ウェブページにアクセスしようとすると、「Page Not Found(ページが見つかりません)」というエラーが表示されるのはイライラするものです。これはあなたのブランドを傷つけ、訪問者は別のサイトに移動してしまうかもしれません。
WPBeginnerでは、リンク切れがユーザーエクスペリエンスとSEOに悪影響を及ぼすことを理解しています。そのため、All In One SEOを使用して、ユーザーを探しているコンテンツにリダイレクトしています。
誰かが移転したページへの古いリンクを使用してサイトを訪問した場合、301リダイレクトは自動的に新しいページに移動するので、404 ‘Page Not Found’ エラーが表示されることはありません。
この投稿では、All In One SEOやその他のツールを使用してWordPressで301リダイレクトを作成する方法を紹介します。
301リダイレクトを管理・作成する最もシンプルな方法は、All In One SEO(AIOSEO) WordPressプラグインを使用することです。WordPressのための最高のSEOプラグインであり、サイトのSEOを改善するために300万人以上の専門家に使用されています。
注:リダイレクトマネージャーを使用するには、AIOSEO Proが必要です。AIOSEOには無料版もありますが、301リダイレクトは含まれていません。
まず、あなたのサイトにAIOSEO Proプラグインをインストールし、設定する必要があります。詳細については、All In One SEOを正しく設定する方法のステップバイステップガイドを参照してください。
プラグインを有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードのAll In One SEO ” Redirectsに移動し、’Activate Redirects’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。
まず、’Source URL’ フィールドにリダイレクトしたいリンクを入力する必要があります。その後、’Target URL’ フィールドに新しいリンク先を入力します。
ここで、リダイレクトタイプが「301 Moved Permanently」であることを確認し、「Add Redirect」ボタンをクリックする。
次に、リダイレクトさせたい404エラーURLの横にある「Add Redirect」リンクをクリックします。これは一番下のボタンではありません。
新しいURLを入力し、リダイレクトタイプとして「301 Moved Permanently」を選択します。ここで「リダイレクトを追加」ボタンをクリックします。
ソースURLはあなたのために入力されています。ターゲットURL’フィールドに新しいURLを入力し、リダイレクトタイプドロップダウンメニューから’301 Moved Permanently’を選択するだけです。
いずれにせよ、「Add Redirect」ボタンをクリックすれば完了です。
有効化したら、Tools ” Redirectionにアクセスし、’Start Setup’ボタンをクリックします。
これらのオプションを有効化し、’Continue Setup’ボタンをクリックするだけです。
プラグインは自動的にRest APIをテストするようになります。
状態が「Good」になったら、「Finish Setup」ボタンをクリックします。
リダイレクトプラグインはセットアップを完了するためにさらにいくつかのタスクを実行します。プログレスバーが100%になったら、’Continue’ボタンをクリックし、’Ready to Begin’ボタンをクリックしてください。
プラグインは301リダイレクトを作成する準備ができました。始めるには、WordPressパネルのツール ” リダイレクトセクションに移動します。画面の下にある「新規リダイレクトの追加」セクションを見てください。
古いページのソースURLを入力し、リダイレクトしたい「ターゲットURL」を追加するだけです。HTTPコードオプションが「301 – Moved Permanently」に設定されていることも確認してください。
すべて入力したら、「Add Redirect」ボタンをクリックします。
方法3:Simple 301 Redirectsプラグインで301リダイレクトを作成する
301リダイレクトを作成する最も簡単な方法のひとつに、Simple 301 Redirectsプラグインがあります。その名の通り、301リダイレクトをとてもシンプルにしてくれます。
その後、設定 ” 301リダイレクトにアクセスする必要があります。Request’フィールドに古いURLを、’Destination’フィールドにターゲットURLを入力します。
サイトのフィードにある投稿や、あるページがあなたのサイトにある方法で掲載されているにもかかわらず、そのコンテンツを別の場所にホスティングしておきたい場合があります。そんなときに便利なのが、Page Links Toプラグインです。
例えば、ダウンロード可能なコンテンツを時折作成するブログを持っているが、オンラインストアサイトのユーザーには特定の投稿を商品として見てもらいたいとします。このプラグインを使えば、GoogleからDuplicate Contentのペナルティを受けたり、ユーザーベースを分断したりするリスクを負うことなく、それを実現することができる。
.htaccessのコードにちょっとしたミスがあると、WordPressサイトにアクセスできなくなり、Internal Server Errorが表示されることがありますので、ご注意ください。
All In One SEOプラグインを使って.htaccessファイルを編集する
All In One SEOプラグインをインストールしていれば、.htaccessファイルを簡単に編集することができます。
注:.htaccessエディターを使用するには、 All In One SEO Proが必要です。
All In One SEO ” Toolsページにアクセスし、’.htaccessエディター’ タブに切り替えるだけです。
ここから、エディターに.htaccessファイルのコンテンツが表示されます。リダイレクトコードを追加したい場合は、’# END WordPress’行の後に追加してください。
RewriteEngine On
Redirect 301 /a-very-old-post/ http://yoursite.com/a-very-new-post/
旧投稿URLと新投稿URLの変更を忘れないでください。完了したら、「変更を保存」ボタンをクリックして設定を保存し、All In One SEOが.htaccessファイルを更新します。
以下のリダイレクトコードを使用すると、古い投稿にアクセスしたユーザーを新しい投稿に移動させることができます。このコードは、.htaccessファイルの最後、「# END WordPress」行の後に貼り付けてください。
RewriteEngine On
Redirect 301 /a-very-old-post/ http://yoursite.com/a-very-new-post/
例えば、.htaccessは、SiteGroundのファイルマネージャーで、サイトツール “ サイト “ ファイルマネージャーと進み、サイトの/public_html/フォルダーにナビゲーションすることで見つけることができます。
WordPress でリダイレクトを作成するための初心者向けガイドが、あなたのサイトのリダイレクト設定のお役に立てば幸いです。WordPress でページや URL をリダイレクトする方法や、WordPress のエキスパートが選ぶ最高のリダイレクトプラグインもご覧ください。
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Nick Grainger
Hi, thanks for the helpful article above.
I have switched the permalink format from plain to post, and used the AISEO Pro Redirect function to redirect to the new page URLs. That all seems to be working fine – but now I can’t edit the pages. The system seems to be looking for the original plain format page address to edit. Help!
Thanks in advance for your advice. Nick
WPBeginner Support
The WordPress editor uses the Post ID so changing the permalinks should not affect the editor. Please be sure to clear any caching and if you’re on a localhost installation, ensure you have mod_rewrite enabled in the tool you are using.
what should I do with the original page after redirecting? Is it better to delete or unpublished?
WPBeginner Comments
As long as proper redirects are in place, you could choose to delete the page if you are certain you no longer need it.
However, sometimes it can be a good idea to turn it into a draft in case you need to reference it later.
Lori Michelle
So I am just trying to understand. We have a wordpress website oldname.com. We rebranded the company and would love to use newname.com, but don’t want to lose any hyperlinks floating out in the world. Can I use the 301 redirect for the whole website on this website? Am I making sense? Help!!!
WPBeginner Support
To change your site’s domain we would recommend taking a look at our article below!
So I do need to set it up somewhere else, I can’t just change the website URL name and 301 it that way, is that correct?
WPBeginner Support
If you are setting it up on the same hosting provider then you would be able to go to the 301 redirect step as long as you set up the site on the new domain.
What if you want to redirect a few specific blog posts to a new domain? For example: example.com/blog/hello-world to newsite.com/blog/hello-word. BUT, you don’t need to redirect ALL the old blog content. Just a few specific URLs?
WPBeginner Support
If you wanted it to go to a completely new URL, you would want to place the full URL in the target URL field.
Donald McKenzie
If I remove comments from my blog, do I need a redirect for the material that was removed. Not the post, just the comments.
WPBeginner Support
No, you shouldn’t need to create redirects for comments that were removed.
Donald McKenzie
Thank you very much for getting back to me.
WPBeginner Support
Glad we could be helpful
Hi, I have a post that I want to delete however after deleting it I plan on redirecting it to a page. Is this okay?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, you can do that, as long as you have the correct URL for your redirect it should be fine
What about the opposite situation which is redirecting a deleted page to a post?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, it works in both directions as long as you redirect the correct URLs.
I actually don’t have any problems while doing redirects, however, I have more than 50 redirects and plan to do more. Does this cause a problem as I also need to delete categories and some posts?
Is there a way I can schedule a redirect?
Is there a way to bulk upload redirects via a csv file? It would be handy
WPBeginner Support
The plugin has an option to import via CSV
i have made redirection with plugin “Redirection”then i deleted the redirection item from Redirection’s setting ,but i want to get it back the same what should i do
WPBeginner Support
The simplest method would be to recreate the redirect rather than attempting to restore it.
I have transfer my site from a domain to a brand new domain. how can I do the 301 redirect without entering address by address?
I mean I want to define something like this : all URLs of example.com goes to example.net for example.
thank you so much in advance.
WPBeginner Support
You would want to take a look at the redirect in our article below:
I have the redirects set up and working great, but I have a question about finding and replacing all these redirected urls.
Is there a way to find/replace them across your complete Wordpress site? Not just within the Wordpress database, but also within personal HTML code, and urls within tables using TablePress added to the website.
I’m looking for a global find/replace solution, is there one?
WPBeginner Support
You could either use an analytics tool to find where the link is on your site or you could take a look at a plugin from our previous article below:
Is there any chance I can implement 301 in free WordPress.com? It says I’m not allowed to install plugins. Only if I’m on business plan. And I want to migrate to WordPress.org
WPBeginner Support
For moving your site from WordPress.com to org you would want to go through our guide below: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-properly-move-your-blog-from-wordpress-com-to-wordpress-org/
Farukh Hussain
I have done a redirect some time ago using ‘Redirection’ plugin.
But now I cant find that url in the plugin. Even there is no code for that url in htaccess file too.
I want to disable that redirect now. Is there any way to do this? Pls help?
WPBeginner Support
If the redirect is not in the plugin, you would want to check your htaccess file or reach out to your hosting provider for their assistance with finding the redirect.
If I’m redirecting several web pages (not posts), do I make duplicates of the code you showed above (both lines 1 and 2) for each of the new page I am redirecting? And do I keep copying those codes at the bottom of the .htaccess file?
I read another article that suggests adding redirection codes in the functions.php file in the theme folder. The code is long and seems complicated. But I wonder, which option is more efficient — editing the .htaccess or editing the functions.php?
WPBeginner Support
You would add a new version of the second line of code, you only need the first line once. For where the redirect happens it is personal preference on which method is best.
Apparently my site has a 301 redirect on it, but I cannot discover where this is, nor what it is redirecting. There is nothing in the htaccess file. The site was originally built using a different name on localhost, and all the urls were changed to become the new domain name. Could this be the problem? How do I track down where the 301 is because it is causing problems with the SSL certificate. Thanks
WPBeginner Support
Updating the urls shouldn’t be an issue if they were updated correctly. If you reach out to your hosting provider they should be able to help you find what is causing the redirect.
I can’t thank you enough for this simple guide as I’ve always been told to not touch redirects unless you know what you’re doing, so my seo suffered a bit because I ended up not doing anything. Fact is, I know enough and can follow instructions if they’re not written for developers and I don’t have to rely on a plugin that may cause problems later ‘cause they all do at some point, right? Thank you. This link is going in my toolbox to share with others having the same problem.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our guide could be helpful for you and anyone you share it with
I used the method in the video, but my site still has Uncategorized listed at the top and the side. I tried to find the third part of the video about changing the 301 redirect links in my settings, but it is not there. However, when I click on Uncategorized it changes to general, but when I visit my site again or refresh it is back to Uncategorized. The plugin for redirects said it was compatible with my theme. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
WPBeginner Support
It sounds like you’re trying to remove the uncategorized category from your site. If that’s the case you would want to take a look at our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/rename-the-uncategorized-category/
Hey there! thank you for the helpful info! I am wondering does this plugin work for a change of domain on my blog? I recently changed my domain and read that it is very important to implement a 301 redirect in order to not lose rankings and exposure. Would this do the trick? If so, would I put my old domain in the source line and the new domain in the target line?
Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
You would want to take a look at steps 4 and 5 in our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-properly-move-wordpress-to-a-new-domain-without-losing-seo/
Can I use “page links to” and “redirection” one the same site?
They seem like they serve different needs, but I have seen warnings that you shouldn’t use more than one redirection plugin at a time. True?
I like redirection features, but I like having something on the “edit post” view that I can use to set up a redirect (e.g., teaser/excerpt linking out to a landing page or to another site). Thanks!
WPBeginner Support
We would not recommend using the two plugins at the same time to prevent any conflicts between the two, you could check with the plugin authors for if there is a recommended method for the two plugins to work together.
I migrated a WP website to a new domain and set up a redirect from the old domain to the new one within cPanel. The redirects are nearly instantaneous (that’s good, right?) but I’d like to delay them for a few seconds, long enough to display a screen on the old homepage explaining why they’re being redirected.
I’m not a programmer. Is there a plugin that will allow me to adjust the time before the redirect occurs? TIA
WPBeginner Support
Unless I hear otherwise, we do not have a simple method we would recommend to set that up sadly.
A great post by the way.
I have numerous pages which have been redirected to new urls, I have updated all page link urls to the new urls, so no broken links on front end.
My question is after a few months is it safe to delete any redirects which were created?
Many thanks.
WPBeginner Support
If there are no references to the broken links you could remove the redirects, otherwise it may be best to keep the redirects active.
Hi, I have been using the redirection plugin for a while now trying to sort my old posts out from when I first started ( the permalinks were awful )
What I have been doing is creating another post with a better permalink and copy and pasting the content from the old URL to the new one and then 301 redirecting them.
After reading this post I’m starting to think that I don’t need to create a completely new post but just change the permalink on the old one and redirect it like that, Am I Correct?
If so, can I delete all the old duplicate posts from before or should I leave them as they are?
Thanks if you can help
WPBeginner Support
Correct you can modify the permalink and redirect without the need for the old post to be active. As long as the redirects are in place you can remove the old posts if you wanted.
So just to clarify, I can delete the old posts that I copied and pasted into a new one and redirected the URL, and that all I have to do is to modify the permalink and not copy and paste the whole URL into a different post but just redirect the old permalink to the new one?
Thanks so much for replying to me, you have saved me so much time if that’s the case
WPBeginner Support
Correct, glad we could help
Damion Mower
Once I have set up the redirect, what do I do with the original post, delete it?
WPBeginner Support
While not required, most people do that if they no longer want the old post.
Focussed Events
Thank you this is just what I was looking for!
WPBeginner Support
Glad we could provide the answer you were looking for
After setting a redirection can I trash the page?
WPBeginner Support
Yes you can
Wilbert Beltran
Hi, I recently duplicated a site. Let’s say the original site’s url is original.com and I created a subdomain http:testsite.orginal.com where the duplicate site is located. Now, the question is how do I do the redirection with this kind of setup. I want to make the site at original.com to be the main site.
WPBeginner Support
For moving your site from a subdomain, you would want to take a look at our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-properly-move-wordpress-from-subdomain-to-root-domain/
Hi – thank you for this! Love you guys. I downloaded the plugin and have redirected some pages. Can you tell me if I should redirect mysite.com to miresite.com/ – how do I do that? somewhere along the line the “/” fell away. There were 4 different redirect plugins on the WP site I am working on for a client and the site crashed last week – I deactivated them all and installed this one – all is good except for the/ thing. Am I even asking a logical question?
WPBeginner Support
You shouldn’t need to worry about redirecting the site to an address with a / at the end
Hi – I have now discovered that my page mydomian.com/ is being redirected to mydomain.com – without the /
I don’t know where this happened or how except from possibly one of the plugins I downloaded?? It is a 301 and I do not know now if this has damaged anything? All the search results show the address with the /. but when the result is clicked it go to the non /. please can you help or send me to somewhere that can help of fix
WPBeginner Support
You would first want to take a look at your plugins if any of them are designed for redirects you would want to see if that is set there. If none of those are causing the redirect you would want to see if the redirect is created in your htaccess file or under Settings>General if the address was changed there.
Great, thank you, I went with the .htaccess redirect, exactly what I was looking for.
WPBeginner Support
Glad we could help
does this work the same for 302 redirects in an htaccess file? A client has asked to 302 redirect around 800 urls from a wordpress site to a Wix site. There are moments when it all operates fine, then we get several 404’s. Not sure if it’s because there are way too many urls or if we are overlooking something?
WPBeginner Support
The htaccess method would work for 302 redirects if you changed the number to 302. 302 redirects are temporary which could be part of your problem as well as your caching.
Md firoz ahmed
I have a WordPress site. I face some problem. I am using the woo commerce plugin. Woocommerce site automatically added product category page in my permalinks as- google.com/product-category/up/this-is-my-page. I want to redirect this link like- google.com/this-is-my-page. how can i solve this? any help
WPBeginner Support
For editing WooCommerce’s permalinks, you would want to check under Settings>Permalinks to modify them. If you take a look at WooCommerce’s documentation they explain more in depth.
Daniel Akinyele
Hi, Wp beginnger, if you could help me i will be do happy, I used the Htacces code and it worked perfectly. But i want My Media Files to redirect to itself,
So is there a code to stop The d=redirection in Wp-contents Folder..pls help me my Website is Dieing
Great Information helps me to get out of a serious issue
Michael Wright
Thanks for this! I needed the Redirect plugin. Didn’t know it was a thing
Emmanuel Ekanem
Hello, does this redirection works for a URL complete change?
For example, I’m using olddomain.com and I bought newdomain.com, and want to redirect olddomain.com to open up newdomain.com.
Any help on that??
WPBeginner Support
Hi Emmanuel,
If you do that on your old website, then you will not be able to access it as the plugin will redirect you and your users to new domain name.
Emmanuel Ekanem
Oops, so how can I achieve this?
WPBeginner Support
You can do that by adding the following code to the .htaccess file on your old site.
1-click Use in WordPress
How can I redirect a single homepage to another domain but the rest of the pages from my redirected domain won’t be affected?/
Lovelyn Montepop
Thank you for this guide. Helped me a lot for a client’s request.
I have a subdomain for affiliate store. I want to know how to redirect from my site page to subdomain page. Please help.
Thank You so so much! I have been blogging for about 8 months and have worked so hard to build my Pinterest account. It is where almost all my traffic comes from. A month ago I changed over to https and I didn’t realize until last night that none of my pins were redirecting to the https. I just fixed it all thanks to you!
thanks for the information. i have small doubt how can i redirect old post to new post without loss of comments. i mean i need previous comments
Thank you so much. I spent so many hours looking for this and finally got the answer here.
Just FYI – the screenshots are out of date I think. Under Add New Redirection, I just see Source/Target URL and Group.
Hi, I am trying to find a way to redirect to a single page similar to a 404 when a user enters a non-existent subdomain. for example if they mash the keyboard or make a typo when keying in the domain. I want to get rid of the standard wordpress ‘No Results Found…The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post.’
Can someone point me to the solution of this problem? Or what this is called so I can try find the solution? All I’m getting is results about making my multisite a single url…
Thank you!
Abdul Rehman
I only want to redirect when a visitor to my website clicks on an external link from my website. For example, if you were to click on a product from my page it would then redirect you first to a “You are being redirected” page, then off to the affiliate’s website.
I have been spending hours trying to do this. Please help. At this point I just want to know if it is possible with any wp plugin or any other workaround and if so how to do it.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Abdul Rehman,
It is certainly possible, but we are not aware of a plugin that does it.
Udi Burg
Is there a way to redirect using htaccess and that it will be opened in a new tab?