on google?
    And find on google with title

  44. ehsan

    i wanna to know that is it necessary for site to submit Y WebSite To Google Search Engines to approve ad sense account?
    please must answer?

  45. Victor Viyke

    Am really grateful for this guide, thanks and keep it up!

  46. Simon DA

    Thank you for the info, couldn’t find a way to validate my WP site !
    i did use your Header and footer tool.

  47. Erika

    Thank you for the very helpful video/instructions. One suggestion would be to let people know about the option to use Yoast (which is even called out that “you probably already have”) first instead of second. This would avoid needing a completely different/new plug-in. I did in fact already have Yoast but went forward with the header/footer plug-in not knowing I could use Yoast.

  48. Pat

    Thanks SO much. I couldn’t figure out how to put in that code and these two methods are very easy.

  49. Howard

    Hi, I am trying to verify my WP site but really struggling. I have placed the code in the header but it then appeared on the public facing site.
    It is not the only code in the head section but no matter where I put it, it does not verify.
    Help please!

