Da quando ho iniziato WPBeginner (oltre 15 anni fa), una delle domande più frequenti che ricevo dai lettori è: quanto guadagna WPBeginner?
Alcuni di voi potrebbero pensare che mi stia inventando tutto, ma non è così.
Se cercate WPBeginner su Google, noterete che una delle parole chiave in alto nella ricerca è “wpbeginner income”.

Ora, so che molti blogger famosi condividono report dettagliati sulle entrate, e alcuni di loro hanno persino costruito i loro brand intorno a questo. Diversi lettori mi hanno detto che sarei più popolare se condividessi il report delle entrate di WPBeginner, ma onestamente non sono interessato ad avere lettori che mi apprezzano per quanto guadagna WPBeginner.
Voglio che i nostri lettori apprezzino e seguano WPBeginner per la qualità dei contenuti che pubblichiamo.
Ma dato che la domanda sulle entrate di WPBeginner continua ad essere sollevata, voglio prendermi un po’ di tempo per rispondere nel miglior modo possibile senza compromettere i miei valori personali.
Credo che il successo e il fallimento siano entrambi condizioni temporanee ed è importante rimanere sempre umili. Per questo motivo non ho mai condiviso alcun rapporto sulle entrate di WPBeginner.
Ritengo che i blogger che condividono i resoconti delle entrate si stiano “mettendo in mostra”, ma questa è solo la mia opinione.
Capisco sicuramente che molti utenti che hanno appena iniziato un blog trovano questi report sulle entrate dei blog fonte di ispirazione.
Tuttavia, ritengo che condividere le entrate di WPBeginner non sarebbe utile per i nostri lettori, perché è difficile relazionarsi con loro.
Perché WPBeginner non è una tipica attività di blog. Non guadagniamo solo vendendo annunci o link di affiliazione. In effetti, su WPBeginner non si può nemmeno acquistare un annuncio. La maggior parte dei prodotti affiliati che raccomandiamo sono quelli che usiamo noi stessi.
Quindi, come fa WPBeginner a guadagnare davvero?
Guadagniamo vendendo la nostra suite di software e plugin per WordPress, tra cui: OptinMonster, MonsterInsights, WPForms, SeedProd, WP Mail SMTP, RafflePress, All in One SEO, Smash Balloon e molti altri.
I nostri software sono attualmente utilizzati da oltre 25 milioni di siti web.
Una delle ragioni principali della popolarità dei nostri plugin è il potere di marketing di WPBeginner.
Anche se non vendiamo alcun plugin direttamente sul sito web di WPBeginner, la buona volontà che ci siamo guadagnati nella Community ci ha aiutato a costruire brand indipendenti per ciascuno dei nostri plugin.
A lato, attraverso il nostro fondo WPBeginner Growth Accelerator, abbiamo investito in diverse altre aziende focalizzate su WordPress, tra cui MemberPress, Pretty Links, Formidable Forms, Advanced Coupons, ThirstyAffiliates, Uncanny Automator e WooCommerce Wholesale Suite.
Qual è il reddito di WPBeginner?

Il modo migliore per chi siamo di pensare alle entrate di WPBeginner è quello di considerare tutto ciò che questo blog mi ha aiutato a costruire. Mettendo insieme tutti i dati, il blog WPBeginner ha contribuito a costruire un’attività annuale a 8 cifre.
Se dovessi usare il “gergo dell’industria del blogging”, sarei un blogger a otto cifre, ma non mi piace questa etichetta (per saperne di più).
Dato che “blogger a otto cifre” non è un termine comunemente usato, alcuni di voi si staranno chiedendo che cosa significhi davvero?
Vi sarà capitato di vedere blogger che si etichettano come “blogger a sei cifre” o “blogger a sette cifre”.
In senso proprio, queste etichette sono definite come:
- Sei cifre – reddito annuale superiore a 100.000 dollari USA
- Reddito a sette cifre – reddito annuo superiore a 1.000.000 USD
- A otto cifre – reddito annuo superiore a 10.000.000 di dollari USA
Quando ho iniziato a bloggare, il mio sogno era quello di entrare a far parte di quello che pensavo fosse un club di “bambini fighi”. Ma man mano che procedevo nel mio percorso di blogger, ho iniziato a non sopportare più questa etichetta.
Perché ho visto così tanti spammer e “aspiranti esperti online” abusare dell’etichetta per ingannare i nuovi utenti e indurli ad acquistare i loro corsi di guadagno online o i loro programmi di mentorship.
Di seguito sono riportati alcuni esempi di persone che abusano dell’etichetta per ingannare i principianti:
- Ho visto blogger usare l’etichetta di blogger a sei cifre perché il loro blog ha superato i 100.000 visitatori quell’anno (non le entrate).
- Ho visto “aspiranti esperti” usare l’etichetta di blogger a sette cifre perché hanno lavorato per un’azienda più grande che ha guadagnato più di un milione di dollari online e se ne prendono il merito (in pratica mentendo).
- Ho visto persone combinare i loro guadagni in 8-10 anni per definirsi blogger a sei o sette cifre. Si tratta di una tecnica comunemente utilizzata nei programmi di MLM / schema piramidale.
- Ho visto alcuni blogger che guadagnano cifre a sei zeri, ma in una valuta diversa (quindi non del tutto accurata se state cercando USD).
In sostanza, se siete agli inizi, siate molto cauti quando notate che qualcuno si definisce blogger a sei o sette cifre.
Se questa persona vi vende un corso che presumibilmente vi aiuterà a replicare il suo successo, nel 99,9% dei casi si tratta di una truffa. Non sprecate il vostro tempo o denaro.
Non esistono scorciatoie per fare soldi online.
Ci vuole molto lavoro e bisogna trattare il proprio sito web come una vera e propria azienda. Sì, è un lavoro VERO.
Se siete disposti a fare il lavoro necessario, credo che possiate guadagnare con il blogging. Ecco alcuni articoli che possono aiutare:
- Modi “provati” per fare soldi con i blog con WordPress
- Suggerimenti pratici per portare traffico al vostro nuovo sito WordPress
- Plugin WordPress indispensabili per ogni sito WordPress
- Le cose più importanti da fare dopo l’installazione di WordPress
- Guida definitiva alla SEO di WordPress per i principianti
- I “consigli degli esperti” che avrei voluto conoscere prima di aprire un blog
- Idee di business online “comprovate” che fanno davvero soldi
- Come ottenere 5000 dollari di reddito passivo ogni mese con WordPress
Pensieri finali sul rapporto sul reddito di WPBeginner
Se siete venuti qui alla ricerca dell’esatto ammontare delle entrate di WPBeginner, mi dispiace deludervi.
La verità è che domande come “quanto guadagna WPBeginner in questo momento” o “quanto guadagnava WPBeginner due anni fa” sono prive di significato.
Sapere quanto guadagna un altro blogger/imprenditore NON vi aiuterà ad avere successo.
Chi siamo? Tutti conosciamo il patrimonio netto di Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, ecc. Conoscere il loro reddito non ci aiuta a diventare miliardari.
Tuttavia, capire e concentrarsi sulle giuste metriche vi aiuterà sicuramente a fissare obiettivi più intelligenti che, di conseguenza, vi aiuteranno ad avere successo nella vostra impresa online.
Se avete appena iniziato il vostro blog/attività online, non ossessionatevi con le entrate degli altri blogger. Vi renderà ansiosi e infelici. Concentratevi sul vostro lavoro e continuate ad andare avanti.
La cosa più importante è amare davvero ciò che si fa.
Quando ho iniziato WPBeginner (oltre 15 anni fa), non guadagnavo molto. Mi piaceva semplicemente aiutare le persone a fare di più con WordPress.
L’obiettivo di WPBeginner è quello di fornire tutorial di WordPress all’avanguardia e di facile comprensione per le piccole imprese, i blogger e i proprietari di siti web WordPress non esperti di tecnologia.
E fino ad oggi, questa è stata la nostra priorità numero uno. Credo che rimanere fedeli ai nostri valori ci abbia aiutato a far crescere WPBeginner fino a farlo diventare il più grande sito non ufficiale di risorse per WordPress al mondo.
Voglio ringraziarvi per il vostro continuo supporto a WPBeginner e non vedo l’ora di fornirvi ancora più tutorial e prodotti utili su WordPress per aiutarvi a far crescere la vostra attività.
Se vi è piaciuto questo articolo e volete seguire il mio percorso imprenditoriale, vi invito a seguirmi su Twitter (per gli approfondimenti sul business) e su Instagram (per le divertenti foto di viaggio).
Considerate anche la possibilità di iscrivervi al canale YouTube di WPBeginner per le esercitazioni video di WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.
I came across to your WPBeginner since the day I started using WordPress for my websites(about a few years ago). Learned a lot of things from this tutorial blog. When I need a solution on WP, your blog helped for sure.
Thanks for the great content contributed!
Keep the good works.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for your kind words and glad our content has been helpful
Sanjay Jangam
Well explained. Thanks for inspiring. Wish you all the best and keep up the good work.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you, we’ll make sure to keep it up
Shiju M
Your journey was awsome. Keep inspiring us.
Thanks for the report. I like your wordings “Sharing the exact number is not going to help anyone”. Thats really true.
By shiju m
Arshad Hussain
This is very helpful post for new bloggers who wants to create their blog for their passion, not for only earn money om the front of internet,
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for the kind words, glad our article could be helpful
Fred Ticer
My question was not how much money does WP Beginner make, but in what way does it make money. Google search brought up your post, which perfectly answered my question and gave me a ton of good information.
Incidentally, I already subscribe.
Thanks for a very informative post.
Fred Ticer
WPBeginner Support
Glad our article could answer your question
You are creating awesome contents and that’s very important for us for sure. Thanks for the post!
Abhishek Pandey
I Am A 14 Year Old Newbie Blogger, Who’s Just Exploring New Things To Learn, And When It Come To WordPress, I Thinks WpBeginner Is Best Blog To Learn WordPress!
Tomy saputra
hello syed, I think your thinking is really genius, showing income is not a good thing for users.
I like your style
Anna Ballard
Thank you for being opening and sharing like you have, but please know that there are plenty of us out here in internet land that feel that it is certainly nobody’s business unless you and your company want it to be there business.
Your company deserves every penny of the money that you have successfully earned. Like you said, your work isn’t a get rich quick scheme, and that in itself is one of the reasons why you continually have success (one of the many reasons).
Thank you for being an inspiration.
Tyler Golberg
It was great meeting you last year at WordCamp US! I can definitely see why you’ve been so successful after listening to you for only an hour at the WP products meetup.
It’s also awesome to see John Turner and you have joined forces!
Editorial Staff
Thanks Tyler
That’s great syed, i follow your blog last four month and content is very nice. I am trying to build blog like you.
Editorial Staff
Thanks Amit – much appreciated and all the best
You provide a wonderful resource, great plugins, and deserve every dime you make! Thank you for all you do!
Editorial Staff
Thanks Ann. It means a lot to have your support
John Le Fevre
I couldn’t care less how much you earn. Lots of people gets lots of views and followers generating low kevel content and appealing to the lowest common denominator. But if your content doesn’t justify my time then I won’t be a visitor. That has never been the case with WP Beginner
Editorial Staff
Thanks John. We do our best to provide the highest quality of content, and I’m glad to have your support.
Thanks for this post. Many bloggers and website owners compare their stats with others’ (revenue, followers) and I realized that that’s not the end-all and be-all of having a website. It’s about giving help/giving back to others. To be honest, I turned to WPBeginner when I migrated from free WordPress to a self-hosted blog. Your generosity in giving tips and tricks helped me a lot. So super-thanks and keep on doing what you love.
Editorial Staff
Thanks Michelle for your kind words. Glad that you found WPBeginner helpful, it means we’re serving our purpose for existence.
I truly appreciate your support
Jumedeen Khan
Do you know,
Whenever it comes to WordPress, I suggest WPBeginner for my customers, because this is awesome blog to learn wordpress with A to Z guide.
Editorial Staff
Thanks Jumedeen
Hi Syed.
Love your candidness. I’ve never liked those monthly income reports. Unsubscribed from a well known female marketer for spamming me with her income reports. No substance, just showing off trying to impress me.
Anyhow, looks like these 4 domain names are taken:-
Probably worth quite a bit to someone who earns $10M a year considering there won’t be that many who ever get to achieve those figures from blogging alone.
Editorial Staff
Thanks for leaving a comment Steve, and I appreciate your support.
Those are neat domains, and I hope those who own it don’t use it to scam others.
Carolyn Garcia
Hi Syed, This is Carolyn Garcia, I wanted to leave a comment because I truly believe in what you mentioned above, It should not matter what a person makes from their business 100% true, I am still a newbee blogger I have had my website since Dec 2017 Jan 2018 and still I haven’t made up any blog pages or content. Why because I have tons of notes, but still not understanding yet enough to launch jaydeandjewelsbaking.com I feel I need more to my site including above. Besides the point of my site, I have been offered many times to buy from different sites. Being a newbee I don’t have that kind of money to buy this one or that one, but yes I agree you have to watch for scams. I agree with you all the way, Thanks Sincerely Carolyn Garcia
Editorial Staff
Hey Carolyn,
I too sometimes get caught up with the curse of perfection. In my opinion, it’s best to just launch the blog and improve as you go along with reader’s feedback.
All the best in your journey
Great article! I have always wondered about those income reports and why I can’t do that either. Thanks for the helpful advice you offer on your website and the success you have received through hard work!
Editorial Staff
Thanks Jeff for the kind words and your continued support.
You say you do not like to brag.. On your instagram is a picture of your new Porsche..
Editorial Staff
I’m sorry if that came off to you as bragging. That’s not my intention. I shared that with my friends and family on Instagram, and it was the only picture since I got that car.
In my opinion, I’d be bragging if I was taking a vain picture of myself in that car every day.
Cheers
– Syed
I have a bit different question. How much costs to keep wpbeginners onlie? Let’s say annually.
Good for you – stick to your principles. Nobody’s business actually. Keep the good work coming!
Editorial Staff
Thanks Martyn. I appreciate you
Totally agree! No fault for asking, but also no fault for not disclosing exact figures. It’s enough to know that you’re producing phenomenal content, and that this is being successfully monetized.
Thanks a bunch!
Editorial Staff
Thanks for the kind words Eric and I truly appreciate your support.
Hello Mr. Syed, I totally get the discomfort in discussing money with others, as I share that same view. I think you’re doing an awesome job with your website as it helps me and I’m a semi-newbie with WP. Keep up the great work, you’re doing fantastic!
Editorial Staff
Thanks for your support Gin. I really appreciate you
srinivasa chennareddy
Right way to put it. I am 2 months old in to blogging, aspires to be a publisher. Acquired couple of blogs and just starting. But there is very less genuinity in what I have seen till now whether it is flippa, or other platforms. Many so called bloggers are not actually bloggers but gold diggers, some are even con artists trying to manipulate beginners and sell them stuff of little value. On the other side, it is Good to know couple.of good people people like syed working for the over all betterment. I am sure that the more I know, the more I will find people helping others.
Editorial Staff
Thanks Srinivasa for your kind words. I wish you all the best in your blogging journey
Jeannette Paladino
Hi Syed —
I see no reason why anybody would need to know your income. I have found your posts to be enormously helpful, especially when I first starting blogging almost 10 years ago.
Thanks for your help all this time.
David James
I totally agree. Income comparison in this context is no-one else’s business. While Syed and WPBeginner continue to supply this free service, what purpose would it serve to talk money.
Keep up the good work.
Editorial Staff
Thanks Jeannette for your continued support of us. I have definitely enjoyed following your journey over the years
You can’t put a price on the amount of value you deliver! I love this blog, it’s my go to!
Also what you make is none of my bloody business!
Keep up the good work!
Editorial Staff
Thanks for the kind words and support Matt. I truly appreciate it
You’re the man! I like the idea…
Editorial Staff
Thanks Maukis for your support
I like your way of thinking!
Editorial Staff
Thanks Marie-France
I am quite intrigued
This inspired the shii outta me
Editorial Staff
Thanks Ken – I’m happy to be the source of inspiration. All the best.
Greg Shaw
Great article. Thank You for sharing this!
I don’t know why so many people are concerned with your income. I just love that you are a fabulous resource that I have desperately needed and constantly used – and still use and will continue to use. Thank you for what you provide to the community, and I hope you make enough income to keep doing it for a long time.
Editorial Staff
Thank you so much for your continued support Marcy. I really appreciate it
Sean M
Hey come on now, not need for this bait-click level title and post.
If you do not want to tell your income (which IS valuable because it gives an idea of whether blogging, etc is WORTH IT financially) then re title the post as “Why I will not state my income publicly”.
Editorial Staff
Hi Sean,
Thanks for leaving a comment. I did give a pretty clear idea of the WPBeginner income by sharing the range, and I hope that leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind that blogging can be a very successful venture.
– Syed
Those bloggers that are doing exceptionally well like you guys do not normally publish income reports. I understand why now. Dayum.
The content you publish is always excellent- jargon-free for non-nerds, relevant. Thank you!
Editorial Staff
Thanks for your support Sam
Thank you so much for your integrity and support for all who want to know about WordPress and use it. You make it so easy. I am 71 and just starting to build my site. I am excited and scared but I know I can turn to wpbeginner for informatio and support.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for kind words and support. It means a lot and we truly appreciate it.
Joy Borum
Though I am not ready to really “go at it” re: Center4Joy, needing to focus on my initial business and 2 sick family members, I truly appreciate and enjoy your pieces. Thank you.
Editorial Staff
Thanks Joy for leaving a comment. My well wishes to your family members, and I hope they get well soon. All the best.
Ashish Verma
Thanks. Very true .. focus should be on what should be done, honestly. Everything else follows.
Ahmed Ismail
The next time someone asks you what you make, tell them, “Not enough for all the work I do.” and then ask then to send you their W2 and 1099 forms.
What difference does it make to your users what you make? You provide a service that the market has found valuable. When they don’t find it valuable anymore they don’t have to purchase from you.
Of all the questions you have to deal with to provide excellent service on your products, asking what you make is nuts!
Keep doing the great work you do!
Editorial Staff
Thanks Ahmed for your support. Yes that’s always been my philosophy too. Do good work and in the long run you’ll be successful.
– Syed
richard hickman
I’m not interested in the amount of revenue, but it is important to know what generates your revenue. As it comes, in part at least, from your plug-ins etc. then that flavours the value of some of your recommendations. As long as the plugins do what’s on the label, and satisfy essential security and integrity then there isn’t a major concern there for me. From your post, It does sound as if you might be a little embarrassed by your revenues though.
Whatever you do, please don’t stop enjoying what you and your team do.
Editorial Staff
Hi Richard,
I’m definitely not embarrassed by my revenues, and definitely love what we do here at WPBeginner. We have an amazing team and we love serving our awesome community of users.
I would say though that I do not like to bring attention to my revenues and finances for a variety of reasons including security for my family.
Thanks for your support and leaving a comment
Excellent article! I’ve recommended WPBeginner to many budding bloggers, and this article solidifies my reasoning. I appreciate your commitment to your values.
It is so easy in the blogging space to get discouraged when numbers are the bottom line. I’ve found myself there many times as a very small-time blogger. But my purpose behind blogging becomes so much clearer when I recalibrate my focus on what I love — inspiring and helping people.
If we can all keep our focus where it belongs, the business part of blogging will grow so much more naturally. But I confess, it’s hard not to get distracted in the comparison game.
Thank you so much for the gentle reminder to stay in my lane, do what I love, and work hard toward my goal.
Keep up the great work!!
Editorial Staff
Thanks Katie. Every word you just said is so true. I’ve found the exact same in my journey as well.
All the best with your blog.
– Syed
Amit Sharma
Wish you all the best and keep up the good work. Most of the time I search Wpbeginner to have solution to any problem related to WordPress and I do get it.
WPBeginner Support
Hey Amit,
Thank you for your support and well wishes. We are glad that you find WPBeginner helpful.
Ismail Khalid
Nice article, indeed i learned a new trick
Ismail Khalid
An inspiring article, keep it up
indeed their is a lesson to learn
Am I missing something??? Where is the income report? I don’t see any actual figures or a breakdown by dollar amount. Can you point me to the actual income report?
Editorial Staff
Hi Sasha,
You’re correct. This not an actual income report. It does give you a glimpse on how much WPBeginner make by sharing the range (8-figures), and yes that’s a big range.
I am a Nigerian and I follow wpbeginner regularly. Some few days ago, the question crossed my mind, “How much does Wpbeginner earn? “, given the fact that I am struggling to monetize my own blog. I must say your closing statement has encapsulated everything. How much you earn in value doesn’t matter. It will only cause unhappiness, worry and maybe jealousy if I find out. What matters most, is me utilising the resources you have provided to grow my own blog.
Thanks for the good work. Keep it up. I love the Wpbeginner team and I hopeto meet u guys someday.
Editorial Staff
Thanks for leaving a comment. I know the struggles of monetizing a blog in the early days. It can be quite demotivating at times. But you have to keep pushing forward and add valuable content for your community.
Thank you for this. As a new blogger, I realised I had to quickly learn how to filter out the hype and lies that seem to be so prevalent about making money blogging. Remaining true to my core values and knowing that I’m in this for the long run have helped me keep focus on my journey.
Editorial Staff
Thanks for the comment Nickesha. Focusing on the long game and your readers are the best way to get the results that you want.
All the best in your journey.
Brad Sanderson
Talk about “meaningless” click-bait. I’ll never get that 2 minutes of my life back. Shame on you for wasting the reader’s time.
I would have much more respected a lead para of: “I make $127,000 USD per year, and you may be able to do it to” than the weasel-words and obfuscation.
Editorial Staff
Hey Brad,
I’m sorry that you feel that way. But honestly, do you think that it’d really help if I said I make $XXX per year, and you can do it too??
Does me saying that really make that much of a difference in someone’s motivation?
If it’s about seeing a number and shooting for stars, then I’m too small fish for that. Maybe we should all look at the net worth of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc for motivational purposes
Bill Tackett
Great post and honest message, glad to see you stick to your values and not set unrealistic bars to success.
Blogging is difficult to maintain and growing a brand is even more difficult and takes a lot of work combined with actually producing quality engaging content that makes a reader WANT to subscribe and become loyal followers.
Honestly can’t believe that people even ask you for this info given the great free resource you provide without ever asking for donations or charging for. I have one “news” source (that is really opinion) that occasionally has interesting content out of a dozen daily articles. It is so heavily ad supported that the site is slow to load and very cumbersome and they still ask for donations every single day!
Been a subscriber here for a couple of years even though I haven’t actively blogged in almost as long but still keep every single notification email so that I can quickly search them for any content I want to follow up on if I decide to start blogging again in the future.
Thank you for providing valuable content and keep up the good work!
Editorial Staff
Thanks Bill for your continued support and being a reader.
I try really hard to make sure that we keep WPBeginner fast and the design clean for our readers to find the solution they’re looking for
So basically this post about how much money WPBeginner makes is really a post about how income reports are bad, and doesn’t actually tell readers how much money WPBeginner makes other than “8-figures”. Based on your provided definition, it could $10,000,000 or it could be $99,999,999. So what is it?
Editorial Staff
Yup, that’s exactly the purpose of the article to share my stance on income reports and make it easy to answer this question every time someone asks for it.
And yes you’re correct in the range that WPBeginner earns. Sharing the exact number is not going to help anyone as stated in my article. My goal at WPBeginner is to share items that are helpful to users
– Syed
James Cantoni
Truly inspiring, love the focus on what’s needed to improve YOUR business rather than worrying about others.
Congrats on the hard work and efforts paying off Syed!
Editorial Staff
Thanks James