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Guida per principianti su come aggiungere Twitter Cards in WordPress

Qui a WPBeginner, abbiamo cercato nuovi modi per massimizzare la nostra portata e il nostro impatto. Abbiamo iniziato a usare le Twitter Cards per controllare esattamente l’aspetto dei nostri tweet e per aumentare l’engagement.

In che modo le Twitter Card sono utili? Ogni volta che qualcuno condivide un link al vostro contenuto su X (ex Twitter), fornisce automaticamente un’immagine e una descrizione.

Questo può migliorare in modo significativo la presenza sui media e l’engagement degli utenti. Inoltre, le Twitter Card vi garantiscono il riconoscimento dei vostri contenuti.

In questo articolo vi mostreremo come aggiungere facilmente le Twitter Cards al vostro sito WordPress. Preparatevi a far brillare i vostri tweet e a ottenere maggiore attenzione sui media,

Beginners Guide on How to Add Twitter Cards in WordPress

Perché usare le Twitter Card in WordPress?

Le Twitter Card consentono di aggiungere al tweet un titolo, un sommario, un’immagine e un file video o audio. In questo modo, avrete maggiori probabilità di ottenere più clic e retweet.

Potete vedere un esempio dal vivo visitando la nostra pagina WPBeginner su X.

twitter card example

Il più grande vantaggio delle Twitter Card è che aumentano il numero di persone che seguono i vostri account X grazie all’attribuzione dei contenuti. Spesso le persone twittano i vostri link senza darvi il giusto credito.

Ad esempio, se @syedbalkhi ritwitta un post di @wpbeginner senza attribuzione, e altre persone ritwittano @syedbalkhi. Gli utenti che visualizzano questi retweet hanno più probabilità di seguire @syedbalkhi che @wpbeginner.

Spesso i curatori di contenuti lo fanno per mantenere la lunghezza dei tweet e assicurarsi i retweet dei loro stessi tweet.

Con le Twitter Cards, questo problema è risolto perché si ottiene il credito al proprio sito WordPress per ogni tweet che menziona il vostro articolo.

Ora che conoscete i vantaggi delle Twitter Card, vediamo come implementarle in WordPress. Verranno illustrati due metodi e verrà mostrato come testare e convalidare le Twitter Card:

Metodo 1: Usare il plugin AIOSEO per aggiungere schede Twitter (consigliato)

Il modo più semplice per aggiungere le Twitter Card al vostro sito web è utilizzare il plugin All in One SEO (AIOSEO) per WordPress. È il miglior plugin SEO per WordPress ed è utilizzato da oltre 3 milioni di siti web.

Per prima cosa, è necessario installare e attivare il plugin AIOSEO. Per maggiori dettagli, seguite il nostro tutorial passo-passo su come installare un plugin di WordPress.

È possibile utilizzare la versione gratuita di AIOSEO, che offre una funzione per impostare le Twitter Card sul proprio sito WordPress.

Dopo l’attivazione del plugin, accedere all’area di amministrazione di WordPress e navigare in All in One SEO ” Reti sociali. Poi fate clic sulla scheda “X (Twitter)” e assicuratevi che l’opzione “Abilita X Card” sia abilitata.

AIOSEO Enable X Card Option

Una volta attivate le Twitter Card, è possibile modificarne l’aspetto utilizzando diverse impostazioni.

AIOSEO consente di selezionare il tipo di scheda predefinito per i contenuti. Il plugin imposta “Sommario” come tipo di scheda predefinita, che mostra il titolo, il sommario e l’immagine di anteprima del contenuto.

Tuttavia, è possibile modificarla in “Riepilogo con immagine grande” dal menu a discesa e Twitter mostrerà il tweet con un’immagine grande.

AIOSEO Default X Card Type

Successivamente, è necessario selezionare l’Origine immagine post predefinita. Si tratta dell’immagine che si desidera visualizzare nelle Twitter Cards.

Il menu a discesa offre diverse opzioni tra cui scegliere. Ad esempio, è possibile caricare o selezionare un’immagine predefinita che apparirà nella X (Twitter) Card o selezionare l’immagine in evidenza, l’immagine allegata, la prima immagine del contenuto e altro ancora.

select default post image source

Successivamente, aggiungere un’immagine predefinita per la pubblica, che verrà utilizzata come backup nel caso in cui il contenuto non abbia un’immagine.

Ad esempio, se la fonte dell’immagine del post è un’immagine in evidenza, ma la pubblicazione manca di un’immagine in evidenza, X utilizzerà l’immagine predefinita.

upload default post twitter image

Inoltre, AIOSEO offre più opzioni per mostrare dati aggiuntivi come l’autore del post e il tempo necessario per leggere un articolo.

Esiste anche un’opzione per impostare l’origine predefinita dell’immagine del termine, ma per utilizzare questa funzione è necessario disporre di AIOSEO Pro o di una licenza superiore.

Ora, se si scorre verso il basso, si vedranno le impostazioni della home page di Twitter. Il plugin mostrerà un’anteprima dell’aspetto della vostra home page su una Twitter Card.

home page settings

In questa sezione è possibile modificare il tipo di scheda e aggiungere l’immagine della pagina iniziale.

La procedura è simile a quella illustrata in precedenza, ma la differenza è che queste impostazioni riguardano la pagina iniziale.

home page card type and image

Quindi, inserire un titolo e una descrizione della home page che appariranno sulla Twitter Card.

A questo punto, fare clic sul pulsante “Salva modifiche”.

home page title and description

A lato, AIOSEO consente anche di modificare le impostazioni della scheda X (Twitter) per singole pagine e post.

Per farlo, modificate una qualsiasi pagina o post del blog e scendete fino alle impostazioni di AIOSEO nell’editor dei contenuti. Fare clic sulla scheda “Social” e selezionare “X (Twitter)”.

AIOSEO X (Twitter) Settings for a Post

Il plugin mostra l’anteprima della scheda X della pubblica e offre l’opzione di utilizzare i dati della scheda di Facebook. Consente inoltre di modificare il titolo e la descrizione della X Card.

È possibile scrivere un nuovo titolo e una nuova descrizione o utilizzare i tag intelligenti. Ad esempio, se si utilizza il tag “+ Titolo del post” sopra il campo del titolo di Twitter, AIOSEO utilizzerà automaticamente il titolo del post nella Twitter Card.

twitter card settings for posts and pages

Quindi, scorrere verso il basso e selezionare la fonte dell’immagine per la Twitter Card. Utilizzate il menu a discesa per selezionare l’immagine che desiderate visualizzare per il vostro post, ad esempio un’immagine in primo piano, un’immagine allegata, la prima immagine nel contenuto e così via.

Infine, è possibile selezionare il tipo di scheda Twitter dal menu a discesa. Per impostazione predefinita, AIOSEO la imposterà su “Sommario”, ma è possibile modificarla in “Sommario con immagine grande”.

image source and card type

Quindi, aggiornate o pubblicate il vostro post sul blog. Ora avete aggiunto con successo le Twitter Cards al vostro sito WordPress.

Metodo 2: Aggiunta di Twitter Cards in WordPress (metodo del codice)

Questo metodo richiede l’aggiunta di codice ai file del tema o del tema figlio. È sufficiente aprire il file header.php o utilizzare il plugin gratuito WPCode per aggiungere questo codice personalizzato subito prima del tag </head>:

#twitter cards hack
if(is_single() || is_page()) {
  $twitter_url    = get_permalink();
 $twitter_title  = get_the_title();
 $twitter_desc   = get_the_excerpt();
   $twitter_thumbs = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), full );
    $twitter_thumb  = $twitter_thumbs[0];
      if(!$twitter_thumb) {
      $twitter_thumb = '';
  $twitter_name   = str_replace('@', '', get_the_author_meta('twitter'));
<meta name="twitter:card" value="summary" />
<meta name="twitter:url" value="<?php echo $twitter_url; ?>" />
<meta name="twitter:title" value="<?php echo $twitter_title; ?>" />
<meta name="twitter:description" value="<?php echo $twitter_desc; ?>" />
<meta name="twitter:image" value="<?php echo $twitter_thumb; ?>" />
<meta name="twitter:site" value="@libdemvoice" />
  if($twitter_name) {
<meta name="twitter:creator" value="@<?php echo $twitter_name; ?>" />

È possibile modificare il valore ‘twitter:card’ sulla riga 14 in ‘summary_large_image’ se si desidera visualizzare una scheda di riepilogo con un’immagine grande.

Se non si sa come lavorare con PHP o si incontrano problemi con il metodo 2, utilizzare il metodo 1.

Testate e convalidate le vostre Twitter Card

Prima che i link dal vostro sito WordPress inizino a mostrare le Twitter Card, dovete prima verificarle nel validatore di Twitter Card.

Basta andare alla pagina del Card Validator sul sito web degli sviluppatori di Twitter. Inserite l’URL di un qualsiasi post del vostro sito WordPress e fate clic sul pulsante “Preview card”.

Twitter Card Validator

Il validatore di schede non visualizza più un’anteprima del tweet, ma mostra un registro che indica se la scheda di Twitter è stata caricata correttamente o meno.

Aggiornamento: in precedenza, era necessario richiedere la partecipazione alle Twitter Cards. Tuttavia, Twitter ha implementato un sistema che inserisce automaticamente nella whitelist i domini quando li si testa con il validatore o semplicemente si condivide un URL su Twitter.

Guide di esperti sull’utilizzo di Twitter con WordPress

Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato ad aggiungere le schede di Twitter a WordPress. Potreste anche voler consultare altre guide relative all’utilizzo di X (Twitter) con WordPress.

Se questo articolo vi è piaciuto, iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube per le esercitazioni video su WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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87 commentiLeave a Reply

  1. Aramide

    You’ve been so awesome in passing great information on WordPress. Your tutorials are so great and are wonderful learning materials. Thanks for always being there for us.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Goad you’ve found our content helpful :)


  2. Dee

    Hi! I have a free blog, and I’m not sure how to add twitter cards to that. I don’t know if I can edit the html of my theme without a plugin (if I can, I don’t know how to find the html code) (super new to WP) is there any way to add twitter cards for free

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to reach out to for what they currently have available.


  3. MStokely

    Thank you! It took awhile for this to work I guess because cache needed to be cleared but this is the ONLY solution I found that worked.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was able to help :)


  4. Pierre

    Question about this, when I am posting a link from my site on Twitter, the preview image is only showing the WordPress W logo instead of what I set in Yoast. Is it just a matter of waiting it out or a, I doing something wrong?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure you’ve cleared any caching on your site for twitter to get the correct image and after that, you would need to wait for Twitter’s cache to clear.


  5. neo

    thanks for the guide, adding Twiter Cards through Yoast was the easies way for me :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  6. MIke

    Hey there, very late to this article but am wondering how to amend the php code to produce the large image with summary card.

    I’ve given it a shot but not managed it yet. Ideas and advice appreciated.


  7. Mark Larson

    I’m getting this error:

    “Notice: Use of undefined constant full – assumed ‘full’ in”

    Not sure how to get rid of it.

  8. Ted Bergman

    Thanks for this post. When I need to know how to do something on WordPress I come here first. Your easy to understand instructions are priceless!

  9. Sarah Bridge

    I’ve done all the steps using Yoast and validated my url – but there is still no image coming up when I post my URL on Twitter? It said this:

    Sarah Bridge
    The card for your website will look a little something like this!

    and underneath on the right hand side it has the correct words but on the left hand side where an image should be there’s nothing but a grey box with what looks like a grey scroll in it. You can click on it to get to my website but I’d like a image there rather than a grey box. Any thoughts?

  10. Daniela

    Have successfully done this in the past. However, it was always when using summary card with large image (which is set as the default in my Yoast settings). Now trying to post summary card (regular, not large image), but Yoast is overriding it to summary card large image. How do I prevent this?

    As a note, I’m doing both methods: adding info to Yoast plug in and writing metadata tags in a plug in.

  11. Chinny

    This was very helpful! Thanks. Did it and the twitter cards automatically came up even for previous tweets.

  12. Haris

    ERROR: Required meta tag missing (twitter:text:description)

    Getting this error :(

  13. Nick Farrell

    You can also just throw your meta tags right into the body of your post. Not the ideal way, since this creates empty white space where your tags are, but it’s a good workaround for those having trouble.

  14. Laurel

    If the php code above seems to break your site, it could be that your server doesn’t use php short tags (using “<?" as an opening tag instead of "<?php"). Try this version instead:

  15. Prabs

    Hi thanks for the informative post. However I did all this and when testing my site through the card validator, was told it was unable to generate image because my site isn’t whitelisted! Any idea what I can do?

  16. Sarah


    I realise this is an old post,

    IF you HARDCODE into your header.php; make sure you change the values line 10 and 19 as these point to the contributors account so be sure to change them to yours.

    just sayin … ;-)

  17. Jahmya

    I have done all the steps when I try to validate with twitter it tells me my text description meta tag is missing. I don’t know anything about code so I used the first method. Any help?

  18. Tyler

    Finally a helpful tutorial! You would think that Twitter would make it a little simpler to do this. Thank you so much for your help on this!

  19. Michael

    Is there a way to automatically notify the twitter validator when a post/page is updated?

    I have a site that gets content published automatically from a source without a featured image so once I manually add the image I also have to manually validate the post/page again to get the cards to show on twitter.

    Was hoping there could be some way to automatically ping the twitter validator when a page/post is updated.

  20. Azita

    I don’t know why the code above cut off.
    Here is the code am using:
    ID), full );
    $twitter_thumb = $twitter_thumbs[0];
    if(!$twitter_thumb) {
    $twitter_thumb = ‘url of imag’;
    $twitter_name = str_replace(‘@’, ”, get_the_author_meta(‘twitter’));
    <meta name="twitter:title" content="” />
    <meta name="twitter:description" contente="” />
    <meta name="twitter:image" content="” />

    • Azita

      Thank you so much. I figured out. No worries. Please disregard this comment.
      Thank yu again.

  21. Adrian Robertson

    Another awesome post … great stuff!

    For anyone having issues with the image being display (I have Summary selected as my Twitter Card option) just make sure you are using a featured image, as this is where it pulls from.

    Without this specified, what I saw was my site logo (which was way too big for the Summary image)

  22. Nefeli D

    Can’t thank you enough ! :)

  23. Cheo

    Hi, i’ve made all steps and got the twitter card ok, but the preview image is not loading! what should i do?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you are using code method, then please try using the plugin method. If you are already using the plugin method, then try repeating all the steps carefully.


  24. shamsher

    i have a question that when where to upload it on all pages and post or on home page only.

    bcoz when i share any link of my blog on twitter after adding this in header every time same image appears.

    • Adrian Robertson

      Is it your site logo that appears?
      Just check that you have a feature image set against your post, and it should pull from there

  25. Roger Dunkelbarger

    Found this article and followed the steps to set up Twitter Cards since we already had Yoast. We want to use the video Player Card but that doesn’t appear to be an option. Do we need to use a different plug in, or is that option available?

  26. Amanda

    I”m using twitter cards through my Yoast SEO, however when I post I have a link and a view summary button that people have to click to see my pictures. I want the pictures to be auto populated without the need for a click. How do I make that happen?

    Here is my twitter account so you can see my tweets for an example

  27. Graham

    All going well with the inclusion of twitter cards. I would like to make the image that displays on twitter link able or to a link underneath to take it to a third part site any ideas?
    Oh and by the way I would like to thank you guys for realizing that not everyone degree is in computer science and won at MIT !!

  28. Tina Marie Ernspiker

    Thank you very much! My blog is white-listed now, with Twitter Cards :-) Whoot, whoot!

  29. Jas


    Thanks for your tutorial. I have tried with above code. But can you please explain how to make Twitter card working for multiple accounts.

    I have ten different twitter pages where same post will go out as Twitter card.

    So do I need to repeat this below line 10 times with different names:



    Please suggest?


    • jas

      code doesn’t shows in my previous comment I mean to say meta tag with Twitter site name need to get repeated with different names?

      <meta name="twitter:creator" value="@” />

  30. Edna

    This was super helpful, thanks!

    One quick thing, I noticed the validation link is no longer working. I think this is the Card Validator link now (got it from the twitter blog, seemed to work fine for me):

  31. Maha

    How to request to twitter for approvel my site ..please help me i tried twitter card ,the preview tool say your card is whitelisted ..

  32. riad

    hi i love your site very nice i want to asking you how to change the language of wordpress from franch to english or arabic

  33. Paul Middlebrooks

    The Yoast solution did not work for me. I followed the instructions (3 times to make sure), and the Card Validator sees my metadata but tells me I have no card.
    Also, neither the Preview Tool nor the “FIll out This Form” links worked:

    Maybe this solution is already history?

  34. samiOOTB

    I had done this and Twitter cards were working perfectly for months. Suddenly the past few days they’ve stopped working. What can I do?

  35. Megan Kubasch

    So I have installed WP SEO by Yoast, and I have followed all of the instructions up to the point where I insert the Card URL on the Preview page for the Card Validator on Twitter. What URL am I supposed to Insert? I have used my URL for my blog, but it comes up with an error, saying No Card Found (Card Error). Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  36. Eric Yoffie

    My twitter card has been approved, but I don’t know how to make it work. Am I supposed to fill out a form? I am a WordPress user.

  37. Lauren Riley

    This is really useful thank you.

    One thing, we have enabled this using the WordPress Yoast SEO Plug-in and set up a Twitter card manually entering all of the information on the card validator for one blog post.

    This worked, however when I tweet a link to my other blog posts it doesn’t pull through the Twitter card. Do you have to set up the Twitter cards for each blog post or should it do it automatically for each blog post?

  38. Manuel Echeverry

    graciass!!! thank you! finally I managed to submit my request to twitter, hopefully i will get my card approved

  39. Ruth

    Oh, and ps
    Do we have to approve each post, or will that be automatic after our first post was approved… Again, thank you

  40. Ruth

    Thanks, it works great, except for one thing: I can’t get an image to be included. How would I do that,

  41. Karan Singh

    when i install this plugin then it is asking for “You’ve just installed WordPress SEO by Yoast. Please helps us improve it by allowing us to gather anonymous usage stats so we know which configurations, plugins and themes to test with” Allow Tracking or not, what should i do,
    Allow tracking or not.

  42. Sri Ganesh.M

    The codings are not working for animhut blog. Showing error ! Invalid card type

  43. Kevin

    Hello there. Great guide, thanks!

    I’m currently stuck trying to validate twitter:creator. When I look at the source for one of my posts, I don’t see the twitter:creator meta tag at all. Would you mind, pointing me in the right direction? I’m hard-coding it.

  44. Gareth

    Great post – i was struggling to set up twitter cards using a wordpress plug in without realising that Yoast had it in-built!

    All set up and awaiting approval – thanks guys

  45. Jason Acidre

    Useful post! Been planning to add Twitter cards on my blog for ages now, and just had the time to tweak it earlier, found this guide very helpful, so thanks.

  46. Reap3RGHS

    I having a simple problem. I going to add my twitter username to my profile settings. I just add Reap3R_GHS and turn it into http://reap3r_ghs. What can I do?

      • Reap3RGHS

        Isn’t in Yoast settings but in profile settings…

  47. Julien Maury


    It’s great but because we call the excerpt outside the loop (header), people could get bad surprises for their description.

    So here is a good snippet from that fixes the problem :

    function get_excerpt_by_id($post_id){
    $the_post = get_post($post_id); //Gets post ID
    $the_excerpt = $the_post->post_content; //Gets post_content to be used as a basis for the excerpt
    $excerpt_length = 35; //Sets excerpt length by word count
    $the_excerpt = strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($the_excerpt)); //Strips tags and images
    $words = explode(‘ ‘, $the_excerpt, $excerpt_length + 1);
    if(count($words) > $excerpt_length) :
    array_push($words, ‘…’);
    $the_excerpt = implode(‘ ‘, $words);
    $the_excerpt = ” . $the_excerpt . ”;
    return $the_excerpt;

    Then you might replace get_the_excerpt() with this :

    Thanks. :)

    • Julien Maury

      Sorry that wasn’t exactly that :

      Call the function this way : get_excerpt_by_id($post->ID) otherwise you’ll get notice !
      $post_id is undefined.

      Plus get_the_excerpt() is deprecated.

      You can also add an esc_attr() on $the_excerpt to avoid broken meta if the excerpt has quotes

      Thanks !

    • Main Uddin

      There is no needs to use any code , simply use WordPress SEO by Yoast as Syed Balkhi has said which is the best for Twitter card

      • Julien Maury

        There’s no need to use any code. But still my plugin allows you to choose which type of card you want to use on each post. Moreover you can change meta creator (guest blogging) per each post too. I think it’s worthy :)

        • Roy McKenzie

          Totally Worthy!

  48. Manuel Garcia

    When I preview my twitter card, the error says:
    “Internal Error. Most likely an fetcher error.”
    What to do?

  49. Sai Liou

    Thank you for the article! I went with method #1. In the twitter preview, I’m only seeing the summary of the post and not the image. I’ve updated the robot.txt file to allow twitterbot. However, it’s still not showing any image in the preview. Any thoughts on this? Thank you in advance.

    • Editorial Staff

      Look in your view:source to see if you have the image tags. The image is usually pulled from your featured image.


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