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Come disattivare tutti i plugin quando non si riesce ad accedere a WP-Admin

Avete mai avuto problemi con il vostro sito web WordPress, ma non siete riusciti ad accedere all’area di amministrazione per risolvere i problemi? Questa è un’esperienza frustrante che molti utenti di WordPress si trovano ad affrontare prima o poi.

Un’operazione comune per la risoluzione dei problemi consiste nel disattivare tutti i plugin e poi riattivarli uno per uno. Questo aiuta a identificare se il problema è causato da un conflitto di plugin. Ma cosa si fa quando non si riesce nemmeno ad accedere a wp-admin per eseguire questo passo importante?

Non preoccupatevi, c’è una soluzione. In questa guida vi mostreremo come disattivare tutti i plugin di WordPress quando siete bloccati dall’area di amministrazione.

Deactivating all WordPress plugins without accessing admin area

Esistono due metodi comunemente utilizzati per disattivare i plugin senza accedere all’area di amministrazione del vostro sito WordPress. Potete scegliere il metodo che vi sembra più semplice:

Metodo 1: Disattivare tutti i plugin di WordPress tramite FTP

Per questo metodo, dovrete utilizzare un client FTP o l’applicazione di gestione dei file nel vostro pannello di controllo dell’hosting WordPress.

Se non avete mai usato l’FTP, potete consultare la nostra guida su come usare l’FTP per caricare i file su WordPress.

Per prima cosa, è necessario collegarsi al proprio sito web utilizzando un client FTP o il file manager di cPanel. Una volta collegati, è necessario navigare nella cartella /wp-content/.

All’interno della cartella wp-content, si trova una cartella chiamata plugins. È qui che WordPress memorizza tutti i plugin installati sul vostro sito web.

Rename plugins folder

È necessario fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cartella dei plugin e selezionare “Rinomina”.

Quindi, cambiare il nome della cartella con quello che si preferisce. Nel nostro esempio, la chiameremo plugin.deactivated.

Plugins deactivated via FTP

Una volta eseguita questa operazione, tutti i plugin saranno disattivati.

Questo perché WordPress cerca una cartella chiamata “plugins” per caricare i file dei plugin. Quando non trova la cartella, disabilita automaticamente i plugin attivi nel database.

Di solito, questo metodo viene utilizzato quando si è bloccati dall’area di amministrazione. Se il problema riguarda i plugin, dovreste essere in grado di accedere all’area di amministrazione di WordPress.

Se visitate la pagina Plugin ” Plugin installati all’interno dell’area di amministrazione di WordPress, vedrete le notifiche per tutti i plugin che sono stati disattivati.

WordPress plugins deactivated

Si noterà anche che tutti i plugin sono scomparsi. Non preoccupatevi: sono tutti al sicuro e potete facilmente ripristinarli.

Passare nuovamente al client FTP e andare alla cartella /wp-content/. Da qui, è necessario rinominare la cartella plugin.deactivated in plugins.

A questo punto, potete tornare alla pagina Plugin ” Plugin installati all’interno dell’area di amministrazione di WordPress e attivare un plugin alla volta finché il sito non si rompe di nuovo.

A questo punto, si saprà esattamente quale plugin ha causato il problema. È quindi possibile eliminare la cartella del plugin dal sito tramite FTP o chiedere assistenza all’autore del plugin.

Metodo 2: Disattivare tutti i plugin con phpMyAdmin

Il metodo FTP è sicuramente più semplice, a nostro avviso. Tuttavia, potete anche disattivare tutti i plugin di WordPress utilizzando phpMyAdmin.

Importante: prima di qualsiasi operazione, eseguire un backup completo del database. Questo vi tornerà utile se qualcosa dovesse andare storto.

Successivamente, dovrete accedere al vostro cruscotto di web hosting. In questo esempio, vi mostriamo il cruscotto di cPanel. Il cruscotto del vostro account di hosting potrebbe avere un aspetto diverso.

È necessario fare clic sull’icona “phpMyAdmin” sotto la sezione Database.

Selecting phpMyAdmin on cPanel

In questo modo si avvia phpMyAdmin in una nuova finestra del browser.

È necessario selezionare il database di WordPress, se non è già stato selezionato. Dopodiché, sarà possibile visualizzare le tabelle del database di WordPress.

Click at wp-options

Come si può vedere, tutte le tabelle del database hanno il prefisso wp_ prima del nome della tabella. Le vostre tabelle potrebbero avere un prefisso diverso.

È necessario fare clic sulla tabella wp_options. All’interno della tabella wp_options, si vedranno righe di opzioni diverse. Trovate l’opzione “active_plugins” e cliccate sul link “Modifica” accanto ad essa.

Click the Activate_Plugins option

Nella schermata successiva, è necessario modificare il campo option_value in a:0:{}.

Quindi, fare clic sul pulsante “Vai” per salvare le modifiche.

Reset active plugins

Avete disattivato con successo tutti i plugin di WordPress utilizzando phpMyAdmin. Se un plugin vi impediva di accedere all’amministrazione di WordPress, ora dovreste essere in grado di accedere.

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337 commentiLeave a Reply

  1. Susan

    Hi! I reset the name of the plugin file but still couldn’t login. Anyone else have the same problem or have some advice?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Susan,

      You need to change the name of the plugins folder located inside /wp-content/ folder on your website.


  2. Katy

    Thank you, totally saved me. I was doing the “breathe, don’t panic” thing already thank goodness, which is how I found this article. Thanks again :)

  3. morgan

    Okay, so I’ve done this and now all my plugins are completely gone on my admin page. It keeps failing when i try to install anything.
    I still see all my plugins on filezilla but they arent on my website.

    Someone please help! I’m freaking out.

  4. Martin

    Saved 4 of my sites which were updated through a certain host’s WP Pro dashboard. Thanks!

  5. Jeremy Weston

    Something killed two of my sites. I ssh’d in and renamed the plugins folder, went into my WP admin, logged in, went to the plugins page. Then all plugins were disabled via the admin panel. My site was working again!

    Then I renamed the plugins folder back to the original name and updated and reactivated my plugins. Something had caused my site to crash. Unfortunately, I’ll have to keep an eye open for this. Uptime monitors help!

    Thanks for this writeup wpbeginner!

  6. Goetz

    Thank you for the info, this helped a lot!

  7. Alain

    I need to deactivate specific plugins!

  8. Loraine

    Thanks so much. This article was super helpful and fixed my problem in minutes.

  9. Collins Uzamere

    Thnak you very much .God bless the author of this article it helped me solve a problem that gave me sleepless night

  10. Courtney

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    This help was a Christmas Miracle!
    I really appreciate you creating this site.

  11. Gabriella Bourdon

    On my wordpress site, I got “the white screen of death” with the message “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at …)

    So we tried deactivating the plugins and it still doesn’t work-we still can’t get inside the admin console. We had issues with Google Adwords, and deleted those plugins, and now we actually do get ads…Not crystal on what’s going on? Any help would be much appreciated.

    • George M

      Another cause is if your php memory limit is too low. Please make sure your memory limit in php is set to at least 128M or 256M.

      The other common cause is with a poorly coded theme. If you just installed a theme and this appears, you can re-enable the default theme by logging into PHPmyadmin, selecting your database, and changing the following values from wp_options table to a default theme that is present (twentyeleven, twentytwelve, twentythirteen, twentyfourteen, etc). Make sure this is a theme you actually have, and you can check your themes in the wp-content/themes directory. The values that need changes are:

  12. Gabriel Villalobos

    Thanks a lot ♥

  13. Phoebe

    How do you reactivate the plugins if they are not the issue and still cannot access your admin site?

  14. Paul Douglas

    As always, Syed and team come through. plugins.deactivate worked flalwessly

  15. Mario

    Yes, this worked for my website! Thank you very much

  16. Tory Salvia

    After deactivating, can I reactivate the active plugins using the PHP method?

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, but you can activate your installed plugins by visiting the plugins page in your WordPress admin area. However, if a plugin was causing an issue on your website, then reactivating it will trigger the same issue again. This is how you can find out which plugin is causing the issue and find an alternative.


  17. jordannerissa

    Thank you, this is extremely helpful! The first fix worked perfect for me – PHEW!

  18. Claire

    Hi, I am working on a locally hosted site running Xampp.
    I am getting “Robot test error: I suggest a new strategy, R2, let the Wookie win.”, when I try to login to my locally hosted site on wordpress. I read a few articles and went to my phpmyadmin page, and clicked on the database I am using, selected “wp_options”, but I cannot find the “active_plugins”.
    Does anyone know another way around getting rid of this error?So I can log back into my site.

    • Claire

      Managed to find a solution :-) went to my xampp folder, htdocs, then the name of the site I am creating. Then wp_content, then plugins, and deleted the folder containing the reCaptcha plugin, as this was giving me the “Robot test error: I suggest a new strategy, R2, let the Wookie win.”error.
      Then could log back in with no problem :-)

  19. Agha Khan

    Thank you for your help.

  20. Paul

    This is akin to turning the computer off and back on. In my case, it did not work.

  21. Purushothaman J

    Your Plugin Deactivate Saved my Day.!! Thank you.

  22. Janet

    This was lifesaver. Thank you so much.

  23. john smith

    This is a great page. FTP solution worked like a dream to fix my white screen of death. Note to self – always update all plugins before wordpress core…

  24. Dirk

    Thanks for putting the different options on a page.
    Makes it a clear list to go by checking the problem. What is not in the list but worked for me, is temporarily disabling the .htaccess file by renaming it and so I could working from there.

  25. Eddy

    Thank you guys for the help. I used the FTP option and it worked perfectly.

    • Steve

      Thank you so much for this tip. I was going nuts because my wp-total-cache went haywire and your post helped me figure out what was going on. Thank you for taking the time to invest.

  26. maz

    Thanks got me out of a jam need some help now to remove a dodgy plugin W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /home/content/16/8282516/html/notsealed/wp-content/db.php

    IS it safe to remove this db.php file? Crashes if I leave the plugin in the folder, crashes if I install, crashes if uninstall. Fielzilla helped to rename but WordPress is a mess keeps coming up with the error above thanks

  27. Bona

    Mine is a different case, after disabling all the plugins by deleting the codes, the plugins and even widgets stopped showing by I was still unable to login to my admin page. Since the plugins are not the cause, I pasted the codes back and the plugins and widgets didn’t show up again! What happened?

  28. Tristan Morgan-Buck

    THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH; I was trying to access my website for 3 days after I installed login_form_recaptcha, and I tried everything, but you guys really saved my a**! Thanks a bunch!!!

  29. simon

    Thanks, worked a treat.
    Much easier than I thought it would be.

    I knew which plugin was the problem so went in with FTP and renamed the individual plugin module folder – logged back into WP and was able to delete the plugin from within wp-admin/plugins.

  30. Ethan

    Saved my a** tonight, thank you!

  31. MBHayes

    OH BOY… this just saved my tail end best I can tell… 6/15/16… Adminimize plugin upgrade crashed / blocked access to my admin panel.
    THANK YOU SO SO MUCH this handy reference still lives on the web!!!

    • MBHayes

      … my case continues and is not closed after all …
      When I renamed plugins and then soft restarted apache my admin panel was good… however, once I renamed plugins back to plugins from deactivate.plugins… AGAIN the admin panel would fire on IE but not let you in and would not fire at all on Firefox!
      Oh boy… more CSI time……………………………

      • MBHayes

        Case Closed… before we BASH adminimize which has been a faithful plugin… let me say I’ve managed to reach the admin panel and reactivated adminimize and everything is still running.

        My case was somewhat varied to this post… in my case my site was a vm running on ubuntu… I didn’t have access over the normal channels due to a network move killing off my webmin and winscp access… so while I used the same principals here I had to actually drill down by logging into the unbuntu server –> cd /var/www/wp-content/plugins. At first I RENAMED the plugins directory — it failed I guess cause while I logged in I logged back out then renamed the directory. Anyway, I continued to toy around and went back from within the plugins directory and renamed about 5 plugins (mv deact.plugin1… deact.plugin2… etc…. fired the wp-admin and we’re good! Reactivated about 3 of the 5 so far and it hasn’t crashed back out yet. Still testing… in summary want to emphasize that I can’t for sure at the moment say I lost the admin panel on the adminimize plug-in… but one of the 5 for sure caused issue. Anyway, I’m back slowly reactivating the rest!

  32. Ruhi

    Hiee… when I try to load my site it says this page isn’t working also it says can’t handle this record and moreover am unable to acess my wordpress dashboard when I try entering the wp-admin it show blank white page please help!!

  33. Previsha

    Thanks, this really helped me out.

  34. pankaj

    i am getting

    PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_comments_popup() (previously declared in /home/rateahqx/public_html/wp-includes/query.php:309) in /home/rateahqx/public_html/wp-includes/deprecated.php on line 3713
    i tried everything but my site is still not starting pls help me.
    and i think this problem started after the wordpress update.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It is possible that a WordPress update was stopped before completion. Try downloading a fresh copy of WordPress, unzip it on your computer and then upload them back to your server using FTP. This will overwrite WordPress core files.


  35. Manos Kaiser

    Kudos!!! Saved my day! Thanx!

  36. Ronald

    thank you for this blog. it really helps but what i did is delete some plugins. Thank you once again my site brings back to life :)

  37. nino

    Hello i have downloaded FileZilla but I can’t find wp-content file . Help me

  38. Hanne Schroedter

    Yupp, this was perfect, and I could deactivate Jetpack who was udated later today.
    Thank you! Awesome.

  39. Erica

    Literally (yes, literally :) just saved my life with this! Thank you SO much!!

  40. Palash Tannan

    How to Navigate to the /wp-content/ folder ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can visit it in your browser, like this:

      Replace with the domain of the website.

      However, wp-content file has a blank index.php file in it. So you will only be able to see a white screen.

      If you know the full URL to a file, then you can view it in your browser like this:

      To navigate wp-content as an admin you need to use an FTP client or File Manager in cPanel.


  41. Lesly Federici

    THANK YOU for this article. for 2 days my site has been down due to a plugin and you’d think my theme/hosting support would tell me what to do. Nope. So I had to research it and this did it!

  42. Carl

    Thanks very much for this – I can confirm the FTP method works like a charm Mourad!

  43. Mourad

    This is so helpful, but what is FTP method like?

  44. Muzahid Ul Islam

    Thank you very much….
    it resolve my problem.

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