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Come verificare il vostro sito WordPress su Pinterest (passo dopo passo)

Pinterest è un ottimo modo per condividere i contenuti del vostro sito web e attirare più visitatori. Secondo la nostra esperienza, potete ottenere ancora più vantaggi verificando il vostro sito web su Pinterest.

Quando verificate il vostro sito web, Pinterest sa che siete davvero voi. Questo vi dà accesso a strumenti speciali come l’analisi del sito web, in modo da poter vedere cosa è popolare. Potrete anche pubblicare annunci e accedere a informazioni dettagliate su come le persone interagiscono con i vostri contenuti.

Questo articolo vi mostrerà come verificare facilmente il vostro sito WordPress su Pinterest.

How to Verify Your WordPress Website on Pinterest

Perché dovreste verificare il vostro sito WordPress su Pinterest?

Pinterest è una delle piattaforme di social media più popolari per la condivisione di foto, video e altri contenuti visivi. Consente di creare un account e di gestire le immagini come Instagram o Flickr.

Inoltre, consente ad altri utenti di raccogliere link a siti web e altri contenuti visivi attraverso la creazione di bacheche.

Se gestite un sito web di fotografia o qualsiasi altro tipo di blog con immagini e video, Pinterest può essere un’importante fonte di traffico.

La verifica del vostro sito web su Pinterest vi aiuterà a conoscere meglio i vostri visitatori grazie a Pinterest Analytics. Potrete inoltre partecipare al loro programma di annunci e pianificare una strategia per far crescere il vostro traffico su Pinterest.

Detto questo, vediamo come verificare facilmente il vostro blog WordPress su Pinterest.

Come verificare il vostro sito WordPress su Pinterest

Prima di iniziare, è necessario aggiornare il proprio profilo Pinterest a un account business. Questo vi permetterà di utilizzare tutti gli strumenti Pro, come le analisi, il programma di annunci e altro ancora. L’account business di Pinterest è gratuito e facile da configurare.

Allora, iniziamo.

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Passo 1: Aggiornare l’account Pinterest a Business

Per prima cosa, è necessario accedere al proprio account Pinterest e cliccare sulla freccia in basso nell’angolo in alto a destra dello schermo. Quindi, fate clic sull’opzione “Sblocca strumenti commerciali”.

Click the Unlock business tools option

Nella schermata successiva, viene visualizzato un elenco delle funzionalità offerte dall’account business.

Per aggiornare il vostro account personale e utilizzare queste caratteristiche, fate clic sul pulsante “Passa al business”.

Select the Switch to business button

Quindi, inserite i dettagli del vostro account aziendale, come il nome del profilo, l’URL del sito web, il Paese e la lingua.

Una volta inseriti tutti questi dati, fare clic sul pulsante “Avanti”.

Build your profile

Pinterest vi chiederà ora di descrivere la vostra attività. È possibile selezionare un settore dal menu a tendina e scegliere 3 obiettivi tra le opzioni proposte.

Quindi, fare clic sul pulsante “Avanti”.

Describe your business

Nella schermata successiva, vi verrà chiesto di selezionare un’opzione per ottenere raccomandazioni personalizzate.

Una volta fatto questo, assicuratevi di fare clic sul pulsante “Avanti”.

Get customized recommendations

A questo punto, vi verrà chiesto di selezionare un’opzione se siete interessati alla pubblicità su Pinterest e di cliccare sul pulsante “Avanti”.

Per questa esercitazione, è possibile selezionare l’opzione “No, non ho intenzione di fare pubblicità”.

Planning to run Pinterest ads

Successivamente, Pinterest vi mostrerà diverse opzioni per iniziare con il vostro account aziendale.

È possibile fare clic sull’icona della “croce” nell’angolo in alto a destra per saltare questa parte.

Where would you like to start

Fase 2: rivendicare il proprio sito web su Pinterest

Il passo successivo consiste nel rivendicare il proprio sito web su Pinterest.

Per farlo, potete cliccare sul pulsante “Claim domain” (Rivendica dominio) dalla vostra pagina Pinterest Business hub, che vi porterà direttamente alla pagina delle impostazioni di rivendicazione.

Claim domain in Pinterest

Un altro modo per rivendicare il proprio sito web è fare clic sulla freccia rivolta verso il basso nell’angolo in alto a destra e selezionare l’opzione “Impostazioni”. Quindi, andate alla sezione “Rivendicazione” nel menu di sinistra.

Per ottenere il credito per i vostri contenuti su Pinterest, cliccate sul pulsante “Claim” per i siti web.

Click websites claim

Una volta fatto clic sul pulsante, apparirà una finestra popup con tre opzioni per rivendicare il vostro sito web WordPress.

Scegliamo l’opzione “Aggiungi tag HTML” perché è la più semplice.

Choose how you want to claim

Tuttavia, se preferite, potete scegliere l’altra opzione, in cui scaricate il file HTML e lo caricate nella directory principale del vostro sito web utilizzando un client FTP o il file manager del vostro hosting WordPress.

È anche possibile aggiungere un record TXT di verifica alle impostazioni del dominio utilizzando il proprio registrar di dominio.

Passo 3: Aggiungere il tag HTML al sito web WordPress

Esistono diversi modi per aggiungere un tag HTML all’intestazione del vostro sito web, ma in questa sede ci occuperemo solo dei due metodi più semplici.

Aggiungere il tag HTML di Pinterest con un plugin SEO

Innanzitutto, è possibile utilizzare il plugin All in One SEO (AIOSEO) per WordPress e inserire il tag HTML nel proprio sito web. Per maggiori dettagli, seguite la nostra guida su come installare un plugin di WordPress.

AIOSEO è il miglior plugin SEO per WordPress e rende molto semplice l’ottimizzazione del sito per i motori di ricerca senza dover assumere un esperto.

Pur consigliando la versione Pro, è possibile utilizzare anche la versione gratuita di AIOSEO per aggiungere la verifica di Pinterest.

Per aggiungere il tag HTML, accedere a All in One SEO ” Impostazioni generali e quindi fare clic sulla scheda “Strumenti per i Webmaster” dal menu in alto.

Dopodiché, fate clic sul blocco “Verifica del sito Pinterest”.

AIOSEO Webmaster Tools

A questo punto, inserite il tag HTML copiato nel passaggio precedente nel campo Pinterest Site Verification.

Quindi, è necessario fare clic sul pulsante “Salva modifiche”.

Enter Pinterest Verification Code

Aggiungere un tag HTML di Pinterest con un plugin Code Snippets

Oltre a usare AIOSEO, un altro modo per aggiungere il tag HTML è installare e attivare il plugin WPCode.

Dopo l’attivazione, è necessario visitare la pagina Code Snippets ” Header & Footer nella propria dashboard di WordPress. Nella sezione ‘Header’, è necessario incollare il tag HTML. Quindi, fare clic sul pulsante “Salva modifiche”.

Insert HTML tag in header script section of WPCode

Una volta aggiunto il codice HTML alla sezione header del sito web, è necessario tornare allo schermo di Pinterest e fare clic sul pulsante “Continua” nel popup.

A questo punto vi chiederà di inserire l’URL del vostro sito web e di fare clic sul pulsante “Verifica”.

Verify your site in Pinterest

Una volta fatto ciò, verrà visualizzato un messaggio che dice: “Verifica in corso”.

Di norma, il processo richiede 24 ore e si riceve un’e-mail di verifica del sito web.

Verification in progress

Ecco fatto! Avete verificato con successo il vostro sito WordPress su Pinterest.

Suggerimento: se Pinterest non riesce a verificare dopo aver aggiunto il codice di verifica, significa che è necessario cancellare la cache di WordPress.

Guide esperte sull’utilizzo di Pinterest in WordPress

Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato a capire come verificare il vostro sito WordPress su Pinterest. Potreste anche voler consultare altre guide relative all’utilizzo di Pinterest in WordPress:

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219 commentiLeave a Reply

  1. Michelle


    I’ve done this, but after 22 hours or so Pinterest says it can’t find the meta data. Is it be because I have the coming soon page on? Or is security to high or something? If you can help. It happened with confirming gsuite email address aswel.

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would be due to your coming soon page likely not including the meta information


  2. Tracy Crites

    Thank you so much for this!!! I was trying to figure out how to link Pinterest for the 4,000th time, and your tutorial is the first that made sense to me. You are a teacher at heart. It worked!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide could help make the process understandable :)


  3. Shannon

    Thank you so much! I’ve been avoiding this for years because it seemed way too hard!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide could make the process manageable :)


  4. Isaac Mutwiri

    This made the whole process seem so simple. Thanks a lot.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad we could simplify the process :)


    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you found our guide helpful :)


  5. Hannah

    This was the most helpful walk through I found!
    Thank you so MUCH!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  6. Kristen

    Thank you for the super simple walk through!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  7. Mary

    Do you need to have the premium/paid version of the Yoast plug-in? I don’t have the options you refer to in your step by step process. The only place I can input anything regarding social is through the wizard, and this only allows for your social site url.

    • WPBeginner Support

      The method in this guide does not require the paid plugin, you may want to ensure your Yoast SEO is up to date and you should be able to see the options under SEO>Social in your wp-admin area


  8. Candace Colt

    Thanks for this concise video! I went through all kinds of confusing posts and finally found this! This solution worked. Pinterest leaves you hanging!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was able to help :)


  9. laura

    Awesome, thank you so much for this! The instructions I found through WordPress did NOT work, so this was perfect.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could be helpful :)


  10. Nikki

    Thank you! The step by step was so easy to follow.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  11. Sharon

    thank you so much, really appreciate. This was easy and simple

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad we could make the process easier for you :)


  12. Madelynn

    This was helpful. Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  13. Saad Ali

    Still having problems claiming my website, when I click save changes button after entering meta tag for pinterest, it directs me to 404 error page

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure nothing on their end is causing this error.


  14. Vanessa

    This was so helpful and easy!! Thank you so much

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  15. Chrystal

    Thank you for explaining this is clear, simple terms!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  16. Denaye

    Hello, could you do the html tag with a personal plan? I don’t have a business plan yet. I do I need a business or a premium plan to install hmtl?

  17. Sushovita Nelson

    I was really so lost and confused. I was going around in circles to get this done. I then found this page that is so beautifully explained, I am so thankful for the support you give others.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our content could be helpful :)


  18. Tara

    Hi there. I have been trying to claim my website for 3 days with no luck. I have literally tried every single way possible, but I just get a message after many hours telling me that they couldn’t find the HTML meta tag or the verification file. I am waiting on a reply from Pinterest. I don’t know what esle to do.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Have you cleared all caching and reached out to your hosting provider to ensure they don’t have caching that would be showing the old page without the HTML tag?


  19. Laura

    Thank you so much! Very helpful!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our article was helpful :)


  20. Abraar

    Thanks wpbegineer, you are really helping us beginners a lot. Never stop your work.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, we’ll certainly keep adding more content to our site :)


  21. Celina

    Thanks so much! This was much easier than uploading the HTML. Your post was very helpful.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation could help :)


  22. Elizabeth

    WP Beginner’s text version of how to claim your website helped me get further in the process than any of the similar how-to articles I’ve encountered on the internet. So, many thanks.

    When I say I got further in the process, I mean that I nearly completed it but not quite. When I selected the Pinterest tab, entered the meta tag at the Pinterest confirmation window, and hit save changes, no box appeared, pop-up or otherwise. Any idea what I should do next?

    • WPBeginner Support

      There shouldn’t be a popup from Yoast when you save normally but it should be added to your site. Once you clear your cache and give Pinterest 48 hours to recrawl your site it should be able to see the tag.


  23. Elizabeth

    Hi there

    I’m not on a wordpress business plan, I think my plan’s called premium or personal (one step before business). Can I still verify my Pinterest account another way? The ways shown here don’t work for me, I don’t have yoast / seo link on my dashboard, and I don’t want to upgrade to a business plan at this stage just to enable plugins for this site verification.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you check’s support documentation they should let you know what options they have available currently


  24. Keith

    Hi I tried using both yoast and insert header footer widgets but both didn’t work. For yoast, there weren’t any options for SEO at all. For insert header footer widget, do I have to use it with elementor as I’m using that to build my website? Thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      The insert headers and footers plugin is not a widget, it adds code to your header. You could check with Yoast if there is a conflict but the most common issue is if you have a caching plugin that is preventing the required code from being seen.


  25. Brooke

    Thanks so much for this! I’ve been putting off doing this because every time I try and figure out how to, I’m left frustrated! This tutorial was exactly what I needed!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could be helpful :)


  26. Corin

    Hi, thanks for your post. Very informative! You wrote about claiming a website on Pinterest. Is there a way to unlink it? Thanks in advance.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless I hear otherwise, there isn’t a method for unlinking at the moment other than closing the account.


  27. Joy Lumu-Schmid

    I am having trouble accessing the wp-admin dashboard to select and customize a theme. Is it possible to upgrade the plan through Pinterest? If so, how much would it be? I do not need the expensive Word press business plan; I am not Tech savvy. I just need to launch a simple blog and promote educational, health, hair and beauty products without copyright violation. I would be grateful for your wise counsel.

    Kind regards

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  28. Maddy

    Thank you so much, I’ve been trying to do this for a week and every other post I saw was not helpful! thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  29. Sam Lodaria

    That was really helpful after spending 30 mins going through online written material. Thanks so much!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  30. Waliul Ripon

    When I’m going to verify my website then it is showing this message

    Domain failed to be verified. Try again!”

    I’m using woocommerce, fastcomet for hosting and Yoast SEO seo plugin

    Please help me. Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

    • WPBeginner Support


      The most common reason for this would be if the caching either from your site or hosting has not properly cleared. You may want to ensure both of those are cleared for Pinterest to verify correctly.


  31. Dawn

    Thank you! Finally found the answer I had been searching for!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  32. LaDonna

    Thank you so much. Your videos help me a lot.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our videos could help :)


  33. Samantha

    I do this, both methods, and it just links me to a page saying, oops! That page cannot be found. Why won’t it save my link?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to first resave your permalinks and if you continue to have that error you would likely need to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure there is not a setting on their end causing that error.


    • Martin

      I get the same error message.

  34. Danica

    Thank you so much! Your tutorials are so easy and simple!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our articles are helpful :)


  35. Suraj Gupta

    THanks you So much

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  36. Tinashe Jaricha

    Thank you for the text and video tutorial. My challenge is l don’t even see the menu tab on Pinterest and the 3 dots take me to messages.l’ve been hovering over my profile picture and nothing.Please help.

    Thank you in advance

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure you upgraded to a business account on Pinterest.


  37. Cristina

    Thank you so much for this very easy tutorial! I already had Yoast so the process was done in 2 minutes!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  38. Kris

    Just to say big thanks:). I wasn’t aware that Yoast can connect with Pinterest and verify my site. A lot quicker and faster than looking in CP to add that tag manually.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our article could help :)


  39. Linda

    This video was great and crystal clear. However, I am still having trouble with Pinterest not yet verifying my website. I have multiple claim tickets out there but largely non answers. Has anyone had this trouble? I have not yet launched the site…could that be the trouble? Appreciate anyone who can help with suggestions!

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you have a coming soon page active, that is one of the more common reasons that your site is unable to verify as Pinterest cannot reach your verification tag.


  40. Here Wee Read

    Thank you so much for this tutorial – you made the process super simple to follow and get this done quickly!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


      • Linda

        Hi There,
        Thank you for this great article, however, I have not yet been successful in having Pinterest verify my website. Could the issue be that I have not launched site yet? I have followed the very clear video and article and I am on 24 cycles with Pinterest. There is no chat or live person.

        • WPBeginner Support

          If you have a coming soon page up, that is the most likely reason your site is not verifying on Pinterest.

  41. Liz

    This really helped me figure out what to do, thank you so much!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad it could help :)


  42. yolinda

    i love every article you write! so helpful especially for someone not so tech-savvy

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our articles can help :)


  43. Mark

    Great tutorial. I wasn’t sure how to verify my site on WP so this was just what I needed. Thanks for the great tutorial.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  44. Leigh

    THANK YOU so much!! This was an outstanding tutorial! I look forward to learning more as I am for sure a beginner!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for using our article, glad it was helpful :)


  45. Dani

    Thanks! Esse tutorial foi realmente muito fácil.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our tutorial could help :)


  46. Dave

    Can I remove the code after done verifying or should I keep it

  47. Cynthia Smith

    Thank You this tutorial was so easy I was not sure how to do this I did tried to claim my website several time with no results, Pinterest email and said it wasn’t claimed.
    Thanks again,

    • Linda

      I see you had a problem with Pinterest verifying your site…what finally happened? It’s nearly week of an effort and still no luck.

  48. Eric Meyer

    Thank you so much. This step by step was very helpful.

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