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Come aggiungere la ricerca Google in un sito WordPress (in modo semplice)

Per impostazione predefinita, WordPress è dotato di una funzione di ricerca integrata, ma non è molto efficace. Tuttavia, è possibile modificare facilmente la situazione aggiungendo Google Search al suo posto per fornire risultati più pertinenti e accurati.

Questo migliorerà l’esperienza dell’utente sul vostro blog e renderà più facile per i visitatori trovare i contenuti che stanno cercando. Abbiamo scoperto che questo porta a un maggiore engagement e a una maggiore possibilità di convertire i navigatori occasionali in lettori o clienti fedeli.

In questo articolo vi mostreremo come aggiungere facilmente Google Search a un sito WordPress.

Add Google Search in a WordPress Site

Perché si dovrebbe usare la ricerca di Google in WordPress?

La funzione di ricerca predefinita di WordPress non è molto utile e spesso non riesce a trovare risultati pertinenti alle richieste degli utenti. Questo costringe molti proprietari di siti a cercare delle alternative.

È possibile utilizzare un popolare plugin di ricerca per WordPress. Tuttavia, il problema è che dovrete comunque gestire il plugin e questo avrà un impatto sulle risorse del vostro server.

D’altra parte, è possibile utilizzare l’affidabile e potente funzione di ricerca di Google. È gratuita, consente di limitare la ricerca solo ai vostri siti e può essere eseguita dal vostro sito WordPress.

Inoltre, la ricerca su Google è veloce, gli utenti si fidano già del marchio e voi non dovrete occuparvi della manutenzione o dell’aggiornamento. Se necessario, potete anche consentire agli utenti di cercare siti web esterni su Google.

Detto questo, vediamo come aggiungere facilmente una ricerca per siti Google al vostro sito WordPress.

Come aggiungere la ricerca di Google a un sito WordPress

Potete aggiungere facilmente Google Search al vostro sito WordPress visitando il sito web del motore di ricerca programmabile di Google.

Da qui, fare clic sul pulsante “Inizia”.

Click the get started button on the Programmable Search Engine page

In questo modo si accede alla pagina “Crea un nuovo motore di ricerca”, dove è necessario aggiungere un nome al modulo di ricerca che si sta per creare.

Quindi, selezionate l’opzione “Cerca siti o pagine specifiche” nella sezione “Cosa cercare?” e aggiungete l’URL del vostro sito WordPress.

Ora, Googe Site Search indicizzerà solo i contenuti disponibili sul vostro sito web. Tuttavia, se si desidera che Google mostri anche i risultati di ricerca di altri siti web, è possibile scegliere l’opzione “Cerca nell’intero web”.

Add website URL to create Google Site search

Quindi, scorrete verso il basso e attivate l’opzione “Ricerca per immagini” per consentire al modulo di ricerca di Google di indicizzare le immagini sul vostro sito web. Consigliamo questa opzione se vendete foto online, avete un sito web di fotografia o gestite un blog di viaggi.

Successivamente, è possibile attivare l’interruttore “Ricerca sicura”, in modo che agli utenti non vengano mostrati risultati inappropriati per le loro ricerche.

Una volta terminato, fare clic sul pulsante “Crea”.

Click create to generate a google search engine ID

Google genererà ora il codice ID del motore di ricerca per voi.

Da qui, è sufficiente copiare il codice e incollarlo in un’applicazione Notepad o in un editor di testo.

Copy the Google Search Engine ID from the website

Ora è necessario visitare la dashboard di WordPress e modificare i file del tema per aggiungere la ricerca al <body> del sito. Tuttavia, questa operazione può essere rischiosa e il più piccolo errore può distruggere il vostro sito web.

Per questo motivo vi consigliamo di utilizzare WPCode. È il miglior plugin per gli snippet di codice di WordPress sul mercato che rende sicura e facile l’aggiunta di codice personalizzato.

Per prima cosa, è necessario installare e attivare il plugin WPCode. Per istruzioni dettagliate, consultare la nostra guida per principianti su come installare un plugin di WordPress.

Nota: WPCode ha un piano gratuito che potete utilizzare per questa esercitazione. Tuttavia, l’aggiornamento alla versione pro vi darà accesso a ulteriori funzionalità, come la logica condizionale intelligente, una libreria cloud di frammenti di codice e altro ancora.

Dopo l’attivazione, visitare la pagina Code Snippets ” + Add Snippet dalla barra laterale dell’amministrazione di WordPress. Qui, fare clic sul pulsante “Usa snippet” sotto l’opzione “Aggiungi il tuo codice personalizzato (nuovo snippet)”.

Add new snippet

Si aprirà la pagina “Crea snippet personalizzato”, dove si potrà digitare un nome a piacere per lo snippet. Quindi, selezionare ‘Universal Snippet’ come tipo di codice dal menu a discesa sulla destra.

Una volta fatto ciò, è sufficiente incollare l’ID del motore di ricerca Google nella casella “Anteprima codice”.

Paste the Google Search Engine ID into WPCode preview box

Quindi, scorrere giù fino alla sezione “Pannello di inserimento” e selezionare la modalità “Inserimento automatico”. Dopo l’attivazione, il modulo di Google Search verrà automaticamente aggiunto al sito.

Successivamente, è possibile espandere il menu a discesa “Posizione” per scegliere dove visualizzare la casella di ricerca.

Ad esempio, se si desidera visualizzare il modulo di ricerca nella parte superiore di tutte le pagine e i post, è possibile selezionare l’opzione “Inserisci prima del post”.

Choose location and insertion for the search engine ID

Quindi, scorrere indietro fino alla parte superiore e spostare l’interruttore “Inattivo” su “Attivo”.

Infine, fare clic sul pulsante “Salva frammento” per memorizzare le impostazioni.

Save Google Search Engine ID snippet

È stato aggiunto manualmente un modulo di ricerca di Google Site.

Ora potete visitare il vostro blog WordPress per vederlo in azione.

Google Search preview

Alternativa: Utilizzare SearchWP per creare un fantastico modulo di ricerca

Se trovate difficile aggiungere Google Site Search al vostro sito web o state cercando un’alternativa, potete usare SearchWP per la ricerca interna.

È il miglior plugin di ricerca per WordPress sul mercato che sostituisce automaticamente il modulo di ricerca predefinito e consente agli utenti di trovare tutto ciò di cui hanno bisogno sul vostro sito.

The SearchWP search plugin for WordPress

SearchWP è utilizzato da oltre 50.000 siti web e consente di creare una scala di rilevanza personalizzata per regolare l’algoritmo di ricerca.

È inoltre possibile rendere ricercabile qualsiasi parte del sito, compresi PDF, post type / tipi di contenuto personalizzati, media, commenti, campi personalizzati, prodotti WooCommerce e altro ancora.

Se avete un sito multilingue, potete anche creare una ricerca multilingue con il plugin.

Configure SearchWP engine settings

Tuttavia, è necessario tenere presente che, a differenza di Google Search, il plugin può indicizzare e mostrare risultati solo per i contenuti disponibili sul vostro sito web.

Per maggiori dettagli, potete consultare il nostro tutorial su come migliorare la ricerca su WordPress con SearchWP.

Video tutorial

Non amate leggere le istruzioni? Nessun problema! Abbiamo creato un pratico video tutorial che vi guida attraverso il processo:

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Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato a capire come aggiungere facilmente Google Search a un sito WordPress. Potreste anche consultare la nostra guida per principianti su come add-on la capacità di ricerca vocale al vostro sito WordPress e il nostro tutorial su come rendere i commenti dei blog ricercabili in WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Hajjalah

    I would like to add the google search to my blog because it seems to be very fast and accurate but i do not want my users to see “enhanced by Google” in the search field. I would like to put my own content so that the feature appears to be purely created on my blog. Is that possible?

    • WPBeginner Support

      In the look and feel settings of the search engine options there are a few choices you can use depending on what you are wanting to do!


  3. Ivo

    Hi there, thanks for the well-explained method. The only problem I had was after activate and save the snipped I was taken to a page: “403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!”. How, I guess I have to do something in my cPanel or have to contact the hosting provider to fix this?

  4. Dennis Muthomi

    Great guide!

    Finding relevant information quickly on a WordPress site can be frustrating with the default search. I’ve been considering integrating either the Google Programmable Search Engine or the SearchWP plugin to improve the search experience for my visitors.

    I’m leaning towards SearchWP for better control over relevancy, but I’m curious if anyone has tips for optimizing its performance on larger sites?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the size of the site, SearchWP has documentation on the plugin’s site for it’s different site size recommendations.


    • Jiří Vaněk

      I have tested SearchWP and can recommend it for larger sites as well. Specifically tested on a website with more than 1300 articles and many categories.

  5. Jiří Vaněk

    This sounds like a very handy alternative to the classic WordPress search. Does it also have any impact on better indexing of the site?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Indexing of your content would be handled through things like SEO plugins, these search options would not affect your indexing.


  6. Cammy

    Is there a way to set it up so the search results are served on a custom page of my website – i.e. the search results page or one with my sites header and footer?

    • WPBeginner Support

      That is what the plugin should allow if we understand what you’re looking for correctly


  7. Ram

    How to replace WordPress theme Search with Google Custom Search instead of adding a widget?

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would depend on your theme. If you reach out to your theme’s support they should be able to assist.


  8. Josh

    How did you get your WordPress search icon via the header to show Google search results? That is actually what I am trying to do and it seems impossible with my scope of skillset. A tutorial would be great but I am sure it wouldn’t be as easy to give a tutorial on something like that. Thank you for this article, though!

    • WPBeginner Support

      If your theme does not have the option to add a search widget to your header, you would want to reach out to your theme’s support for hot to add it to your specific theme.


      • Josh

        I actually figured it out 10 minutes after sending my comment, of course. It involved two things of code from Google. One code replaced what was in my searchform.php file while placing the other code on the search results page. Super easy, but now I just have to customize the looks so that it looks better with my theme.

        Thanks and regards,


        • WPBeginner Support

          Glad you were able to figure it out :)

  9. Ruhul Mashbu

    When I insert the google engine id the plugin automatically creates a page where the search result will be displayed. But what I need is to change the link of the page where the search result will be displayed. How can I do that?

  10. Yohan Perera

    I am using the WP Google Search Plugin. I was so frustrated because I couldn’t get the search icon show. Your tip on customizing the search box through the dashboard in Google Custom Search solved the problem.

  11. Graham FB

    Cool artricle but what I wanted to have a the custom search box in the centre of a blank page as if it was a google search page. I found the plugin Blank Slate which gives the blank page just not sure how to either center and limit the width of the search box either by code or shortcode any ideas ??

  12. Saurabh Saneja

    Thanks wpbeginner your articles have always helped me a lot. I wanted to do it manually because that way wherever I have search form it’ll be replace by custom google search and your article did work for me as always :)

    When i tried it first it didn’t work because I registered website as http(s) or didn’t enclose the code within a div so it really gave e a hard time. Anyway i am all thanks for your help!!

    Thanks again :)

  13. Dwi Okta N

    oh.. use the plugin. Iam just know it.

    thx for info..

  14. Craig

    I figured it out. My Search Result page wasn’t published yet.

  15. Craig

    It works exactly how I want it to, searching 2 different web sites, as long as I am logged into WP Admin. Once I’m no longer logged in to the WP Admin I get

    Not Found
    Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.

    What step did I miss?

    • Dibyandu Pal

      I don’t have much idea about web designing and further customizing. I am learning wordpress blogging from last 5 months, and I think it may be due to a problem while publishing your search result page. There is a visibility option in edit page mode. If that page is private or password protected, this problem you said may arise. If it is done so, make it public..

  16. Koala

    Thank you very helpful! :)

  17. Stacey

    Can the Google Search be used on Internal company websites?
    If so how is this accomplished?

  18. Shri

    Plugin method works well for me. But I am trying to replace theme’s native menu bar search functionality with CSE. Its wordpress native search only. So manual editing searchform.php method should work for me.
    But after editing searchform.php my search widget vanishes from sidebar. I am using Colormag theme by themegrill.
    Looking out for a help.

    I am also keen to see mentioned in above comment but this site is offline now. I tried to fetch it from wayback machine but couldn’t found in its past impressions.

    • Dana

      The same thing happens to me when I paste that code into searchform.php. Not sure this is proper as searchform.php by default is an HTML form. The code copied from Custom Google Search is a JavaScript tag…. should this even work??

  19. Waleed Younas

    Really Helpful topic as always.

    I am using a Plugin in my Site. How can I exclude ads from Search Results

  20. Jackson

    Hi Wpbeginner,

    This worked like charm! The manual method is just as awesome as you wrote. Google custom search now showing on my site!

    Thank you so much.

  21. Claire Brotherton

    Can you only implement custom search when the site is live and indexed by Google? If it’s hidden or password protected, can it be added then?

  22. Susanna

    I am trying to add Google Search with the Plugin to my website. I got as far as the step where I am supposed to paste the search engine ID into the WP Google Search’s settings page. My settings page does not seem to have any place where I can do this. Can you tell me where the ID should be pasted and what it is called?


  23. fdecicco

    the manual way of doing this is poorly described and a total waste of time. If you gonna do something do it right ir dont do it at all.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you are having difficulty using the manual method, then please try the first method. It is easier to add Google Search with the help of a plugin. If you need to do it manually, then please let us know which part isn’t clear and we will try to explain it here.


      • saajan bedi

        Manually Adding Google Search doesn’t work (I’m using colormag theme), U need to Update the article

  24. phil davis

    By using this search plug-in will I be able to see a report on what words were typed in the box to search for?

    I want to know what people are searching for, so I can create content based on their search.

  25. Ameer Shaik

    I have updated through plugin method. Only search button is not displayed properly. Please suggest(The text “Search” is moved down, only top portion is visible). Pl suggest

  26. Bruno Bezerra

    Beautiful tool! Having a search field is more than necessary.

  27. Jennifer

    Another awesome tutorial – I didn’t even know it was possible to use Google Search like this! I’ve now got this running on my website, thanks so much!

  28. Imran Khan

    Nice post, very helpful as well as easily understandable. I have also created my custom search bar by following your steps. Thanks for sharing this great post with us.

  29. Angelo


    Do we have to choose among among the 5 font options available or we can import a font we like better?

  30. wiziwiz

    how to set it so the results when clicked open in the content area?

    • wiziwiz

      otherwise thanks and awesome post

  31. Eric Kazda

    Can somebody tell me why this is a more beneficial search than using the standard WordPress search form? Are there SEO implications? I’m just not sure why anyone would use this over the standard search.

    • Adam Connell

      I generally find that whenever I search a website for a topic, and it’s using WordPress default search – I’ll get VERY poor results.

      They’ll lack relevance.

      By using Google’s custom search, you won’t get any SEO benefits but your readers will find it easier to get what they’re looking for.

  32. Priti

    In “Search by Google” how to we specify the our google search id ? In widget don’t we have to keep the google search engine id?

  33. Carol Long

    Hi – can you tel me please how to remove this? I have just seen it appear on all my pages and I don’t want it at all!

    Many thanks

  34. Richard Bishop

    Hello, and thank you for creating this post and video. I really found it to be helpful in terms of providing better search results for my site WarCraft Press.

    I would however say that you should have pointed out at the beginning of the lesson there are 2 ways to accomplish this task. I did it once with out the plugin then later realized there was a plugin for it.

    That said thanks again for a great lesson and I certainly look forward to future lessons!

    WarCraft Press

  35. cowboy Mike

    I have seen you recommend editing wp files and wp theme template files like you have in this article for the searchform.php file.

    My concern is when there is a theme update or wordpress update wouldnt the changes to the searchform.php suggested here be lost after for example a theme update?

    Happy trails, Mike

  36. Shahadat Hossain

    can i use google custom search box and wp normal box all together in my site. or i will have to use only one search box between two of this search box

  37. Nasser

    How to make a search bar that join to google? Not just a small windows as Custom google search. Exactly work as google search.

  38. Caroline

    The search results opens up in a new window, how can I open them in my search.php?

  39. Ramesh Tatipigari

    Hi ,

    I want to add google search bar to every post of my wordpress site or i want to add google search bar to below main menu could you please help me regarding this.

  40. boooka

    my search terms cannot be seen. what happened

  41. Day Milovich

    i prefer to change wordpress search completely with google custom search engine to get better traffic from google.

  42. Rahul Yadav

    Hi, I would like to know how to use google custom search in menus like you use……..

  43. Javed Ahmadzai

    Well, I have done the same procedure. my theme does not contain searchform.php i created it but it contain searchresults.php i think its theme’s search. but after creating the searchform.php and pasting the code there. another search widget not appeared. Only sahifa search which is theme’s so please can you tell me what the problem. :(

  44. Raghu

    Hi, I would like to know if I can use google custom search for my intranet portal. I have setup wikipedia for internal purpose and I would like to integrate google custom search for this, however I am not getting result when I integrate.
    So the question is: Is google custom search meant only for public websites?

  45. Rajnish

    Really helpful post. I integrated search box for my Website successfully. Thanks WPBeginner :)

  46. Chris

    Hi, I went through these steps exactly for my Wordpress site, but the search box doesn’t appear anywhere. There are no .js errors in the console. I put a border around the containing div and the border appears, but there’s nothing inside it. I pasted the code I generated from Google inside searchform.php. As a test I also tried pasting the google code on a test page, but still no luck.

    Any ideas on troubleshooting?

  47. Deepak Singh

    Can you please guide me how we cana dd Custom Search in genesis child theme. I tried many tutorials but none of them work.

  48. Joy Baker

    Oops. Guess the form requires pre tags or something.

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