Se avete superato Weebly e state cercando di passare a una piattaforma più robusta come WordPress, chi siamo potrebbe essere preoccupato per i difficili aspetti tecnici.
La buona notizia è che è possibile migrare tutti i contenuti di Weebly su WordPress senza dover assumere uno sviluppatore o conoscere il codice.
Infatti, abbiamo creato uno strumento gratuito per l’importazione da Weebly a WordPress che fa tutto-in-uno. Con questo strumento, potete trasferire facilmente tutti i vostri contenuti e rendere il vostro sito web operativo su WordPress in pochissimo tempo.
In questo articolo vi mostreremo come passare correttamente da Weebly a WordPress (passo dopo passo).

Perché migrare da Weebly a WordPress?
La scelta di WordPress rispetto a Weebly si riduce alla flessibilità e al controllo.
WordPress è il tipo di piattaforma web “tutto-in-uno”. È open-source, il che significa che un’enorme Community di sviluppatori ne migliora costantemente le capacità.
Avete accesso a migliaia di temi e plugin, che vi permettono di scalare e personalizzare il vostro sito a vostro piacimento. Che stiate impostando un semplice blog o un complesso sito di e-commerce, WordPress è in grado di gestire tutto-in-uno.
Weebly è facile da usare ed è l’ideale per creare un sito web in modo rapido e semplice. Tuttavia, è limitato nelle caratteristiche di personalizzazione e non ha tutte le capacità SEO che offre WordPress.
In base alla nostra esperienza, la maggior parte delle persone non sceglie la migliore piattaforma di blog quando inizia. È più probabile che scelga una delle tante soluzioni ospitate, come Weebly, perché ha sentito dire che era facile e gratuita.
Sfortunatamente, a volte WordPress ha una cattiva reputazione e ci sono molti miti su di esso che semplicemente non sono veri.
Una volta che ci si addentra nel mondo del blogging e si impara a conoscere il SEO, la monetizzazione, la personalizzazione e così via, si ha quel momento “oops” in cui ci si rende conto di aver fatto la scelta sbagliata.
Si scopre che WordPress è davvero il miglior sistema di gestione dei contenuti in circolazione.
Ed è allora che si inizia a farsi prendere dal panico, perché non si vuole che il proprio duro lavoro vada sprecato.
Non preoccupatevi, non è così. Abbiamo aiutato centinaia di persone a passare da Weebly a WordPress. Non è necessario conoscere il codice. Se siete in grado di seguire le indicazioni e di fare clic, potete passare il vostro sito Weebly a WordPress.
Sì, ci vorrà circa un’ora per migrare correttamente da Weebly a WordPress, ma ne vale la pena.
Offerta gratuita: Poiché molti di voi ce lo hanno chiesto, ora offriamo il servizio di migrazione gratuita da Weebly a WordPress come parte del nostro servizio gratuito di configurazione di blog WordPress. Ciò significa che uno dei membri del nostro team di esperti eseguirà l’intera migrazione per voi (100% gratuita). Sì, potete letteralmente passare da Weebly a WordPress senza alcun rischio.
Tuttavia, se vi piace imparare e fare le cose da soli, potete seguire la nostra guida passo-passo qui sotto.
Pronti? Immergiamoci.
Passo 1: Iniziare
Per avviare un blog WordPress, sono necessarie due cose:
- Un nome di dominio (è il nome del vostro blog, ad esempio
- Un account di web hosting (è il luogo in cui il vostro sito web vive su internet)
Mentre WordPress è gratuito, il dominio e l’hosting web hanno un costo (14,99 dollari all’anno per il dominio e 7,99 dollari al mese per l’hosting web).
Per fortuna Bluehost, fornitore ufficiale di hosting raccomandato da WordPress, ha accettato di offrire ai nostri utenti un dominio gratuito e uno sconto fino all’83% sull’hosting web.
Ciò significa che potete iniziare a lavorare con soli 1,99 dollari al mese!
Se, per qualche motivo, desiderate altre opzioni, potete consultare il nostro elenco delle migliori società di hosting WordPress.
Dopo aver configurato il dominio e l’hosting, il passo successivo è l’installazione di WordPress. Abbiamo una guida passo passo su come installare WordPress.
Una volta terminata l’installazione di WordPress, si è pronti a passare alla fase successiva, che consiste nello spostare i contenuti di Weebly su WordPress.
Fase 2: Esportazione del contenuto del sito web Weebly
In passato, era troppo difficile per gli utenti passare da Weebly a WordPress perché non era facile esportare i dati da Weebly.
Abbiamo deciso di risolvere questo problema e abbiamo sviluppato un importatore gratuito da Weebly a WordPress.
È uno strumento online gratuito che importa i contenuti da Weebly e li converte in un formato di importazione compatibile con WordPress. Non apporta alcuna modifica al vostro sito Weebly esistente, quindi è perfettamente sicuro da usare.
Andate sul sito Weebly to WordPress Importer e inserite l’URL del vostro sito Weebly.

Vi verrà chiesto di fornire il vostro nome e indirizzo email e di selezionare un formato di esportazione.
L’opzione predefinita è il formato WXR, da non modificare a meno che non si verifichi un problema in seguito.
Successivamente, è necessario scegliere se includere le pagine nel file di esportazione. L’opzione predefinita è “Sì” e non è necessario modificarla, a meno che non si voglia esportare le pagine di Weebly.
Successivamente, è necessario fare clic sul pulsante “Esporta il mio sito web Weebly”.
Weebly to WordPress Importer ora recupera i contenuti dal vostro sito Weebly e li converte in un file di esportazione compatibile con WordPress.

Verrà visualizzato un pulsante per scaricare il file di esportazione di Weebly. È necessario fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse su di esso e selezionare “Salva link con nome” dal menu.
Questo scaricherà il file export.xml sul computer.
Passo 3: Importare il contenuto di Weebly in WordPress
Ora che i contenuti di Weebly sono in un formato compatibile con WordPress, è il momento di importarli in WordPress.
Accedere all’area di amministrazione e andare alla pagina Strumenti ” Importazione.
Verrà visualizzato un elenco di importatori disponibili per diverse piattaforme. È necessario scorrere fino a WordPress e fare clic sul link “Installa ora”.

A questo punto WordPress recupererà il plugin importatore e lo installerà sul vostro sito WordPress senza ricaricare la pagina.
Una volta installato, è necessario fare clic su “Run Importer” per avviarlo.

In questo modo si accede alla pagina dell’importatore di WordPress. Fate clic sul pulsante “Scegli file” per selezionare il file export.xml scaricato in precedenza.
Quindi, fare clic sul pulsante “Carica file e importa” per continuare.
L’importatore di WordPress caricherà e analizzerà il file di esportazione. Nella schermata successiva, vi chiederà di assegnare gli autori.

È possibile importare un autore dal proprio sito Weebly, creare un nuovo autore o assegnare tutti i contenuti all’utente WordPress esistente.
Non dimenticate di selezionare la casella accanto all’opzione “Scarica e importa file allegati”. In questo modo, le immagini del vostro sito Weebly verranno recuperate nella libreria multimediale di WordPress, in modo da poterle utilizzare in seguito.
Ora è possibile fare clic sul pulsante di invio per eseguire l’importatore. WordPress importerà ora il contenuto del file di esportazione nel database di WordPress. Cercherà anche di recuperare le immagini linkate alle pagine e ai post del vostro blog Weebly.
Al termine, verrà visualizzato un messaggio di successo.

Congratulazioni, avete importato con successo i contenuti dal vostro blog Weebly a WordPress. Ora potete andare ai post, alle pagine e alle categorie nell’area di amministrazione di WordPress per vedere se tutti i vostri contenuti sono presenti. Inoltre, controllate la libreria multimediale per vedere le immagini importate dal vostro sito Weebly.
Se il processo di importazione fallisce a metà, è sempre possibile eseguirlo di nuovo. L’importatore è abbastanza intelligente da rilevare i contenuti duplicati e saltarli. Importerà solo i contenuti che non sono stati importati con successo nel tentativo precedente.
Passo 4: Impostazione dei reindirizzamenti
Se si utilizzava un dominio personalizzato sul proprio sito Weebly (come, è necessario farlo puntare al proprio provider di hosting WordPress.
Per prima cosa, è necessario accedere al proprio account Weebly e andare alla pagina dei domini. Fate clic sul nome di dominio che desiderate modificare e poi, nella pagina delle impostazioni del dominio, fate clic sul pulsante “Cambia” accanto all’opzione Nameservers.
Nella schermata successiva, è necessario inserire i nameserver del nuovo host WordPress. Per Bluehost, questi sono e

Fare clic sul pulsante “Salva” per memorizzare le impostazioni.
Le modifiche al server dei nomi possono richiedere un po’ di tempo per propagarsi su Internet. Una volta che le modifiche avranno effetto, i visitatori inizieranno a vedere il vostro sito WordPress.
Se si utilizza un URL di sottodominio sul proprio sito Weebly (come, ecco come impostare il reindirizzamento.
Accedere alla dashboard di Weebly e modificare il sito web. Successivamente, è necessario fare clic su Impostazioni e poi sulla scheda SEO.

Ora, scorrere fino all’opzione Codice intestazione e aggiungere questa riga di codice:
1 | < meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "0;url=" > |
Sostituite con il nome di dominio del vostro nuovo sito WordPress.
Non dimenticate di fare clic sui pulsanti “Salva” e “Pubblica” per salvare le modifiche.
Ora potete visitare il vostro sito Weebly, che verrà aggiornato e reindirizzato al vostro sito WordPress.
Passo 5: Impostazione dei permalink
Il vostro sito Weebly potrebbe avere una struttura URL diversa per i post e le pagine del blog. In genere, si tratta di qualcosa di simile:
Per i post del blog:
Per le pagine:
Se si utilizzava un dominio personalizzato sul proprio sito Weebly, gli utenti che visitano un post sul vecchio blog Weebly vedranno un errore 404.
Ecco come assicurarsi che gli utenti siano reindirizzati al post corretto.
È necessario visitare la pagina Impostazioni ” Permalinks. Scorrere verso il basso e selezionare l’opzione “Struttura personalizzata”, quindi aggiungere /blog/%postname%
nel campo di testo accanto.

Non dimenticate di fare clic sul pulsante “Salva modifiche” per aggiornare i permalink.
Ora è necessario aggiungere .html alla fine degli URL delle pagine di WordPress.
È necessario installare e attivare il plugin Add Any Extension to Pages. Per maggiori dettagli, consultate la nostra guida passo-passo su come installare un plugin di WordPress.
Dopo l’attivazione, è necessario visitare Impostazioni ” Aggiungi qualsiasi estensione alle pagine. È sufficiente inserire .html nelle impostazioni del plugin e fare clic sul pulsante “Aggiorna impostazioni”.

Ora è necessario visitare la pagina Impostazioni ” Permalinks e cliccare sul pulsante Salva modifiche per aggiornare la struttura dei permalink.
Fase 6: Risoluzione dei problemi
Ecco alcune cose di cui potreste aver bisogno dopo aver trasferito il vostro sito da Weebly a WordPress.
1. Importazione o sostituzione di immagini
WordPress cercherà di importare le immagini dal sito web di Weebly a WordPress durante l’importazione. Tuttavia, se le immagini non vengono scaricate nella libreria dei media, è necessario importarle. Per istruzioni dettagliate passo dopo passo, consultate la nostra guida su come importare immagini esterne in WordPress.
2. Correzione degli errori in WordPress
Se dopo il trasferimento si verificano alcuni errori sul sito WordPress, consultate la nostra guida definitiva sugli errori comuni di WordPress e su come risolverli.
3. Cose da fare dopo l’installazione di WordPress
Se tutto è andato bene, sarete pronti a personalizzare il vostro nuovo sito web e a sfruttare l’enorme flessibilità di WordPress. Consultate il nostro elenco di cose importanti da fare dopo l’installazione di WordPress.
Esercitazione video da Weebly a WordPress
Se non vi piace seguire le istruzioni scritte, date un’occhiata al nostro video tutorial su come passare da Weebly a WordPress:
Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato a passare correttamente da Weebly a WordPress. Potreste anche consultare il nostro elenco dei plugin WordPress indispensabili per i siti web aziendali e la nostra guida a WordPress vs. Weebly.
Se questo articolo vi è piaciuto, iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube per le esercitazioni video su WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.
Hello, the importer is not working. After filling out the fields, it shows WordPress Error
WPBeginner Support
Please reach out to us using our contact form with the site and error you are seeing for us to take a look:
The Weebly to WordPress Importer. is not working. I’ve tried 3 times. It does not collect any daga.
WPBeginner Support
Please reach out to us using our contact us page at the bottom of the page to elaborate on your issue.
Hi I am just beginning this process and understand I transfer the nameservers as the final step, but I can’t seem to find on my weebly
‘Click on the domain name that you want to edit and then on domain settings page click on the change button next to nameservers option’
I go into the weebly site I want to move over, click on settings and within those no options for nameservers, am I looking in the right place?
WPBeginner Support
Did you purchase your domain name from another location? That could be why the option is not in Weebly
Hi, I am wanting to transfer my weebly posts to WordPress. I am interested in following this information to transfer my weebly site to WordPress but I am lacking tech and coding skills. If I go through with the import do I then crest more content through weebly or WordPress? Does it completely get rid of weebly. I purchased my domain through weebly I believe
WPBeginner Support
If you wanted to transfer the site then you would create your new content on the new WordPress site after following the tutorial. This guide will redirect users to your new site using WordPress but you will still have access to the Weebly content from your admin end.
Hi, this may be a basic question but I like the look of my website on Weebly. Does the transfer keep the framework and look of the website? Or does it mean I have to find a new wordpress template to display the content.
WPBeginner Support
You would need to find a new theme for your site as it does not transfer the look of your site. There are page builder plugins you can use to recreate your current design if you wanted.
Hi, great article. Do you have a tool like this but for migrations other than Weebly? I built a landing page on a third-party service, but would now like to duplicate it in my wordpress site. It’s just one page. Ideas?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the specific service for what is available.
It’s on Agile CRM.
WPBeginner Support
Sadly, we do not have a recommended exporter at the moment.
I need to import my website which has nearly 400 blog post. Your tools is loading and throwing an error at the end as technical difficulties.
Please, i need the wxr file for all my blog post.
WPBeginner Support
For larger sites please reach out to us using our contact form for us to be able to assist.
We used your tool to export blog data from Weebly and then import into WordPress. It seemed to work fine but with one major exception: the blog titles did not import.
Do you have advice on a fix? Should we try to import again (over existing blog data) or manually enter all the titles to each blog post (about 120 blog posts)?
WPBeginner Support
You may want to try recreating the export file to ensure it didn’t have a hiccup and then reimporting.
So, what if the Weebly site is one of the ones that are offered through HostGator and the WordPress I want to use is also on HostGator. Will the tool work in that instance?
WPBeginner Support
If you’re using the same host then you could set up a staging site to set up the new site while the old site is active:
I read through the article, and noticed you hadn’t addressed comments. Do the comments also get imported, through the Weebly default comment box. Or is that one of the things the importer doesn’t do?
It’s important for me to know, as I recently signed up with Weebly and didn’t realise how lame their comments section for blogs were. I’m deciding whether I should use Disqus instead of the default – as it seems to have more options, as far as commenting goes. But I wouldn’t switch, if I knew the WP importer, could only import my default comments. If at all???
WPBeginner Support
The exporter should include your comments on your site, if you wanted to test it you can create a local installation using:
Sam Morgan
Hi there. I first want to say that I used this guide successfully to move from weebly to wordpress (after disabling ssl to export weebly data), so thanks!
I have a domain related question.
I told bluehost that I own my domian, though Im building my wordpress site on a temp domain given by bluehost.
Am I right in saying that after I have finish building my WP site, all I need to do is change my weebly nameservers to bluehost? Do I then just go to bluehost and press “transfer to bluehost”?
Is there a way to do this so that the site doesn’t go down?
Thanks for all your help!
WPBeginner Support
When you are ready you would want to change the domain’s nameservers to BlueHost and then update your site’s url to the correct domain and use a tool like the one from our article here:
You should also be able to reach out to BlueHost to help you update your domain if you wanted.
Thank you for leaving your comment! I was struggling to export my weebly site with the weeblytowp application until I turned off SSL.
Thank you!
I’m having issues downloading the WXR version of my Weebly site. I’m getting the “Could not find any content in your Weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?” Message.
Am I missing something? It’s a full website I want to migrate, no blog attached to it. Could that be the reason I’m getting an error? I’m looking to move a few sites any insight would great.
WPBeginner Support
That message can happen when you attempt to export a very large site but if you run into that error please reach out to us using our contact form for us to take a look
Will do doing that now I think I came across your contact page somewhere on the thread. thanks!
WPBeginner Support
If not in the comments, we have the link in our footer
If I already have a Weebly site with a domain through Bluehost, is switching it to WordPress easier? At one point my website was giving a large error and the site was unaccesible because both Weebly and WordPress were trying to work on the website at the same time. We changed to Weebly for simplicity, but now I would really like to move us to WordPress so that we have the ability to customize far more than what we have right now.
WPBeginner Support
The difficulty would be due to wanting to install WordPress in the same location as your current site. You can create an installation on your local computer:
and once you set up your site there, you can overwrite the site on your host using:
Emilia Amaro
Hi there! Thanks for the informative post!
I’m trying to use the weeblytowp for my client’s site but the result keeps saying “there is no content on this website”.
I’m confused because there is over 4 years of blog posts I’m trying to transfer over.
Can you help?
WPBeginner Support
More than likely the exporter is having an error due to how much content is on the site. If you reach out using our contact form we should be able to help.
Emilia Amaro
Thanks for the reply!
Where is your contact form? I’ve tried looking through the site quickly and couldn’t identify it. Could you send a link?
WPBeginner Support
A link to our contact page is in our footer or you can use:
Hi there! What if I have bought my domain through Weebly and I want to keep this same domain with my new wordpress site? I’m not whether or not to tell bluehost I “have a domain” already or not, because I no longer want to be affiliated with Weebly at all, but I want my same domain name and it’s through them. Completely lost at how I should go about this. Thanks for the help!
WPBeginner Support
You would let BlueHost know you already have a domain and then you would transfer your domain to BlueHost once you are ready
Is it completely necessary to add the .html for redirects? It is not on the original wix urls.
WPBeginner Support
It would be for if you have pages, posts to not end in .html but any pages you had on Weebly would need the .html added to prevent errors with redirection.
Thank you for this great tutorial. When I click on Domains, I don’t see the screen Edit Nameservers. Is it because my domain is with GoDaddy? In that case, would I have to edit that on GoDaddy? Thank you so much!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jacky,
Correct, if you purchased your domain through another registrar such as GoDaddy then you would need to edit the nameservers through them rather than Weebly
Thank you! I have my blog with weebly using my .com domain. When you say transfer files, does that deactivate the weebly site or is it just just a copy of the files? I mean I want to copy the weebly files to wp, but i want to leave my weebly site live while i build the new wp. Once i finish building it, then i’ll move my domain to wp.
WPBeginner Support
It creates copies of your content, it does not remove your content
Alice Ford
When I tried to export my site it said it couldn’t find any data.
WPBeginner Support
We will certainly take a look for any errors that could be causing this with the exporter.
How long it takes to transfer and unluck a domain form weebly to another host.
WPBeginner Support
With any domain registrar, you would need to wait 60 days from when it is first purchased. After that, you would need to reach out to Weebly for their specifics
This did nothing for me. After importing to wordpress, nothing has changed on it. Stock site still in effect.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jessica,
When you are logged into WordPress admin dashboard, can you see your imported content under posts or pages? If you cannot then this mean that importer didn’t run or it didn’t find any content to import.
After clicking the ‘Export my Weebly Website’ button, it changes to ‘Generating Export File’. On the bottom left side of my screen ways it says, ‘Waiting for’. After a few minutes, I get a message that says ‘504 Gateway Time-Out’. Is this because my Weebly site is too large? Or do you think this could be a technical difficulty?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Carissa,
This could be due to a large site. You can try again in a few mins. If it still doesn’t work then try to save some of your Weebly content as Drafts and then try to export.
That’s what I was afraid you were going to say. Unfortunately, the bulk of the content are pages which you can’t put into draft mode on Weebly (that I’m aware of). Do you have a link that I can pay someone to do this for me? I don’t care about making it pretty (I can do that), I just need to download the Weebly site. I hope this question makes sense?
WPBeginner Support
While we don’t have a recommended location for hiring for that, you could take a look at some of the recommendations in this article:
Thanks for the guide and tool. I’m trying to export a Weebly blog and am getting the ‘no content’ error message. I’ve disabled SSL in the Weebly editor which seems to have taken a while to take place, but I am now able to access the site via http only. However still no luck exporting the site. Any suggestions would be gratefully received!
I spoke with Weebly today and asked them if it was possible to transfer a site to WP, just in case we wanted to switch down the road….. They said no
I have a domain that I purchased through Weebly, and I have designed a new site with and now I can’t figure out how to use my weebly domain for my wordpress site. The Weebly people said I need the DNS… I don’t know what that is
WPBeginner Support
Hi Rachel,
Your new host where you are hosting will provide you DNS server details. They usually look like this:
Once you know what DNS servers are used by your host, you can edit your domain settings in Weebly and point it to your new host.
David McKinney
I have been trying to transfer my Weebly blog to WordPress. I keep getting the error message “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?” I have retried the transfer at least 100 times in the past day and a half. Still no luck. Any suggestions?
WPBeginner Support
Hi David,
We are aware of the issue and our team is working on it. Meanwhile, you can try tips mentioned by other users. Some users disabled SSL and that worked for them.
David McKinney
Thank you.
Disabling the SSL really worked.
WPBeginner Support
Hey David,
Glad to hear that
David McKinney
Now how do I turn the SSL back on for Weebly? Turning it off was easy. Turning it back on, not so,much. I do not want to leave it unprotected.
WPBeginner Support
Hi David,
You’d find instructions on Weebly’s website or reach out to their support.
Emily S.
I am trying to follow the video, but my Bluehost dashboard doesn’t look anything like the one pictured. I can’t figure out how to install WordPress! Do you have any suggestions? I can’t seem to go any further because I can’t figure out how to do that step.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Emily,
Once you have logged into your Bluehost account you will see a link to log into your WordPress admin area.
Lerissa Patrick
WOW! I was dreading the prospect of recreating my Weebly website in WordPress … and now I don’t have to do it! Thank you so much for this nifty little tool. After a couple of false starts, it ripped right through its tasks, and I’m done! So very cool …
Hey, so I built my site, free in Weebly, and have my bluehost account. I tried using your importer but the URL Weebly provided is HTTPS not HTTP…. is that because I didn’t purchase anything from Weebly? When I run the importer tool it says that it can’t find any content on the weebly URL.
So appreciate your advice on this!
Hi, I am extracting my weebly site from ipage, which seemed to work, then imported it to wordpress following the instructions, but I can’t see it to see what it looks like. The home button at the top of the dashboard says ss_site_title when I click on it, it goes to the weebly site, how do I see what the wordpress looks like before I make it live?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Karin,
We are not sure what you mean. If you have successfully imported your Weebly content in WordPress, you will see it under ‘Posts’. It is possible that your domain name is still pointing to your Weebly website. In that case, you will need to change your domain name settings from your Weebly account and point it to your iPage hosting account by changing the DNS server settings.
Hey there! I’m working on moving a client from Weebly to WordPress but i’m running into an issue with the Weebly to WordPress importer. I’m getting an error from the converter that is saying no blog content was found. The blog in question has 13 posts and the URL is correct. tried with both the root url and the blog extension but it can’t seem to find any posts. Are there any troubleshooting options to figure out why the converter isn’t finding the posts?
Hi Kylen,
try to disable the SSL certification under Weebly settings and republish the site. After that the URL will start with http instead of https. Run the converter on the http URL. It worked for me, it might do so for you as well.
Lee Ann
Hi, I’ve been wanting to move my website from Weebly to WP for a while but have been scared about the whole process! How does this solution impact my WP theme choice? Does it create a custom theme, or write over a default? Trying to understand the process. Thanks!
caroline d
i have got the same problem as stated by other above where it is saying i have no content
Jerry Peres
I lost some content when moving from weebly to WP. On that time I was very disappointed.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jerry,
If you followed this tutorial, then your original Weebly content should be safe and you can still manually copy and paste it. You can also run the importer again, it is smart enough not to fetch duplicate content.
Hi, I have a weebly site but not a weebly domain name, it is not a blog but a website…can I convert it to WordPress just as easily?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Chloe,
Yes, you can move it to WordPress by following the same instructions.
Pat S
If I export my Weebly blog to WordPress does it remove my content from Weebly? I would like to copy my blog to WordPress to print the blog into a book but I do not want lose my Weebly blog formatting and content.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Pat,
No it does not remove any content.
Shawn Williams
I am also getting the “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export” error. Does this exporter still function?
WPBeginner Support
Hey Shawn,
Yes it still functions, however depending on the size of your website it may sometimes timeout due to memory issues. Please try again later.
Shawn Williams
A comment on this thread indicates that the exporter will only work if the domain is also registered on Weebly, is this the case, and if so is there a workaround?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Shawn,
We don’t understand. Actually the importer would work whether you have a Weebly branded domain, a custom domain registered with Weebly, or a custom domain registered elsewhere.
Hey there,
For some reason when I try to export my Weebly site, it is saying “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?”
I have made sure the URL is correct and tried many times. What can I do to fix this?
I’m getting the same error as Aaron.
I’ve tried several times but always get the same message: “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?”
Is there a way to fix this?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Alberto,
You can try again in a few minutes. Sometimes the server times out during the process.
Hello and thanks for replying.
I’ve tried several times but I always get the same message.
BTW, do you have to enter the username and email address used in Weebly to do the import at fields Name and Email?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Alberto,
It seems to be working.
No, you do not have to use the same name or email in order to do the import.
Hello – I am so happy to see this! Although I am a little worried about losing my content when moving from weebly to WP. Does it transfer everything across including blog and photos? Do you provide a service where you can do it for me? Please le me know. Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Linda,
Sorry, we do not offer blog transfer service for Weebly. We think you will be able to do that on your own, there may be a few hiccups but eventually you will succeed. Let us know if you run into any issues during the process and we will be glad to help.
Kristi Bothur
Will your tool also move blog posts to the new site?
What about comments on the posts?
Is there a way to import products from my Weebly e-commerce shop to Woocommerce (WordPress) using this tool? I am very desperate as I have over 400 digital products that I need to transfer. I am hoping there is a way to do this. Any help would be much appreciated.
The exporter tool at weeblytowp doesn’t seem to be working. I just tried it on 2 different Weekly sites and it results in:
“Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL? Go Back”
Chloe Marrable
I had the same issue, please can you help? I checked the URL…is it because my weebly site is not a blog?
sarah brechner
This is brilliant! Thanks so much. Everything transferred except for some images. I can deal with those.
NAME SERVERS: My only problem came when I tried your instructions for domain name servers. These instructions are only for those who have bought domains through Weebly. If you haven’t bought your domain through Weebly, you will not see any domains page on your account. This is important! Apparently, you must go to your outside domains registrar and make the name server changes there. I was told this by Weebly. Note: I haven’t made the name server changes to my domain registrar yet.
*So can you confirm this procedure? Many people purchase their domains elsewhere, and these instructions won’t work for us, because we don’t have a domains page in Weebly.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Sarah,
For users who purchased their domain elsewhere, they will need to login to their account on their domain registrar website to change nameserver and other settings.
Finn McLennan-Elliott
Every time I download the export.xml file, it tells me that it is too big, its always 2.17 or 2.27 MB and it needs to be less than 2MB. If i don’t select pages its still too big. and if i choose RSS option it won’t let me upload it because its not a WXR into wordpress.
how do i make it smaller? i am unsure how to draft or unpublish parts of my site without doing it manually.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Finn,
There are two things that you can do.
1. You can increase the file upload size limit in WordPress.
2. You can split the XML file to make it smaller.
Is there a way to import products from my Weebly e-commerce shop to Woocommerce (WordPress) using this tool? I am very desperate as I have over 400 digital products that I need to transfer. I am hoping there is a way to do this. Any help would be much appreciated.
Will this work also if the weebly site have a store ?
Thank you
Oh, how I wish this had worked. but like most people in this thread, I too received the error message “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?” Yes, the website content is online, active and working. I had been using Chrme to attempt this with no results, so I tried it in Firefox as well, which also gave no results, the same error message and took even longer. Too bad; this would be really valuable if it just did what was designed to do.
This tutorial is fantastic, but I’ve hit a bump in the road. When I click to “Export my Weebly website” i’m directed to a blank page. Not sure what I could be doing wrong. Thanks for making this video.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Kathleen,
Once you are redirected, you need to wait while the script runs in the background and prepares the export file. Once ready, it will be automatically begin downloading.
Boka Mark Szasz
I did everything as suggested but not all pages came through and – most important – the visual layout didn’t came through.
I tried to import my weebly CSS to WP but I get the error :
“The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.”
And it’s true
It only has a “main_style.css” and if I try to rename it to “style.css” I get another error:
“The package could not be installed. The style.css stylesheet doesn’t contain a valid theme header.”
WPBeginner Support
Hi Boka Mark Szasz,
Unfortunately you cannot use the same website design on WordPress. You will have to use a WordPress theme for that.
Elizabeth Gruss
I recently switched from Weebly to WordPress using the instructions above. I’ve tried a few different wordpress themes, and most (including the first I tried) has, what I think was my old menu on weebly, as static links in the header, running over the regular stuff, and won’t go away no matter what I change in the theme settings. I have no idea how to fix this!
I also had trouble getting my website to transfer, but once we disabled the SSL, (a security measure to protect the site), published the site without SSL (the s in https was removed), and then used the new URL, the importer worked fine.
Now my issue is trying to change my domain host. When I go to the Domains page on my Weebly account, I don’t see a domain name to click on. I see only “Transfer a Domain” (to Weebly) or “Register a Domain.” Since I already have my own domain name that I want to keep, I don’t know how to proceed. The choice I need is not there. Can you help?
sarah brechner
I had the same problem and found out via Weebly chat that I had to do this with my domain registrar, not Weebly. So directions in this tutorial are only for those who bought domains with Weebly.