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How to restore WordPress from backup




バックアップからのWordPressの復元は、バックアップの作成方法に完全に依存します。例えば、Duplicator Proを使って作成したバックアップは、同じプラグインを使って復元することができます。同様に、手動バックアップは手動で復元する必要があります。
















File manager in cPanel



Delete core file from cPanel file manager




Delete WordPress files




Duplicator Proを使ってWordPressを復元する

Duplicator Proは最高のWordPressバックアッププラグインの一つです。サイトの移行やバックアップがとても簡単になります。



バックアップファイルの準備ができたら 、次はDuplicator Proプラグインをインストールして有効化します。詳しくはWordPressプラグインのインストール方法をご覧ください。

重要:便利なバックアップと移行機能を無料で利用できる、より基本的なDuplicatorプラグインもあります。しかし、このプラグインを使用してバックアップを復元し、このチュートリアルに従うには、プレミアムDuplicator Proプランが必要です。

有効化したら、WordPressのダッシュボードからDuplicator Pro ” バックアップのインポートに向かいます。次に、アーカイブファイルをドラッグ&ドロップするか、「ファイルを選択」ボタンをクリックしてアップロードします。

Import backup files duplicator



View backup status



Set a recovery point for backup



Click launch installer button



Select restore single site



Accept terms and notices



Confirm backup installation



Click admin login when backup is restored



View site restore success message



UpdraftPlusはバックアップからWordPressを復元する非常に便利な方法を提供します。WordPress ウェブサイトにログインし、設定 ” UpdraftPlus Backupsページに移動する必要があります。


Open UpdraftPlus settings



Select backup file and restore



Choose components to restore



Click the restore button



View restored files



View restore success message and delete old folders







MySQL databases in cPanel



Create a new database

新しいデータベースを作成したら、その新しいデータベースに関連付けられた MySQL ユーザーが必要です。

MySQL Users」セクションまでスクロールダウンし、新規ユーザーを追加します。

Adding a new MySQL user


Add User To Database(データベースにユーザーを追加)」セクションまでスクロールダウンし、ドロップダウンメニューからデータベースとともにユーザーを選択し、「Add(追加)」ボタンをクリックします。

Add new user to database

これで新しいデータベースの準備ができました。WordPress データベースのバックアップを復元するために使用できます。


Launching phpMyAdmin from cPanel



Import database in phpMyAdmin panel

次に、「Choose File」ボタンをクリックして、WordPressデータベースのバックアップファイルを選択します。その後、ページ下部の「Go」ボタンをクリックして続行します。







cPanel backup


次に、「Choose File」ボタンをクリックし、ハードドライブからバックアップファイルを選択します。完了したら、「アップロード」ボタンをクリックします。

Restore a MySQL database backup





Upload WordPress core files


または、アップロードしたばかりのWordPressファイル内のwp-config-sample.phpファイルをwp-config.phpファイルにリネームすることもできます。その後、 wp-config.phpファイルを編集し、データベース情報を入力する必要があります。






最後に、Settings ” Permalinksで パーマリンクの設定をあなたのサイトに一致するように調整し、パーマリンクを更新する。

Choose permalinks













ボーナスヒント: サイトの定期的なバックアップ作成でお困りの場合は、WordPressのエキスパートをご利用ください。WPBeginnerのWordPressメンテナンスでは、定期的なクラウドバックアップ、24時間365日のサポート、マルウェアの除去、稼働時間の監視、そしてサイトをスムーズに運営するための一貫したアップデートをご利用いただけます。




これは、WordPressのバックアップをどのように作成したかによります。Duplicator Proのようなバックアッププラグインを使用し、WordPressの管理ダッシュボードにアクセスできる場合は、数回クリックするだけで復元できるはずです。




バックアッププラグインを使用している場合、ホスティングサーバー上にファイルが保存されるデフォルトの場所が作成されます。通常、これはwp-contentフォルダになります。しかし、バックアップツールによっては、Googleクラウド、Dropbox、One Driveなどの異なるクラウドストレージサービスを選択してバックアップを保存できる場合もあります。






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Reader Interactions

90件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Bajrang

    Let’s suppose, I am restoring 2 days ago file backup, then is it mandatory to restore database backup of the same date also in order to sync both??

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on what file you’re restoring from and for what reason as some backup plugins include database information.


  2. Daniela

    Hello. If I install a backup, will I lose all the changes I made and plugins I installed after the backup? Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      It depends on the backup tool used but normally, yes you would lose any changes not backed up.


  3. Neha

    Hey. Can i restore my site backup if i have only sql file?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You will be missing some things but you will have the ability to restore a good amount of your content.


  4. KylieM

    We’ve only just realised that a page was permanently deleted (not in trash) that we need to recover. We completely updated our website a few months back and believe the page was deleted then. We did do a full back up before changes. Only want to recover the one page and not do a full restore which would replace all of our new content.

    How would we do this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on what you used to create the backup but the simplest method may be to create a local installation for your site, restore your site on to your local install, then export the page you want on your live site so you can import it.


  5. Siraj

    Very useful tips. Restoring wordpress site through Cpanel is illustrated well. Thanks for sharing.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you like our guide :)


  6. bhanuka

    I was referring to uploading via FTP method. But my old files did not load. Only a blank page came. With some nail biting hours I realised that the wp-config.php file includes following important settings to be set with old site values.
    1. database prefix. I had a custom prefix. If you dont change, WP upgrade will recreate all tables with ‘wp’ prefix while your old data are in old prefix tables.

    2. Authentication Unique Keys and Salts settings must match the old values

    Then it worked

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for clarifying, glad you were able to find the root of your issue and resolve it.


  7. Pawan Sharma

    I was hosting my website through hostinger free hosting. Now i moved to another service provider. I took backup from hostinger and uploaded the same in new provider c panel under public_html. But my website not displayed. I’m getting below Error and Warning.

    Warning: require(/home/test/public_html/wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-autosaves-controller.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/test/public_html/wp-settings.php on line 232

    Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ‘/home/test/public_html/wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-autosaves-controller.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php’) in /home/test/public_html/wp-settings.php on line 232

    And don’t find any wp-settings.php file under the root folder piblic_html.

    Please help to solve this problem.

    Thanks all

  8. glenda

    I’m not a beginner, but am desperately trying to find out how to get past the first screen if I can’t remember my importbuddy.php password. The last WP Core update broke one of my sites and the most recent backup had a fatal error so I had to go back to an old, old backup. iThemes support used to be good, but now it sucks.

    Found your explanation for using BackupBuddy and it’s a good one.

  9. ted

    Thank you for the article.
    I have a “different” problem:

    I have only the httpdocs directory and the
    wordpress_d database directory (located at var/lim/mysql)
    How can I restore the site with these 2 directories?

    Thank you!!

  10. Kawsar Siddik

    Backupbuddy is the best WordPress restore/migration tool while working on client’s website. It saves time. Thanks for sharing this tutorial.

  11. Clever Peterson

    Hello, I backed up my WordPress site with Drop box for WordPress but I’m still confused of where to upload the back up files I have downloaded. Would you please help me?

  12. Eddy

    I successfully restored my WordPress using phpmyadmin. However when I try to install WordPress using the new database info it says the db already exists, use another name. What do I do?

  13. Mudass Iftikhar

    your article always helped me

  14. Roxanne

    I delete my wordpress site, but I made a back-up before I deleted it. Now I want to re-open the website. Is there a way to just upload the back-up and get everything back to the same way it was?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Roxannne,

      Depends on how you made the backup. You will still have to setup database unpack WordPress files and upload them.


      • Nicolau Nicoleta Mihaela

        I have the same question, backup created with cPanel. Thank you I advance for an answer

  15. Vikas

    Hi I am trying to restore my wordpress site from bck but after I click upload on restore MySQL database option….dead white screen comes up and nothing happens! Any suggestions? Thanks

  16. Vikas

    I have not taken any backup of my site. And my site is displaying “Access Denied”. And my hosting provider states that my files in that website have been attacked by malware. Is there any method to recover all the data from the hosting ?

      • Vikas

        After downloading the data, should i delete everything and should i put it again ? If so will the problem get solved ?

  17. joseph

    I am new to blogging. I want to say thanks for your simplified tutorials, it is helpful. I already bookmarked your site so I can always come back. Once again i say thank you.

  18. nicolas blake

    can you please tell me how i can access a backup i made with backwpup and I chose “folder” .I once was a programmer now I’m just a duffer

  19. Nate

    I just got a cpanel full backup from a client. They are now using Godaddy WordPress managed hosting. How in the heck do I restore the site and database to Godaddy from the file?

    Thanks guys!

  20. Hari Kumar

    My blog is live and can login to admin dashboard. but none of my post is available, and I cannot update my previous post. Plus new post added are not found… while opening.. it says —- a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
    Any Solution??

  21. Jamie

    Thanks for the information. Just a question: I have a SQL database backup for my blog saved as a .SQL file. What information does this contain? Does it have the theme customised layout? Blog articles? Pictures?

    Many thanks

  22. Soibibo

    My site just crashed. I can’t access my wp admin dashboard. What do you suggest I do?

  23. Mr. Karmaker

    My website has been hacked. I have made earlier backup zip file in cPanel FileManager. Zip file size is more than 99MB and it can not upload.
    How to restore my site ?
    Any suggestion please.

  24. dana

    Hi, We recently moved some but not of our blog content from a standalone site to the company website. The posts that we didn’t think we wanted are now in FTP — I’d like to import them to a new wordpress site. Trying to locate specific content within FTP Is a huge pain. Is there any way to export that content into a new wordpress site so I can access it? Thank you.

  25. Prudhvi Raj

    I’ve backed up Home Directory and restoring it, and also uploaded the whole website. it’s like 20 minutes it is saying “restoring files…” . How long does it takes? File is of 1.45GB . Thanks .

  26. Mufaddal

    Hi there, I want to change my hosting plan from hostgator(HG) to Digitalocean(DO). I have done the setup of DO successfully, how can I get my backup uploaded?
    I have taken a backup of WP site(the file was around 32mb) I m not sure its the whole backup, now my HG plan has expired(not deleted, I can renew it to get my site back) but now what should I do to upload the data, on adminMyPhp it is showing some error while uploading data. I want my site back as it was, on DO server, I dont want to renew my HG plan again, Please guide me, Thank you in advance.

  27. Keesjan

    do you know how to restore a backup when the admin interface is broken?
    Then its not possible to use the interface.

    Is in that case only the phpadmin method the way to go. Or are there any cloud service out there that help me ‘push’ teh bakcyp back to my site, without loggin in mt wp admin?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You will have to do it manually. You can also hire professionals to do that for you. They will also take the phpMyAdmin approach.


  28. Mahriya

    Thanks, what if I had backed up my whole WordPress site(tags, posts media etc…) but only wanted to restore the Media only. Is there any way to do this? I appreciate the help!

    • WPBeginner Support

      It depends on what method you used to create a backup. Most WordPress backup plugins store all your WordPress files in a zip file. You can extract that file to your computer and then upload the wp-content/uploads folder.


  29. Belinda

    Total beginner here.
    Started building my first WordPress site for a client on my local drive. Used the theme Avada.
    Long story short, I needed a new hard drive in my Mac.
    – Backed up my failing hard drive with time machine.
    – Starting fresh on my computer with a new hard drive.
    – Reinstalled WordPress and MAMP.
    – Moved the website files from time machine applications/MAMP/htdocs to the same place on my computer.

    Reading above I need to do something with the database. But I am completely lost on this.

    Please help as soon as possible!

    Thank you in advance.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Go to Applications/MAMP/db/mysql/ copy the contents and paste them in your new drive MAMP install on the same location.


  30. tonythanh

    The problem when we restore wordpress is all image will not display. I have already got this trouble and it made me 3 days for resolve. Here is the way I solve for my site

    1. Install fresh copy of wordpress with new database
    2. Drop all database in phpmyadmin
    3. Import database that you back up lastime
    4. Your site will not work and It need reinstall. Don’t worry.
    5. Login Cpanel, find the wp-config.php file, open, change the prefix wp_ with your new prefix of your last database.
    6. Import your images correct to the folder in uploads.
    7. Done, your site will work well with full images.

    I hope you will get no trouble like me.

  31. Graceson

    Can you please assist me to restore backedup files using “BACKUPWORDPRESS” in my local drive?

    Thanks in advance.

  32. Tushar

    Is the method of using FTP to restore your website valid/useful if the main error in FTP is “552-Quota exceeded” . I contacted the host, he says that some malicious plugin has caused this sort of error to occur and complete restoration of the site will be required. I planning to begin from a clean slate by uploading new wordpress and redesigning the entire site: But will this work with above mentioned error?

  33. Angel

    Thanks a lot for the article! You saved my life helping me to restore a site, easy and simple!
    All the best, Angel

  34. Paul

    Hi, just a (probably) silly question: can I Re-install now from the wordpress dashboard without losing any settings etc on my site?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can go to Dashboard -> Updated and click on reinstall now button. That will download a fresh copy of WordPress and replace your old files. It will not change your WordPress settings as those are stored separated in database.


  35. Ben Dixon

    Hi guys, very informative read, thanks for that!

    I have a backup of my SQL database which was created with a plugin and emailed to me. Unfortunately I’ve lost all other files, I’ve contacted my host and they have no backup.

    I’ve installed WordPress and will install the appropriate theme. I can’t recall all the plugins I used.

    I’ve obviously lost all my images, but what else have I lost? Is a restore of my site feasible in your opinion?

    Many thanks for any help at all.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes a restore of your site is feasible.

      Since you do not have backup of your files, so you will be unable to restore images. Some plugins may also misbehave.


      • Ben Dixon

        Thanks for that, I’ll give it go. Maybe I can look at the database to help me remember what plugins were there before.

        Cheers guys!

  36. Ali Sajjad

    Hi, i have done everything and my site is running fine. but i have problem with images all over the site. i don’t know why, because there is no error display during restore process.

  37. Zamby

    Somewhat complicated question. A few days ago, I updated the wordpress version my site was using. This then made the site fail, and I couldn’t even log in to wordpress due to a fatal error. I then replaced the site with my most recent backup from Feb. 2nd, and things were fixed. However, there is a lot of data from Feb. 2nd that I would like to access if possible.

    This data must have been saved somewhere, but I’m wondering where? Or is it all completely lost and innaccessible in the Cpanel after a backup?

    • WPBeginner Staff

      It actually depends on how you restored your backup. If you created a new database to restore your backup into and did not delete any files from your webserver then you can get access to your posts by opening the old database using phpmyadmin. You can also find the files you uploaded on your webserver by connecting to your site using an FTP client. These file uploads will be stored in /wp-content/uploads/ folder.

      On the other hand, if your restoration process involved deleting old database by emptying it, and if you deleted old files from server as wel, then you cannot access those files on your own.

      Another possibility to recover that data is by requesting your web host and ask them if they have a backup for your site on the specific date when you deleted all old data. If they have the backup, then they can send it to you.

  38. WPBeginner Staff

    Simply click on Appearance » Themes and click on the activate button on the theme that you had previously installed. In case you can’t figure out which theme you had previously installed, then you will need to activate them one by one and preview your website until you get the right theme.

    • Urgent help needed @ WPBEGINNER SUPPORT

      Good day Wpbeginner,

      This is my terrible situation. I made a mistake and i lost my site. and then i requested my Host gator India to give back file for which i paid. They send me in TAR.Zip file. I don’t know how to go about it. They told me to long CP panel and upload and extract. But it didn’t work. Then one rep who helped me and my site came alive. However, if i click any one of the posts it was throwing 403 error. She couldn’t solve it. and another rep said i need to contact my developer…what is this? Develper,!!!(lol)

      and then i moved another host. I tried uploading my back up file. but no use and nothing working. So i had 3 months back up files which i downloaded from WordPress XML. Now it is working except images and the current template is different than the previous.

      I have the back up file from Hostgator and if you could help me how to go with it…i really appreciate.

      Best regards,

      • WPBeginner Support

        You can extract the backup file on your own computer using a program that is able to extract .tar and .zip archives like 7zip. After that you can browse the files and upload them to your web server using an FTP client.


  39. Timothy

    I was wondering how to recover a WordPress theme, it wasn’t deleted I just hit active on a new on by accident

  40. Gary

    Hello, I just stumbled upon this post and was wondering if you could help. I switched hosting plans within godaddy and went from managed wordpress to cpanel. I used a plugin to backup the site before switching, which saved all files including the .sql file. Restoring the site via the plugin did not work so I am trying it the hard way. I have completely removed the site including all files. Then I created a new database and gave it the same name as database_name in the .sql file. Afterwards I uploaded the .sql file from the backup into this database. Then I reinstalled wordpress via cpanel and chose the new database I created. Then I uploaded the rest of the files(themes, plugins, uploads) via ftp. But for some reason this did not do anything. When I logged into wordpress nothing looks different. None of the pages I created or anything was there. The plugins were there and the theme I uploaded was there. However, I can’t access the images from the media button even though they are in the uploads folder. I can’t figure out where I went wrong. The database names match up, I can’t think of anything else. The only thing I can possibly think of is the hostname in my .sql backup file is not localhost. Could that be the issue? I can’t figure out what I am missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • DFPhoenix

      If your database was correctly restored, you won’t even need to install wordpress again. Asking you to install means, your database isn’t correctly restored. Just my guess.

  41. Dill

    Hi… I was wondering how to restore my wordpress site if all I have is a complete download of everything that was there. I downloaded everything (everything!) from my host using FTP and didn’t do any fancy backups of databases. Can I just upload that entire backup as is and get the site back? I’m also switching hosts (but not domain names), so I do know I’ll have to edit a file or two also.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you only copied everything from FTP then you probably only have your WordPress files and not the database. Without the database backup you can not restore your site. If you have access to your host, then please create your database backup.


  42. Kyle

    Thanks for all your tutorials, I find myself here often. I had a question, is there any way to retrieve the subscribers from a backed up .sql file? The plugin used to collect subscriptions was Subscriber 2.

  43. Bruno

    Your site is great. Can you write a guide how to restore a backup created with BackWPup? That would be great.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sure we will try to do that. Meanwhile, here is how to restore your backup created with BackWPUp plugin. Download your backup file and extract it. Inside it your will find a .sql file along with other files. .SQL file is your database backup and you can import it using phpMyAdmin. Upload rest of the files using FTP.


  44. tuyen ran

    how to show my password on file database backup from backupbuddy? It is encryption!. thanks you!

  45. Raji

    This post is extremely helpful as it has helped me (a newbie) to restore my site….or almost. When i try to login, it takes me to a page that says i should install wordpress again…. the famous 5minutes install. please help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It seems WordPress is unable to connect to the database. Or it connected to the database which is currently empty. You have restored your WordPress files but you probably didn’t restore your WordPress database backup successfully.


  46. Md Jafrul Islam

    Thank you very very much. By this info post detail. I can make my site again restore. Thanks Man. Just awesome update more amazing info.

  47. Chris

    When doing a backup, which backup do I need most frequently? I am offered three choices on the cPanel (full cPanel backup, home directory, database). Would you say it is more important to backup the database file, as long as I have a fairly recent backup of the home directory?

    Thanks for your time!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Depends on how often your site gets updates like comments, posts, media uploads, we would say that you should always set a high priority for database backups


  48. Bas

    Thanks for the great guide(s). I had to move 2 sites from 1 server to a new server, and using your manuals it went like clockwork.

    Making the backup via BackWPup was quick and restoring it manually the same.

    I was up and running again in 15 minutes.

    BTW. The version of BackWPup I use (3.0.13) only showed the Dropbox feature after creating, saving and running the backup job.
    I had to change something, when the sites where moved, and there it was.

  49. Naik

    I recently shifted my blog from one hosting to another in Godaddy. I have the backup of my blog in .sql format. I am trying to import using MySQL, it shows an error “Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit same file and import will resume.” Please help

  50. Brenda

    I have been able to follow the instructions above for restoring my wordpress database using cpanel by dropping the tables in the current database and replacing them with the backedup database.

    However I can’t work out how to do it if I create a new database – the article says to go into mysql within cpanel and set up a new database, password etc but how do I link the new database to the files that I have reinstalled?

    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      Brenda, connect to your website using an FTP client like filezilla, download wp-config.php file from your website’s root directory create a backup of it by simply making a copy of it. Open it in a text editor like notepad. and enter your database name, database user name, database password, and host (usually localhost). Save the file and upload it back to your website.


      • Brenda

        Thanks. I have done that but when I try to access the site I get “Error establishing a database connection”

        I did what you said and replaced the original wp-config file with the new version.

        What else do I need to do to be able to use the new version of the database, rather than the original one?

        • Brenda

          Sorry, some more information that might clarify what is happening. When I try, as suggested in your article, to access the wp-admin url I get an error message that starts with the following:

          We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the NAME database.

        • Brenda

          Sorry, some more information that might clarify what is happening. When I try, as suggested in your article, to access the wp-admin url I get an error message that starts with the following:

          We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the NAME database.

          At the bottom it says: On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_webgyzec_replacewp1. Could that be the problem?

          That is indeed the case. So what do I need to change please to get this to work?

        • Brenda

          OK I can stop sending messages now. Silly error on my part but now everything is working.

          Thank you SO much for such a helpful article.

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