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Cosa fare quando si è bloccati fuori dall’amministrazione di WordPress (wp-admin)

Uno dei problemi più comuni dei nostri lettori è quello di essere bloccati dall’area di amministrazione di WordPress.

Questo problema può essere causato da molte ragioni diverse, il che rende difficile per i principianti la risoluzione dei problemi.

Fortunatamente, abbiamo oltre 16 anni di esperienza nella risoluzione dei problemi e nella correzione degli errori di WordPress, quindi siamo qui per aiutarvi.

In questo articolo vi mostreremo cosa fare quando siete bloccati dall’amministrazione di WordPress (wp-admin) in modo da poter riottenere l’accesso al vostro sito.

What To Do When You Are Locked Out of WordPress Admin (wp-admin)

Perché siete bloccati fuori dall’amministrazione di WordPress?

Ci capita spesso di sentire utenti che sono bloccati dall’area di amministrazione di WordPress. Questo è frustrante e può portare a un blocco della produttività. Non è possibile scrivere post, rispondere ai commenti o svolgere qualsiasi attività sul proprio sito WordPress.

Se avete problemi ad accedere al sito di qualcun altro, dovete contattare il proprietario o l’amministratore del sito per informarlo. Questi potranno spiegarvi perché non avete accesso o collaborare con voi per risolvere il problema.

Se siete il proprietario del sito, potete seguire i passaggi di risoluzione dei problemi indicati di seguito.

Ci sono alcuni motivi per cui potreste essere bloccati dall’amministrazione di WordPress, quindi analizziamoli uno per uno. Speriamo che, attraverso questo processo di eliminazione, riusciate a trovare la soluzione al vostro problema.

Potete anche consultare la nostra guida alla risoluzione dei problemi di WordPress per scoprire cosa sta causando il problema e come risolverlo. Potreste trovare una soluzione anche nel nostro elenco degli errori più comuni di WordPress e di come risolverli.

Suggerimento dell’esperto: Preferite lasciare la risoluzione dei problemi ai professionisti? I nostri servizi di assistenza WordPress Premium possono risolvere i problemi e correggere gli errori di WordPress in pochissimo tempo. Offriamo un supporto d’emergenza on-demand, 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, e soluzioni una tantum a prezzi accessibili per le piccole imprese.

Detto questo, diamo un’occhiata ad alcuni passi che potete compiere quando siete bloccati dall’amministrazione di WordPress. Potete utilizzare i link sottostanti per navigare rapidamente verso il messaggio di errore visualizzato:

Errore nella connessione al database

Error Establishing Database Connection

State vedendo l’avviso “Errore nello stabilire la connessione al database” su ogni pagina del vostro sito? Questo messaggio viene visualizzato per vari motivi, come ad esempio un database corrotto o problemi con il server di web hosting.

Se si verifica questo errore quando si tenta di accedere, consultare la nostra guida su come risolvere l’errore di stabilire una connessione al database in WordPress.

500 Errore interno del server

Internal Server Error

Un altro errore di WordPress in cui un principiante può imbattersi è “Internal Server Error” (errore interno del server), o talvolta “500 Internal Server Error” (errore interno del server). Questo errore viene visualizzato quando c’è qualcosa che non va, ma il server non è in grado di identificare il problema.

Se vedete questo messaggio quando cercate di accedere a WordPress, seguite i passaggi della nostra guida su come risolvere l’errore 500 internal server in WordPress.

Errore 404 “Non trovato

A volte gli utenti sbagliano a modificare l’indirizzo di WordPress e l’indirizzo del sito nelle impostazioni di WordPress. La volta successiva che cercano di accedere all’area di amministrazione, visualizzano l’errore “Errore 404 – Non trovato”.

WordPress Address and Site Address

Se vi succede, potete consultare la nostra guida su come cambiare l’URL del vostro sito WordPress. Non sarà possibile utilizzare il metodo 1 perché non è possibile accedere, ma gli altri metodi dovrebbero risolvere il problema.

Nota: se riuscite ad accedere al vostro sito ma vedete l’errore 404 quando visualizzate uno dei vostri post, il problema è un altro. Per sapere come risolvere il problema, consultate la nostra guida su come risolvere l’errore 404 dei post di WordPress.

Errore 403 Forbidden

Forbidden Error

Alcuni utenti riferiscono di aver riscontrato l’errore “HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden” quando cercano di accedere a wp-admin. Questo errore può essere causato da permessi di file errati, da plugin di sicurezza mal codificati o dalla configurazione del server.

Se state riscontrando questo errore, la nostra guida su come risolvere l’errore 403 Forbidden in WordPress vi aiuterà a individuare e risolvere il problema.

401 Errore non autorizzato

Unauthorized Error

Un altro messaggio che potreste vedere quando siete bloccati fuori dall’amministrazione di WordPress è l’errore 401. Questo errore è talvolta accompagnato da un messaggio che dice: “L’accesso è negato a causa di credenziali non valide” o “È necessaria l’autorizzazione”.

Questo messaggio può essere visualizzato se la cartella di amministrazione di WordPress è protetta da password. Può anche essere causato da un plugin di sicurezza di WordPress o dalle misure di sicurezza adottate dalla società di hosting.

Consultate la nostra guida su come risolvere l’errore 401 in WordPress per conoscere sei soluzioni che vi aiuteranno a recuperare l’accesso al vostro sito web.

Accesso limitato

Limited Logins

Per impostazione predefinita, WordPress consente agli utenti di inserire le password quante volte vogliono. Gli hacker possono tentare di sfruttare questo aspetto utilizzando script che inseriscono diverse combinazioni fino a far crollare il vostro sito web.

Per evitare ciò, si consiglia di limitare il numero di tentativi di accesso falliti per utente. Tuttavia, questo potrebbe significare che l’utente si ritrova bloccato dal proprio sito web quando inserisce troppe volte la password sbagliata.

Se vi trovate in questa situazione, seguite i passaggi della nostra guida su come sbloccare il limite dei tentativi di accesso in WordPress.

Schermata bianca della morte

White Screen of Death

Vedete una schermata bianca nell’amministrazione di WordPress? Questo problema è spesso indicato come la schermata bianca della morte di WordPress.

Questo accade quando si esaurisce il limite di memoria. Potrebbe essere causato da un plugin o un tema mal codificato o da un hosting web inaffidabile.

Se state riscontrando questo errore, consultate la nostra guida su come risolvere la schermata bianca della morte di WordPress.

Problema della password errata

Incorrect Password Issue

Non c’è niente di più frustrante che sentirsi dire che si è usata la password sbagliata quando si è sicuri di non averla usata e si è anche controllato che il blocco delle maiuscole non sia attivo.

Questo può accadere se si è stati vittima di un hackeraggio, oppure se si è semplicemente commesso un errore onesto.

Peggio ancora, quando si cerca di cambiare la password, non si riceve mai l’e-mail perché viene inviata a un indirizzo a cui non si ha più accesso.

Fortunatamente, c’è un altro modo: potete resettare la password di WordPress da phpMyAdmin. Questo metodo può essere un po’ complicato per i nuovi utenti, ma è la migliore speranza per riottenere l’accesso all’area di amministrazione.

Problemi con i plugin

Potreste essere bloccati dall’amministrazione di WordPress a causa di un plugin o di un tema difettoso. Questo può accadere se non riuscite ad accedere all’amministrazione di WordPress dopo aver installato un nuovo plugin o se il messaggio di errore menziona “wp-content/plugins/”.

Deactivate All Plugins

Per riottenere l’accesso al vostro sito, dovrete disattivare temporaneamente i vostri plugin. Potete farlo utilizzando FTP o phpMyAdmin, seguendo la nostra guida passo passo su come disattivare tutti i plugin quando non si riesce ad accedere a wp-admin.

Privilegi amministrativi persi

A volte si riesce ad accedere all’amministrazione di WordPress, ma non si vedono le funzionalità dell’amministrazione. Ad esempio, non si ha accesso ai temi o ai plugin.

Questo può accadere se i permessi dell’utente sono stati modificati. Potrebbe essere che degli hacker abbiano infettato il vostro sito e poi cancellato i vostri privilegi di amministratore.

In questo caso, è necessario aggiungere un utente amministratore al database di WordPress tramite MySQL (phpMyAdmin).

Add an Admin User via MySQL

Sito WordPress violato

Se si sospetta che il proprio sito sia stato violato, è necessario adottare altre misure.

Un sito web violato può avere un aspetto diverso, visualizzare contenuti diversi o riprodurre automaticamente musica o altri media. Peggio ancora, potrebbe infettare i vostri visitatori con dei virus, quindi dovete agire rapidamente.

Potete iniziare con la nostra guida per principianti su come riparare il vostro sito WordPress violato. Vi mostreremo come identificare l’hack, ripristinare il vostro sito da un backup e rimuovere eventuali malware.

Dopodiché, dovrete proteggere il vostro sito da attacchi futuri. Vi mostriamo come farlo nella nostra guida definitiva alla sicurezza di WordPress.

Aggiornamento e reindirizzamento della pagina di accesso

Login Page Refreshing and Redirecting

Un altro tipo di errore di accesso si verifica quando la pagina di accesso di WordPress continua ad aggiornarsi e a reindirizzare alla schermata di accesso.

Questo può accadere a causa di valori errati per i campi URL del sito e URL della home nella tabella delle opzioni di WordPress. Può anche essere causato da impostazioni di permalink non correttamente configurate o da reindirizzamenti impostati nel file .htaccess.

Per risolvere questo problema, consultate la nostra guida su come risolvere il problema del refresh e del reindirizzamento della pagina di login di WordPress.

Errore ‘Questo è stato disabilitato

Quando cercate di accedere all’area di amministrazione di WordPress, vedete l’errore “Questo è stato disabilitato”? Questo messaggio viene visualizzato quando si accede all’indirizzo di amministrazione sbagliato.

Una pratica comune per la sicurezza di WordPress consiste nel cambiare l’URL di accesso predefinito dell’amministratore ( con uno personalizzato. Questo può aiutare a prevenire che hacker e bot martellino il vostro URL di accesso cercando di ottenere l’accesso.

Se dimenticate che l’URL è stato cambiato e andate a quello vecchio, vedrete questo messaggio di errore. Se avete dimenticato l’indirizzo corretto, consultate la nostra guida per principianti su come trovare l’URL di accesso a WordPress.

Errore ‘Brevemente indisponibile per manutenzione programmata’.

'Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance' Error

Avete riscontrato l’errore “Brevemente non disponibile per manutenzione programmata” in WordPress? Questo errore viene solitamente visualizzato durante l’aggiornamento del nucleo di WordPress, dei plugin o dei temi.

Ma se il vostro sito WordPress non riesce a completare l’aggiornamento, rimarrete bloccati in modalità di manutenzione.

Per risolvere il problema, consultate la nostra guida su come risolvere l’errore Brevemente non disponibile per manutenzione programmata in WordPress. La guida spiega anche perché l’errore si verifica e come evitarlo in futuro.

Errori di sintassi PHP

PHP Syntax Errors

Gli errori PHP possono verificarsi dopo aver incollato uno snippet di codice da un tutorial o da un sito web di WordPress. Il codice sbagliato può impedire al vostro sito web di funzionare correttamente e impedirvi di accedere.

Spesso i principianti utilizzano l’editor integrato di WordPress dalla loro dashboard. Questa funzione è comoda, ma può portare a un disastro se non si sa cosa si sta facendo.

Ecco perché abbiamo scritto la nostra guida per principianti sull’incollaggio di snippet dal web in WordPress.

Nota: in molti casi, è più sicuro utilizzare un plugin per gli snippet di codice come WPCode invece di inserire direttamente il codice personalizzato. Per maggiori dettagli, potete consultare la nostra guida su come aggiungere codice personalizzato in modo sicuro in WordPress.

Se siete bloccati dall’amministrazione di WordPress a causa di uno snippet di codice, dovrete risolvere il problema manualmente utilizzando un programma FTP come FileZilla per accedere ai vostri file. Se non avete familiarità con FTP, consultate la nostra guida per principianti su FTP.

Dopo esservi collegati al vostro sito WordPress utilizzando il software FTP, dovrete seguire la nostra guida su come correggere gli errori di sintassi in WordPress per correggere o rimuovere il codice che avete aggiunto.

Il vostro sito ha un problema tecnico

Site is experiencing technical difficulties

A volte, quando si cerca di accedere all’area di amministrazione di WordPress, si può vedere una schermata bianca o un messaggio che dice: “Il sito sta incontrando difficoltà tecniche. Controllare la casella di posta elettronica dell’amministratore del sito per ricevere istruzioni”.

È necessario accedere all’account e-mail dell’amministratore e aprire la casella di posta elettronica.

Dovreste ricevere un’e-mail automatica da WordPress che vi indicherà il tema o il plugin che sta causando problemi al vostro sito. Fornisce anche un link di accesso per poter accedere all’amministrazione di WordPress.

Email from WordPress about technical problem in your site

È sufficiente fare clic sul link per accedere all’amministrazione di WordPress in modalità di recupero. A questo punto, dovrete disattivare il plugin o il tema che causa i problemi sul vostro sito.

Tuttavia, è possibile che non riceviate questa e-mail con il link di accesso. In questo caso, consultate la nostra guida su come utilizzare la modalità di ripristino di WordPress.

Speriamo che questo tutorial vi abbia aiutato a risolvere il problema del “blocco dell’amministrazione di WordPress”. Potreste anche voler imparare a scegliere il miglior hosting WordPress o controllare il nostro elenco di plugin indispensabili per far crescere il vostro sito web.

Se questo articolo vi è piaciuto, iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube per le esercitazioni video su WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Carl

    I seem to have a hacker trying to access my back end using the Admin account and they keep locking me out of my own site. Is there a way to reset this lockout since this seems to be happening quite often to my site. I try to block the IP addresses of the hackers once I get access back but low and behold they did it again. Locked out and can’t login as Admin.

    Once I get back in I will prob create another user with all access so I am not completely locked out again but being locked out as Admin is getting quite frustrating. I think it is a plugin I installed that is setup to block the user if they fail to login correctly, too bad there is no way to assign an IP address to my Admin user since I have a static IP and only log in from the same internet connection when editing my site

    Any ideas on what I should do? thanks!

  3. Eline

    So I changed a code in functions.php and therefore an error occurred. My website isn’t loading anymore and I can’t log into the admin. I tried using FileZilla and followed the exact steps as you described. I was able to change the functions.php and removed the code. However, my website is still not working. I really don’t know what to do, hope you can help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Do you see an error message when you visit your website?

      Are you sure you fixed the correct functions.php file? Each WordPress theme installed on your site has a functions.php file.

      Try switching to a default theme by renaming, /themes/ folder to /themes.old/ inside wp-content directory. Then create a new themes folder and then download Twenty Sixteen theme from Unzip the theme and upload it to the new themes directory.


      • Eline

        Hi, I managed to fix my website by replacing my functions.php in FileZilla by the functions.php from my theme which I found on the internet. Thank you for all the helpful information because otherwise I wouldn’t have known about FileZilla. I’m relieved that my website is fixed now!

  4. Nedžla


    I tried to change the footer letter color in the code (imported the code and deleted it in 2 or 3 places). Now I can not access my admin or open the page. It is a HTTP ERROR 500! Please help, it is my first page on WordPress and I do not want to loose it! Thank you.

  5. Martin

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-content/themes/madar-lite/inc/customizer.php:392) in /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-login.php on line 390

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-content/themes/madar-lite/inc/customizer.php:392) in /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-login.php on line 403

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-content/themes/madar-lite/inc/customizer.php:392) in /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 898

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-content/themes/madar-lite/inc/customizer.php:392) in /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 899

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-content/themes/madar-lite/inc/customizer.php:392) in /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 900

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-content/themes/madar-lite/inc/customizer.php:392) in /home/windwapc/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1171

    This is what I see in my screen when I click on view admin in other to access my dashboard Please someone should help me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Seems like issue with a theme or plugin installed on your site. Try deactivating all plugin and switching to a default theme like Twenty Sixteen. This will help you figure out which plugin or your theme is causing the issue.


      • Teresa

        I have the same issue, however I cannot even log into my dashboard. I did go to my pluggable.php file and deleted all the spaces and extra lines but the problem still persists.

        • WPBeginner Support

          Hi Teresa,

          Why you deleted the pluggable.php file? It is a core file and you are not supposed to delete it. Please download WordPress, extract it on your desktop, locate the file pluggable.php in the wp-includes folder. Use an FTP client to upload this fresh file back to your website.

          We are assuming that you added some code to functions.php file which caused errors on your website. Please take a look at the steps mentioned in our WordPress troubleshooting guide for beginners for more detailed steps.

  6. Sharon Sinclair

    Hello, I`m in a right mess with my new site. A friend set it up for me to edit – which I did, BUT then I decided to change the URL as it had his name in it – and now I cannot get into it at all.

    Would anyone have any idea how I can overcome this issue?

    Many thanks in advance

  7. Karen

    Greetings all,

    I am new to the world of websites, and while trying to find a way to add ‘Read More’ buttons to the TwentyTweleve Theme, I added some code into the functions.php file and am now locked out :|

    I have reviewed the repair option, however I do not have a web host as I am still learning, and just use the wamp server to view my site. As a result I cannot use the FTP option and am hoping there is another way back in – please help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      you can just go to the wamp folder on your computer. Inside it you will find www or htdocs folder which contains your WordPress files. Locate the twenty twelve theme folder in /wp-content/themes/ and undo the changes in functions.php


  8. Juliana

    I am helping a friend tweak a few things on her site (I’m a WP beginner). I made a few small changes (linked her instagram, edited a post, etc). Today when I tried to access the site (Main page & admin page)I got a 504 error message (Gateway Timeout). So I contacted the Web host and they said it was the theme that was causing it to crash. They changed the theme back to the default and I can now see the site and access the admin panel.

    The thing is, I really want to use that theme I had before, as that’s the theme she’s had for two years (with no problem) and she likes it.

    Any ideas what the problem could be? After it had been restored to the default theme, I tried changing it back to the previous theme and got the same error message and had to have my server put it back to default (twentyfifteen) Thanks!

  9. Jim Stevenson

    I started a second website cloned the existing site to it. Both sites are meant to be independent but thought it would save time to clone the first and then update it.
    Problem is I cannot log into the new site, my log in takes me only to the first site.
    How do I create a new log in for the new site?
    Do I have to start all over?
    Thanks for any tips and instructions!

  10. Misty Lounsbury

    had my WP files in sub-domain
    built site and done then went to replace existing site with index.php copy from the sub directory and now the site isn’t loading properly and I can not sign into the admin panel as it wont give me a sign on window

    Please help

  11. Amber Albrecht

    Help! What do I do? I have a Wordpress website hosted by another woman and her domain. She passed away unexpectedly. How do I take over paying for the site to keep it going? I have been running it for a year and promised her I would keep it going if something ever did happen. I do not have her admin info. I only have her domain name and my info.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Amber, it would be complicated. First, you will have to find out who is hosting the website. There are many online tools that can help you find out who is hosting the site by just entering the site address. Once you have found out the hosting company, you need to reach out to them.

      You will be asked to provide power of attorney, copy of death certificate, your identification information. In case you do not have power of attorney, then you will need to reach out to the next of kin or the estate who has control over the deceased belongings. They will have to separately contact the hosting company, provide them the same information, and give you the control of the site. After that you will be able to pay for the site and use it.

      Hope this helps.


  12. Andreas

    Hi! I think you are the guys to help me. I was fooling around with my site last night, trying to set upp custom pages for specific users. Everything was working fine when I called it a night, but today it’s another story. When trying to login, I just get the error message “Blocked” on a otherwise white page. Any ideas what’s going on?

    • WPBeginner Support

      A number of things can happen. Please contact your web host, they will be able to help you better.


  13. Norm

    Hi , I’m trying to fix a website for someone but the wp login page says A username and password are being requested by . The site says: “Restricted” instead of showing the login screen . The password and username are correct but it will not accept either , is there anyway around this without having to deactivate wp or loose any of the information in the website ? Any help will be greatly appreciated


  14. Ed Mooney

    I’ve had a blog, “Mists on the River” {formerly “Dusk to Dawn”) for six or eight years. I usually have no trouble entering a new post.

    Today my page appears as it would for any reader, but I can’t get the panel that let’s me open a new post, to appear, and the “edit” button at the bottom of my posts isn’t there.

    • WPBeginner Support

      May be you are simply logged out of WordPress. Add /wp-admin/ at the end of your blog and you will be able to access the login screen.


  15. Angela MacGray

    Hi! Thanks for much for your assistance.

    I recently updated to the latest WP version,
    and now when I try to log in to my site, I can’t. There is a string of error messages pertaining to PHP and a plugin that seems to have gone awry.

    The first code looks something like this, although there are multiple, and all pertaining to the same plug in on line 152
    Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): Access denied for user ”@’localhost’ (using password: NO) in wp-content/plugins/easy-contact-forms/easy-contact-forms-database.php on line 152

  16. E. Hutchinson

    I was installing and setting the settings of a membership plugin and I think I didn’t create the login page. I accidently logged out and I have a “coming soon” plug in running, so now when I try to login I only get the coming soon splash page. Is there something i can do on the server side to regain access or deactive the coming soon plugin?

  17. John

    Hi, I did a terrible mistake. By default the domain was, but trying to solve some other plugin related issue, I modified the .htaccess file and included a rule to redirect it to Dont have ftp access. So now even if I enter correct user/pass in my wp-admin, I get redirected to the same http://www.example,org without any error. Please help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can simply download your htaccess file to your computer for backup. After that delete it from your server. Access your website, go to admin area and then Settings -> Permalinks. Click on the update button to refresh your .htaccess file.


  18. Obidigwe Kenechukwu

    Firstly is to thank you of your enormous supports that I got from reading your articles for the past few months I started my new website. I really appreciate.

    I always get “504 Gateway Error” most times I want to Publish a post/page/Image from my WP-admin section.
    I have sent countless of mails to my Hosting provider “Whogohost” but there feedbacks aren’t helping and the problem persists. Though the problem re-occurs temporarily but lasts up to days; It sucks.

    2 Users I added on the website complained they were unable to post on the website using the “Wordpress apps on android and blackberry phones”.

    Please I will be glad to get your solution on this problem of mine.

    Thanks and remain blessed.

    • WPBeginner Support

      First try to deactivate all your WordPress plugins and switch to a default theme. Try publishing a post or page and see if you still get the error. If you do, then try increasing php memory limit. If that does not help, then it is most likely an issue on your server. Contact your host for support.


  19. Brandi

    I have a problem outside of these options and I’m so clueless on the subject that I don’t even know which way to direct myself. My brother hosted the non-profit website that I update. He has since burned personal bridges and it appears professional, as well, as I can’t access our site. I don’t know if he just stopped paying the wordpress fees, but I have no access. When I go to the actual website, my last update a few months ago is still there. Is there any way to access this wordpress account and establish on my own or do I need to create an whole new website?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Do you receive an email notification when a user leaves comment? If you do then you can receive password reset information on that email address.


  20. Arpit Jain

    my website that is has got hacked and whenever I try to open the wp-login/wp-admin it shows the original page to me.
    Please tell me what should I do to retrieve my website

  21. Wayne


    I am completely locked out of my site and cannot access my dashboard. I have multiple user accounts that I use for testing and all of them are locked as well. When I try to log in I get “ERROR: The password you entered for the username spiderwayne is incorrect. Lost your password?”.

    Password Reset
    I tried to reset my password but after I click on the link I get in email to reset it I get a page that says “Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.”

    I tried to register as a new user and get this message “ERROR: Couldn’t register you… please contact the webmaster !”

    I thought it was the Them-My-Login plugin because this seems to happen after I installed an update from them. So I FTP’d into my site and renamed it. So then when I tried to log in I was back at the default WordPress login page but again I try to log in I get that failed message saying “ERROR: The password you entered for the username spiderwayne is incorrect. Lost your password?”. By the way I also tried logging in using my email address.

    Next I renamed my whole Plugin directory so all the plugins would be disabled.. and I still can’t get in.

    Earlier today I went into phpMyAdmin and I changed the password (md5) on one of my accounts and again it didn’t work.

    The only think I can think of now but really don’t want to do is wipe out my site, get rid of the database and wordpress, reinstall everything and rebuild from a backup from last week and hope I don’t rebuild it with the same problem.

    Anything else you can think of for me to try?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Try backing up your themes directory and .htaccess file, and then delete them from your server. Create new themes directory and download fresh copy of a default theme. Upload that theme and then try to access your website.


  22. Carrie

    I’ve been scouring the Net for an answer and was hoping someone here can help! I was granted admin access to a friend’s blog and was temporarily locked out because I was trying to enter the wrong password. I was able to get it corrected but now every time I leave a comment on her site, my comment is held in moderation. I have all appropriate permissions; in fact when readers comment, nobody’s comment is set to be held in moderation! I have a suspicion WP has my IP address (and/or username) tagged due to the lockout. Do you know of a way we can fix this? I’ll be writing regularly for her blog and it’s a pain to be at a laptop logged in just to respond to reader comments. Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      A number of possibilities here:

      1. There is some security plugin installed that has blacklisted your ip address.
      2. Go to Settings > Discussion scroll down to comment moderation and blacklist boxes and see if your username or ipaddress is listed there.
      3. Akismet is catching your comment as false positive. In that case please contact Akismet support.


      • Carrie

        Thank you so much! I’ll look into these!

  23. Deborah

    Hey, so there are days where the backend decides to work and some days not.

    When I type in the URL for the backend, it either lets me through or it redirects me to the front end.

    I don’t know how to fix this!

    -I already cleared all cache and cookies

  24. Sybil

    How do I fix this when I login to my page I don’t see the dashboard. It says I need to update to version 4.2. This is on the home page of my website:

  25. Jai Kumar

    Hi, I have 2 websites with Wordpress. The main website is and the sub website is
    I have lost the control on the main (.com) website. I am trying to login with wpadmin but it’s saying “ERROR: The password you entered for the username h is incorrect. Lost your password?” I tried your method but nothing help. I still have access with website. Could you help me please?

    Thanks in advance.

  26. Yvonne Bertoldo

    Hi, i am hacked and i cant access my wp-login. It only shows 500 internal server error. Help pls. Thank you:)

  27. Brian

    Got a bit of an odd situation here. I’m doing some marketing consultation for a company who has lost control of its Word Press site. The setup email was registered by an employee who is now disgruntled, and hasn’t been with the company for over a year. The password was known for the past year, but recently forgotten. The reset function is linked to his email address and he’s not responding to anyone’s requests to transition control over to the company owners.

    Is there a way for the owners to prove their ownership and put the admin email in their own hands without having to get the former employee to be involved in any way?

    We have a major marketing program that just went live and the lack of being able to access and update the website is causing serious financial harm to the company.

    Please help!

    Are there any readily available solutions that don’t involve the expense of making this a legal matter?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If this is a self hosted WordPress site, then you can access your site’s MySQL database using phpMyAdmin and update the email address under the users table.


  28. Marah B

    Hi! I locked myself out of my admin page on my website adding a google ad under Appearance/Editor/Theme Functions. I tried downloading the FTP files that you recommended to help correct this mistake and they won’t open for me (I have a macbook pro).

    Please help :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can open the file in TextEdit app on your Macbook. You need to edit your themes functions file to undo the changes that caused your site to stop working.


  29. Phil

    I’ve changed the Wordpress Address URL in the General Settings of my Wordpress site thinking tha I was changing the page that showed as the Home page and now I can’t get access to the wp-admin.

    My website is also now showing as text and has no design to it.

    Help! Please! :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Connect to your website using an FTP client. Edit wp-config.php file. Add these two lines, just before the line ‘/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */’


      Don’t forget to replace with your own URLs.


      • Sarah

        Thanks for that but when you do this and get back in, you cannot ‘reset’ the url in the main admin area?

        Is there a way one can do this please?

        • WPBeginner Support

          You can also use functions.php file to update URL. Simply paste this code in your functions.php file:


          Replace with your site url.

  30. Diane La Costa

    I am completely locked out of my wordpress. Cannot remember email used or password. I tried all of the emails that I still have access to.

    Is there a number or email to the people at wordpress that I could explain this problem to?
    I cannot find one anywhere! Help!

  31. Tyko


    I managed to make a change at the website and/or wordpress adress/URL under settings in admin. Since then as I try to log in I get Error 404 – Page Not Found.

    I can see the rest of the site and the text but the whole design is gone. Its all text.

    Plz guide me so that I can fix this!

  32. nikhil

    what should we do if we don’t have ftp access to the website?

  33. Dean Knight

    Hi, I moved wordpress from to the main directory using the steps as directed in under the heading “Moving Directories On Your Existing Server” on this page:

    I know want to update wordpress and it wont allow me to do so.

    I am quite happy to make a back up and uninstall / reinstall wordpress and import, but, everytime I have done this in the past I never have images back in the media library and have to manually upload all images.

    Whilst this has been a bit of a drag in the past, the site I know need to do this for has hundreds of images on hundreds of pages.

    What is the best way around this??

    Many thanks


  34. ozlem

    Hi, I changed my admin password on myphp database exactly as instructed here, generating an md5 level password from the link in this tutorial. But now I cannot even reach my website and I get “error establishing database connection”. What can I do? Something went terribly wrong.

  35. Amit Dadhwal

    I have wordpress Multisite. When i am trying to open my one of website its automatically start download & my website is not open even i have full access of my dashboard. How can i fix it.

  36. WPBeginner Staff

    First lets get your site back.

    The reason you can’t connect to FTP using Filezilla is probably that you are entering incorrect hostname, username, or password. You can ask your webhosting provider to provide these details to you.

    Alternately you can use File Manager in cPanel. Login to your hosting account and find the File Manager. It is just like FTP only that it works inside your browser. Locate your functions.php file and edit it to remove the code you added earlier.

    As for adding Google Maps, checkout our guide on how to add a Google Map in WordPress.

  37. Doline Myburgh

    Hi there.
    Hoping for some help. I’m new to WP, and still finding my feet. Managed to create a rather nice site, and as a final touch decided to ad a google map of some sort into the contact page. All the plug ins that I looked at called for the ‘simple code’ to be incerted. But ofcourse I could not figure out WHERE exactly this should be incerted. So I googled, and it was suggested that the coding should be added into the function php. and the ‘short code’ into the text part of widgets.
    Thus I added the coding at the end of the existing coding in the function php. and when I pressed the button, manage to make my whole site dissapear. I now KNOW NOT TO MESS WITH FUNCTION CODING.
    I know where the error occured, and could easily fix, if I could just get rid of the white screen.
    Then I read that I can try via FTP (Filezilla) and did use filezilla before, so that should be ok.
    I type in my host, username and password, and it runs it’s script, but then ends with red lettering: Critical error. Could not connect to server.
    Now what? Any other suggestions?

  38. Pete

    I was messing around with “footer plhgins” and decided that they where troublesome. so I deleted one of them called “sticky footer” and in a sense, thats right, sticky. It messed up my home page and so trying different was to delete an invisible page “behind” the home page was taskfull but I did it however, when I went to put a “new” home page with the same data as the original, it worked but would not return to “home” when clicked from another page. I also noticed that certain words changed to blue and became ad words within my site. This after I added a security plugin the day before. so messing with another plugin to try and remove the malware, was unsuccessful so I brought out the big gun “spybot” to try and clean up the mess. Well, while doing so, I must have removed something and now I have zero access to my site, My wp-admin is not recognized as if it disappeared. what do I do the fix this? or how do I take the site dow and rebuild?

  39. Edwin Lynch

    Okay. I was hacked. The whole server was royally hacked. I created a new username with admin permissions, but still couldn’t get in. They had changed all user usernames to admin but demoted the permissions on all. So what I did was 1. delete all security plugins and clean up your .htaccess 2. delete users with your email first. 3. create a new user with admin permission (like you say on this site – the exact tutorial I used). 4. Don’t try and log in with the new user. Use the lost password and the email address (not username). 5. I created a nasty password with the change password email and presto – I was in. Now it’s a matter of re-installing all plugins and clearing out other users.

  40. Steven

    Hi. I need help. I have lost all access to my admin page on my website.
    I know I have not changed my password or user name. I have tried following the reset password help on the forums but I can not as of yet find any proof of purchase. Can you please advise me on what else I can do.
    Kind regards

    • WPBeginner Support


      We can not understand, why do you need proof of purchase to reset your password? Did you try contacting your webhost? Do you remember the email address associated with your WordPress account or web hosting account?


      • Steven

        There was a password reset page that asked for website address and email address and also proof of ownership, that is why in my original message that I could not find proof of purchase as one of the questions was please provide your paypal transaction number.

      • Steven

        There was a password reset page that asked for website address and email address and also proof of ownership, that is why in my original message that I could not find proof of purchase as one of the questions was please provide your paypal transaction number.
        My web host? I have UKcheapest would the be the host?

      • Steven

        Hi guys, all sorted thanks to my better half. Many thanks for taking the time to reply.
        Kind regards

  41. Nick


    I am locked out of my admin. I have loaded the Plug-in: “Maven Member” which restricts access to specific pages. I was testing the registration pages by adding new members as basic subscribers or participants and I never got around to re-setting up my administration access through the plugin. Now when I enter in my username and password, it comes up as “Forbidden”

    I’m thinking that the plug-in overrides the original access (of Course) buy now I have no way of accessing my wordpress admin.

    I tried changing the names of the plugin file and the plugin root folder in the ftp – didn’t have an effect. And now, any attempt to login from the website, even when registering through the new plugin, for limited access, comes up as “forbidden”

    Any ideas. have a lot of work and no ability to do it.

    _ thanks in advance!

  42. Jrew

    Getting Error Message: “Cannot modify header information”

    Neither my username or password have been changed and I am locked out of one of my WordPress accounts.

    Anyone recognize this error message and know what to do to get around it?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Do you remember the last thing you did before getting this message? Most probably you installed a plugin or changed some code. You would need to deactivate all your plugins or undo the changes you made before getting this error.


  43. Emma

    Help I am locked out of my WordPress completely. I tried to set up a password protection for one of my pages within the .htaccess :

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName “restricted area”
    AuthUserFile /home/yourusername/html/protected-dir/.htpasswd
    require valid-user

    When I tried to change it back it kept a asking for a username and password. I was not aware i gave it one. Noe even the public cannot access the website without a username and password. PLEASE HELP!

  44. Winfred Mkochi

    I have been locked out because I was trying to change domain name (Site and Home). How can I get access to my Dashboard again?

  45. Lee Williams

    I have a WP site and it has been hacked by the “Turk Hack Team” They have changed my password. Changed my email address to access password reset and they have some how deleted my user name too. When I try for recovery using the “recovery account form” it tells me I don’t have an account. Says I must be on not But the last password resets in my emails are .com.
    I haven’t got a clue where to start! don’t even know how to contact Wordpress to prove I own my domain and site!!!!
    How are you suppose to get it fixed if you cant make contact?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Contact support. They have other ways for you to prove your ownership of the blog. On the other hand if your site was on you would have had much better control on your site and you could have recovered it without relying on a third party.


  46. Sue Ellam

    My website is nearly complete but my web designer has gone sick and I have no access to the site to get it finished as he never gave me the passwords. The designer isn’t in communication with me at all as I understand he is seriously ill and I don’t want to have to start again from scratch.

    What do I do please? Surely there must be a way of accessing the website in this kind of scenario. I have proof of ownership and the site has been paid for.

    I would really appreciate your advice.

    Thank you.

    • Editorial Staff

      If the website is hosted under a hosting account that you own, then you can request the hosting company to grant you access. If not, then you are pretty out of luck.


      • Sue Ellam

        Thank you for your reply. It was very helpful.

  47. Anne

    I am desperately looking for help. I am locked out of my WordPress blog, because the Log In does not recognize my password. Every time I am prompted to change it, I do, and it is rejected every time. Every solution to my issue involves being on my blog and I can’t get on. Is there any tech support available.

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Anne, usually your web hosting provider should be able to help you out with this.


      • Anne S. Haskell

        Thanks, but as I understand it, it is my web hosting provider that was keeping me out. It took me a couple of days, but I finally figured it out.

  48. indrajith

    the thumbnail is so funny.. LOL

  49. Gautam Doddmani

    definitely a very helpful guide…btw the featured image is awesome lol :D

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