Google Adsenseは、あなたのサイトからお金を稼ぐ最も簡単な方法の一つです。長年にわたり、私たちは多くのブロガーを収益化の苦労を通して指導してきましたが、AdSenseは信頼できるソリューションであることが証明されています。
Google Adsenseを使えば、サイトの広告スペースを自動的に広告主に販売し、報酬を得ることができます。一番の魅力は?始めるための必須条件がほとんどないため、すべてのレベルのブロガーが利用しやすい。
Google Adsenseは、収入源を多様化したいベテランブロガーにも、オンラインでお金を稼ぎ始めたい初心者にも、素晴らしい機会を提供してくれる。
この投稿では、WordPressにGoogle Adsenseを追加する方法と、収益アップに役立つベストプラクティスやヒントをご紹介します。
Google Adsenseとは?
Google Adsenseは、Googleが運営する広告ネットワークで、ブロガーやサイトオーナーに、テキスト、画像、動画、その他のインタラクティブな広告をサイトに表示することで収入を得る機会を提供しています。これらの広告は、サイトのコンテンツや閲覧者をターゲットにしているため、関連性が高い。
Google Adsenseは、広告主とのやり取りや集金の心配がないため、手間がかかりません。Googleが広告主を管理し、広告主との関係を維持します。Googleは広告主からの支払いを受け取り、管理料を受け取り、残りをあなたに送金します。
まず最初に、Google Adsenseアカウントに登録する必要がある。Gmailアカウントをお持ちであれば、既存のアカウントを使って登録することができます。
申請書を送信したら、Google Adsenseチームの審査を待つ必要があります。公開するパブリッシャーによっては、数時間から数週間かかる場合もあります。
Google AdSenseの自動広告では、コードを1つ貼り付けるだけで、Googleが各ページにいつ、どこに、いくつ広告を表示するかを自動的に決定する。
1.手動でWordPressにGoogle Adsenseの広告コードを配置する。
広告の名前は内部目的にのみ使用されるので、”サイト名サイドバー “のような任意の名前を付けることができます。
次のオプションは広告サイズの設定です。Googleは様々な広告サイズを提供していますが、広告主の間で最も人気があるため、推奨サイズとして表示されているサイズがあります。詳しくはGoogle Adsenseのバナーサイズをご覧ください。
WordPressにGoogle Adsenseを追加する
次に、サイトのどこに広告を表示するかを決める必要があります。広告はサイドバーに表示するのが一般的です。WordPressのウィジェットを使えば、サイドバーにGoogle Adsenseを追加することができる。
WordPress管理エリアの外観 ” ウィジェットページに移動します。次に、’+’ボタンをクリックして、適切なウィジェットエリアに’カスタムHTML’ウィジェットブロックを追加します。
次に、カスタムHTMLウィジェットブロックにGoogle Adsenseコードを入力する必要があります。
より良いプレースメントコントロールとトラッキングのためには、Advanced Adsや AdSanityのようなWordPressプラグインをチェックすることをお勧めします。
これを解決するために、Googleは自動広告を導入した。これは、サイトに1つのコードスニペットを追加するだけで、Google Adsenseが最も報酬の高い場所、広告サイズ、タイプを割り出すというものだ。
自動広告機能を使いたい場合は、この方法でサイトにGoogle Adsenseを追加します。
まず、Google Adsenseアカウントにログインし、広告タブをクリックする。次に、「コードを取得」ボタンをクリックして自動広告コードを生成する必要があります。
注:WPCodeの無料版は、あなたのサイトにカスタム・コード・スニペットを追加するために必要なすべての機能を持っています。しかし、コンバージョンピクセル、スケジュールスニペット、コードリビジョンなどの高度な機能が必要な場合は、WPCode Proにアップグレードすることができます。
有効化したら、コードスニペット ” ヘッダーとフッターページに移動します。ここから、Google Adsenseのコードをヘッダーセクションに貼り付ける必要があります。
プラグインは今、あなたのサイトのすべてのページに広告コードを追加します.それは広告の表示を開始するGoogle Adsenseのいくつかの時間がかかる場合があります.
関連 詳しくは、WordPressでヘッダーとフッターのコードを追加する方法をご覧ください。
また、WPCodeプラグインを使用すると、投稿の開始前、投稿後、段落の前後など、特定のエリアにGoogle Adsense広告を自動的に表示することができます。
さらに詳しく知りたい方は、最もパフォーマンスの高いGoogle Adsenseのバナーサイズに関するガイドをご覧ください。
自分のGoogle AdSense広告をクリックできますか?
Google AdsenseのページRPMとは?
RPMとはRevenue per Milleの略で、1000インプレッションあたりの収益を意味します。これは、総クリック数とクリック単価を掛け合わせ、それを総ページビュー数で区切ることで決定されます。
はい、できます。BloggerやYouTubeのようなGoogleのホスティングサービスでAdSenseを使い始めた場合、AdSenseアカウントの種類を変更してWordPressで使用することができます。Google Adsenseに、マネタイズしたいサイトのURLを申請フォームに記入して提供する必要がある。
Google AdsenseのCTRとは?
CTR(クリックスルー率)はサイトの種類によって大きく異なります。広告のクリック率は、サイトのトピック、オーディエンスのタイプ、サイト上の広告の配置など、多くの要因によって異なります。Google Adsenseの理想的なCTRを定義するのは本当に難しいです。なぜなら、あなたのサイトのような他のサイトのクリック率にアクセスできないからです。
しかし、Google Adsenseにはビルトインツールがあり、サイトのCTRが悪いとメッセージが表示される。Google Adsenseのダッシュボードに表示される最適化ガイドに従って、広告収入を向上させることができる。
WordPress で Google 広告のコンバージョントラッキングを設定する方法については、こちらのガイドもご参照ください。
Google Adsenseはいつ、どのように公開者に支払うのですか?
Google Adsenseは毎月、前月の収益を計算し、「取引」ページに表示します。あなたの収益が必要基準に一致した場合、支払いはその月の21日までに処理され、リリースされます。
Google Adsenseが私の申請を却下したのはなぜですか?
Google Adsenseは、あなたのサイトが新しいものであったり、AdSenseプログラムのポリシーや利用規約を満たしていない場合、申請を却下することがあります。
Google Adsenseの申請が承認されるための必須条件とは?
Google Adsenseアカウントの申請が承認されるための必須条件は以下の通りです。
- あなたのサイトとそのすべてのコンテンツは、AdSenseプログラムのポリシーとキーワードに準拠している必要があります。
- あなたのサイトは少なくとも6ヶ月以上経過している必要があります。
- 18歳以上であること。
注:必須条件をすべて満たしている場合でも、Google Adsenseは申請をお断りする権利を有します。
WordPress.comのブログにGoogle Adsenseを追加できますか?
WordPress.comでは、ビジネスプランにアップグレードしない限り、サイトにGoogle Adsenseを追加する権限がありません。このトピックについては、WordPress.comとWordPress.orgの違いについてのガイドをご覧ください。
Google AdsenseとGoogle AdWordsの違いは何ですか?
Google AdWordsを使用すると、Google AdSenseプログラムに参加しているサイトを含む他のサイトに広告を掲載することができます。
Google Adsenseは、あなたのサイトに広告を表示することで、サイトからお金を稼ぐことができます。
Google Adsenseの広告が表示されすぎていたり、サイト内のランダムな場所に広告が表示されている場合は、Google Adsenseの自動広告を使用している可能性があります。
自動広告をオフにするには、アドセンスアカウントにサインインし、広告 ” 概要に進みます。次に、サイトの横にある「編集」アイコンをクリックします。サイト設定’で自動広告オプションを無効化し、サイト上の自動広告を完全に削除することができます。または、’ページ除外’オプションを選択して、特定のページから自動広告を無効化することもできます。
この投稿があなたのWordPressサイトにGoogle Adsenseを追加するのにお役に立てば幸いです。ブログのトラフィックを増やす方法や、購読者を増やすのに最適なメールマーケティングサービスについてのガイドもご覧ください。
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Hi i am getting this message from google saying “Site does not comply with Google policies”
My site is
Any idea’s?
WPBeginner Support
Please contact Google Adsense support.
When I first started using adsense for my blog it was pretty straight forward to ad the code. I had to shut down my website and applied for to ad code to a new site. I got the approval and when I tried to ad the code it does not show on my new website. I thought I had to set up a new ad unit and after doing that got the code and when I copy to my website it does not appear. My wordpress theme is Woothemes. Does it not work with that theme?
First off, does one have a choice as to WHAT ads you want to display? Are they permanent and/ or do you update and/ or delete ads or is this automatically done by Google? Does ad sense have ANY relevance as to a blogger taking his OWN display ads from companies that may wish to do so… Or, does ad sense give you the layout and codes for an advertiser who directly wants a space made for his product on your blog site??? ( or is there better ways to take your own direct display ads from companies that may want to pay you for them )??
Big questions , no?
Thanks, need a good answer.
It’s automatically done by Google. They display ads based on the user (the person visiting your site). If you want to display ads from a company you have some deal with, you’ll need a different solution.
Hi, so I’ve followed all the instructions but as soon as I click “save” for my ad code in the text widget it changes the code and gets rid of the ” ” and all the shows on my website is the actual text from the code.
I’m unsure how to fix this problem. Any and all suggestions are welcome! Thank you!
Did you ever get a reply to this or figure out a solution, because the exact same thing is happening to me.
Hello. Make sure the “automatically add paragraphs” box is unticked…
i have adsense on my wordpress website. i have posted ads in my all posts. but one of my sidebar ads not showing now. it showed for last 4-5 days but now showing now. can you plz tell me the reasons ?
I have domain in wordpress, but when Im apply for adsense they gave me am answer ‘the adsense not approved because the language is not supported by google. What can I do?
Hi, I have only just begun exploring blogging and AdSense this week. Following the instructions in this post, I created an AdSense account today, was momentarily distracted, and accidentally clicked on the wrong button when asked if I accept AdSense’s Policy or not. (I accidentally said no!) This will no doubt result in my application being rejected.
My question is, will I be able to apply again?
I have not been able to find a way to log in to my application and change my response.
Any replies would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time!
Anish kumar
i have a doubt .My doubt is if i am using ads in our site so google will be charged or not for ads
i have website i am using wordpress.. i am waiting 2nd stage adsence approval process from last 3 month. 3rd april i got the mail behalf of google review successful pls add first add unit… i have added /// but i dont know whats going wrong… why taking too much time for 2nd stage aproval process.
I followed your steps to the “T” on using the sidebar widget. It did not work. I have a YouTube Adsense account, so I added my website/blog to AdSense as a non-host I have a few questions:
(1) Do you have to wait six months before AdSense will consider your add.
(2) Do you have the link so I can see if Google has my website to add to Adsense?
(3) When I followed your instructions. nothing appears on my end to indicate that it was successful. Therefore, I waited and waited. Still nothing.
(4) Why is your directions to add AdSense on WordPress not the same as others directions found on videos or websites? I tried the other methods. It did at least show something (empty space, box that says “Ad will go here,” etc., but no ad would appear
Thank you in advance.
WPBeginner Support
You will find more help on community support forums for Adsense.
How much time to code display my ad on my website.
how much time time to disply ads in website
Can I place ad on free theme?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, you can.
I bought the domain for my website in WordPress, but not the host. In order to use google ads or any type of ad, do I need a host?
Thank you!
i placed my adsense code yesterday (5/7/2016) in my website using wordpress widgets, however google is sending mail that
“You’re almost there! To get your site ready for review by our team, copy and paste the ad code found in your AdSense account onto your website”
but i already placed adsense code in my website.. what shall i do now?
karan dhingra
i have done settings & placed adds through google adsense plugin….& it is showing blank space at that place….should i also place code to widgets area or adds automatically will start showing after 2 process of approval!!!??
Hi Team,
I have added the add to my site, but the add is not showing, the below is the message im able see.
Please help!!
Hey, i have is this possible to make a google adsense?
WPBeginner Support
No it is not possible. Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
Manoj Kumar Sethi
Is it possible to run ads in site ?
WPBeginner Support
No, please see our guide on the limitations of
Dear Team,
After trying to fix my issue with Google support team (no reply), WordPress support forum (no help) and by my own, i’m lost now!
I have an issue trying to fix since 2 weeks! Now i’m really tired.
The problem is like this:
– My account is properly connected to Google Adsense, but i can’t see any ads on my page except 1 page (category)
– I use categories as menus, only 1 category shows the ads.
( I would like to send to you my site url, but i don’t know if you allow that here)
Just to explain a little what i’ve done so far:
1. I’ve connected my site to google adsense through Google Adsense plugin (by Google)
2. It started to work, than 3 days later i tried to change the footer credits on my theme. After that my ads started to disappear! Strange!
3. Tried all those option:
– Re-install plugin,
– Re-connect to adsense,
– Re-install my wordpress (completely fresh),
– Change theme,
– Change permalink (by changing permalink it started to work again for a few hours than disappeared again);
– Changing the site url (added www to my site url), worked for 1 day than disappeared again.
– Manually inserted code (through widget text)
I use this plugins:
– Google Adsense
– Advanced Ads
– Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
– Infolinks Official Plugin
– Jetpack by
-WP Super Cache (recently installed, two days ago)
(Tried also to deactivate all plugins, no success)
I would really appreciate your help.
Best Regards,
WPBeginner Support
Login to your Adsense account and manually generate an Ad code, then paste that code in your theme. If this works out, then it could mean two things. A plugin you are using, does not have a publisher ID. Check your plugin settings to make sure it uses your publisher ID with ads.
Already tested that, but the ads are not showing. The ad is showing only in one page (category).
Can you PLEASE inspect my page if you find something?
Thank you
Dear WPBeginner team,
Since i’m lost on trying to fix this, can we have a privat contact and i’m ready to pay for your service, if you could fix my issue. Also i’ll give you the admin access. I don’t think it’s an Google issue because i see the ads on 1 page (category), it should be something wrong in my root site.
I hope that my message will have your consideration!
Ronnie Appiah
My posts cannot link to its associate categories, when I click on any category it takes me back to homepage. I Need your help seriously
i am trying to figure out how to make my backup ad into my ad and this post was no more help than google’s own help. theirs is too technical and yours didn’t even go there.
I followed this guide critically and i was about to save the added generated code on a text widget, but got this notification
“A background request to WordPress was just blocked for the URL /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. If this occurred as a result of an intentional action, you may consider whitelisting the request to allow it in the future”
there was options to whitelist and cancel.
Should I whitelist??
i have free domain with WordPress did it works on my dimain.
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
What Theme do you use for your site? I’m finding that my posts just stack on top of another in a never-ending stream of blog posts. How do you stop each post and have a comment box at the bottom, just like this article on your site?
WPBeginner Support
Try switching to a different WordPress theme by clicking on the Appearance Tab in WordPress admin area. You can also click on a post’s title to see the single post.
How to ad adsense ads into image galrry
Renato Zurita
Hey there, after following your steps, nothing appears while adding the code to the “Text” on the sidebar. Adsense tells me this: “In order to complete your request to show ads on your own website, you need to implement the ad code on Your upgrade request can only be reviewed once your ad code has impressions on that domain.” Any help you can give me?
Prob Pob
That means your adSense request hasn’t been approved yet ! Once, you are eligible, the google Adsense will automatically display your add. Best wishes.
Your post are very good and user friendly language.
Blogger delete my blog which is approved by Google adsense.
One week ago I started again with My adsense account is still open with You tube. Do I can start placing adsense ads on my blog or wait for next six month as per adsense policy. Please help me.
Thanks & Regards,
Kewal Krishan
WPBeginner Support
Please check out Adsense support forums.
So I did all these steps and still have blank spots where the ads should be (in the text widget). Adsense says that I need to Upgrade to put adsense on WordPress since it isn’t a “hosted partner”. It’s saying to be approved to have it on my page I need to have it authorized, but now a message comes up saying it cannot be authorized til I get ad impressions on my page. It also says something about receiving a PIN in the mail? I’m very confused. Trying to put this on both of my wordpress pages. Thank you for any help!
Alright, so I posted the ad code into a text widget but I ended up with this gook on my blog:
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
What’s the deal here?
Me Too
Yeah I got the same deal it doesn’t work like that does it?
I found this on WordPress Support: Advertisements, including those from third-party advertising networks like Google AdSense, OpenX, Lijit, BuySellAds, and Vibrant Media are not allowed on
So how can I do it?
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
I’m using I’ve put the code in the text field, but everytime I save it, the code is automatically altered. As a result, I only have a string of codes on my blog. How do I fix this?
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
This is my site. Its a WordPress theme. In its blogs, i want to show ads next to the image or wrapped by text content. Which i am not able to do. I am not liking where i am placing ads atm. Can anybody help?
i had already placed ad code in my widget are..still there is nothing showing….also not blank ad…and google says…”In order to complete your request to show ads on your own website, you need to implement the ad code on. Your upgrade request can only be reviewed once your ad code has impressions on that domain.”
What should i have to do?
Thanks in advance
In some days I have face a problem. in my blog i put here google adsense but sometime the adds are not sown….
But how much money can you get per, say, 1,000 views? Is it solely based on the number of clicks people give you?
Chris Franklin
Thanks so much! You made it SO easy to ad this code.. I couldn’t figure it out without you!
I’m just getting the text in my footer (it keeps automatically changing when I press save I don’t know if that’s anything to do with it?) but the ad isnt appearing.
Great article Editor but i have an unusual issue . i created an adsense account today and it said that you have to put code on your site . i placed it , ad displayed for some time and then disappeared , now it is showing only blank space and on the adsense account showing adunit as active .Did you came across such issue ?
How can i fix it ?
Prince Jain
First Step is approved for my wordpress news site. To place ads, I added Google Adsense official plugin and set the ads location.
Do I still need to add the code on my wordpress site to complete the approval process?
what type of advert do i get paid when someone just click on the Ad?
Because some Ad might require for people to sign up,,buy a product before you get paid
will try it out now
Harpreet Singh
Is it necessary to place Adsense code in each & every page. And whenever we post (new post) so there we also have to repeat this task again & again. Just want to clear on this funda? Please help me??
Akarsh P K
I am unable to add google adsence ads to my site. I tired the above steps and could not fetch any results. Please help.
Amit kumar
very very helpfull article sir,,,
i think ad injection plugin is best for adsense management
Thank you!
i have lot of trouble with my adsense account but there is no way to contact google.
First will you please tell me exactly how to add adsense code to wordpress blog in approval process ?
kris baker
hi. do I need the premium version of wordpress or the business version in order to add google adsense????
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
Soul of Sneakers
Currently my blog is under free sub domain in wordpress…
Can i put ads in it or do i need to have a custom domain? means go for premium account?
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
Hi, I’m using, can I add adsense to my blog? I’m already approved but don’t know how to add it on my wordpress.
From what I learned you go to appearence, widget, then text and input your code in there and your able to drag it to where you want it like content bar or side bar etc. But my ad is a yellow block. I dont know what went wrong.
Did u get a reply? Did you get it to work?