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専門的に聞こえるかもしれないが、この記事では、All In One SEOのようなツールがWordPressでキーワードとメタディスクリプションを驚くほど簡単に使う方法を紹介する。

Adding meta keywords and meta descriptions in WordPress





Google Search Listing







An example meta description, for the All in One SEO plugin homepage










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All In One SEO for WordPressのインストールと有効化

このチュートリアルでは、市場で最高のWordPress SEOプラグインであるAll In One SEO(AIOSEO)を使用します。このプラグインを使えば、WordPressサイト全体を簡単にSEO最適化することができ、ビジネスを成長させるための包括的なツールセットが付属しています。

まず、All In One SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。

有効化すると、All In One SEOは簡単なセットアップウィザードを案内します。ステップバイステップの指示に従うだけで、サイトにすべての設定が完了します。または、WordPress用のAll In One SEOを正しく設定する方法についてのガイドに従うこともできます。

セットアップ完了後、「Finish Setup and Go to Dashboard」ボタンをクリックします。

Click the Finish Setup button to go to your dashboard

All In One SEOでのメタキーワード対応の有効化

All In One SEOには、メタ情報とキーワードのサポートがビルトインされています。しかし、メタキーワード機能は初期設定ではオフになっています。これは、多くの検索エンジンがランキングにおいてキーワードをほとんど、あるいはまったく重要視していないためです。

有効化するには、WordPressダッシュボードのAll In One SEO ” 検索外観 ” 詳細設定に進みます。そして、メタ情報のトグルを「いいえ」から「はい」に切り替えます。

Turning on the meta keywords option in All in One SEO




The meta keyword options that are available in All in One SEO



まず、メタキーワードとメタ説明を追加したい投稿またはページを編集する必要があります。AIOSEOはWordPressのブロックエディターでも クラシックエディターでも使えます。




The automatically generated snippet in All in One SEO

先に進み、「メタ情報」フィールドに説明を入力します。All In One SEOは、使用した文字数をお知らせします。Googleは検索結果ページ(SERP)に160文字しか表示しないので、これは重要です。


Entering your meta description in All in One SEO


All In One SEOのダイナミックタグをメタ情報に使う

オプションで、メタ情報にタグを追加することができます。All In One SEOが初期設定で提供しているのは、ページコンテンツと区切りですが、その他の動的タグも追加できます。


A meta description with the tags Author First Name and Author Last Name at the start



Adding tags to your meta description in All in One SEO


All In One SEOのChatGPT統合を使ってメタ情報を自動生成する

時間を節約したい場合は、All In One SEOのAIを搭載したタイトル/説明ジェネレータを使用することもできます。ChatGPTを使用して、コンテンツのメインテーマに基づいた高品質のメタ情報を自動的に作成します。


Click the robot icon to use the AI Title / Description Generator


メールアドレスを入力し、セットアップウィザードの簡単な手順に従ってアカウントを作成し、All In One SEOに接続します。

Create OpenAI account



AI Title / Description Generator examples

あなたは ‘+’ボタンをクリックして、必要なメタ情報を選択することができます。すると、自動的にメタ情報の説明欄に追加され、必要に応じて調整することができます。




Adding meta keywords for your post or page using All in One SEO



WordPressでは、サイトのトップページにメタキーワードとメタ説明を追加することもできます。ここでは、All In One SEOを使ってその方法を説明します。

まず、WordPress管理画面の外観 ” グローバル設定を検索します。次に、「ホームページ」セクションまでスクロールダウンします。

The Home Page section in your Search Appearance settings for All in One SEO


All In One SEOは、初期設定でキャッチフレーズをメタ説明文として使用します。そのままにしておくこともできますし、カスタマイズすることもできます。

Entering a meta description and keywords for your homepage






まず、投稿 ” カテゴリーページにアクセスする必要があります。編集したいカテゴリーにマウスオーバーし、「編集」リンクをクリックします。

Editing a category in WordPress


ここでは、カテゴリーのメタ情報を入力するだけです。ここでも、All In One SEOのタグを使用することができます。

Adding a meta description for your category in All in One SEO





All In One SEOは、他の一般的なWordPressプラグインとシームレスに統合されています。これにより、WooCommerce商品ページ、SeedProdランディングページMemberPressコースページなどにキーワードやメタ情報を追加することができます。

ボーナス:All In One SEOでキーワードパフォーマンスをトラッキングする

キーワードの効果を知りたいですか?All In One SEOは、WordPressでキーワードを追加できるだけでなく、そのパフォーマンスを追跡することもできます。

All In One SEOの検索統計とキーワードランクトラッカー機能を使えば、WordPressダッシュボードから、選択したキーワードが検索結果でどのようにランキングされているかを簡単に見ることができます。

Track your keyword performance in AIOSEO


See what position each keyword is ranking for




WordPress の投稿やページにキーワードやメタディスクリプションを簡単に追加する方法について、この記事がお役に立てれば幸いです。WordPress のメタデータの追加に関する他のガイドもご覧ください:

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Reader Interactions

121件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Caroline

    Thanks for sharing this informative blog.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  2. Amit

    Before Commenting, I want to say thank you for providing this great information. I feel too good to read this awesome blog.
    I have one question about meta title and descripton.
    What could be the reason behind Google displaying an incorrect meta title and description?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you found our blog helpful!
      For the title and description, if they are set properly on your site and Google has crawled it then it could be Google changing it for the specific search that the user has done to be more relevant to the user.


    • Ram E.

      The meta title and description, especially the latter, are not directives to Google. While you can set them however you like, Google may change the final description if it thinks it’s best for the user. It’s best practice to write a meta description that can boost CTR, but you don’t have to do it seriously for every page of your site.

  3. Mike Simpson

    Please explain why this article seems to be about “All in One SEO” yet most comments are about Yoast? It makes no sense. What happened?

    • WPBeginner Support

      An older version of this article was done using Yoast, after Yoast removed the feature we updated our article to show how to do so using All in One SEO :)


  4. Andy

    On many sites I read about how to write seo-title correctly, but in many respects the situation remained not very clear to me. After reading your article, I received all the answers to the questions that interested me. Thank you, now I can use this information for my site.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  5. Chelsea

    Thanks for this! By chance, are you using the paid version of AIOSEO? I’m not able to edit the meta description or titles for my categories or tags. It says I need to upgrade. Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, we are using the paid version in our guide.


  6. Joe

    You need to point out that this is only available with the premium service.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless we hear otherwise, this tool is no longer available on any version of Yoast.


  7. Dian Pramono

    how to use meta keyword tag in Yoast seo Premium 14.2?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yoast has currently removed this setting and we will update this article once we found a replacement we would recommend


  8. Totti

    Hi, Could you recommend me another method for adding meta keywords in wordpress because Yoast SEO doesn’t support this option anymore?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a recommended alternative at this time.


  9. Daleen

    I’m sorry

    I don’t have the advanced settings pages under seo features on my site for some reason. How can I implement this tutorial?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Apologies for any confusion, at the moment Yoast has removed meta keywords from their plugin, we will look to update the article should we find an alternative we would recommend


  10. Richard Clemmer

    Thank you so much for this blog. It helped me A LOT :D

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article was helpful :)


  11. Jose

    Thanks for the article. Useful.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article was helpful :)


  12. Sirah Maja

    I don’t find “Homepage” button like tutorial :(

    • WPBeginner Support

      Apologies for any confusion, at the moment Yoast has removed meta keywords from their plugin, we will look to update the article should we find an alternative we would recommend


  13. Hen

    Yoast doesn’t look anything like this any more :( I think you have to pay for it to get it looking like this. Boo.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yoast has changed its interface since this article was last updated, this is not the paid version of the plugin.


  14. Rebecca

    I’m using version 12.5 of Yoast SEO and it doesn’t resemble anything like the stages in this tutorial. Is it possible to get tutorial updated to the newer version of Yoast SEO.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will look into updating our articles as we are able, at the moment Yoast has removed meta keywords from their plugin


  15. Andrew

    HI, I think you need to update all your Yoast related articles, as the plugin has been updated since many of your articles/instructions were created.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, we will certainly take a look at updating our articles as we are able


  16. Piyush Saini

    really nice information thanks for the same but sir can you please tell me how to add more 50+ keyword for a single domain because im struggling with the same. please share the link for the same.
    thanks in advance

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you want to add keywords to each article then you would manually go through each article and add them


  17. uday

    now a days are meta keywords still working??

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yoast has removed meta keywords since the last update of this article due to search engines not using them for rankings anymore


  18. Zoe

    Is there any way to create a meta description without using Yoast?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, there are, we just recommend Yoast as it is a beginner-friendly solution


  19. Didier

    Hi! I recently add YOAST in mi site, but it not adding metatag in the header of the page / post. Do you have any idea why it does not work? Or how could validate that its working

    • WPBeginner Support

      Have you cleared all of the caching that is active on your site?


  20. Rianne

    Hi! My Yoast SEO looks totally different. It doesn’t have the meta+ titles tab. I have problems with setting the description for my homepage. Anyone who can help??

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yoast has updated their interface since this article was created and have removed the meta keyword.


      • Rianne

        So, it is no longer possible to add the meta description for your homepage?

        • WPBeginner Support

          The meta description for your home page would be set in the Search Appearance section of Yoast’s settings

  21. sadaf

    how to update meta tage in description page while there is no option

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a recommended method at the moment, Yoast removed the meta keyword option as they say at the moment it does not affect ranking.


  22. Chitra

    Is that not possible to add meta description in wordpress themes without Yoast ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Without using a plugin you would be required to edit the theme files normally to add that content. That’s why we recommend this method :)


      • Surendar

        How long yoast seo take time to update meta description in google??

        • WPBeginner Support

          That would depend on Google, you can request Google recrawl a url to attempt to force the update

  23. Haroon elahi

    Great information!
    Also write an article on ” upload Meta and Description file upload in FTTP”

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, we’ll certainly look into other post ideas such as that one.


  24. chika

    is this a premium YOAST? because i cant find this setting in mine but mine isn’t premium.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you mean the keywords then that would be because it was removed after we created this article. The meta description if not below your content, you should be able to click the three dots in the top right of your editor to bring up the option in the block editor.


      • Aaditya Sharma

        yoast plugin removed keyword add option, now how I can add keywords in page or woocommece products? any plugin or idea

        • WPBeginner Support

          Unless I hear otherwise, we do not have a recommended method/plugin at the moment.

  25. kiya

    Titles & Metas not showing under the SEO… can i do it now

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yoast no longer offers meta keywords with their plugin but you should still be able to click the title in your Yoast section of the post to allow you to edit it.


  26. Ashok Punetha

    Titles & Metas not showing under the SEO

    • WPBeginner Support

      With the recent updates with Yoast, you would want to click the snippet preview in your post editor to bring the edit options up.


  27. Kaushik Bhatnagar

    Ita s very good knowledgeable article. I was actually searching for “Adding Keywords and Meta Description for Homepage”
    There are infinite articles but failed to exhibit in pictorial form. Here it made me to understand very easily.

    A million dollar thanks to you.

  28. Mike Davis

    This doesn’t work anymore. The very clever folks at Yoast disabled the keyword feature as of v 7.2

    Personally, I think this is a function that does have value. Even if the search engines don’t use it, a couple rank tracking proggies I use do, but whatevs.

    I rolled back to the earlier version.

    I won’t ever buy Yoast SEO Premium. Too many updates, and the recent updates require too much babysitting.

    • James Emmanuel

      You are very right. Please can you share on how to roll back to previous version? I like to do same on our website.

  29. Chris

    Can you use WordPress Custom Fields and make them into SEO containers? The descriptions on pages and the keywords for those are important to Google because Google creates scores on your ads based on whether or not the keywords in your ads match the keywords on the landing page. I would think instead of using an SEO plugin we could just easily create custom fields and produce the same thing on a page by page and site by site basis including categories and tags – no?

  30. Powell Nwoke

    My snippet is not displaying my post contents as usual, rather its showing, “Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.” How do I rectify it? Thank you

  31. Paul Gleave

    The meta keywords feature has been removed from Yoast (in April 2018), for anyone looking for it now. This is because the meta keywords tag is no longer used by search engines.

    • Luke Harper

      Thanks! What’s important for SEO now then?

  32. Lisa Michels

    I am really trying to follow the instructions but the version of Yoast SEO that I downloaded only has three tabs. Dashboard/Features/Webmaster
    I watched the video and read the instructions multiple times. Please help!

    • Raj

      Are you able to see ‘Search Appearance’ link below SEO and that will lead to some of the tabs mentioned in the article. Looks like article is bit old, but we can look for similar tabs/links in the SEO section of the WP area

  33. Dheeraj

    Great Article !
    Please also post article related to news website.
    Like How to create hindi news website? & How to do SEO of any news website?


  34. Abhishek Verma

    Hello WPBeginner,
    There is no option available for Title & Meta’s for Homepage in latest update of Yoast Plugin.
    Please guide me.

  35. Aman

    Yoast Plugin is not showing Meta keyword template in Titles & Meta -> Homepage.
    Now, How can I add Meta Keywords In my website?

  36. Rohan singh

    Yoast Plugin is not showing Meta keyword template in Titles & Meta -> Homepage.
    Now, How can I add Meta Keywords In my website?

  37. Maikaal Hydr

    Simply Outstanding…..I was kinda looking such tutorial from long time, at last i got it from YOU ./….Thanx Buddy

  38. Dolan Yok

    Can you give me an answer, how best to avoid duplicate content, from images, tags, and desktops page 2 and so on

  39. Deepak Yadav

    Thanks for writing this helpful articles it helps me too much.

  40. Riyaz

    What is better? Using Meta tags, or using Yoast plug in. Also, can I know if WordPress is HTML, HTML5 or XHTML..

    Help is much appreciated.

  41. Bradley B

    Nailed it! Thank you.

  42. Iqbal Hussain

    How to add

    using yoast seo plugin. I have installed yoast seo plugin in my blog but it don’d have this feature.

    • Iqbal Hussain

      meta name revised

  43. Kerry

    Curious why you recommend using Meta Keywords? Even Yoast – as used in your example, says keywords are dead. (Thus why they advise you not bother, right on the page where you enable them?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Kerry,

      Many SEO experts believe that meta keywords are not useful anymore. We do not agree with this. We think that they can still be useful and are perfectly harmless if used in moderation (i.e. avoid keyword stuffing or using too many meta keywords in each article).


  44. amolkarde

    in SEO only one focus keyword use and in premium version how many keyword use…Thanks for the meta keyword info.

  45. Ayo

    Thanks for the post. I tried to set up my homepage description on yoast. The tabs there is unclickable. I tried to click on it several times but isn’t clickable.

  46. Mark Abahi

    Thank very much I love it

  47. febrifahmi

    Hi, Sir! Thank you for the brief and easy to follow step by step explanation on adding keywords to WordPress. It’s really helpful for me as a beginner. By the way, i already used Yoast SEO plugin for my site. But i still have a question about how can we know what is working and what is not in our SEO setting, or how we measure the performance of our SEO setting from outside? Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey febrifahmi,

      The simplest way to measure the success of your SEO score to see if your site has started ranking for the keywords you are targeting. If those keywords have more competition, then initially you may not appear on the first or even the second page of the search results. However, overtime your ranking will keep improving if you keep following your SEO plan.


  48. Mozammel

    how can I add my research keyword of my website??

    • Digember

      You can also use google keyword planner for keyword research.

  49. Mike Hamme

    Found exactly what i was looking for by reading this post, and you made it extremly simple to thank you!

  50. ashima

    meta keyword option is not displaying

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