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Come visualizzare le sottocategorie sulle pagine delle categorie in WordPress

Noi di WPBeginner siamo sempre alla ricerca di modi nuovi e migliori per migliorare la navigazione e aiutare gli utenti a trovare esattamente ciò di cui hanno bisogno.

Fortunatamente, WordPress consente di organizzare facilmente le pubblicazioni utilizzando categorie e sottocategorie. Visualizzare le sottocategorie direttamente sulle pagine delle categorie è un modo efficace per migliorare l’esperienza dell’utente e facilitare la navigazione del sito web WordPress.

In questo articolo vi mostreremo come visualizzare le sottocategorie sulle pagine delle categorie in WordPress. Vi forniremo il codice e le istruzioni necessarie.

Display Subcategories on Category Pages in WordPress

Perché visualizzare le sottocategorie sulle pagine delle categorie?

Quando scrivete articoli per il vostro sito web WordPress, potete ottimizzarli per i motori di ricerca e migliorare la navigazione del sito categorizzando correttamente i contenuti. Questo porterà più traffico al vostro sito e permetterà ai visitatori di trovare più facilmente i contenuti che stanno cercando.

Su alcuni siti web è opportuno utilizzare le sottocategorie per semplificare la struttura del sito.

Ad esempio, si può avere una categoria in alto (genitore) chiamata Sport. Sotto la categoria Sport si possono poi avere delle sottocategorie chiamate NFL, NBA e MLB.

Example of Using Subcategories in WordPress

Quando i visitatori fanno clic sulla categoria Sport, vedranno tutti gli articoli della categoria Sport e delle sue sottocategorie. Tuttavia, non vedranno l’elenco delle sottocategorie. Questo rende difficile filtrare verso il basso gli articoli relativi alla NFL o alla NBA.

La visualizzazione di un elenco di sottocategorie sulle pagine delle categorie può migliorare la navigazione del sito. Ciò è particolarmente vero se si decide di nascondere le sottocategorie nel widget delle categorie del sito web.

Show Only Top Level Categories

In questo modo, ad esempio, i visitatori del vostro sito possono passare facilmente da tutti gli articoli sullo sport a quelli sulla NFL. Meglio ancora, potete continuare a visualizzare le stesse sottocategorie sulla pagina NFL, in modo che possano passare facilmente da NFL a NBA.

Detto questo, vediamo come visualizzare le sottocategorie sulle pagine delle categorie in WordPress.

Come visualizzare le sottocategorie sulle pagine delle categorie in WordPress

Per visualizzare le sottocategorie sulle pagine degli archivi delle categorie, è necessario aggiungere del codice ai file del tema. Se avete bisogno di aiuto per aggiungere codice al vostro sito, fate riferimento alla nostra guida per principianti su come incollare snippet dal web in WordPress.

La prima cosa da fare è entrare nella cartella del tema e cercare il file di archivio della categoria, chiamato category.php.

Se non si vede questo file, è necessario crearlo. È sufficiente duplicare archivia.php e chiamarlo categoria.php.

Nota: se il vostro tema non include category.php o archive.php, probabilmente state utilizzando un framework per temi WordPress e dovrete creare manualmente category.php. Un buon punto di partenza per imparare a creare file di archivio è la nostra guida su come creare pagine di archivio personalizzate in WordPress.

A questo punto, è sufficiente aggiungere il seguente codice a categoria.php, subito prima del loop:

if (is_category()) {
    $this_category = get_category($cat);
    $this_category = wp_list_categories('orderby=id&show_count=0
    "&echo=0"); else
    $this_category = wp_list_categories('orderby=id&depth=1&show_count=0
    if ($this_category) { ?> 
<?php echo $this_category; ?>
<?php } ?>
Add the Code Snippet to category.php Just Before the Loop

Ora, quando si visita la pagina di una categoria, viene visualizzato un elenco di sottocategorie.

Sul nostro sito demo, la pagina della categoria Sport mostra i colleghi alle sottocategorie NFL, NBA e MLB.

Preview of Subcategories on Category Page

Facendo clic sul collega NFL, si accede alla pagina della sottocategoria NFL.

Qui si possono ancora vedere i collegamenti alle sottocategorie Sport, in modo da poter passare facilmente da un tipo di sport all’altro. Questo può davvero semplificare la navigazione sul vostro sito.

Preview of Subcategories on Subcategory Page

Guide di esperti su categorie e sottocategorie in WordPress

Ora che sapete come visualizzare le sottocategorie sulle pagine delle categorie, potreste voler vedere altre guide relative alla visualizzazione di categorie e sottocategorie in WordPress.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. George G.


    I use a theme which does not contain the category.php file. Categories and posts are shown throush a archive.php in which file is located into a plugin framework that comes together with this theme.

    • Nelda

      This is a problem many people run into when they don’t look closely at what their theme provides. I would recommend choosing a different theme and this time look for categories with layers, tags, modifiable menus, block editor, and mobile responsive. Many exist for free that provide these basic functions. It is much easier to move forward and continue to enhance your site using a theme that is supportive of the flexibility you seek, rather than tweak a theme that doesn’t meet your needs out of the box. You will be tweaking continuously in the future, and that is not fun, trust me!!

      This site has posts about responsive themes and the features they provide and after you choose a better theme, here is the link to swap it out. It is a very simple process.

  3. Jameel Evans

    I pasted this code into my category.php file, but when I go to it’s not showing. Any suggestions?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to ensure the code is before the loop in your category.php and if it it placed there correctly then you would want to check with the support for your specific theme to see if they have something that would override the usual display.


  4. Sarah

    I inserted this code via the Code Snippets plugin, which has worked successfully with inserting other code, but now I have what I found out is called the ‘white screen of death’! Even on my website page ending in /wp-admin.

    Does anyone know how to fix this when I can’t see my admin dashboard?

    • Em

      open up the file directory and delete the plugin, it would get rid of the issue

  5. Ahmad

    this code does not work that exactly I want, I want a proper arrangement of categories like navigation.
    Parent category
    Grandchild 1
    Grandchild 2
    subchild 1
    sibling categories

  6. Jagdev


    How can we use this for custom post taxonomy created ?

    I want to list the main categories first then sub-categories and sub etc.. untill reach upto post pages?

    Can we change this code for custom post categories?


  7. Don

    Hi! :)
    How exactly should the code be inserted?

  8. Pradeep PL

    But, Not to hide Parent Category, when I click on subcategory page. I want to show all the subcategory in Parent category as well as in subcategory also.

  9. Sveinung Berntsen

    Thanks for this great post. I have managed to make a filter for my category page with this code. But I would like to have a link to show all posts in the main category; if you clicked on one of the subcategory filter links, and want to go back to see all posts for the main category. Kind of like this:
    All (20) Subcategory 1 (12) Subcategory 2 (5). Subcategory 3 (3)

    Is that possible? And how can I get the number as a part of the link?

  10. Julie-Ann


    I don’t know anything about coding. I would really like to add subcategories to my wordpress blog so that I can organise my content better. Where do I paste this code to make it work? What exactly will happen. I would like to understand this a bit more please if you are able to assist.

  11. Eliyas Ahmed

    how to hide parent under categorie.

  12. Gustavo Fernandez

    Thanks for the post..
    This works for woocommerce?


  13. Amanda

    I know this is an old post but it is exactly what I am after for a current project.
    Is there anyway to have an image show up with the category.
    I have used this plugin in the past to add an image to a category – Categories Images

    <?php if( function_exists('z_taxonomy_image') AND get_option('z_taxonomy_image'.$cat_id)” ) z_taxonomy_image($cat_id); ?>

    I am just not sure how to implement it with your code.

  14. Lambodar


    Thanks for the code.

    I have Category Structure like:

    Main Category: Home Improvement
    Child Category: Roofing
    Grand Category: Gutters

    On this page: I want to show all child categories, which is fine it displays all.

    On this page: I want to show all grand child categories, but it show all child categories.

    On this page: I want to show nothing, as this is the last

    Pls let me know how to fix it.

    I used your code like this:

    $this_category = wp_list_categories(‘orderby=id&show_count=0&hide_empty=0&title_li=&use_desc_for_title=1&child_of=’.$this_category->category_parent.
    “&echo=0”); else
    $this_category = wp_list_categories(‘orderby=id&depth=1&show_count=0&hide_empty=0&title_li=&use_desc_for_title=1&child_of=’.$this_category->cat_ID.
    if ($this_category) { ?>

  15. Jay

    Call me stupid but where do we put this code, in header.php, index.php. functions.php?

    FYI I have a page where they click an image in the main page and it takes them (currently) to a main category.

    my goal is when they click the image it takes them to a page listing the sub cats for the cat, this will allow sorting of the posts!

  16. Smith

    is it possible to display posts on category pages as subcategory wise using this.

    Example :

    ** Main Category Page **

    ** Sub category #1 **
    – Post #1
    – Post #2

    ** Subcategory #2 **
    – Post #3
    – Post #4

    • Zee

      Did You get any clue on this? I needed this too

    • Asim Khan

      hi did you find any solution to show categories plz reply me

    • Prafulla Kumar Sahu

      Hey, Have you got any solution to this ??

    • Gerd Casper

      Need this too.
      Is anyone able to give a tip?

  17. Monique

    Since wp 4.0 I get the following error if debug is true:

    Notice: get_all_category_ids is niet meer in gebruik sinds versie4.0! Gebruik in plaats daarvan get_terms(). in

    This is the dutch error, in english it says it is depreceated. How can the code be adjusted so it works with the new standard?

  18. carole

    Exactly what I needed except I had to add &hide_empty=0.

  19. Joe Librizzi

    Thanks for this, but changing orderby argument doesn’t seem to be having any impact on the actual displayed order. Has anyone else had a similar issue? Any solutions?

  20. Katia

    Thank you for this helpful post.
    I need to exclude some of the categories , so those will not show . How can I do that?

  21. Catalin


    I need some help with the script above. I have a Category list of countries like USA, UK, Italy, France etc. and each country it will have cities as sub categories.
    This script works great, when i click on Italy the cities sub categories appear in the side bar, however when a click on page or inside a post the cities disappear and it show only the country in the side bar.
    How can I modify so when i click over a post inside the cities remain and when i click on a page like About or Home the cities to disappear? Also I use Hueman theme and i will need the cities to appear in the header menu. How much do you charge for that? E-mail me at kid_punky @

  22. sourabh nigam

    i am using jigoshop plugin for e-eCommerce clothing website
    in the jigoshop category add
    it has also sub category
    i want to display main category in sidebar and when click on category then sub category should be display;

  23. Mitul

    thanks great post, this tricks work but I have question..I want display sub category like your category page. please tell me how can I add css and make sections page like your deal page.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Mitul, for CSS you can view it in the source, feel free to play with it. You can use conditional tags in your template to show your sub categories differently or you can create a new template for the subcategory.


  24. pustiu314p

    I use your code with success, and thanls for that.
    I have a little trouble: I removed “depth=”1″ from code but the main category does not appear in sidebar. only subcategories.
    How can I display both the parent category and subcategories?
    Thank you.

      • Pustiu314p

        oh ok, so is any way to display grand-child categories?

  25. rob_mod

    Hi. Will this work with WordPress 3.3.1?

    Also, this question might seem silly, but I want to double check:

    This code will allow subcategories specific to the category page you’re on to appear in the sidebar, correct? Phrased another way: I’m on the homepage. I click on the main navigation which says “Illinois.” That takes me to a (category) archive page for Illinois, that has a sidebar. In that sidebar is: Chicago, Evanston, Skokie (subcategories). Now, If clicked on “New York” in the main navigation, I’d go to a (category) archive page for New York, and in the right hand column for that page would be: NYC, Albany, Buffalo, Rochester.

    Am I correct, or am I misunderstanding the application?

    Thanks so much!

  26. VandeMataram

    comment is not posted correctly … so putting it again:


    Sub-category-1, Sub-category-2, Sub-category-3, Sub-category-4, Sub-category-5,

    Sub-category-6, Sub-category-7, and so on ………….

  27. VandeMataram

    I want to show list of sub-categories in main category archive page, for example:

    <Main Category>

    <sub-category-1>, <sub-category-2>, <sub-category-3>, <sub-category-4>, <sub-category-5>, <sub-category-6>, and so on …

    I have copied the same code provided in this article, but it’s not working … nothing is displaying in category page.

    Please help.

  28. robolist

    Hi there, I am hoping there is a fix for what i am trying to do as i cant seem to find a solution anywhere.

    what i have is several sub-categories under a main category. but the second tier categories are not child categories of the main. only the sub categories under the second tier are child. but i still want to contain the loop of those categories on the main category, but essentially it will never have a post nor a child. I managed to find the filter to display a loop of the categories below it, but the page only appears if there is one post in that category…

    LOL, this all sound rather complicated when i say it out loud haha… I hope you get what i am talking about.

    In short i want to have the category page displayed even without and posts under it. I am using a custom theme and template files for each category.

    Hope someone has the answer. :)


    • wpbeginner

      @robolist What’s the point of having a category with no post under it? It seems like it shouldn’t even be there. Perhaps you want to elaborate, so we can see what you are doing with that category. Maybe an alternative route should be taken.

      • robolist

        @wpbeginner thanks for getting back so fast :)

        ok so the reason is because i dont want the main category to appear in the URL structure. although the final URL for the post will be different. The main category will be something like ‘destinations’ then under that will have countries. with each country having a child city then posts under the city. so the main menu will display ‘destinations’ with a loop of all posts under that. then under that in the sub menu will be the country then city. with both country and city containing a loop of its respective by the time you get to the city landing page i dont want the URL to be ‘.com/destinations/country/city/ ‘ i want it to be ‘.com/country/city/’

        You see my dilemma?

        • wpbeginner

          @robolist It seems like there is a better way.Wouldn’t it make more sense to eliminate destination category altogether. Create a page called Destinations – use custom page template to have it output all categories that WordPress has using wp_list_categories() function. Now you will still have the urls like .com/country/city/And when the user goes on a page like .com/destinations/ << They can still see all the countries listed there. Does that make sense? If it doesn’t, then maybe we don’t understand what you are trying to do.

        • robolist

          @wpbeginner that does sound better and makes sense… But i am not familiar with the wp_list_categories() function, although i have seen it around. This could be the one. thanks so much for your help, i will go and give that a try :) thanks so much…

          thanks also for all your amazing tutorials on this site…

        • wpbeginner

          @robolist wp_list_categories() is a very simple and powerful function. will let you display your categories anywhere in a custom page template. So create a custom page template. In the template area paste the codewp_list_categories(); Make sure to set child=0 if you don’t want to show your cities in there. As I presume, you will only want to display the countries there. Then once a user clicks on a country, they go and see all the cities. Style it to your liking and there you have it.

        • robolist

          @wpbeginner excellent :) thanks so much

        • robolist


          hey guys, thanks so much for your advice last night, it worked a treat :). I am however stuck on the permalink structure now and would be very grateful if you and any tips for me again :)

          My final post is now at the end of a three tier category structure, ‘continent/country/city/post/’ (destinations as you recommended is now a page). But for the final URL of the post i dont want it to be four deep and would prefer it to only be three deep. so the permalink that i would like is country/city/post/… Is there anyway i can remove the top level parent category from the permalink structure? at the moment i have it set up like this ‘/%category%/%postname%-%post_id%/’ But it automatically grabs all parent categories. , Do i have to again make the top category a page or is there a better way round this? Many thanks in advance for your help


        • wpbeginner

          @robolist You can write some permalink rewrite rules, but that is a bit harder than making the top category a page. Easy solution: make continent a page.Hard solution: rewrite permalink rule.Honestly, do you need continents? most folks don’t really look by North America or South America… They just look for countries…

        • robolist

          @wpbeginner Thanks for getting back to me.

          Well having the continents does help to organise the blog as it will get pretty big eventually, its more like regions really, not exactly continents, which is why I’d prefer to include them . I would love to learn how to do the rewrite rule because that way i wont have to be constantly adding extra category IDs to the region pages every time a new city/country is added. The way i have it set with the destinations is perfect because i will never add any more regions so i never have to touch that page again,:) as it stands there are 9 regions thats it., but countries and cities will be added over time

          i dont suppose you could point me in the right direction for the rewrite? :) I would be ever so grateful

          Many thanks for all your help so far

        • wpbeginner

          @robolist Rewrite requires writing custom codes and which is something we charge for. You can look at google for your guide or look in the WordPress core if you like tackling code.

        • robolist

          @wpbeginner I would love to hire you guys but just dont have a budget for that :(, plus i would love to learn how to do it myself. but thanks so much for all the help you have given me on this. if i do fail at my attempt then i will just go for the simple way out and create pages for the regions. thanks again :)

  29. sdiggles

    Did you ever get this? I am trying to accomplish the same thing right now. Only show subcategories on category pages if there are subcategories. That “No categories” stuff is killing me.

    • robolist

      @sdiggles i think i am after the same… did you find a solution?

  30. Seosphere

    Hi ! sorry for my english.

    I would like to use your code, but not on the sidebar. When i click on a main category, i would like to find on the nav. bar the sub menu instead to have the main menu.

    Sorry but i m not a developper, where do i have to paste your code ?

    In category.php ? :(

    Thank you

  31. Aleksandr

    The code is not finished.

    if ($this_category) {
    //There is must be a code
    //to show the list of subcategories.

    Something like that:
    if ($this_category) {
    printf( $this_category );

    P.S. working on «Twenty Ten» 3.0.1

  32. tes

    testing with v 3.0 doesnot work.. buggy

  33. Emily

    I’ve heard that this code no longer works since the WP upgrade. I also got a parse error.

  34. Rachel

    This code is exactly what I need, only I want to use it in the actual category.php content section, not in the sidebar. Anyway, I pasted it in and I get a parse error. Is there something missing at the end of the code snippet?

    • Editorial Staff

      So many things can matter. Where exactly did you place it… please contact us via our contact form for help.


    • David

      Rachel, did you get this figured out? I’m getting the same error.

  35. Karl B

    This is a great starting point for me as I had been searching high and low for this.

    I wondered if there was a way to elaborate on this and allow say, 1 post title and excerpt then 4 more titles from each subcategory, displayed in a div.

    I have been trying to find a way to do this for months but have never found anyone able to assist. I even offered a small payment but no-one came forward :)

    Thanks if anyone can offer any advice :)


    • Editorial Staff

      We can help you if you contact via email. There is a way to do it that can be explained either via email, or we can do it for you for a small payment :)


  36. Jerry

    I’m getting a “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘='” error from this?


  37. Jacqueline

    Hi, thanks so much for this code and I have it working on my template. How would I prevent this entire code from running if a category has NO children? If there are no children, it creates an empty list and prints the text “No Categories.” Here’s how I had it setup with Yoast’s code:

    cat_ID) != “”) { ?>


    If there were no subcategories, nothing would show up. Your code is better, but I need it to only show up ONLY if there are subcategories. How would I achieve this? Thanks for any suggestions.

  38. Victor

    Thanks for posting this. I got my posts displaying fine, but had forgotten about the sub cats…it makes more sense this way.

  39. Nick


    I’m trying to accomplish this in the sidebar, only instead of links, I want to list recent posts in subcategories.

    and of course, this would occur in all category and subcategory pages, as well as single posts.

    Don’t know if this is possible. But, I’ve been looking around like crazy, and not being a programmer isn’t helping either.

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