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6 Best WordPress Appointment and Booking Plugins (2024)




Best appointment and booking plugins in WordPress









Sugar Calendar

Sugar Calendarは WordPressのための強力なイベント管理とカレンダープラグインです。イベントスケジュールの作成、アポイントメントのスケジュール、支払いの収集などに使用できます。

Sugar Calendarが優れているのは、素早くシンプルに使えることです。他のプラグインと違い、肥大化しておらず、他のプラグインとの相性も抜群です。さらに、ユーザーインターフェースは初心者に優しく、多くのカスタマイズ設定が可能です。


Sugar Calendar のイベントはGoogle Calendarと同期し、ワークフローを支援します。Sugar Calendar をWPFormsNinja Formsのような他の WordPress フォームビルダープラグインと接続することで、フォームビルダとイベントのフルパワーを引き出すことができます。

もしあなたが単発のイベントや定期的なイベントを探しているなら、Sugar Calendarはあなたのためのプラグインです。コードを編集することなくシンプルなイベントカレンダーを作成でき、タイムゾーンをサポートし、すべての端末で動作し、カレンダーウィジェットと必要なものがすべて付属しています。

価格Sugar Calendarの価格は年間49ドルからで、すべての無料アドオンにアクセスできます。プロのアドオンを使用したい場合は、プロフェッショナルライセンスが必要です。



WPFormsは 最高のWordPressお問い合わせフォームプラグインです。600万以上のサイトがWPFormsを使用して、よりスマートなオンラインフォームを作成しています。



WPFormsはZapierを通してGoogleカレンダーと統合することができます。この方法で、フォームを使って予約されたすべての予定とGoogleカレンダーを同期させておくことができます。その上、Sugar Calendarとも簡単に統合できます。

価格設定WPFormsは年間39.60ドルから始まるさまざまな料金プランを提供しており、WPBeginnerユーザーは50%オフを得るために排他的な クーポンを使用することができます。無料のWPForms Liteバージョンもあります。



BirchPressは総合的な WordPress 予約プラグインです。WordPressサイトにプロフェッショナルなオンライン予約管理システムを追加することができます。プラグインを使用すると、予約フォームを作成し、追加するさまざまなフィールドを選択することができます。



価格BirchPress は、年間99ドルからの3つの料金プランを提供しています。


Booking calendar

Booking Calendarは、市場で最高の無料のWordPress予約プラグインの一つです。シンプルで使いやすく、ドキュメンテーションも充実しています。



Booking Calendarは、スパム、メール通知、jQueryエフェクトなどを防ぐためにビルトインCAPTCHAを持っています。予約フォームをカスタムフィールドでカスタマイズすることもできます。

価格Booking Calendarは無料のWordPress予約プラグインです。


WP Simple Booking calendar

WP Simple Booking Calendarは使いやすいWordPress予約プラグインです。1つのカレンダーを作成することができ、ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースを提供しています。




価格WP Simple Booking Calendarは無料のWordPressプラグインです。年間39ドルのプレミアムバージョンもあります。


Easy Appointments

Easy Appointmentsは柔軟で無料のWordPress予約プラグインです。複数のロケーション、サービス、ワーカーを簡単に追加できます。



価格Easy Appointmentsは、あなたのサイトで予約やアポイントメントを取るために使用できる無料のWordPressプラグインです。


様々なプラグインを試した結果、Sugar Calendarは最高のWordPress予約プラグインだと思います。とても使いやすく、たくさんの機能を提供しています。




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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Moinuddin Waheed

    Great list of plugins for booking and appointments.
    I have been asked to make such booking and appointments websites like medical appointment in a hospital but I have refused to make one because of lack of knowledge.
    Thanks for making this easy tutorial that now I can make any kind of booking and appointments website.
    can it be integrated with websites and not necessarily making a standalone booking website?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The plugins don’t require a site to be solely for a booking website.


  3. Nathan Powell

    Sugar Calendar does not have a way to do appointments and bookings. Why are they on the list? I bought it thinking there would be this functionality and had to get a refund because it does not have the feature. Why did you suggest it? Is there some configuration I missed? When I got my refund they said that it may be coming in future version btw.

    • WPBeginner Support

      They are in the article as we recommend them for booking events such as a convention or similar. For appointments such as one on one appointments we have the other recommendations in our list. This way we cover the different types of bookings that can be needed depending on the niche that you need.


  4. Iris

    Easy appointment is definitely off my list, after two clients request for appointments were not forwarded to my mailbox and thus I didn’t see these appointments, it is time for something that really works and is reliable.

  5. Abe

    Is this work for party rentals?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can use these for rentals and reach out to the support for what you are wanting to use for the specifics on how to set that up.


  6. queuedr

    thanks for the information and posts

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  7. Rathan Kumar

    Very useful article. I would like to know which plugin is best for two way google calendar sync functionality?
    I mean, for eg: I am developing an application where customers can book appointment to get their house cleaned. So they need to select date and time slots to book an appointment with my cleaner. What I need is: I want my cleaner to able to set his availability time directly from the Google calendar. Is it possible? If so, please suggest me which plugin should I go for?

    • WPBeginner Support

      For that type of integration, you would need to reach out to the plugin’s supports for if that would be available.


    • Andreas

      Did you find a good booking platform for that?

  8. Sneha Mittal

    I think you missed out some important scheduling software like

    1. SuperSaaS: offers a completely free version and very low cost subscription plans with a lot of amazing features like ability to set pricing rules, create discounts & promotional offers and so on.

    2. Acuity Scheduling: Very popular but a little expensive if you want customization

    3. Calendly: Meeting scheduling system

    • WPBeginner Support

      Than you for those additional recommendations


  9. Nicola

    is there a plugin that allows you to reserve seats (local) for cooworking?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can add locations to most of these plugins, if you reach out to their support with the specifics you need they should be able to let you know if that is available.


  10. robert brodsky

    I am looking for a totally free date and time appointment booking plugin. I need to finish the project as cheap as possible. I know that is a tall order to fill but maybe someone knows of one.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to look at the Easy Appointments plugin in this list under number five. :)


  11. Kevin

    First of all, thanks for this great article

    I’m creating a platform for independent tour guides to propose their services here in Paris, which plugin could be the best for this? having in mind that there will be many guides and each of them with different services to propose.

    Thanks in advance

  12. Sunil


    I have seen few new plugins as well like buddypress, appointment buddy etc.

    You can surely add few more..

  13. Mike Anderson

    Hi, I am looking for a booking system for appointments that can handle a client having a quota of free time per month, then allowing a paid rate for the hours after that time is used up? It wold of course renew the quota for the following month.

    Is this at all possible, I have been looking for a couple of days at various options, most the plugins I have looked at cannot do this.

    • Bogdan Bujor

      Hey buddy. Did you find anything? I am in search of such plugins and haven’t found one single one that can do this.

  14. David


    Im buliding a website where i sell many different classes and courses, for exampel dance, yoga and gymnastics.

    I need an calendar that alows for puting up courses with serten number of participates, also it will come in handy if i can have different actvities and classes at the same date and whour. For exampel, bachata course in this location, Yoga session on that location – but at the same time.

    Further it would be good if there would be a function so people could pay straight away, rather than we having to contact them, asking them to pay, wait for the payment, the confirm the payment and the booking.

    What plugin should i shoose? Thank you wery mouch! =)

      • Katie

        I just connected with someone at StartBooking, and they plan on rolling out a class scheduling/booking feature in a few weeks– however, it is not currently available.

  15. Santosh kumar mohanty

    Hello ,
    I am making a website . I want a plugin by which I can send msg to individual recipient through a contact form or by mobile SMS . Can you help me find that’s like a plugin

  16. Pablo Almeida


    I’m creating a Marketplace MVP for hairdressers.

    Is there a plugin that create an individual agenda per hairdresser registered on my website?

    I found very good solutions, but just for one WP installation. Not per user (independent hairdressers or salons).

    The perfect world would be use with Portuguese translation. I can help on this translation too.

  17. William

    We are a charity Village Hall, and looking for a calendar/booking request system for our 2 different Halls. Is there a plugin for this type? Many thanks

  18. Peter


    I am using Plan Up theme for online booking event tickets.
    I am looking for a plugin that will work as ticket counter. If I have 100 tickets to sell it will do the countdown to zero and then it will be no more possible to sell more tickets. Is there a way to do this whitout to install WooCommers?

    Thnaks in advance

  19. Barbara

    Can you suggest an affordable appointment calendar with a payment processor? I need the client to book and pay for their appointment online.

  20. Janine

    I run a beauty salon. I have a wordpress site with a Woocommerce online store where I also sell skincare products. I would like to create an area on my website where customers can log in to make/view/amend online appointments and also view past purchases made via my online store.

    I have seen several websites which all have a similar set up but I’m not sure what plugin they are using for appointment booking

    Does anyone have any ideas?


    • Debra

      If you are using Chrome there are many extensions it can be added. There is a few that detects where a site is a WordPress site and the plug-ins used on the WordPress site. That should help you find plug-in the functions the way you want.

  21. philip

    Hi, am using adventure tour theme,the booking form does not clear the detail after checkout what might be the problem kindly

  22. David

    I offer three services who’s only real constraint is time. I control my capacity by the number of people I have on site. The services I provide take place over the course of an entire workday, so there’s no real need to schedule by the hour/minute – I just need to make sure that the services I have booked do not exceed the total hours I have a available. The challenge is that all the services pull from the same “bucket” of raw materials. Is there a tool that can accomplish this?

  23. Sidheeq

    Dear , I am looking a wordpress theme for online booking of travel visa service , customer can apply for different country visa by online .
    We need to add visa policy and uploading Felicity in the theme . any one have like theme .

  24. Diane

    Do you have any plug-ins for just requesting an appointment time without actually booking?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Diane,

      In that case, you should try WPForms. It is an easy to use form builder plugin for WordPress. You can create a form allowing users to select desired time slots, dates, contact information, and send it to request their appointment. This will be stored in your WordPress admin area, you will also get the appointment request via email.


      • Diane

        Thanks for your reply!

  25. biz


    I’m looking for an appointment/booking/reservation plugin/software for a shuttle service. I’m looking for multiple slots per time period – like 5 seats for 9:27 AM, so it will show how many seats left, if e.g. 2 seats were reserved, 3/5 seats are available – being able to put the airport arrival and departure times and then how many seats are available with the decrease of seats showing as each booking is made, along with a payment option.

    Also, I’m planning on offering an errand and appointment shuttle service, so would like to give them the option of a few time slots available that don’t overlap the airport arrival and departure times, if this is all possible.

    I would prefer to pay outright for the plugin, instead of a subscription. Do you know of the best plugin/software that is available for this? Thanks, in advance!

  26. Smarty Software

    Really Wonderful Blog….!!!!
    Very helpful for the appointment software plugin tips.

  27. John

    Am looking to add “booking appointment” form in my site for car service and repairs. Would any of the above do as it seems most of them are for hotel reservations.

    Thank You.

  28. John

    Your review of the Booking Calendar is very misleading. The version you show as a picture is not free, but actually very expensive.
    The free version does not allow for time-slots, only full days can be booked. What is the point in that.
    Like always, empty promises. I don’t mind paying money for good services and products, but this stupid teasing business they all seem to do now goes on my nerves

    • WPBeginner Support

      Plugin developers can change pricing and features at any time. This is something beyond our control.


    • Jay Makwana

      Which is the best booking calendar to book by time-slots? is Booking Calendar’s paid version worth the cost?

      • Carmen Ramirez

        We are a non-profit and need a function which will allow us to book rooms for classes. We purchased the paid version of Booking Calendar, and it is not user friendly. You need to copy, cut, paste code and edit it. It was, in my opinion, a complete waste of money. I’m back to searching for a simple, user-friendly plug in solution. If you are good with coding the $79 may be worth it, but for us it was not.

  29. Niall

    Hi all!

    I’m looking into creating a website for babysitters. Ideally, I’d like to add a process whereby babysitters can create their own profile and enter their hours available to work on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. When a user fills out the booking form including date and time range I would like it to automatically show only babysitters who are available at that moment. Successful completion of the booking form would then remove the babysitter from future search results for that moment.

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

  30. Deanna

    Hi! I wondered whether any of these plug-ins have the capability to allow my customers to add multiple reminder dates? For instance, their partners birthday, their wedding anniversary, kids birthdays etc…. if no, do you have a suggestion of what may be suitable?


  31. Giulio

    Hi guy, thanks for the article!
    I’m looking for a booking plugin for an hotel website, which one do you suggest?

  32. Mason

    I’ve lost money and time trying to modify a wordpress pricerr theme to allow each seller to accept appointments. Can you name any e-Commerce theme where users can easily make appointments, and be easily setup or automated by admin? If I had 1,000 sellers I’d want it simple!!

  33. David

    Of the “Five Best Appointment and Booking Plugins,” you mention that one is free, but you don’t mention the prices of any of the others.

    To me, any review of something that costs money is useless without telling us how much it costs.

  34. Karen Ratte

    I think you may have missed the boat here. I tried a number of these and looked at the ease of use and features before settling on BOOKLY.

