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WPBeginnerは9歳になりました – 振り返りと更新



WPBeginner Turns 9




新規の方は、WPBeginnerについてのページでWPBeginnerの全ストーリーをお読みいただき、Start HereページでWPBeginnerを最大限に活用してください。



前回のWPBeginner記念投稿以来、トルコ、ドバイ、パキスタン、メキシコ(カボ、プンタミタ、カンクン)、バハマ(2回)に行きました。ソロモンはナッシュビルで開催されたWordCamp USにも参加し、これでWordCampの参加回数は合計3回となった。

Balkhi Family 2018


Outstanding Young Alumnus Award at University of Florida - Syed Balkhi


Wells Fargo Building - Syed Balkhi







今は、3つ目のYouTube再生ボタンができるのを待っているところです :)



WPBeginnerがSSLを使用していることにお気づきかもしれません。7月から、Google ChromeはSSLを使用していないサイトはすべて安全でないとマークするようになりました。WPBeginnerでは支払いを徴収していませんが、読者のセキュリティを重視しているため、この変更に踏み切りました。








WPBeginner Speed 2018














MonsterInsights Publisher Report

もしあなたがMonsterInsightsを使っていないなら、本当に損をしています。MonsterInsightsの無料バージョンはWordPress.orgからダウンロードできますが、MonsterInsights Proバージョンにはより強固なトラッキングとレポートが付属しているため、真のメリットを実感するにはMonsterInsights Proバージョンが必要です。







WPFormsの無料版をダウンロードするか、WPForms Proを取得してさらに強力な機能をアンロックすることができます。






今年、WordPressのSMTPプラグインで最も人気のあるWP Mail SMTPを買収しました。WordPressがメールを送信しない問題を解決するためにユーザーをサポートします。


このプラグインは、Gmail、Mailgun、SendGrid、その他基本的にあらゆるSMTPソリューションと統合できます。ブログ会員制サイトオンラインストアを 運営しているかどうかに関わらず、WordPressのメールを確実に配信したいのであれば、このプラグインが必要です。

これは100%無料のプラグインで、現在90万以上のサイトで有効化されています :)

Envira GalleryとSoliloquy

昨年のアニバーサリー投稿をお読みになった方は、Envira Gallery、プレミアムWordPressギャラリープラグイン、Soliloquy、プレミアムWordPressスライダープラグインがあることもご存知でしょう。








Syed Balkhi

情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Robin Eyre

    Brilliant. A great success story. Well done!

  3. Sarah Schimschal

    A big thanks to everyone for sharing what they know. At the start of this year I had never heard of WordPress and now I have an awesome membership site. WPBeginner helped me understand the basics and provided excellent plugin reviews.

  4. Tim Romard

    Happy anniversary to one and all. I take great pride in reading the information that I receive from WPBeginger, I have learned a lot from you. Keep up the good work, Tim.

  5. Sarah Stead

    Congrats! I just started learning WordPress last year to rebuild my portfolio, and this site has been such a great resource. Every time I run into a problem, I find a helpful tutorial on your site for that issue. Thanks for always providing such useful content.

  6. Austin Krause

    Happy Anniversary! I always refer to WP Beginner when people ask WordPress questions!

  7. Mark Ellsworth

    Thanks for all you do! You have been very helpful and trustworthy over the years, and that means a lot!

  8. Sunday

    Its good to be identified with elites in this business. I hinged all my worries on your motivating tutorials and am getting along fine. I think I don’t even need any other textbook on web development.
    I wish you joyous moments!

  9. Philip V Ariel

    ​Hi Syed and Team
    Here come a BIG CONGRATS from Philipscom on this wonderful celebration time! 9tth Year! Wonderful! Great Going!
    Thanks for sharing the family pics especially the little one Solomon! :-)
    Lovely pics. :-) Also for sharing about the new office.
    Congrats again on the achievement on YouTube Keep going, good to know about the 3rd play button, wish you the best.
    Thanks again for all the products updates. :-)
    Keep up the good work,
    Keep going keep sharing about your upcoming projects.
    With kind regards and best wishes for the 9th year celebrations.
    @PVAriel from Philipscom, Hyderabad, India.

  10. Tabish Hyyat

    Hello! Happy anniversary! (A Day Later! Sorry!) Proud to find out some one does visit Pakistan! Would like if you would write a detail post about your trip to Pakistan. Thanks!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thanks Tabish – I still have a lot of family there, so I visit to see them :)



  11. Mobeen Abdullah

    Happy 9th Anniversary Syed & WPBeginner:)

  12. Raffy Pedrajita

    What an awesome inspiration from across the globe. Great content as always too! Congrats and thank you for your contents Syed!

    Raffy of Tech Patrol.

  13. Andy Parkes

    A great resource with a great team behind it. Thoroughly enjoy the clear speaking newsletters and editorials and the family behind it. The personal touch is still so vital a part of business.

  14. Dejan

    Happy 9th Anniversary and thank you for your help over the years. You have been a great knowledge resource.

    I wish you and your family all the best :)

  15. Valentin Dedu

    Thank you for all your work.
    I was bless every time i need some help with my websites.
    God bless you.

  16. Saadat Ali

    Can you motivate us by sharing your income from wpbeginner ? Please …

    • Editorial Staff

      I don’t think you should need someone else’s income to motivate you.


  17. Marvin Whistler

    Congratulations on 9 years. WP Beginner has made it possible for me to create my website without any coding knowledge. Your service has been invaluable.

  18. Damith


    You recently move to HTTPS according to this article. That’s good!!!

    How do you get back the social sharing count after moving to HTTPS?


    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Damith,

      Most good social media plugins will have a built-in solution to retain count. WPBeginner is using a custom social media plugin built for this site.


  19. Eriab Nsereko


  20. Thomas Chapo

    Thanks for reaching out on a holiday…

    I can see that I need to take more advantage of what you have to offer.

  21. Graham MacKenzie

    I am unable to log to be on your mailing list.
    Is there a problem in accepting a

    Graham MacKenzie

  22. Bob Lucas

    A big thank you for WP Beginner, and all of the great information that you provide! My WordPress website would not exist without your help. Happy anniversary and keep up the good work.
    Take care,
    Bob Lucas

  23. Famous Onyemah

    Happy 9th Anniversary with 9 cheer! I am glad to have come in contact with you.

  24. sol

    I Like to thank you
    I learned WP with WPbeginners
    You are reliable and consistent
    Keep up the good work
    Allt the best to you and your family

  25. Herman

    Congrats!…well deserved. Do you have a guide on how to clean a WP site (genesis) after being hacked?

  26. Kerwin


    I’m so proud of all these accomplishments.
    Well done to you, the family and the Team.


  27. Gin

    Congrats on your 9th Blog Anniversary! the info you deliver is great for some of us ‘newbies’ and am sure, refresher for the more experienced. Keep up the great work!

  28. Surendra jadli

    Balasour (Brahampuri)
    Congratulations sir for completing nine years and creating a great platform for new bloggers. I had learnerd blogging from you only. I can’t express how helpful your article are for us. I had made my website all by learning from wpbeginner. Wish you a lot of success ahead in life.

  29. Ann MacKay

    Congratulations on your 9 years with WP Beginner. I learned about your site attending the 2009 Atlanta WordCamp and hearing you speak. I have received your newsletter ever since.

    I am now 74 and I have been using WordPress since 2008 for a personal blog and for nonprofit organizations. Your site is my go-to for information. Thanks for sharing.

    I also had to learn Mobirise for naccra where I am the webmaster and now President. That is a learning curve. I still like WordPress.

  30. Veronica

    Congratulations on your 9 years! WPBeginner has been a great resource for me since I started working with wp websites. The articles are so clear and geared to solve real and practical issues.
    Your site has helped me to turn from a shy, only do it for not very picky friends kind of webdesigner to build complex, educational, functional and dynamic websites and feel very confident about it.
    Your articles alert me of new policies, regulations that I wouldn’t be able to keep up on my own.
    Thank you so much!

  31. Fernando Tellado


    My WordPress blog turned 10 some months ago and I know how difficult is to maintain the muscle for blogging every day, and specially the inspiration and illusion

    Keep on WordPressing!!

  32. John Monyjok Maluth

    Wow, thanks Syed and the team for the brief historical updates, and congrats on the 9th anniversary!

    For me, you helped me learn how to create a professional online store for my e-books. I stumbled with your website in December, 2017, just last year. My website went live on 18th December, 2017.

    For this, thanks for the free multi-million professional and accurate information. I will learn from you how to help others succeed, teaching the same things you have taught me.

    Once again, congrats!
    John Shalom
    Nairobi, Kenya

  33. Brian jensen

    Thanks for this great update and a great program. Also family is everything! I appreciate your patience and tolerance for all my dumb questions and wish you great success- we love the program. Brian

  34. Christian Karasiewicz

    Love hearing about all of the updates, Syed. Keep it up!

  35. RCWelsby

    WP beginners has been wonderful over the years, I’ve learned so much. Anything about WP I’ve needed I have always managed to find the answers from your blog or your YouTube channel. I’m not a professional and write crime thrillers for fun so the whole process has been amazing with your help. I didn’t start learning WP until my 70th year so you are never too old to gain extra knowledge from people like you. So, congratulations and well done.

  36. Paul Barnsley

    Wpbeginner has been invaluable to me and my business. I was against word press for many years manually coding my sites. From day one of discovering you about a year ago, i am setting up and running 4 sites on wordpress. I have previously paid lots of money on books and guides that are difficult to understand and follow. And you provide all the information for free.
    Well done keep the good work up your doing a great job.
    Thank you
    Paul Barnsley Grimsby UK

  37. subhash

    Congratulations on your anniversary

    Thankyou for teaching us to make better wordpress sites.Hope you will provide more tips to make our blogs beter and better and safer than any other websites

    thanks once more subhash

  38. Fonna

    As a grandmother and former teacher I want to stay up to date with my technology… without you I’d be calling my kids constantly. They thank you as much as I thank you!

  39. Tony B

    Hey guys.. REALLY interesting to read about your success, even if it makes me feel like a loser :)

    But I just popped in to say that the OptinMonster updates … Is missing the .com at the end.

    Stay blessed and to your continued success…

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Tony,

      Thanks for the feedback and notifying us about the mistake. We have fixed it. At WPBeginner, we fight for our users success. We strongly believe that we will win if we help our users win.


  40. Curtis Anderson

    Just wanted to leave a quick note to say thank you for your great site, videos and podcast. You are my first place to go to get information on how to do anything in WordPress. Your content is clear, valuable and easy to understand. Love you WPForms plugin also.

  41. Monique

    Happy Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and plethora of resources with all of us.

  42. David Bennett

    I’m pleased for you. And I like your products. And I like the fact that you are bringing useful products into your stable, and I will explain why.

    Do you recall that a couple of plugins that were in the WP repository were bought and sold and that the buyer inserted malicious code into the plugins? Now whenever I think about using a plugin, I look to see its history, who makes it, any warning bells, etc.

    Well when your company is behind a plugin, that’s a big reassurance that the plugin is in safe hands.

    I sound like a little groupie! :-) Seriously, well done and keep doing it.

  43. Cathy

    Hello! Congratulations on 9 years of helping others with Word Press. I stumbled upon your site by accident, but it has been a great help to me! Your explanations are clear and easy to understand for someone like me who has limited computer capabilities. Your online resources have helped me navigate issues with my blog, and I am extremely grateful!

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you so much for leaving a comment Cathy – we’re here to serve :)


  44. Mark Corder

    Congratulations! Great website – great looking family too! Keep up the good work!

  45. Jerry Smales

    Good luck with your future endeavors. Your blog and products have made life better for the rest of the world. We can hardly wait to see what’s next. Thank you.

  46. Siobhán Dempsey

    Congrats, yes I have to say wp beginner got me out of some corners. Thanks WP

  47. Ademola

    I am always inspired by these notes from you.
    Keep doing excellent.

  48. Sanaa Ullah Khan

    HBD WP Beginner :)

  49. Sharon Hujik

    Happy Birthday WPBeginner! Thank you for being such an awesome resource to so many people. Keep up the great work!

