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Adding a PayPal donate button in WordPress








無料のWordPress PayPal寄付プラグインを探しているなら、この方法をお勧めします。よりシンプルですが、できることが非常に限られています。

まず、Donations via PayPalプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化した後、Settings ” PayPal Donationsページで寄付ボタンを作成してください。



Add the email address for your PayPal account to the PayPal Donations plugin settings



Set the defaults for your PayPal donations

次に、寄付するPayPalボタンのスタイルを選択するか、カスタムボタン画像のURLを入力することができます。また、寄付する国と言語を変更することができます。初期設定はアメリカとUS Englishです。


Choose the style of donation button that you want to use on your site




Adding a shortcode block to your site to enter the PayPal Donations shortcode

設定の中に、ショートコード [paypal-donation]を追加する必要があります。これで変更を保存し、投稿やページをプレビューすることができます。


The Donate button on our demo website


WordPressダッシュボードから外観 ” ウィジェットページに移動します。その後、+ボタンをクリックし、サイドバーまたはフッターに’PayPal寄付’ウィジェットブロックを追加します。

Add donation button to sidebar



The Donate widget live in the sidebar on our demo website







注: WPFormsプラグインには無料版がありますが、PayPal決済を行うにはPro版以上が必要です。


有効化した後、WPForms ” 設定ページにアクセスしてライセンスキーを入力してください。この情報はWPFormsサイトのお客様のアカウントの下にあります。

Entering your WPForms license key on your site

次に、WPForms ” Addonsのページに移動します。ここで、PayPal Standardアドオンをインストールする必要があります。単にリストでそれを見つけ、その下にある’アドオンをインストール’ボタンをクリックします。


Installing the PayPal Standard addon in WPForms


WordPress 管理エリアのWPForms ” 新規追加ページにアクセスするだけで、フォームビルダーが起動します。


Select donation form template



Edit your form template


これを行うには、ボタンをクリックするか、フォームの設定 ” 一般タブを開きます。送信ボタンのテキスト’の下に、単にテキスト’寄付’を追加します。

Changing the text on the Submit button

次に、Payments ” PayPal Standardでフォームの支払いを設定します。

PayPal Standard決済を有効化」にチェックを入れ、PayPalのメールアドレスを入力するだけです。支払いタイプ」で「寄付」を選択します。

Enabling PayPal payments for your form in WPForms







Creating a WPForms block and selecting your form from the dropdown list



Viewing the completed donations form on the website




まず、PayPalアカウントにログインし、Pay & Get Paid ” PayPay Buttonsのページにアクセスしてください。

Selecting the PayPal Buttons menu option



Select the Donate button type



Following the on-screen steps to create the donation button


ボタン作成ウィザードの最終画面で、「Finish and Get Code」ボタンをクリックします。

Finish creating your donation button and get the code for it



Getting the shareable link for your new PayPal donate button



Adding an HTML block in the WordPress block editor


<a href="Your Shareable Link that you got from PayPal" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><img src="" alt="Click to Donate" /></a>


The PayPal button HTML code in the HTML block




Donate to WPBeginner






Click to Donate
<img src="" alt="Click to Donate" />


Click to Donate
<img src="" alt="Click to Donate" />


Click to Donate
<img src="" alt="Click to Donate" />


Click to Donate
<img src="" alt="Click to Donate" />


Click to Donate
<img src="" alt="Click to Donate" />


Click to Donate
<img src="" alt="Click to Donate" />


<a href="Your Sharable Link that you got from PayPal" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><img src="The Image URL" alt="Click to Donate" /></a>


あなたのサイトにPayPalの寄付ボタンを追加する最も簡単な方法として、PayPal Donationsプラグインをお勧めします。無料で、使い方はとても簡単です。


また、フル機能のWordPress寄付プラグインをお探しなら、WP Charitableの使用をお勧めします。WP Charitableは10,000以上の非営利団体で使用されており、募金キャンペーンを作成し、オンラインでPayPalによる寄付を受け付けています。


WP Charitableを使えば、最初の募金キャンペーンを5分以内に作成することができます。無制限の募金キャンペーン、簡単な寄付者管理、GDPR対応の寄付フォームなどを提供しています。

WP Charitableの無料版もあります。


  • PayPalで寄付を受け入れる– このプラグインはPayPalの公式パートナーによって所有されています。PayPalのすべての言語と通貨をサポートしています。
  • Seamless Donations– このプラグインはStripeとPayPalの両方に対応しています。


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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Dennis Muthomi says

    a huge thank you for this tutorial article. I’ve been on the hunt for a way to accept donations from my site, but all the other articles I found online were talking about using Stripe for processing donation transactions and it is not available in my country. It’s great to see this guide that focuses on PayPal, which is perfect for my needs.
    your instructions were super clear and easy to follow. Seriously, you guys are lifesavers.

  3. Jiří Vaněk says

    I have the option to donate on the website using the elementor button. There is a button directly for paypal. At the same time, I also have WP Forms in the full version. Is it ok if I do Paypal using WP Forms? The button in Elementor is basically just a classic button with a url that leads to the possibility of paying by Paypal directly to my account.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Yes, you are not required to use a specific method and if you wanted to you could even use multiple methods for different sections if you wanted.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      Apologies if it is not working for you, you may want to reach out to the plugin’s support with whatever error you are running into for them to take a look at it. We will also take a look at our article :)


  4. Robert says

    My blog is on so I attempted to follow your instructions to manually add a PayPal button. Your instructions state:

    “Start by logging in to your PayPal account, and click on the Tools menu item”

    I cannot find the Tools menu item on PayPal. Please can you advise.

  5. Vanessa says

    Thanks for all this info. I am not clear if I need a paid version of if I want to add a donations button. I probably won’t be selling anything, just hope for a few donations. Thanks for your help :)

      • Vanessa says

        I have set up a blog by following your very clear instructions….thank you very much!! I have gone to widgets to install a paypal donations button but there does not seem to be one there to choose. Have I made a mistake?? I chose the cheapest bluehost option. Have I done something wrong?

        Also, just so you know…..when I got nearly to the end of the bluehost procedure, having followed your link to get there, intending that you got the commission for my purchase, there was another pop-up offer, which offered even more discount. I clicked on this, so I hope you have not lost the commission. If so, it is a bit of a dirty trick, which may have robbed you of your commission. I hope not. Thanks for your great advice.

  6. martha rees says

    I like the idea of the video, but my version of wordpress doesn’t let me install plugins, and so that won’t work. When I tried with the email link, I got the message that ‘payment did not go through’. So I couldn’t put the button or a link on the page. Thanks

  7. Gandire says

    I can create the button image, but nothing happens when I click. I’m suspecting it wasn’t made clickable?

    • Haitham Alnaqeb says

      Did you use a plugin to create the click button? or did you copy it from PayPal itself? what is the source of the code did you use?

  8. Apata says

    Hello please engineer Sayed,
    I am worried as to how could I know or find the payment gateway that support my country Nigeria. I am still searching, but I have not found one.
    Please help me and recommend one to me.

  9. Mandy says

    I have been beating my head up against a brick wall for HOURS trying to fix the oversized, pixelated donate button in my wordpress site. I finally came across this article and it was just the fix!!!!! Thank you!!!

  10. jof says

    There is no “PayPal Donations” button in my self hosted WordPress.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

  11. Aims says

    Thanks for this post! It’s been most helpful. But how do you create code for the image when you personalise it? I have an image , now what?!

  12. Paul Mozina says

    I got the PayPal button to work on a post, np, thanks to you. Now, how do I add the PayPal button to my main sidebar?

  13. Jen Maffett says

    I pasted the code from Paypal into my WordPress page, post and project page and in each instance it appears when I switch back to Visual, but then when I publish the code gets stripped out and nothing appears on the actual page. When I go back to the editor the code has been erased or truncated. Is there something I can do to make it “stick”?

    I see that this happened to others in the comment string, but I didn’t see a solution mentioned.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Basically you just need the link from the PayPal under the Email section. This is a plain URL and the code just adds the link to a donate button image. You can download the donate button image from PayPal website and upload it in post editor. Right click on it and link it to your PayPal email URL.


    • Leon Zak says

      Having WP mess with the code after pasting has been a problem for me also. I finally found an acceptable way that so far seems to work.

      I found putting the PayPal code in a table is working for me. I can go back and forth from visual to text and the code stays the same. I put in table tags, then for my case I put in two rows with one column (td tag) in each. In the first row I’ve put some text for the what the button payment is for and then I put the PayPal code in the 2nd row.

      The only thing I notice is a light border shows up around the table. Putting the border = 0 in the table doesn’t remove it. I think the border is getting introduced elsewhere (I”m using Elegant Themes DIVI). I don’t mind the thin border in this application so I haven’t done much work trying to find how to remove it.

      To see what it looks like – the page is one of my clients at (take the spaces out, I didn’t want this to get tagged as spam)
      Hope this helps someone with the same problem.

  14. Lucy Barret says

    This post is pretty handy for me as I was about to add PayPal buttons on my clients site. Thansk…

  15. Wll says

    Make sure to watch that you put the URL within the ” ” brackets and hit refresh button on your site, worked fine for me

  16. D. says

    Hello, I visited paypal site today and noticed that it said to only use the donation button for a fundraising cause. It said to chose another option if you are not raising money for a cause. So are we no longer able to use donate buttons on our blogs if it is not for a cause? I was hoping to raise money to help finance my blog.

  17. leoo says

    the problem is that I am not seeing PayPal Donation Button , only other buttons like , buy , add card , subrscribe etc … donation isn’t :S please help me

  18. Shara says

    Hello. I have followed your instructions for adding the donate button to my side bar but it is not activated. When I click on the button nothing happens. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you so much!

  19. Tessa Rathsack says

    I know this is a super old post, but I just wanted to take a sec to thank you! I’ve been driving myself crazy trying to figure this simple thing out. I kept trying to copy/paste the “website” code into the widget, which obviously didn’t work. Thanks again!

  20. Ms. Kisha says

    I added the ‘donate’ button to a page on my site but it is not displaying correctly. It is huge and extremely pixelated. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thank you!

  21. Marcus says

    So, I want to add a “donate” button to my blog so that I may expand later and use the money to buy vB 5 or something of the kind.
    However, PayPal only allows non-profit organizations to use their donate feature from what I have seen.
    How do I solve this?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Sam says

      This may be a very old post but it’s still getting traffic so I thought I’d answer this. I also believed donate buttons were only for charities but that’s apparently not true. You can read more about it here:

      They do take a cut but I’m wondering what happens if you choose not to use the word “donate” and instead add the word near the regular icon? I just find it absurd that everyone wants a cut of what you’re attempting to get fundraising for.

  22. Rich Pickens says

    Thanks, the button shows up and works but there is some extra code showing either side of it. I replaced the code in blue in this string:

    for the 2 URL bits but didn’t know what I am supposed to put for the “_blank’ del and “nofollow” bits…I am guessing this is the issue the extra code is “” after it…

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  23. Rey says

    Hi there.. I’m trying to use my custom Donate button and replacing the default PayPal button, for some reason it’s not displaying correctly, the border appear but I have specified border=”0″. Also the image is shrink though I used width=”value” and height=”value”. Hope you can help, thanks much.

  24. soniya says

    i want to add paypal after login the user
    how can i add this
    plz help me
    i have text tyep member then opn a login page afetr login opn payapal process page
    how is it possible

  25. Kristin says

    Once my Donate button on my WordPress sidebar takes me to the PayPal donation page, my email address shows up as the default email in the “Log In To PayPal” box. Is there any way to leave the email box blank instead? I would prefer that my email address not show up.

  26. vivian says

    For some reason i only see 3 options under {choose a button type}: cart, now, and 3.subscription? I don’t see donation btn. Are they the same thing?

    • vivian says

      I just figured out paypal has different options for different countries. However, I have another question, How do you really use “Use my secure merchant account ID” to protect email address? Under “Merchant account IDs ” I chose this option “Use my secure merchant account ID” instead of “Use my primary email address xxxxx” for security purpose. After I Copy/paste the code and test out the donate btn, it took me to “pay with paypal page”, but i see my email displayed “huge” on the top left corner. I see some blogs have their logo display there instead of email address. How do I do that? I really don’t want junk mails. Thank you!!

  27. Nizam Khan says

    Wow! This is awesome and very useful info. It is easy to follow with this step by step process. Thanks a lot for sharing and tweeted :)

  28. Delany Martinez says

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was tearing my hair out before I had the good sense to Google how to get the button up there. You guys rock!

  29. Dan Taylor says

    You are the bomb. Just posted a Donate button in my wordpress sidebar, your tip worked the first time. Thanks a lot man, good looks.
    Half Green Records

  30. Jennifer says

    I’m trying to implement a donation code on my wordpress blog. When I press save after pasting the code into the text widget, the code instantly shortens and then nothing shows up. What am I doing wrong? Please help! :)

  31. Stephen says

    The “Donate” button is only to be used by charities and non-profit corporations. If you do other wise, PayPal will freeze your account. See their rules.

  32. Madison says

    Hi, I am having a problem with the code above. The code where you can post it on a page or post. I was trying to post my code on a page, and the image shows up,but it is not functioning. The image is the only thing that shows up the button does not work I copied the code and tried to link them together,but nothing is working. Am I doing the code right? Could I send you my code or something and maybe you or someone can fix it?

  33. Dave Stevens says

    The above code works. However, I am having a problem with using the PayPal return URL under the advance section. I have created a WP page to return with a thank you message. However, the PayPal return is sending the user back to the home page of the WP site. It has replace my with a return link code for the PayPal page that indicated that the donation has been made. Any idea how to get PayPal to send to the WP page that I want to show? Thanks

  34. Bet says

    I know you are mostly geared for bloggers, and this article focuses on donations for support. But I run a WP website for my business. What would be the best way for me to put a PayPal button on my site that would let my clients pay their invoices from me? Those might be all kinds of different amounts– how can the client enter the exact amount of their bill? I don’t see any option in PayPal for the user to enter an amount except in a “donation” button, and these are definitely not donations!

  35. Paulo says

    Thank you for this, I’d been meaning to add a donate button to my site for a while. Have it done now in less than 5 minutes. Cheers!

