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ウェブページにアクセスしようとすると、「Page Not Found(ページが見つかりません)」というエラーが表示されるのはイライラするものです。これはあなたのブランドを傷つけ、訪問者は別のサイトに移動してしまうかもしれません。

WPBeginnerでは、リンク切れがユーザーエクスペリエンスとSEOに悪影響を及ぼすことを理解しています。そのため、All In One SEOを使用して、ユーザーを探しているコンテンツにリダイレクトしています。

誰かが移転したページへの古いリンクを使用してサイトを訪問した場合、301リダイレクトは自動的に新しいページに移動するので、404 ‘Page Not Found’ エラーが表示されることはありません。

この投稿では、All In One SEOやその他のツールを使用してWordPressで301リダイレクトを作成する方法を紹介します。

Beginner’s Guide to Creating 301 Redirects in WordPress










404 Page Example






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301リダイレクトを管理・作成する最もシンプルな方法は、All In One SEO(AIOSEO) WordPressプラグインを使用することです。WordPressのための最高のSEOプラグインであり、サイトのSEOを改善するために300万人以上の専門家に使用されています。


注:リダイレクトマネージャーを使用するには、AIOSEO Proが必要です。AIOSEOには無料版もありますが、301リダイレクトは含まれていません。

まず、あなたのサイトにAIOSEO Proプラグインをインストールし、設定する必要があります。詳細については、All In One SEOを正しく設定する方法のステップバイステップガイドを参照してください。

プラグインを有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードのAll In One SEO ” Redirectsに移動し、’Activate Redirects’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Activate AIOSEO Redirects



Select the Redirect Method




まず、’Source URL’ フィールドにリダイレクトしたいリンクを入力する必要があります。その後、’Target URL’ フィールドに新しいリンク先を入力します。

Enter Source URL and Target URL

ここで、リダイレクトタイプが「301 Moved Permanently」であることを確認し、「Add Redirect」ボタンをクリックする。



View Redirect Logs in AIOSEO





Enable 404 Logs



404 Logs Under Redirects


次に、リダイレクトさせたい404エラーURLの横にある「Add Redirect」リンクをクリックします。これは一番下のボタンではありません。


Redirecting a 404 Error Using AIOSEO

新しいURLを入力し、リダイレクトタイプとして「301 Moved Permanently」を選択します。ここで「リダイレクトを追加」ボタンをクリックします。





Redirect a Post From the WordPress Editor

ソースURLはあなたのために入力されています。ターゲットURL’フィールドに新しいURLを入力し、リダイレクトタイプドロップダウンメニューから’301 Moved Permanently’を選択するだけです。


いずれにせよ、「Add Redirect」ボタンをクリックすれば完了です。




AIOSEO Full Site Redirect







有効化したら、Tools ” Redirectionにアクセスし、’Start Setup’ボタンをクリックします。

 Start Setup of Redirection Plugin


これらのオプションを有効化し、’Continue Setup’ボタンをクリックするだけです。

Basic Setup Redirection Plugin

プラグインは自動的にRest APIをテストするようになります。

状態が「Good」になったら、「Finish Setup」ボタンをクリックします。

Rest API Test in Redirection

リダイレクトプラグインはセットアップを完了するためにさらにいくつかのタスクを実行します。プログレスバーが100%になったら、’Continue’ボタンをクリックし、’Ready to Begin’ボタンをクリックしてください。

プラグインは301リダイレクトを作成する準備ができました。始めるには、WordPressパネルのツール ” リダイレクトセクションに移動します。画面の下にある「新規リダイレクトの追加」セクションを見てください。

Add a New Redirection at the Bottom of the Screen


古いページのソースURLを入力し、リダイレクトしたい「ターゲットURL」を追加するだけです。HTTPコードオプションが「301 – Moved Permanently」に設定されていることも確認してください。

Add New Redirection to Your Website

すべて入力したら、「Add Redirect」ボタンをクリックします。

方法3:Simple 301 Redirectsプラグインで301リダイレクトを作成する

301リダイレクトを作成する最も簡単な方法のひとつに、Simple 301 Redirectsプラグインがあります。その名の通り、301リダイレクトをとてもシンプルにしてくれます。


その後、設定 ” 301リダイレクトにアクセスする必要があります。Request’フィールドに古いURLを、’Destination’フィールドにターゲットURLを入力します。

Simple 301 Redirects



サイトのフィードにある投稿や、あるページがあなたのサイトにある方法で掲載されているにもかかわらず、そのコンテンツを別の場所にホスティングしておきたい場合があります。そんなときに便利なのが、Page Links Toプラグインです。


Page Links To in WordPress Editor


例えば、ダウンロード可能なコンテンツを時折作成するブログを持っているが、オンラインストアサイトのユーザーには特定の投稿を商品として見てもらいたいとします。このプラグインを使えば、GoogleからDuplicate Contentのペナルティを受けたり、ユーザーベースを分断したりするリスクを負うことなく、それを実現することができる。



.htaccessのコードにちょっとしたミスがあると、WordPressサイトにアクセスできなくなり、Internal Server Errorが表示されることがありますので、ご注意ください。


All In One SEOプラグインを使って.htaccessファイルを編集する

All In One SEOプラグインをインストールしていれば、.htaccessファイルを簡単に編集することができます。

注:.htaccessエディターを使用するには、 All In One SEO Proが必要です。

All In One SEO ” Toolsページにアクセスし、’.htaccessエディター’ タブに切り替えるだけです。

Editing .htaccess File Using All in One SEO

ここから、エディターに.htaccessファイルのコンテンツが表示されます。リダイレクトコードを追加したい場合は、’# END WordPress’行の後に追加してください。


RewriteEngine On
Redirect 301 /a-very-old-post/

旧投稿URLと新投稿URLの変更を忘れないでください。完了したら、「変更を保存」ボタンをクリックして設定を保存し、All In One SEOが.htaccessファイルを更新します。






以下のリダイレクトコードを使用すると、古い投稿にアクセスしたユーザーを新しい投稿に移動させることができます。このコードは、.htaccessファイルの最後、「# END WordPress」行の後に貼り付けてください。

RewriteEngine On
Redirect 301 /a-very-old-post/



Edit .htaccess File


例えば、.htaccessは、SiteGroundのファイルマネージャーで、サイトツール “ サイト “ ファイルマネージャーと進み、サイトの/public_html/フォルダーにナビゲーションすることで見つけることができます。

SiteGround File Manager in Site Tools



Editing your htaccess using SiteGround's file manager

WordPress でリダイレクトを作成するための初心者向けガイドが、あなたのサイトのリダイレクト設定のお役に立てば幸いです。WordPress でページや URL をリダイレクトする方法や、WordPress のエキスパートが選ぶ最高のリダイレクトプラグインもご覧ください。

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Reader Interactions

162件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Laura


    Is it possible to make a redirect from the wix platform to wordpress?

  2. Hafiz Mateen Afzal

    Which plugin is best to create referrel links like:


  3. cipriana leme

    How do I redirect from a wordpress blog (free) to a .com blog? I cannot install plugins in the free blog, so how could I do the redirect? Any advice?
    Thanks in advance

  4. Hannah

    Hello! I just created a website on and imported all of my content from my old site, (using Is there a way to redirect all of the content from that site to my new one? The redirect instructions provided by WordPress gave me an error that the domain already exists, probably because it thought I was trying to create a new domain on

    My website traffic before is pretty minimal, so if anyone clicks on previous blog posts on my social channels, they’d be taken to the shut down version of my old site without the redirects – not the end of the world because I don’t have the following that would generate clicks at a later date, but you never know?

    Any advice anyone has would be great!



  5. Senith Nal

    your lesson is very helpful. i like it.

  6. Shakoat Hossain

    Brilliant solution to reduce redirects for worpress!

    For a few days, I’m looking to solve my WP redirects issues. I don’t find out better solution even read this content.

    Here, I got few good points and try to reduce redirect to increase my page load speed.

    Thanks! :)

  7. Roshni Kanchan

    Please can you tell me – in the simple 301 redirect in the request URL column does wordpress / plugin take it as starting from http or https? Form where does it pick up this value?

    Thanks for the article. It was useful. However the redirects using 301 redirect plugin is not working and landing on ‘Page does not exist’ page.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Roshni,

      It uses your WordPress Site Address as defined in WordPress Settings > General page.


  8. Nalin


    If I want to change the url structure of my posts, even then redirection is necessary? Isn’t that already taken care of in WP?

    Also if I don’t redirect, will it be harmful for seo or search engines can figure out WP’s automatic redirection?

  9. Melissa

    Very helpful. Thank you for the tip. Thank you for making it so simple.


  10. Walter A.

    Thanks so much, I would’ve spent so much time doing it the long way. So happy Redirection worked instantly after install.

  11. Cristian Adam

    Hi Wpbeginner, I have a question about 301 permanent redirect and your advice will be great. I have an website about snoring and on that website are 2 related articles, 1 of them ranks for a lot of kws position 2-10 ( article A) and the other one just for 4-5 kws position 1-3 (article B). Both articles are on first google page and I want to permanent redirect the article B to A. Also on my website are some articles that point to article B and I want them to point to article A using same anchor texts. Now my question: Does this changes will pass the juice to article B to A and it will increase the article A rankings? And if I do this changes should I delete article B and reuse the content on other websites? Thank you very much for your time I will wait your answer, please excuse my bad english.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Christian,

      A 301 redirect will pass the link juice to new article. However, other search ranking factors would also apply to the new article, like relevance, context, keyword density, and more. Search engines may not find it relevant for the old keywords.


  12. Raj

    Hi WP beginner team,

    A quick question.

    Last year, when we changed URLs, WordPress was automatically redirecting Old urls to new urls.

    But after a recent wordpress core update, the automatic redirection is not happening.

    Would you be able to explain? Or am I missing anything

  13. Adebowale Adewale

    I am changing the domain of a wordpress website to . I tried several 301 redirect rules in .htaccess , only the homepage redirects.
    Please, assist me on the right code.

    I have tried each seperately :

    # BEGIN WordPress
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
    # END WordPress


    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301,NC]

    None is working for me.

    • Adebowale Adewale

      Thank you so much! I am very grateful.

  14. Shubham Davey

    Do I need to own the domain while redirecting? My Domain is getting expired on 31st July and I will be redirecting to a new domain. So while it is redirected do I need to own the domain after 31st?

  15. christian

    I have over 850 old post which I recently deleted on my site due to some reasons. I want to ask if there is an easy and automated way to redirect all the old post to just one post. The methods you listed are easy to do if you are trying to redirect 1 or 2 posts. pls, help me. Your reply is important.

    • christian

      Is my question not also important? pls, your reply will be very appreciated. I need this.

    • Haitham Alnaqeb

      You can try the permanent redirection methods from the cPanel. You can redirect all your 404 error into particular page.

  16. Harmony A-E

    Can I redirect my wp-login to a 401 (unauthorized) page using this plugin?

  17. Ahu

    Hi, this is a very helpful post thank you, but it seems like the instructions are for redirects from WP to WP.

    I am moving my website from WordPress to New Kajabi platform.

    I have around 250 post/pages in WP to 301 redirect to my new kajabi site.
    My domain name will be the same but the url structures and names of the posts/pages will be different.

    Would the tools you recommend still work in my case? If yes, how?
    I would appreciate your urgent reply, Thank you

  18. Zoltan

    One thing I’m not clear about. Actually 2 things. 1 – Do I do the redirect on my new site or my old site. 2 – Where do I get a full list of my web pages from the old site?

  19. Lokesh thota

    Hi. I have a WordPress website with 100 posts. But most of the backlinks are to the post rather than to the homepage. Does any of the methods above redirect all the posts to the new URL also. I want a 301 redirect to my new domain from only one URL.not all the 90 URLs.but at the same time I don’t want to lose link juice from those posts. Please specify a way to first redirect all the old posts to old homepage then redirect the old homepage to new URL.

  20. Ado

    Hi, thanks for this info, very helpful.
    So I decided to use the Simple 301 Redirects plugin… but did something REALLY dumb….
    My wordpress site is still located in a subdirectory, with the Site address set to the main url (so WordPress Address URL is and Site Address URL is and .htaccess file updated)
    There were some google search results showing the subdirectory address, so I installed the plugin and set a redirect with a wildcard for the subdirectory (obviously wasn’t thinking very well) and so now I can’t get in to the WP admin (as it’s in the subdirectory!!)
    Is there a way to undo the redirects somehow? If I uninstall the plugin via FTP is it going to break the website???
    Silly me….

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Ado,

      First you need to deactivate plugin. After that you need to delete the .htaccess file in your site’s root folder. You will be able to login to your WordPress site. Once logged in you will need to regenerate .htaccess file. Simply visit Settings » Permalinks and then click on the save changes button without changing anything.


  21. Fumio Mori

    can i use request url with variable?

  22. Jennifer

    Could not have been easier! Thank you

  23. Philemon O'Arpelleh

    Please, I changed the permalink of my WordPress site from to and ALL my previous posts are affected.

    Please help me on how to setup a onetime redirection for ALL posts.
    Thank you.

  24. Mark

    What is the best way to redirct adress like that: to normal web page. Tha it not normal wordpress page or post but is ranking on some keywoords and i would like to redirect to specyfic wordpres page. WHAT metod redirection should i use ? In that case simple 301 edirect plugin not work for me.


  25. Chrissy

    I have what may be a silly question. I have a site that is not a WordPress site (it’s using Shopify right now) and I am recreating the site on a new URL in WordPress. Will the redirect plugins still work to direct the old (Shopify) links to the New (WordPress) ones?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Chrissy,

      WordPress plugins will be installed on your WordPress site. They can redirect users to correct post/page/product once the user reaches your website. You will have to redirect Shopify visitors to your WordPress site, and then redirect plugins take it from there.


  26. Thom Duncan

    I’m able to create a redirect using the Redirection plug-in, but with this problem:

    /old/ to /new/ works fine, but

    /old to /new/ picks up pages that I do not want to redirect, such as
    /old-2016 which then points to the non-existent /new/-2016.

  27. Charles D. Shell

    I have an annoying problem. My site had the default settings for the blog posts, so I set up redirects and changed it to the %postname% option. Unfortunately, when I do that, my home (blog) page disappears. I’ve been chasing this problem for a while. Do you have a video with a solution? Or at least a way to point me in the right direction?

      • Charles D. Shell

        When I change the permalink structure on the dashboard to %postname%, my home page disappears. Or rather all blog posts and widgets disappear. All that’s left is a 404 error message.

        All the redirects on all the pages work fine, but I can’t seem to get the home page to stick around.

  28. Yeshna

    I want to redirect my site form to Is there any other way to redirect for free?

    By the way,are those plugins free?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Yeshna,

      Unfortunately, you will have purchase the redirect service from to redirect your old blog traffic to your new blog.


  29. Steve

    I want to redirect my current live wordpress site (hosted by Hostgator) to a new domain name that I just bought from Godaddy. My questions are: 1) does my new domain name need to be hosted by HG in order to have my live site redirect to the new domain name. 2) does the new domain site need to have content already?

    Thank you for your help.

  30. Aleen

    Is there a way to do bulk redirects with one of these plugins? I want to update my permalinks to exclude the date, but don’t want to have to manually redirect 200+ posts. Please help!

    Also, thanks for all of your great articles. You are great at putting them in non-technical terms.

  31. nelson

    i want to know if this could be done. have a user that had a site working, after i installed wordpress they wanted to change to wordpress so i created them a space and a site that calls wordpress/newsite.

    now i want:
    when typing my.old.url/site the information that comes out should be worpress/newsite

    could this be possible whith the redirect.

  32. Aslam Khan

    I have deleted some of my posts from my website earlier.
    Now, I am getting not found errors for those pages as expected.
    I tried to redirect old URLs using a method provided by my hosting provider. But those redirects are not working.
    I want to ask, if I use .htaccess redirects and keep previous redirects setup on hosting provider, can it cause any problems?
    I need expert advice.

  33. Laura

    Ok, I am not sure why the .htaccess method is not working for me. I would like to avoid installing any more plugins on the client’s site. They have too many already for my liking. I’ve used your instructions because what I’ve used for redirect in the past didn’t seem to be working on her site for some reason. But this isn’t either. Not sure what the problem is. Have you run into this before? I’ve flushed the Permalinks, but am still getting a 404 when I try to go to the old URL I’ve rewritten.

    • Martin

      I am having the ame problem here. It’s still not redirecting.

    • Rhys Clay

      @Aslam & @Laura,

      One little got ya with 301’s and wordpress via the .htaccess file is that you need to place your redirects between:
      RewriteEngine On

      RewriteBase /

      This is because wordpress has its own mods to the htaccess file to apply and changes the RewriteBase setting which I think causes problems with regular ol 301 redirects on shared hosting.

  34. Mauro

    Now how wpbeginner chooses to do redirection on the site? .htaccess, Redirections plugins, or what?


  35. Jagdeep Singh

    I installed this plugin it’s coming under “Setting” tab rather than “Tool” option.

  36. Mike

    Thank you very much for the tip on 301 Redirects plugin, works like a charm!

  37. Sumit

    I think in wordpress, there is no need to set redirection when changing slug of the post. It is done automatically. Right ?

    • Laura

      If someone has bookmarked the old URL, for instance, or if the search engines have indexed the old URL and are still serving it in search results, you need to have a redirect in place so you aren’t losing traffic.

  38. Allahlea

    I research everywhere and I want to confirm what I learned.

    I want to redirect my site form to There is no other way to redirect but to pay for site redirect. Right? Is there any other option?

    If there is no other way, can I redirect every single post for free? if there is HOW?

    • Kelly

      ALLAHLEA, did you find an answer to this question? I want to know the same thing.

  39. SK

    Thank you very much. You saved my day. I need this post to redirect all my old posts to new posts. I have a question though. I just forwarded the old post to the new updated post, but I didn’t delete the old post contents. My old and new post have the same contents, but I redirected the old post to new post. Should I delete the contents of the old article to avoid plagiarism issues? Does it affect my SEO? Thanks again for this valuable post.

    • WPBeginner Support

      No it is alright. Search engines understand that site-owners may want to redirect URLs for other reasons too.


  40. Aditya Mankad

    How I can have a redirect on a free wordpress account. I am pretty sure I cannot add a plug-in.

    Is it possible or if not; another way to redirect the users to my new page (which is NOT a free hosting)

    P.S gave the info about the new site as not free hosting because maybe something can be done about it.

  41. Danny Flood

    Thanks for this, but nothing is working for me. I have tried 3 different plugins – Quick Page / Post Redirect, Simple 301 Redirects, and Redirection. The only thing they are able to accomplish is redirect me when I am logged in to WP-Admin. For non-logged in users, the redirect does not work. How do I fix this?

  42. Jim

    I changed a TAG name.

    How can I use your .htaccess solution to redirect old-tag to new-tag?

    Is that possible?


  43. Anand

    Oops…my comment, which was actually a question, doesn’t seem to have struck well with you.

    It’s alright if you don’t have an answer. It just means, you need to work more & better.

    Thanks anyway :)

  44. Anand


    Thanks for introducing the redirection plugins.

    Using the ‘redirection’ pluginsis it possible to add bulk redirects?

    The case in point is change in domain name, where you would want to redirect all pages from old domain to new domain. Adding redirects one by one for each page doesn’t sound like a good solution.

    Appreciate you help please.

  45. Johnny

    WOW! Thank you!

  46. Denika

    When using the coding way to get a redirect, do you need to include RewriteEngine On for each redirect? Or do you include it once and just follow through with each redirect on it’s own line?

  47. nina

    So, do we keep google search positions with redirects, lets say my posts i want to redirect are on the first page of google What happens after redirect? Thanks, hoping for an answer.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you are doing a 301 redirect, then Google will consider replacing your new url with the old one. However, the position of that page in search results will depend on whatever content it has. For example, if your old page was about “apples” and your new page is about “oranges” then it will certainly not appear for apples related keywords anymore.


      • Nina

        Thanks, i have one more question. I forgot to tell you i want to redirect some posts from blog A, to new blog B. I can still use these techniques? I have to copy paste old content to new post on blog B then am i right ? I want content to stay the same, only want it to be shown on blog B instead of blog A. In this case google also keeps rankings or not?
        Thanks a lot again:)!

  48. Raghu koorthy

    Can you pls run a article on how to create a landing page or squeeze page and link it to mail chimp. Thank you.

  49. Raghu Koorthy

    Simple but very useful information.
    I started working with WP recently and YOUR BLOG is the first point of reference when I need help.
    Thank you team for your help.

  50. Esmaeil

    Short and useful. Thanks a lot.

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