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Come disabilitare la navigazione delle directory in WordPress

Abbiamo visto molti siti web che non disabilitano la navigazione nelle directory. Purtroppo, questo piccolo errore può esporre informazioni sensibili agli hacker e danneggiare un sito web.

L’esplorazione delle directory permette di vedere i file e le cartelle del sito. Gli hacker possono quindi utilizzare queste informazioni per trovare vulnerabilità nei plugin, nei temi o nel server ospitato.

Questo semplice passo può migliorare significativamente la sicurezza del vostro sito. È una correzione rapida che ogni proprietario di sito web dovrebbe conoscere.

In questa guida vi mostreremo come disabilitare la navigazione nelle directory in WordPress. Questo vi aiuterà a proteggere il vostro sito e a tenere al sicuro i vostri dati.

How to disable directory browsing in WordPress

Cosa comporta la disabilitazione della navigazione nelle directory in WordPress?

Quando un visitatore accede a un sito web, il server web elabora la sua richiesta. In genere, il server consegna al browser un file di indice, come index.html.

Se manca un file di indice, il server può visualizzare un elenco di tutti i file e le cartelle presenti nella directory. Questo comportamento, noto come “directory browsing”, è comunemente abilitato in modo predefinito sui server ospitati.

Abbiamo visto in prima persona come la navigazione nelle directory possa esporre informazioni sensibili sulla struttura di un sito. Queste informazioni potrebbero essere utilizzate per identificare vulnerabilità nei plugin, nei temi o anche nelle configurazioni dell’host.

I visitatori possono imbattersi nella navigazione delle directory quando vedono un semplice elenco di file e cartelle invece di una pagina web. Se non viene indirizzato, questo accesso involontario può portare a rischi per la sicurezza.

Directory browsing enabled

Gli hacker spesso sfruttano la navigazione nelle directory per visualizzare i file di un sito, compresi temi e plugin. Se uno di questi presenta vulnerabilità note, gli aggressori possono utilizzare queste informazioni per compromettere il sito web.

In molti casi, la navigazione nelle directory può anche esporre contenuti privati o a pagamento, come il download di ebook o corsi online. Questo può portare a copie non autorizzate e a perdite di profitto.

La disabilitazione della navigazione nelle directory è un modo semplice ma efficace per prevenire questi rischi. È uno dei primi passi che consigliamo per mettere in sicurezza un sito WordPress.

Come verificare se la navigazione nelle directory è abilitata in WordPress

Un modo semplice per verificare se la navigazione nelle directory è abilitata sul vostro sito web WordPress è quello di visitare direttamente la cartella /wp-includes/.

Ad esempio, basta inserire nel browser un URL come questo:

Assicurarsi di sostituire con il dominio del proprio sito web. Questo semplice test funziona con la maggior parte delle installazioni di WordPress.

Se viene visualizzato un messaggio 403 Forbidden o un errore simile, la navigazione nelle directory è già disabilitata. Questo è un buon segno perché significa che il sito web è più sicuro.

403 forbidden page is displayed when directory browsing is disabled

Se invece appare un elenco di file e cartelle, la navigazione nelle directory è abilitata.

Ciò rende i siti web vulnerabili ad attacchi dannosi.

Directory browsing enabled

Secondo la nostra esperienza, abilitare la navigazione nelle directory espone informazioni sensibili e aumenta i rischi per la sicurezza. Per questo motivo, è meglio disabilitare la navigazione nelle directory in WordPress per mantenere il sito sicuro.

Come disabilitare la navigazione delle directory in WordPress

Per disabilitare l’inserimento nelle directory, è necessario aggiungere del codice al file .htaccess del sito.

Per accedere al file, è necessario un client FTP, oppure si può utilizzare l’applicazione di gestione dei file all’interno del pannello di controllo del proprio hosting WordPress.

Se è la prima volta che utilizzate l’FTP, potete consultare la nostra guida completa su come connettersi al vostro sito utilizzando l’FTP.

Dopo essersi collegati al sito, è sufficiente aprire la cartella pubblica del sito web e trovare il file .htaccess. È quindi possibile modificare il file .htaccess scaricandolo sul desktop e aprendolo in un editor di testo come Notepad.

In fondo al file, è sufficiente aggiungere il seguente codice:

Options -Indexes

Avrà un aspetto simile a questo:

Added border to an image

Una volta terminato, salvate il file .htaccess e caricatelo sul vostro server utilizzando un client FTP.

Questo è quanto. Ora, se si visita lo stesso URL, si otterrà un messaggio 403 Forbidden o simile.

403 forbidden page is displayed when directory browsing is disabled

Suggerimento dell’esperto: se sospettate che il vostro sito web WordPress sia stato violato, consultate la nostra guida sulla correzione di un sito web WordPress violato. In alternativa, potete scegliere il nostro servizio di riparazione professionale di siti WordPress violati e assumere esperti di sicurezza WordPress per ripulire subito il vostro sito web.

Ulteriori letture:

Volete mantenere il vostro sito web WordPress sicuro e privo di errori? Potreste trovare utili i seguenti articoli:

Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato a capire come disabilitare la navigazione nelle directory in WordPress. Potreste anche voler consultare la nostra guida definitiva alla sicurezza di WordPress o vedere la nostra selezione di esperti dei migliori plugin per la sicurezza di WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

93 commentiLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    Thanks for the advice. On directory browsing, or that I have it enabled, the AIO SEO plugin keeps warning me. I have currently solved the problem by making the folders have an index file that is empty. Is it possible to take this as one of the possible solutions?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can try that method but we would still recommend the htaccess method from our guide.


      • Jiří Vaněk

        Thanks for the advice, I finally used the Options -Indexes method now and AIO SEO already reports the problem as solved. Thanks again.

  2. Ka Khaliq

    After editing the htaccess file as per the provided guidelines, I do see 403 Forbidden message for /wp-includes/. But I’m unable to see edit any post. Upon editing a post, I see the same 403 Forbidden message. How to solve this?

  3. Dina D

    Thank you so much! Clear, concise, and easy to follow. Thank you so much!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome!


  4. Rabee Khan

    Thank You… precise and easy to understand!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful!


  5. Kimmy

    Thanks for the two-word solution! Lol. Worked perfectly!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could help! :)


  6. Seashell

    I was shocked to see the folders accessible right in the browser.
    Thanks for your solution!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could help! :)


  7. Deepak Kumar

    Its work like charm. Article on wpbeginners like ready to go solution. Keep it up.

  8. Ayo

    How do I now solve the 404 error that comes after?

  9. Pradip Singh

    I am in love with this website. Every day I am surprised when I read a new article from this website. Thankfully I read this article today and immediately I implemented the advice.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you found our content helpful :)


  10. Sourabh

    Will it block CDNs from accessing my website for static content?

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, it will not.


  11. sami

    Does this method affect google crawling .. is it SEO friendly?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It should not affect search engines crawling your site.


    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  12. Pradeep

    Thanks my friend, I just try this and it’s work.
    You are the genius.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  13. mousam

    Thank you. I applied and it worked.
    You guys are the best source for learning wordpress.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  14. Kevine

    Thank you very much for this. It solved my problem.

    Thanks again.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  15. malika

    Thank you for sharing information!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  16. Jonthan

    So is it ok to have this code on .htaccess file even when an index.php file is present in the root folder.

    Kindly respond.

  17. Teresa Cuervo

    Do you need Filezila to do this or can you go to the FTP via Cpanel and do this?
    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can use either, not all hosts have a file manager is why we show Filezilla :)


  18. michael

    does this action affect pages indexing on search engines?
    and does it make some problems for indexed pages of my WordPress website?

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, it would not affect that negatively.


  19. Rhen Castrodes

    Thank you. it works

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation was able to help you :)


  20. John

    Thank you! It works even now in 2020.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  21. Shams

    Amazing post,

    Just have simple question, I added this code and it’s working, the question is Google indexes those page e.g sitecom/wp-contents/2019/2, will Google remove those pages automatically now as these are 404. Or I should remove it in Search Console?


    • WPBeginner Support

      This code should not make your direct links to images and files turn into 404s


  22. Bill


    I recently applied this rule
    and at the same day the front page of my blog
    got vanished from google index.

    Do you see any connection?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Adding this to your htaccess should not affect your indexing, there are multiple reasons and you would want to check your Google Search Console for what it says about your home page.


  23. Ionel G

    Thanks for all the tips that you provide!
    I am still wondering how can you hide the wp-content & wp-include folder from sources? I hate it when someone goes right click and source it can see all of my plugins :). Do you have any script for this?
    Thank you in advance!

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a recommended method for that at the moment, the most common reason you can’t see those folders in dev tools is a site’s cache.


  24. Mayur

    Could you please tell me How can i disable WordPress in sub folder like my WordPress install on [] and i want to disable wordpress in []

  25. Rafael

    Thank you. Worked perfectly for all browsers.

  26. Dipankar

    but wp-content is showing . how to remove it as well.

  27. Deatram

    I disabled directory browsing, but still someone can see my directory when they use developer tools in chrome browser. How do I disable in that as well?

  28. Faeze

    I added the line that you said in .htaccess but it showes my directories yet .
    What should I do now??

  29. Nathan

    When I click “Save Changes” on the Permalink Settings page the .htaccess file is updated, erasing the “Options -Indexes” code that I inputted. The code works fine, but I am concerned I will unknowingly delete it while performing some other task. Are there any other dashboard settings changes that I should know about that may affect the .htaccess file and erase the code? Thanks

  30. Tôi Sống

    Awesome, it work very good!

  31. Baggio

    Huge fan of wpbeginner, Optin Monster – I got so many useful tips and tricks on WP – and I have to say, the site design is just brilliant. And of course, the content here is epicly useful.

    Thanks guys!

  32. daniel

    Hey! It doesnt seem to work. if i pull an image to another page its opened with a link of:…
    Any idea? thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Daniel,

      Your images and files inside directories can still be directly accessed. However, server will not let someone directly browse a directory and see its contents.


      • Axel Jebens

        I would appreciate if you could iterate on this. I had a hard time when trying to get a solution for this issue. There are some ideas based on a htaccess redirecting to a php file that first checks if the user is logged on. Is there any plugin which provides such a function?

  33. Khalid Mahmud

    Thank you. It’s working…….

  34. Kim

    Sorry to late ask. I want to know, are these techniques safe to use regarding SEO score ? Hope you answer !

  35. Kimmy

    Still works pretty well. Awesome, simple, and working. Thanks!

  36. Charles

    I have been writing this same code for weeks now but my directory remains visible to users. Pls what am doing wrong? Or could it be that my site is still loading from cached contents? Everybody says it is working but my own experience is different. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks in anticipation of your reply.

    • Kimmy

      What part are you having trouble on? What is your hosting provider btw?

  37. Lily

    Thank you. Worked like a charm!

  38. Prakash

    This Above Trick Is Not Working Man….

  39. Mike

    Is there a way to allow viewing a directory but just hide the Parent Directory link for a specific page? This would be a network share folder that multiple people would access, and have sub folders which would still require a parent directory listing. I just don’t want anyone going above the shared folder.

  40. Christian Nastari

    This didn’t work for me. I tried before and after #END WordPress and didn’t work. I also tried “Options All -Indexes”, but didn’t work either

  41. hrwhisper

    very helpful, thank you very much

  42. nitai

    Really great. today I just faced and thinking how can I disallow like joomla and I found the exact solution.

  43. Rob Myrick

    This was very helpful and quick – thank you

  44. Anita in SD

    Thanks so much, was dismayed to see images from my site going to a parent directory :0. This was very helpful and worked well.
    Blessings – A

  45. Heather Jacobsen

    Thanks for this tutorial. It worked great for hiding my uploads from anyone just wanting to browse that directory. One question, though. Does this by chance turn off the ability of search engines to browse my website. Sorry if it seems like a dumb question. I am a newbie, after all. :)

  46. Wasil Burki

    I added the Options -Indexes code to the htaccess file, however now I am not able to access the site I get a 503 error. Am I doing something wrong? Need help bad!! Thanks

  47. Ted

    The problem I have is that I can see the directory of this wordpress site, so if you are using this solution then it doesn’t work… (theme wpbv4)

  48. Rahul

    Thank you so much for the tutorial!

    I was very concerned when I discovered some of my theme directories could be browsed. All good now, thanks to your tutorial. I never knew .htaccess packed in so much punch.

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