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  • 信頼できるホスティングサービス
  • 無料ドメイン名とSSL
  • 無料ビジネスメールアドレス
  • 1クリックWordPressインストール
  • 30日間返金保証


  • より高い月額価格
  • 積極的なアップセル

WPBeginnerユーザーは81%オフの割引と 無料ドメインが受けられます!

ホストゲーター を訪れる


| Reader Disclosure




HostGator complete analysis of hosting performance and speed


  • 信頼性ウェブサイトは24時間365日、ダウンタイムなく利用できますか?
  • パフォーマンスHostGatorでのサイトの読み込み速度は?我々は、これを分析するために徹底的なパフォーマンステストを実行します。
  • カスタマイザー:カスタマーサポートは信頼できるか?必要な時にすぐにヘルプが得られるか?
  • 機能サイトを簡単に作成・管理できる機能があるか。
  • 価格設定:業界で最高の価格を提供していますか?お金を節約できるHostGatorのお得な情報はありますか?


HostGator Review Summary
Performance gradeA+
Average load time1.03 s
Average response time143.4 ms
Free domainYes
Free SSLYes
1-click WordPressYes
SupportPhone / Live Chat / Knowledge base
Start with HostGator








HostGator website




  • 信頼性の高いホスティングサービス:HostGatorは99.99%のアップタイムを保証します。それ以下のダウンタイムが発生した場合は、アカウントに1ヶ月分のクレジットを提供します。
  • 手厚い返金保証HostGatorは30日間の返金保証を提供しています。
  • 柔軟な請求期間:請求期間は月払いと年払いのいずれかをお選びいただけます。請求期間が長いほど割引率が高くなります。
  • 無料移行:HostGatorは、すべての新規アカウントで無料の移行サービスを提供しています。彼らの専門家チームは、サインアップしてから最初の30日間、追加費用なしで以前のホスティングサービスからあなたのサイトを転送します。


  • 月額料金が高い:月額価格は年間プランよりも比較的高いです。HostGatorは30日間の返金保証を提供していますので、年間プランを選択することで、より低い価格を得ることができます。
  • 積極的なアップセル:自動バックアップや高度な機能のような追加サービスが表示されることがあります。すぐに必要でない場合は、本当に〜してもよいですか?必要であれば、後でいつでも追加できます。








Strangeloop performance case study




HostGator speed test results




ピークトラフィック下でのパフォーマンスをテストするために、Grafana LabsのK6というツールを使用しました。HostGatorのテストサイトに仮想ユーザーを送り込み、徐々にユーザー数を増やし、一度に50人まで増やしました。


HostGator stress testing results





HostGator uptime test

HostGator サーバーのレスポンシブ時間





HostGator response time test results









  • ハッチリングハッチリングプランでは、10サイトのホスティングサービスをご利用いただけます。ワンクリックWordPressインストーラが含まれており、標準的な機能のセットが付属しています。
  • ベビーBabyプランは20のサイトをホスティングサービスし、20GBのストレージを提供します。ハッチリングプランのすべての機能が含まれており、プライベートSSLなどのアドオンも使用できます。
  • Eコマース/ビジネス:このプランはオンラインショップや小規模ビジネスサイトに適しています。50のサイト、メールアカウント、ドメインプライバシー、SEOツールが含まれています。





  • 1クリックインストーラでWordPressをインストールする
  • 無料SSL証明書
  • ホスティングサービスを管理するための使いやすいコントロールパネルcPanelダッシュボード
  • 無料メールアカウント
  • 年中無休のカスタマーサポート
  • 99.9%アップタイム保証


セキュリティ機能に関しては、無料のCloudflare CDNキャッシングを有効化して、WordPressサイトをマルウェアや攻撃から保護することができます。Cloudflareの無料サイトCDNは、さらにパフォーマンスを向上させます。


HostGator サポートとカスタムサービス


HostGator support

































WPBeginnerユーザーは81%オフの割引と 無料ドメインが受けられます!

Reader Interactions

189 ホストゲーター ユーザーレビューレビューを書く

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Daryl

    Hostgator is the worst provider there is. They automatically upgraded Joomla requiring PHP 8.x. However, the only way to get PHP 8.x is to do a forced upgrade in costs to a VPS. They have promised for months to fix the issue and they haven’t.

  3. JM

    Caution Hostgator doesn’t support any of the PHP versions above 7.4 yet. They have been promising it for over a year

  4. TM

    Pretty terrible experience. Don’t move your website here. My website crashed the moment I moved it and the support tried to sell me stuff to fix it – then when I tried to get that it was still broken.

    • TM

      I tried the support again and it got fixed. Is not that bad after all.

  5. Alex Rivera

    Host Gator is amazing!! Their support is 6 stars in my opinion. Every time I’ve had an issue and called the support team has always gone out of their way to help. I am very happy with their service. Just upgraded to VPS, and my website is now lightning fast. If your looking for the best, definitely put Hostgator to the test, lol, You will not be disappointed!

  6. James Andronicos

    Today I ve contacted HOSTGATOR to assist with serious Outlook email issues .
    It was a total pleasure chatting with Liza and Mike …Personal service with care and patience . Fantastic . They were so considerate to my lack of IT skill .What a pleasant change from other call centres . Its a pity I can’t give 6 stars.

  7. Adam Dewe

    Fantastic work hostgator team very happy.

    • Erinn

      Hi Adam,

      Woo! Thanks so much for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  8. Hasan abdallah

    Wonderful customer support

    • Erinn

      Hi Hasan,

      Our support teams are amazing, right? Thanks for the great review!

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  9. Daniel Cuoco

    The site is up and running. We are very pleased with HostGator’s technical support representatives which helped make the launch seamless.

    • Erinn

      Hi Daniel,

      Yea! We’re so glad that our support team has taken good care of you. Thanks for being here and being the best part of the HostGator family.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  10. Brooke Zeigler

    Been with HostGator since I started my business in 2010. Thanks for always being there and keeping up with the changing times.

    • Erinn

      Hi Brooke,

      We love hearing from our long term customers! Thanks so much for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  11. Joyce

    I am very glad that my website was restored. The expert that helped me was very patient and professional. Thank you for the quick response and support.

    • Erinn

      Hi Joyce,

      It was truly our pleasure to be of support. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  12. Debbie Carson

    Hostgator helped me to get the website running and problem solve a few settings that were restricting access to my site. I am so far very happy with the support received and the hosting.

    • Erinn

      Hi Debbie,

      We’re glad that we were able to get things worked out for you. Thanks for the great review!

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  13. Syed Sajjad Haider

    My site is live and working fine and I will refer hostgator for any kind of hosting. Thanks

    • Erinn

      Hi Syed,

      Awe, thanks! Word of mouth referrals are huge. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  14. Victor Attansey

    Smooth service works well

    • Erinn

      Hi Victor,

      Thanks for the great review! We’re glad to hear things are working well for you.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  15. LIZA

    my website is alive and kicking

    • Erinn

      Hi Liza,

      Well that’s great news! We’re so glad things are up and running. Thanks for the review!

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  16. Aurelio Contreras

    Amazing host site.

    • Erinn

      Hello Aurelio,

      We think you’re pretty neat too. Thanks for the great review!

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  17. Elaine Lee

    Very happy with the hosting and customer service.

    • Erinn

      Hi Elaine,

      Yea! We’re so happy that you’re happy. Thanks so much for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  18. Meghan Johnson

    HostGator is great. Every time I’ve had to call they help me very quickly and professionally. I would recommend HostGator.

    • Erinn

      Hi Meghan,

      Our support team is amazing, right? Thanks so much for the kind review and for being part of the HostGator family.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  19. Dee

    As a complete IT novice I was very nervous about switching to hostgator. But c-panel is pretty user-friendly, the web builder is intuitive, and the live customer support has been superb. I have migrated all my organisation’s email accounts and set up a new website in only a couple of weeks. Fantastic!

    • Erinn

      Hi Dee,

      Woohoo! It sounds like everything is going swimmingly. We’re so happy to have you aboard. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  20. Michael Napoli

    Very Smooth Transition from Old Host to Host Gator. Helpful technical support.

    • Erinn

      Hi Michael,

      Smooth migrations are really great! We’re happy that you’re happy. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  21. Wanda Purcell

    There was confusion between my original domain name purchase and the purchase of the word press package. I did not understand that the hostgator site editor would not transfer directly into word press. I sought advice from an IT professional to assist with the server settings. I am now developing the website on the word press editor. Hope to be up and running soon!

    • Erinn

      Hi Wanda,

      We’re pleased to hear that things got straightened out for you. Please let us know if we can help you at all. Thanks!

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  22. Dominic

    My website was constantly going down due to issues with GoDaddys servers so I switched to Hostgator and have been pleased so far.

    • Erinn

      Hi Dominic,

      Welcome aboard! We’re so happy that things are going well for you. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  23. Ed H.

    Very good discounted hosting price for slightly above average server speed. Having no issues or need to contact support. Hoping as time goes on this will be the norm!

    • Erinn

      Hi Ed,

      Our prices are indeed super competitive. We’re glad that you’re finding everything to your liking. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  24. Ethan Steer

    My site is running fine with no problems

    • Erinn

      Hi Ethan,

      That’s what we like to hear! Thanks for the review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  25. Ash

    I like the interface. Easy to navigate between sites, but migrating my sites was not easy. Often on chat solving issues. Hope that is over with.

    • Erinn

      Hi Ash,

      Our UX is cool, right? We’re disappointed that your migration wasn’t smooth, but we’re glad to hear that it has now been completed. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with everyone!

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  26. Craig Plouff

    I am a retired web designer that had my own business and used HostGator’s services in the past granted its been a long time. Now I just decided to build a basic site for a hobby for some other things I do. So far everything is working great and trying to still learn some of the new tools that have been added in cPanel and things like that. Mainly cause its been 15+ years since I did this and many of the things there now and not there back then. Plus I have non of the programs I had back then so do everything through cPanel.
    The support database is great since there has been an answer for every question I have had. Keep up the Great work!

    • Erinn

      Hi Craig,

      Welcome back to the game! We’re so glad you decided to give us another go now that you’ve some time on your hands in retirement. We really appreciate your detailed and thoughtful review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  27. Amos Djimdigue

    My site is live and I like the experience with Hostgator. The customer is very nice and I really appreciate it.

    • Erinn

      Hi Amos,

      We’re thrilled to hear things are going well for you and that support is taking good care of you. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  28. Soklim

    good service, since I purchased your services everything going well.., please keep going as this.

    • Erinn

      Hi Soklim,

      We’ll do our best for you and all of our customers. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  29. Rickey B.

    Hostgator is great.

    • Erinn

      Hi Rickey,

      We think you’re pretty great too. Thanks so much for the review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  30. Daniel Sommerfeld


    Yes, my site is live. Everything is ok.

    Thanks for your attention!

    Daniel Sommerfeld

    • Erinn

      Hi Brian,

      You’re so very welcome. Thank YOU for the great review!

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  31. Brian Stark

    Great service. Site is never down.

    • Erinn

      Hi Brian,

      We pride ourselves on our uptime and we’re glad that’s what you’re experiencing. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  32. Bashar Mal

    Great service. I will soon buy hosting and domain for my other website as well from HostGator.

    • Erinn

      Hi Bashar,

      Welcome aboard! We’re so glad you’re here. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  33. Juquoyah Drayton

    So far I am enjoying the hosting and do not have any problems with it. it is easy to switch your old domain to this hosting and HostGator has better benefits Free webpress!

    • Erinn

      Hi Juquoyah,

      We’re glad to hear that domain transfer process was smooth and that things are going well. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  34. Eugen

    Your help was very helpful

    • Erinn

      Hi Eugen,

      Our support teams are amazing right? Thanks so much for the great review.

      Cusotmer Advocate at HostGator

  35. Siska ZEE

    My website is live and it has no problem so far.
    hostgator is best hosting provider. I have been using hostgator for years

    • Erinn

      Hi Siska,

      We love hearing from our loyal long term customers! We’re so happy that you’re happy. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  36. Raúl Martínez

    Definitely the best place to host your website is Host Gator.

    • Erinn

      Hi Raul,

      Thanks so much for the great review! We’re so happy that you’re happy.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  37. Kaleem

    I am a website developer and SEO expert having more than 8 years of experience. I have used many hosting companies and found Hostgator as the best hosting and support is also very very cooperative and I have recommended my clients (and the good thing is they have purchased and using Hostgator hosting)
    I hope Hostgator will be the best among all if the focus on customer satisfaction not on their sales.

    • Erinn

      Hi Kaleem,

      Awe, thanks! Our support teams really are the best, aren’t they/ Thank you for being the best part of the HostGator family.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  38. Peter Sharpe

    setting up my site took some time, sorting out changes required with my domain hos. However, the Hostgator help was always available and helped me sort it all out

    • Erinn

      Hi Peter,

      We’re glad we were able to get you all straightened out! Thank you for the kind review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  39. Tommy DeRosa

    Tech support is excellent they deliver when they say deliver

    • Erinn

      Hi Tommy,

      Woo! Our support team is really great, right? Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  40. Rudy Timmerman

    The entire process of getting my domain name and hosting plan went without a hitch, and my site was up and running in a very short time. Had I been able to spent more time creating the site, it could have been up the same day. Any delay was due to me being too busy to work on it. Happy customer.

    • Erinn

      Hi Rudy,

      Fantastic! We’re so glad to hear things went smoothly for you. Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  41. Mathew McAllister-Jones

    I’ve been with host gator for about 6 weeks and so far I have no complaints, My website is currently private until I have more content to present to my readers.

    • Erinn

      Hi Mathew,

      Thanks so much for the great review. We can’t wait to see the site once you get it put up!

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  42. Bill Roddie

    Any questions asked of support have been answered quickly and well.

    • Erinn

      Hi Bill,

      Yea! Our support teams really are great aren’t they? Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  43. Julie Holmes

    My site is up and running. Awesome support when moving from my previous hosting service to this one. Thank you!

    • Erinn

      Hi Julie,

      Yea! We’re so glad your migration went smoothly and that you’re happy. Thanks so much for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  44. Bardhyl Dobroshi

    Hosting is just great, costumer service is the best.

    • Erinn

      Hi Bradhyl,

      Our support teams really are amazing, right? Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  45. Penny

    I have been using Hostgator for many years now. I’m very happy with your service and have never had a problem that couldn’t be quickly fixed. I recently had to use help articles, and I solved the issue almost immediately thanks to a help video you provided which was very easy to follow. Thank you! I regularly recommend you.

    • Erinn

      Hi Penny,

      Woohoo! We are thrilled to hear that things are going so well for you. Thank you for taking advantage of all the awesome resources we offer. We really appreciate this great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  46. Chloe

    I’m happy with the service so far. Customer service was really patient with me as well.

    • Erinn

      Hi Chloe,

      Yea! We’re so happy that you’re happy. Thanks for the lovely review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  47. Greg Cannata

    Everything is working fine. Thanks

    • Erinn

      Hi Greg,

      You’re so very welcome. Thank YOU for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  48. Kemiso

    The web designing part is just taking a bit longer than expected but we are on it! Thank you hostgator!

    • Erinn

      Hi Kemiso,

      You are so very welcome. Thanks for your kind words.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  49. Sudhir Kumar Pantagani

    Good, my first website. Without any prior knowledge in handling everything myself. Sometimes hostgator support team help me to clear some.doubts and sometimes YouTube helps me,.

    Overall I’m happy

    • Erinn

      Hi Sudhir,

      Yea! We’re so pleased that you found the site easy to use. Our support teams and YouTube videos are great aren’t they? Thanks for the great review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  50. Arnold Greenspan

    Our use is currently minimal. We are satisfied with the service you are providing.

    • Erinn

      Hi Arnold,

      We are so happy that you’re happy! Thank you for the kind review.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

  51. Brendan Kelly

    When setting up my website, I went on the chat line several times. On almost every occasion I received excellent help. I am continuing to gather resources to put on my website, but I have not abandoned it and will have it up and going within a month or so.

    • Erinn

      Hi Brendan,

      Keep up the great work. We can’t wait to see the finished product. Thanks so much for your kind words about our support teams. They really are great, huh? Thanks.

      Customer Advocate at HostGator

